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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Will it be replayed any time after? It sounds quite fun.


While I'm here, Vamp, could you give me a basic intro to what I should be looking for Lucha-wise? I love the WCW Lucha, but I've never been able to get into Mexican Lucha but I've never really watched anything vital, it's mainly random matches that look interesting. I watched Lucha Libre USA, but never finished it. Any suggestions?

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It sometimes goes up on the terra website or will be posted here: Thecubsfan youtube channel the Tuesday after.


As for getting into lucha, I pretty much recommend AAA as a starting point. Its kind of the bridge between American wrestling and lucha, has far more recognisable storylines and tends to be a lot easier to follow. They're in the buildup to TripleMania at the moment and the top feuds are Perro Aguaryo Jr vs. Cibernetico, El Mesias vs. Blue Demon and Atomic Boy vs. Grand Apache I guess. Dr. Wagner's probably about to make a big return. CMLL's more difficult to follow because there's a hell of a lot of random matches, they seem to have a TV show for every day of the week. I guess the main thing to be aware of in CMLL is the Atalntis/Ultimo Guerrero feud that's heading to a mask match. Everything else is just kind of happening. To be honest the only way to get into watching CMLL at the moment is to try out different matches, find out which guys you like and jsut watch whatever they're doing. Trying to keep up with the booking is mostly futile, and I'm not even sure CMLL attempt to do so. They tend to be the better matches though. IWRG, when it actually airs, is the hardest to get into I think. There's some fun stuff, but the production isn't all that good, a lot of the matches tend to go way too long, there's some shitty Dragon Gate guys, a lot of stalling and yeah. You get some real great matches from there, but you're wading for them. I'd say they're easier to follow than CMLL but I couldn't actually tell you what's going on at the minute. Then there's TXT which is mostly comprised of a few guys from IWRG having some real fun matches and some of the older lucha guys.


If you're going to follow lucha you probably want to bookmark this site: luchablog and read through hsi write ups and results and things. Pretty much essential in any attempt to keep up. There's also the Luchawiki which can be helpful in keeping up with who's who. Luchaworld posts results and news updates as well as having a sporadic podcast which goes into things. One of the two guys on it doesn't seem to follow lucha all that much, and so the format of the show can often take the form of recommendations and who's marking out for who which is pretty useful in hinting at what to check out.


And for the bargain price of

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Maya's awesome! One of my favourite guys in CMLL. For anybody wanting a good couple of short matches to watch, check out Trama I and II vs. Valienate and Virus and Negro Navarro vs. Negro Casas on this show:

There's a couple of other matches and things but those two matches are pretty great.
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A slight bit off topic, but inspired by the pic a few posts up can anyone recommend where to get lucha t-shirts from? There is a pic of L.A Park setting fire to a Dr Wagner shirt (I think) which looked wicked!!......Any links appreciated!

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Heads up for anyone wanting to watch some wrestling, there's a show on for free (and legal) tonight which has a trios tournament and some Nakamura bloke against the almighty Rush who's like a Mexican John Cena but with way cooler hair. Should pop up here: Terra


Edit: Although its not appeared yet and should have done about quarter of an hour ago. But yeah, in case it does appear and people feel like watching.

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Vid quality has been ropey for the past couple of weeks oddly. It was really good before (for a stream anyway) so I dunno what's happened. I gave up on alta since it was just buffering endlessly. Its pissing me off how badly the quality has dropped from before. I reckon 45 mins until the main but don't hold me to that, I'm not guessing how long the trios tournament lasts since I'll be wrong. Depends if there's any footy on too.

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