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The Lucha Libre Thread


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I didn't know he wasn't being used in TNA. Seems strange considering his history with TNA. I guess it might be a bit too late for a WWE run for him, but that would be pretty great to see.

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Just got around to watching the ACM Park/Wagner tag match. There's a down point where they seem to start working a different match and do some miscommunication spots which wouldn't be so bad if Villano 4 wasn't as slow as he is (although to be fair to V4 he was awesome earlier in the match where they just concentrated on havign a brawl) but it's another great brawl. Less blood and things, but Park basically tears the whole building up and has fans terrified as he tries to do whatever he can to kill Wagner. they even manage to take two things I'm normally a bit he on in CMLL and other places, the "you slap me and I slap you" and the "you hit me with a finisher, I hit you with a finisher", and actually make them work. I think I might have even liked bits of it more than the singles match. The finish is a *bit* better too. My wrestler of the year is going to be a 47 year old man who dresses up like a skeleton.

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Just got around to watching the ACM Park/Wagner tag match. There's a down point where they seem to start working a different match and do some miscommunication spots which wouldn't be so bad if Villano 4 wasn't as slow as he is (although to be fair to V4 he was awesome earlier in the match where they just concentrated on havign a brawl) but it's another great brawl. Less blood and things, but Park basically tears the whole building up and has fans terrified as he tries to do whatever he can to kill Wagner. they even manage to take two things I'm normally a bit he on in CMLL and other places, the "you slap me and I slap you" and the "you hit me with a finisher, I hit you with a finisher", and actually make them work. I think I might have even liked bits of it more than the singles match. The finish is a *bit* better too. My wrestler of the year is going to be a 47 year old man who dresses up like a skeleton.

Was that when he was rolling around as the invisible man ran the ropes?He shat himself on a middle rope splash too.The brawling side of that match was hurt a bit with the single hard cam imo. I normally prefer that view for most of matches in general, but it's a bit hard to capture the mayhem/atmosphere/intensity or whatever when it's not really up close & personal and the action's often obscured by the crowd.
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This might interest people, since TripleMania fucked up last night on ustream (pick a side to blame!) AAA will be uploading TripleMania for free on their site at some point today apparently. I'm trying to avoid spoilers but I'll post a link if it does pop up. Or if anyone else finds it before me please do the same. I'm avoiding luchablog so yeah.

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So TripleMania was TripleMania. AAA's my favoruite TV show, but when it comes to their big events I tend to fidn their hit and miss for me. Rey de Reyes was good fun, this was less so. The spectacle was good but other than that mostly everything went too long I think. The legends match was at its best when they started doign the comedy spots, but the beginng was eergh. The story to Blue Demon and El Mesias was decent, they could get pinfalls over each other and it took a submission to end it, but the execution wasn't good with them doing near falls off pretty much everything.


I actually really enjoyed the main event though and thought it pretty much made the show. I'm not sure anyone else will agree with me on that though. IT had its problems, Perro's obvious blade job and the table set ups (although beings its AAA it wouldn't have surprised me if they hadn't have gone through all the tables before the match ended), but considering what they were working with they made it a fun, mental and bloody brawl. A child nearly got squashed to death between chairs by Cibernetico hurling Perro into the crowd and a doctor got put through a table, what more could you want? They worked absolutely the kind of match they had to, and they worked it well.


TripleMania feels so different from what's on TV at times though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel sorry for the pig.


Edit: Anybody wanting to know how not to make a wrestling TV show should watch IWRG. Its one of the most frustrating shows to try and watch. They've got some good talent there, when shitty Dragon Gate guys aren't on the show for example, but their presentation is really bad. They dont' draw a lot of fans each week but they manage to make it look like even less. There's no attempt to try and get the heat in the building to translate onto the screen. And their long stretches of "look, there's bored fans sitting there, let's watch them for twenty minutes" are shocking. I love it to bits sometimes, it has Black Terry, Negro Navarro, the Traumas, some great matches, but jesus if it's not a fucking chore to get to the odd good stuff.

