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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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Bollocks. Unless by all of us you only mean Celtic. Do you really think Hearts, Dundee Utd, Motherwell will be affected by Rangers no longer existing. I reckon all of these teams would see an increase in attendances with second place to play for and more games kicking off at 3pm on a Saturday as opposed to lunchtime on a Sunday.


Would attendence increase enough to even cover the immediate shortfall in TV money though? Sky won't offer anything close to what they pay now for a Rangers-less SPL.


If Rangers do go bust I could see a few more teams following pretty quickly.


You raise a good point and any answer would be pure guesswork. The most simplistic way to look at it is that Sky and ESPN provide the SPL with

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But the pre season tours are already budgeted for at the start of every season, what do you want to do, tour for 12 months of the year? The same with the Champions League and Europa League, already budgeted for. See above for my views for selling players, it can only work short term to cover gaps in income. See Hearts for reference.


The fact of the matter is, if Rangers went under, it would be disastrous for Celtic, the exact same for Rangers if we went under. However to say it would be bad for Scottish Football in general is scaremongering at its best and is infact insulting to the smaller teams.


While The Old Firm are by far the biggest teams in Scottish Football, we are no where near the most important. The sum of all parts of the remaining 40 teams in the SPL and SFL is by far more important to the survival of football in this country than the other two.


It really isn't. Most of the teams in the SPL are struggling financially right now. It's really not a big leap to think that the loss, or at least a massive decrease in the amount of TV money they get (which could also affect sponsorship, advertising etc) would be enough to tip at least a few of them over the edge.


I don't think Celtic would benefit from Rangers going bust but it won't be as disasterious for them as others, simply because they've got enough money to cover any short term losses. Long term, I think, there would likely be problems with lack of competition etc.


Of course this is all hypothetical because I don't think Rangers will actually "go out of business" as such. Worst case scenario would be an Airdrie United style situation.


On another note: Fair play to Neil Lennon for his response to the Allan McGregor and Alan Thompson having a pint together non-story.

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On another note: Fair play to Neil Lennon for his response to the Allan McGregor and Alan Thompson having a pint together non-story.


He's spot on. Once again, it is the Scottish media trying to stir up trouble. I don't know why the SNP are happy to pull up Celtic and Rangers for this shit yet will not pull up the idiots who are mixing it and causing the trouble.

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But the pre season tours are already budgeted for at the start of every season, what do you want to do, tour for 12 months of the year? The same with the Champions League and Europa League, already budgeted for. See above for my views for selling players, it can only work short term to cover gaps in income. See Hearts for reference.


The fact of the matter is, if Rangers went under, it would be disastrous for Celtic, the exact same for Rangers if we went under. However to say it would be bad for Scottish Football in general is scaremongering at its best and is infact insulting to the smaller teams.


While The Old Firm are by far the biggest teams in Scottish Football, we are no where near the most important. The sum of all parts of the remaining 40 teams in the SPL and SFL is by far more important to the survival of football in this country than the other two.


It really isn't. Most of the teams in the SPL are struggling financially right now. It's really not a big leap to think that the loss, or at least a massive decrease in the amount of TV money they get (which could also affect sponsorship, advertising etc) would be enough to tip at least a few of them over the edge.


I don't think Celtic would benefit from Rangers going bust but it won't be as disasterious for them as others, simply because they've got enough money to cover any short term losses. Long term, I think, there would likely be problems with lack of competition etc.


Of course this is all hypothetical because I don't think Rangers will actually "go out of business" as such. Worst case scenario would be an Airdrie United style situation.




I've presented the reasons as to why I believe Celtic would be the worst recipients of Rangers going under or relegated to the lower leagues with facts and figures. Perhaps everyone that thinks it is the other Scottish teams who would suffer could provide their reasons too?


I've pointed out that each team would need to increase their average home gates by 1,400 "pay at the gate" fans. This is easily achievable for Hearts, Hibs and Aberdeen and certainly not impossible for Dundee Utd, Motherwell and Kilmarnock due to these teams competing for second place and having more fan friendly kick off times (Saturday 3pm).


All these calculations were based on the worst case scenario there being no TV deal whatsoever which is extremely unlikely.


I've also pointed out the shortfall that we would need to make up (nearly

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I remember in 2002, the other 10 clubs handed in their resignation from the SPL due to what they (rightly or wrongly) perceived as the OF havng too much sway in Scottish Football. It was obvious from how quickly the OF backed down in their demands who holds the power in Scotland.


Celtic are in a much stronger position now than they were back then. Lennon said it today and I believe his judgement, at the minute we don't need Rangers regardless what people think.

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I remember in 2002, the other 10 clubs handed in their resignation from the SPL due to what they (rightly or wrongly) perceived as the OF havng too much sway in Scottish Football. It was obvious from how quickly the OF backed down in their demands who holds the power in Scotland.


Celtic are in a much stronger position now than they were back then. Lennon said it today and I believe his judgement, at the minute we don't need Rangers regardless what people think.


A stronger position financially possibly. But finances mean bugger all if the other 10 clubs left us. What would we do then, play Rangers 38 times a season? We need the other clubs in Scotland alot more than they need us purely just because of the number of them.

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I've presented the reasons as to why I believe Celtic would be the worst recipients of Rangers going under or relegated to the lower leagues with facts and figures. Perhaps everyone that thinks it is the other Scottish teams who would suffer could provide their reasons too?


Well I've already said that Clubs are struggling even with the current TV deal. Hearts can't even afford to pay their players at the moment, and are probably more likely to bust than Rangers to be honest. I'm sure other Chairmen have made comments about how they are still dealing with the fallout of Setanta going bust. Stephen Thomson of Dundee United definitely has.


I've pointed out that each team would need to increase their average home gates by 1,400 "pay at the gate" fans. This is easily achievable for Hearts, Hibs and Aberdeen and certainly not impossible for Dundee Utd, Motherwell and Kilmarnock due to these teams competing for second place and having more fan friendly kick off times (Saturday 3pm).


All these calculations were based on the worst case scenario there being no TV deal whatsoever which is extremely unlikely.


I've also pointed out the shortfall that we would need to make up (nearly

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