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Alpha Wrestling Evolution presents 'DangerZone' 16/7/11


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Brandon Thomas gives his opinion on Davey Richards


I have just noticed the AWE website has been updated, BRA makes me LOL!!!


Some Good video's on the homepage, Brandon Thomas puts on a great voice on his!!! :-)


The Golden Member is a new face to Tipton too isnt he??


AWEentertainment.com, DO IT!!!


Ian Rogers BT Damien Dunne

Shaun E Humperdink BT Stephen Perrin

Tommy Gunn BT The Inmate

Joe Logan BT Liam Perin

Clarkwood BT Hunters

Davey Richards BT Brandon Thomas

Ian Rogers BT Damien Dunne

Shaun E Humperdink BT Stephen Perrin

Tommy Gunn BT The Inmate

Joe Logan BT Liam Perin

Clarkwood BT Hunters

Davey Richards BT Brandon Thomas


Bit more info.


"Renegade" Ian Rogers def. Damian Dunne with an Axe Kick

"Golden Member" Edward J Hughes def. Kai Saxon with a Full Nelson Slam

Tommy Gunn def The Inmate by DQ when Inmate hit Tommy with the AWE title belt.

"Primehate" Joe Logan def "Flamin' Hot" Liam Perrin with the Hate Slam.

Clark-ward def The Hunters, Swift Justice & The Heartbreakers. Clark-ward lowblowed the Hunters and schoolboy pinned them.

Davey Richards def "The Messiah" Brandon Thomas with an armbar.


My first time at AWE and overall was a decent night first couple of matches took a while to get going. Was very impressed with Tommy Gunn had heard good things about him but first time seeing him live and wasnt dissapointed. The 4 team tag match was amazing as I knew it would each team worked hard and deserve credit, some awesome spots in the match and very innovative, was very impressed with the Heartbreakers and especially the Hunters ( only the 2nd time ive seen them) and they are def a team with a very bright future ahead of them.


To be honest didnt think the main event would be more than good at best (even with Davey involved) however it completly blew me away, crowd reaction was amazing finish was brilliant and both guys worked extremely hard and deserve credit for such an amazing match, I was very impressed with Brendon Thomas and kudos to both men, great show of respect shown to Davey from everyone involved and deserverdly so. Plus Davey sent the crowd home very pleased.


I found the wreslers very approachable and friendly and again everyone worked hard to deliever the show so congratulations to all involved.


The only parts of the show I didnt enjoy was the way in which the title match ended (DQ), and the A factor segment (which in my opinion died complety and should have never been on the show)


All in all tho a great night and well worth the 220 round mile journey plus value for money

My first time at AWE and overall was a decent night first couple of matches took a while to get going. Was very impressed with Tommy Gunn had heard good things about him but first time seeing him live and wasnt dissapointed. The 4 team tag match was amazing as I knew it would each team worked hard and deserve credit, some awesome spots in the match and very innovative, was very impressed with the Heartbreakers and especially the Hunters ( only the 2nd time ive seen them) and they are def a team with a very bright future ahead of them.


To be honest didnt think the main event would be more than good at best (even with Davey involved) however it completly blew me away, crowd reaction was amazing finish was brilliant and both guys worked extremely hard and deserve credit for such an amazing match, I was very impressed with Brendon Thomas and kudos to both men, great show of respect shown to Davey from everyone involved and deserverdly so. Plus Davey sent the crowd home very pleased.


I found the wreslers very approachable and friendly and again everyone worked hard to deliever the show so congratulations to all involved.


The only parts of the show I didnt enjoy was the way in which the title match ended (DQ), and the A factor segment (which in my opinion died complety and should have never been on the show)


All in all tho a great night and well worth the 220 round mile journey plus value for money


Obviously has to go without saying that without taking into account Davey Richard's match the match of the night from the usual roster was the Tag Team Match, all of the guys put a lot of effort into this match (not saying anyone didn't in the previous matches) but they made this match stand out from the rest.


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