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Not that there's much competition but the Taureg are probably one of the best trios (not named Psycho Circus of course) in AAA or CMLL at the moment. shame about the dodgy racial gimmicks. But they're definately rudos who actually work like rudos. Even if they do probably do one too many not a foul spots.

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  • 1 month later...

That anniversary card looks scarily good doesn't it? Winner of Volador/Sombra vs. Atlantis/Guerrero and Blue Panther vs. Averno under submission rules is huge. They still don't seem to have much of a clue how to build up the main bar Atlantis just doing stuff and Guerrero feuding with other rudos but the show itself should be good if nothing else.

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That anniversary card looks scarily good doesn't it? Winner of Volador/Sombra vs. Atlantis/Guerrero and Blue Panther vs. Averno under submission rules is huge. They still don't seem to have much of a clue how to build up the main bar Atlantis just doing stuff and Guerrero feuding with other rudos but the show itself should be good if nothing else.

It's massive alright, and pretty much unprecedented as far as I can see. I don't think I remember two apuesta matches of such magnitude on the same show in CMLL.


I dunno though, I prefer matches of that importance to get the time, attention and prominence they deserve. Which is also part of the reason why I wasn't so keen on Volador/Sombra diluting things in the big one. A couple of years ago they ran a month long Anniversary celebration with big shows every Friday at Arena Mex full of stip, title matches and tournaments, and nothing from then was even half as big as either of these two. This year would have been absolutely perfect for something like that imo, especially with hair v hair also being teased between Rush and Casas/Shocker.


Those two matches should be absolutely epic, but they're going to need a bit of time to do them justice - particularly the big one which is effectively two matches. I only hope they'll rattle through the undercard which will almost certainly be four matches. As it is, i'd probably prefer a Panther/Averno title match building to the hairs instead of rushing right into and playing second fiddle on the card.


I actually hope they hold off Atlantis/Ultimo until the year end show or Dos Leyendes next March now, even if it does mean masked Volador is no more, although i'd obviously be hoping for the unlikely result of La Som-bore-a unmasking(it's just an Oro knockoff anyway!). Probably makes financial sense for them too, and i'd guess the addition of Panther/Averno makes this a bit more likely than I thought it would be yesterday. I imagine it could potentially be an appeaser for the disappointment of not getting Atlantis/Ultimo - there wouldn't be any need for it otherwise.

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Haven't they done a massive price hike Reznor? I figured they added Blue Panther vs. Averno for that reason. Although your logic makes a lot of sense too. To be honest I've been thinking that they're not doing Guerrero vs. Atlantis since they made it a suicida. There's gotta be a reason for the backtrack. It's one of those cases where it's good that its genuinely unpredictable but on the other hand it can't help but feel frustrating if they don't offer Guerrero vs. Atlantis after the hype this year. I like La Sombra, I think he's got enough charisma about him to make up for his shit finisher, and he's not quite as floppy as some of the other technicos which makes him stand out a bit. He's better than La Mascara who's only purpose at this stage is his ability to both wear and take off a hoody.


I remember being confused about the Averno situation and never really finding much of an answer. I see to remember there being the idea that because Sin Cara had flopped and possibly been injured at that point that they decided not to bring in Averno because that was their sole use for him. I'm not sure I entirely believe that. Not that its much of an indication but I seem to remember Averno denying that he was leaving at the time.


Black Terry just pops up every now and then, he's by no means a regular. The Atlantis, Blue Panther, Negro Casas vs Black Terry, Negro Navarro, Solar I match should pop up in the next couple of weeks. It's already online in fancam form. I'm half wondering if they'll whack a match like that on the anniversary show. Terry doesn't seem to be doing that much in IWRG either, but IWRG seemed like it was on a downer when I was last watching it. I'll give you a shout if there's anything coming up Butch.

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