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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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Fuck off Trevor


Edit: Actually I'll expand on that a bit. I amazingly find myself agreeing with Soapy here. Rangers are my team, my family's team and before I moved were fairly local to me. I do follow the English game, and Chelsea are my English team, but they're in no way as big a part of me as Rangers (or indeed Welfare these days). It's out league, that's why we watch it. It's not brilliant, but it's really not that bad.

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Well a lot of pundits are of the opinion that Celtic or Rangers could only beat a championship side. Also they get knocked out of every European competition, Celtic's progression into the group stages of the Europa League this year was quite frankly embarrassing.

Quite a lot of teams get knocked out of Europan competition every season. Must try harder you dick.

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I will respond only to the sensible, adult posters who decided to actually confront my posts in a rational manner, as opposed to the frothing nutters who swore at me. Yes, Rangers did get into the Europa League Final (once) a couple of years back, woopdie doo. How many times have they been in this competition, only to get through to the final ONCE?! Even Birmingham are doing well in the Europa League this year for christ sakes. Let's not even start on the Rangers fans behaviour during the aformentioned final.


It's not such a ludicrous suggestion for some of the SPL viewers of this forum to support a English team instead, in fact I would be confident in predicting that a large part of the population already does such a thing. I live in Wales and don't support a Welsh team, I'm all the better for it too. The Welsh league makes SPL look like flaming La Liga!

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I'm sure all SPL viewers in this forum do watch the English Premiership as well, but we are proud to support our teams. We are proud that for a small country, we have some great football clubs up here. We have one of the richest histories in all of the sport. Maybe if more Welsh and Irish people decided to support their own teams and didn't just pluck the most successful team they could from England, they'd have a better history.

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If you're going to pick a team for the quality of the league, then wouldn't you pick a team from La Liga rather than the EPL?


Haven't you read the memo yet? The Barclays Premier League is the greatest league in the world!

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I'm sure all SPL viewers in this forum do watch the English Premiership as well, but we are proud to support our teams. We are proud that for a small country, we have some great football clubs up here. We have one of the richest histories in all of the sport. Maybe if more Welsh and Irish people decided to support their own teams and didn't just pluck the most successful team they could from England, they'd have a better history.

This. I very rarely agree with much of what Soapy says, but absolutely 100% agree with this. There's no money in our game, and tons in the English, so of course English teams are going to do better in the grand scheme of things. But to suggest that all Scottish people should just blindly give up and support an English team because it would be "more fun" is absolutely fucking ridiculous. I'd rather watch the SPL, especially a Rangers game, but even a game between St Johnstone and Motherwell than Wigan vs Stoke any day of the week. Should I be watching another country's league on TV rather than going to my local non-league team every weekend as well? I enjoy the English league, but I support the team I grew up with. Maybe if more Welsh people actually supported their local teams their league wouldn't be so far in the shitter.

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Surely the fact that one of the top two clubs in the Scottish league are close to administration suggests the Scottish league isn't in such fine health either. Add that to the total domination of the league by two clubs for christ knows how long. Even Wales have a more competitive league.

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I will respond only to the sensible, adult posters who decided to actually confront my posts in a rational manner, as opposed to the frothing nutters who swore at me. Yes, Rangers did get into the Europa League Final (once) a couple of years back, woopdie doo. How many times have they been in this competition, only to get through to the final ONCE?! Even Birmingham are doing well in the Europa League this year for christ sakes. Let's not even start on the Rangers fans behaviour during the aformentioned final.


It's not such a ludicrous suggestion for some of the SPL viewers of this forum to support a English team instead, in fact I would be confident in predicting that a large part of the population already does such a thing. I live in Wales and don't support a Welsh team, I'm all the better for it too. The Welsh league makes SPL look like flaming La Liga!



Eh, what? Would you not say getting to a European Final is a rather exclusive thing? Or is it just as easy buying a loaf of fucking Warburtons? What has Rangers fans behaviour got to do with anything?!? You live in Wales and don't support a Welsh team? Wales and Scotland are completely different, Scottish teams have a lot of history, you know winning stuff like the European Cup, Cup Winners Cups, two of the biggest clubs and stadiums in Britain, what does the Welsh league have? Merthtidvil? Oh, but I forgot you must read the newspaper! The English Premier league is "the best in the world!". How dare other countries decide to attempt to play the game! Especially one of the countries that were first to fucking play it professionally. :laugh:

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Even Birmingham are doing well in the Europa League this year for christ sakes.

So we should support non-entity clubs like Birmingham and Stoke from hundres of miles away because they have had one lucky season?

If I wanted so support a team that hasn't won anything since before most of the posters on here were born I'd support Motherwell.


Let's not even start on the Rangers fans behaviour during the aformentioned final.

Let's not go there, Rangers fans weren't responsible for the deaths of 39 innocent people like happened at Heysel. Justice for the 39 first...thanks.


It's not such a ludicrous suggestion for some of the SPL viewers of this forum to support a English team instead

Why would you ask this in the Scottish Football thread? If we didn't support Scottish teams we wouldn't post in here.


I live in Wales and don't support a Welsh team, I'm all the better for it too. The Welsh league makes SPL look like flaming La Liga!

Perhaps you should, I'm not one for this "support your local team" rubbish but at least try to stick to a team in your own country that you go and see once in a while. Welsh football wouldn't be in such a mess if you (and others) did.

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How many clubs have won the last 7 English Premier Leagues? 2. That's pretty much domination.


Rangers are in financial difficulties due to years of poor financial management and paying out far too much money that couldn't be afforded. If the clubs stick within their means, and less people turn to teams from other countries, the league can be healthy.


Anyway, it's an obvious fucking troll coming into a Scottish football thread and posting that. That's why I told you to fuck off. Because you should fuck off.


Edit: Also, isn't it nice to see fans of all sides uniting in thinking Trevor is a cunt.

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Eh, what? Would you not say getting to a European Final is a rather exclusive thing? Or is it just as easy buying a loaf of fucking Warburtons?



Well I would suggest it was perhaps a fluke, especially considering the frequency with which it has happened. Also considering how they were knocked out the following season by FBK Kaunas.


Craig, how many clubs have won the Scottish Premier League in the last 20 years? Even if England was dominated by a single side, at least they can say they don't have George Samaras playing for one of the best teams in their league. You know Craig, just because I don't think the Scottish Premier League is very good doesn't make me a troll. There's a hell of a lot of people who think the SPL is embarassingly poor. All I wanted from this thread was an interesting insight with level headed posters about why they watch a league so notorious for it's poor quality. Instead I got Heysel references and people calling me a cunt.

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