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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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I actually thought our fans' behaviour at the Rennes game was superb on the night - it was the loudest Parkhead has been in some time and there was a really continental vibe in the ground. Someone will no doubt provide me with some evidence that "Ooh, ahh, up the 'RA" was chanted but I honestly can't remember (nor do I refute the allegation). There's talk that people aren't pleased about the "Paddy McCourt's Fenian Army" chant which is, well....I think we might as well pack it in and go home if that causes offence.


For a start, I think we need a review into exactly what "illicit" implies when talking about the songs. Only this evening we had Graham Spiers on the Radio Clyde football phone-in saying that songs like "The Boys of the Old Brigade" and "The Sash" belong at Celtic Park and Ibrox respectively. I was astonished to hear it.


For the unenlightened, the potential upset that can be caused by BOTOB is found in these words:


Oh, father why are you so sad

On this bright Easter morn?

When Irish men are proud and glad

Of the land that they were born?

Oh, son, I see in memories few

Of far off distant days;

When being just a lad like you

I joined the IRA.


Graham Spiers quite rightly identifies that the song is in celebration of the original Irish Republican Army of the early part of the 20th century and not the Provisional IRA who are more notorious and frowned upon in decent society. I don't agree with Graham Spiers: I'd rather BOTOB was miles from a football ground. It's a song about a worthwhile and admirable cause, but when the layman watching on ESPN or Sky Sports from England, Wales or wherever hears those three infamous letters, context goes out of the window and they quite rightly assume the worst. This is to absolve Boys of the Old Brigade, but there are others. I've grown up a Celtic fan and I can never remember our songsheet falling into such decline and veering dodgy territories as it is nowadays. I don't think it is a coincidence that poor performances on the park are met with more and more militant responses from pockets of our support.


At 22 years of age, I admit to being in the stands as a teenager and singing some songs that don't belong in a football ground. I've since grown up a bit and changed my mind about things. The most disappointing aspect of this is the treatment I've received from some of our own fans concerning the problem; the worst being repeatedly accused of being an "Uncle Tim" and a bigger threat to Celtic Football Club than any Rangers fan, member of the 'Laptop Loyal' or a parochial bigot from Teuchtarsville who can't stand Celtic. The thing I keep finding is that by looking at our own state of affairs, some of the more delusional members of our support that think everything is fine and we will continue to belt these songs out; if not, there is a double standard and "you are no better than a Hun". Well, some of the reactions I've seen to the UEFA investigation from our side have matched up with the outrageous response that Rangers fans had towards their own UEFA sanction. It disappoints me to see Celtic fans quarry about "who grassed us in?", "why are Rangers not being investigated about *this occasion* or *that occasion*?".


Ireland has moved on significantly from its time of trouble; the fans need to do the same. Celtic is a club with a proud Irish diaspora and I wouldn't have it any other way - there is a lot to be proud of in our club's history, but there is a way of going about it that doesn't encourage lunacy or knuckledragging. The great Jock Stein himself famously waded into the Celtic end in Stirling in the mid-60s to caution our fans. It was something to the effect of: "listen boys: the players do not respond to IRA chants. You have many great Celtic songs - please sing them and the players will respond." He was right; I think we have possibly the vastest songbook of any football club I can think of, and it is only being added to with some great contributions in the last season or two. Who are the plastic provos to tell Jock Stein he wasn't a "real Celtic man" cos he didn't care a jot for poisoning football with the Irish conflict? They cannot use the argument that he had no time for Ireland, because when the European Cup was won in 1967, he made it a priority that the trophy was to be paraded in Ireland.


More later maybe.

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I actually thought our fans' behaviour at the Rennes game was superb on the night - it was the loudest Parkhead has been in some time and there was a really continental vibe in the ground. Someone will no doubt provide me with some evidence that "Ooh, ahh, up the 'RA" was chanted but I honestly can't remember (nor do I refute the allegation). There's talk that people aren't pleased about the "Paddy McCourt's Fenian Army" chant which is, well....I think we might as well pack it in and go home if that causes offence.


Why? Rangers fans are constantly pulled up about singing about Fenians. Why is it alright for you to do it? For the record the song doesn't bother me.

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I actually thought our fans' behaviour at the Rennes game was superb on the night - it was the loudest Parkhead has been in some time and there was a really continental vibe in the ground. Someone will no doubt provide me with some evidence that "Ooh, ahh, up the 'RA" was chanted but I honestly can't remember (nor do I refute the allegation). There's talk that people aren't pleased about the "Paddy McCourt's Fenian Army" chant which is, well....I think we might as well pack it in and go home if that causes offence.


Why? Rangers fans are constantly pulled up about singing about Fenians. Why is it alright for you to do it? For the record the song doesn't bother me.


Some of a certain persuasion identify with the term 'Fenian': look at something even as detached from Scottish football or Irish politics as John Wayne's "The Quiet Man" for proof. There's a big difference between that and singing about revelling in being "up to your knees in Fenian blood".

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I actually thought our fans' behaviour at the Rennes game was superb on the night - it was the loudest Parkhead has been in some time and there was a really continental vibe in the ground. Someone will no doubt provide me with some evidence that "Ooh, ahh, up the 'RA" was chanted but I honestly can't remember (nor do I refute the allegation). There's talk that people aren't pleased about the "Paddy McCourt's Fenian Army" chant which is, well....I think we might as well pack it in and go home if that causes offence.


