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big mickey

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The BBC have confirmed that David Cameron won't be returning early from holiday. However Dianne Abbott is out on the streets of Hackney doing TV interviews. :wacko: :wacko:

What a bloody coward of a man. Fuck knows who's advising Cameron, but this is only going to alienate him more.

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Listen, I may be in the minority here, but could the arm chair activists who want to start playing the blame game and making their wild points, could they just please, Shut up for a bit. This really isn't the time.

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I think you're just determined to paint these people as scum to the core. Fuck off with that logic. It's been shown time and again that well-provided for communities are less likely to be troublesome.


I understand the stance with the police - they need to start cracking heads. This is dealing with the symptoms. But after it's been calmed down, there needs to be a way of treating the cause, and providing a community with facilities and opportunities for young people is an excellent way, amongst others, to help reduce the likelihood of this kind of thing happening again.


Don't get too much into it with Smeg-heads, you've got it spot on - he has it fixed in his head that an underclass of pure evil has sprung up out of nothing.


Too many people live in too much fucking squalor and deprivation, with no impetus to act like anything but a bunch of adversarial mini-communities, including this gang/pack mentality. You don't see too many white kids out there? That's because they're not forced into this situation.

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I think you're just determined to paint these people as scum to the core. Fuck off with that logic. It's been shown time and again that well-provided for communities are less likely to be troublesome.


I understand the stance with the police - they need to start cracking heads. This is dealing with the symptoms. But after it's been calmed down, there needs to be a way of treating the cause, and providing a community with facilities and opportunities for young people is an excellent way, amongst others, to help reduce the likelihood of this kind of thing happening again.


Maybe so but once it had kicked off they would of burned down and robbed anything they could would there of been as many rioters

or looters maybe not but I do find it hard to believe that a community center is a magic wand to deal with it all it may help (And I think they do help a lot) but much more has to be done and some people are to far gone to be tuned back


Plus it's even more unlikely they will get a community center or anything now or for a long time anyway and it will take years to rebuild all the stuff destroyed in the past few days.

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If its going off in the streets of London and Birmingham, I bet the Foot Locker stores in Dublin, Dundee and Humberside are preparing for the worst. Hopefully if it has been prophecised correctly, Moyles will be dead soon.

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In perhaps one of the lowest developments so far, riots are now going after the Birmingham Childrens Hospital.


My Dad works the 900 bus route in brum. He's working tonight, but fortunately all buses have have been diverted away from the City centre. Still worried for him though.

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