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Kurt Angle


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Kurt Angle has obviously always said he sees himself returning to WWE 'one day' but do you honestly see this happening?


It seems like an eternity ago he was wrestling with the WWE and the longer he stays away the more unlikely it seems his return, I for one would love to see a return but a combination of injuries, schedule and painkillers forced him away, so the question is when do people think his big Wrestlemania send off will be if he actually has one?


Is he waiting for the day when he finally thinks enough is enough, 6 months in the WWE and then retirement or will it never happen?


Will he be anything like the man who left? I dont watch enough TNA to know the current state of affairs but he doesnt look like the man who tore it up match after match years ago, has he still got it?


Do people want to see a return or is he as good if not better in TNA at present?


It worked for Shawn Michaels and he was as great as ever if not better, will we ever see the rebirth of Kurt Angle in the big leagues?

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WWE never even made him an offer when his TNA contract was up, they have no interest in him. I think he's desperate to go back to WWE but they won't have him, he's a mess and he gets arrested everytime his contract nears an end so also a public relations nightmare. Maybe they'll Hall Of Fame him after he retires but I can't see him returning.

WWE never even made him an offer when his TNA contract was up, they have no interest in him. I think he's desperate to go back to WWE but they won't have him, he's a mess and he gets arrested everytime his contract nears an end so also a public relations nightmare. Maybe they'll Hall Of Fame him after he retires but I can't see him returning.


Do you think? I think they will have him back eventually, he was a top name and a draw for sure, from what I hear him and Vince get on really well but Kurt doesnt want to be on the road 24/7,


Surely he has one last run in him?

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WWE never even made him an offer when his TNA contract was up, they have no interest in him.

His contract was up once since he left and that was when he was up to court. WWE would never sign anyone with those kind of public troubles until it died down (especially after the Benoit thing). WWE would snap him up tomorrow, if he was out of contract. He's a massive part of their recent history and still better than most of their roster. He'd walk straight into WWE's roster without any trouble. They just drew 60,000 buys on PPV and Mick Foley will be coming back soon. They are desperate for star names.


I will say though, TNA could lose Hulk Hogan, AJ Styles, Ric Flair, Samoa Joe or anyone tomorrow and they'll be alright. If they lose Kurt Angle, that would be massive damage to them. He had a good match with Matt Morgan for fucks sake. Only TNA's regular viewers will be able to tell you how much of a feet that is. He's still as good as anyone, as far as I'm concerned.

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I doubt he'll pass the Wellness policy and/or medical.


He's still good enough but WWE see him as a liability (given his constant bother with the law). The rumour was they were going to offer him a deal after his last deal expired, but when Vince heard about him getting arrested he told his people not to bother.

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I doubt he'll pass the Wellness policy and/or medical.

Of course he would. You think Undertaker would pass a Wellness test or a medical? The blokes as fucked up as Kurt Angle. If WWE wants someone on their roster that they feel with be good for the product, they'll be on the roster. Its only FCW nobodies who fail medicals.



As horrible as it sounds I can't escape the feeling Angle will end up like Eddie Guerrero or worse Chris Benoit. His interviews have shown just how delusional he is and even if he worked a Undertaker style schedule, he seems to be a time bomb.

There is still a lot of media attention on drugs and wrestlers lifespans in wrestling, while Linda's going for the Senate someone like Angle on the roster isn't a good idea .


I think if clean and on his game he could have some great matches with up and comers and even be the making of them,


Ziggler to me looks ready made to be huge, Ziggler v Angle could fantastic and the making of Dolph,


And who wouldnt want to see Angle v Punk? Angle v Miz could be interesting and Angle v Orton 2011 would be something i would pay to see,


Yes he has his troubles but Vince knows there is money still to be made with Kurt and i think its surely more than when than if!?

  • Paid Members
I doubt he'll pass the Wellness policy and/or medical.

Of course he would. You think Undertaker would pass a Wellness test or a medical? The blokes as fucked up as Kurt Angle.

Maybe ('Taker only wrestles twice a year). I think the biggest problem is his much speculated drug use. WWE don't appear to piss about when it comes to their Wellness/Drug policy these days.


Like you said, he is still probably the best in ring talent (Matt Morgan AND Abyss!!) that is a big name.


Didn't he sign a new TNA contract for three years though? Fuck knows what shape he'll be in then.

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WWE offered Jeff Hardy a deal last year, even when he was awaiting trail. Angle could never do WWE's schedule, but an Undertaker type deal wouldnt be out of the question. Like last year, when Taker did Mania and came back in the summer and went away again. 5 months out of the year would easily do him. He brings so much more to WWE. Who wouldnt be a Kurt Angle DVD?


I doubt it ever will happen, but stranger things have happened. If WWE wanted him enough, they'd find away around it. I think there is more chance of that then seeing him in MMA or the Olympics next year.

I doubt it ever will happen, but stranger things have happened. If WWE wanted him enough, they'd find away around it. I think there is more chance of that then seeing him in MMA or the Olympics next year.


Money Talks, It has to surely

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Money Talks, It has to surely

I think money did talk. He's signed to TNA for three years and he can down as many pills and wrestle as dangerous as he wants and act in as many production company killing films with Sid and Glacier as he wants. He's on ridiculous money in TNA. I'm sure a lot of wrestlers would swap places with him, so its not like he's desperate to return.

Money Talks, It has to surely

I think money did talk. He's signed to TNA for three years and he can down as many pills and wrestle as dangerous as he wants and act in as many production company killing films with Sid and Glacier as he wants. He's on ridiculous money in TNA. I'm sure a lot of wrestlers would swap places with him, so its not like he's desperate to return.


You make an excellent point but for me it will be Angle's Ego and Vince's need for a big star and money that will talk loudest, Angle will want to go out on top at Wrestlemania, probably against a big name and Vince knows there will be money to be made in this


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