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big mickey

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David 'Nero' Cameron.

A bit OTT.


I really don't get what Cameron is playing at. Staying away only enhances the image of him being completely out of touch. That and he isn't arsed.


Not that him burning bridges with voters is a bad thing.

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Don't get too much into it with Smeg-heads, you've got it spot on - he has it fixed in his head that an underclass of pure evil has sprung up out of nothing.


Too many people live in too much fucking squalor and deprivation, with no impetus to act like anything but a bunch of adversarial mini-communities, including this gang/pack mentality. You don't see too many white kids out there? That's because they're not forced into this situation.


Of course it hasn't sprung up out of nothing it's been building up for a long time and the shooting last week was juts the excuse they needed and I wouldn't call it pure evil either these people are dumb fuckers but not evil.


Other people around them are living the same way if not worse but they aren't out there doing this shit I do understand that some of these people may feel they have to other option but I also feel a lot just don't care and saw it as a good enough excuse to cause trouble but if anything they are only setting their cause back and hurting the people who are just in the same situation as themselves as well as hurting themselves as they have to live there they will be the ones having problems in a few days when they have to travel a long way to get their food and shopping in as they have burned out the shops near to them.

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