Why? Rangers fans are constantly pulled up about singing about Fenians. Why is it alright for you to do it? For the record the song doesn't bother me.


I don't know a single person offended by the word Fenian. Same with Orangeman. It's when "bastard" is added to it and singing about killing them it becomes offensive.


For the record, that post up there is spot on. We have some fantastic Celtic songs and it's what the players respond to. Beram Kayal, Gary Hooper etc, don't give a shit about the IRA so I don't know why our fans sing about it. So many fans were talking about not bringing politics into football when John Reid was appointed, yet sing these songs. So contradictory at times.

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Onto the actual football side of things, Scotland's U21s got a huge win against the Dutch. James Forrest looked absolutely brilliant on the right wing. Wasn't impressed with Wylde and even his delivery, which is usually very good, was a bit off. Jordan Rhodes continues to look good, scoring in 59 seconds to put Scotland ahead, although he should have scored a second later on.

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Oops, they did it again (Possibly).

The Scottish Premier League has confirmed it will investigate reports of pro-IRA chanting at Celtic's recent home match against Hibernian.


Operations director Iain Blair confirmed that police match commander Eddie Smith notified them following the match on 29 October.


"Eddie mentioned there was pro-IRA chanting but we need to find out more about what happened," Blair said.


"It was included in the report and is subject to an ongoing investigation."


Celtic also face a Uefa hearing over alleged chanting against Rennes in their Europa League tie.


It has been reported that two arrests were made during the 0-0 draw against Hibs.


"I am currently gathering information about what happened during the match when the arrests were made," Blair added.


"We also have to establish that Celtic, as I am sure they will have, co-operated fully with the police in the aftermath of this event.


"Our rules are not the same as Uefa's and it's important people recognise this.


"We have to be strong in our condemnation of pro-IRA chanting or sectarian chanting and we have to work together to eradicate it from our stadiums."

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STV News:


Celtic are not likely to face punishment as a result of a Scottish Premier League investigation into offensive singing during their recent match against Hibernian, STV has learned.


SPL operations director Iain Blair confirmed on Monday that he was gathering evidence following a report from Strathclyde Police alleging pro-IRA singing by some of the home club

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It's the same officer that has reported both apparent offences. I'm just wondering why he didn't bother getting his boys in to arrest the offenders or report it to the club? Clearly an agenda although I'm not denying their may have been IRA chants.

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It's the same officer that has reported both apparent offences. I'm just wondering why he didn't bother getting his boys in to arrest the offenders or report it to the club? Clearly an agenda although I'm not denying their may have been IRA chants.

They did try to arrest them


From above....

they attempted to arrest someone within the section but many fans did not take kindly to their attempts to charge into a crowd and held off police who were pushing and shoving them. The police retreated empty-handed but after the match they again tried to apprehend someone as fans were walking out of the stadium.
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It's the same officer that has reported both apparent offences. I'm just wondering why he didn't bother getting his boys in to arrest the offenders or report it to the club? Clearly an agenda although I'm not denying their may have been IRA chants.

They did try to arrest them


From above....

they attempted to arrest someone within the section but many fans did not take kindly to their attempts to charge into a crowd and held off police who were pushing and shoving them. The police retreated empty-handed but after the match they again tried to apprehend someone as fans were walking out of the stadium.


From sitting beside the Green Brigade at the Rennes game, their was no attempt from the police to go into the crowd. They walked up the stairs once, chuckled at the fans jumping up and down and walked back down the stairs.


I can't speak from the Hibs game as my season ticket is over the other end of the stadium.

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It's the same officer that has reported both apparent offences. I'm just wondering why he didn't bother getting his boys in to arrest the offenders or report it to the club? Clearly an agenda although I'm not denying their may have been IRA chants.

There were IRA chants at the game against us at Fir Park. I'm not too fussed by it though to be honest. I just wish that Celtic fans would stop trying to paint themselves as some sort of class above Rangers fans.


The phrase 'two cheeks of the same arse' spring to mind.

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It's the same officer that has reported both apparent offences. I'm just wondering why he didn't bother getting his boys in to arrest the offenders or report it to the club? Clearly an agenda although I'm not denying their may have been IRA chants.

There were IRA chants at the game against us at Fir Park. I'm not too fussed by it though to be honest. I just wish that Celtic fans would stop trying to paint themselves as some sort of class above Rangers fans.


The phrase 'two cheeks of the same arse' spring to mind.


The "Glasgow Celtic, paedophiles" chants from the Motherwell end were a brilliant advert for the wee charming family club from Lanarkshire.

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It's the same officer that has reported both apparent offences. I'm just wondering why he didn't bother getting his boys in to arrest the offenders or report it to the club? Clearly an agenda although I'm not denying their may have been IRA chants.

There were IRA chants at the game against us at Fir Park. I'm not too fussed by it though to be honest. I just wish that Celtic fans would stop trying to paint themselves as some sort of class above Rangers fans.


The phrase 'two cheeks of the same arse' spring to mind.


The "Glasgow Celtic, paedophiles" chants from the Motherwell end were a brilliant advert for the wee charming family club from Lanarkshire.


They seem to have a fixation on calling people Paedophiles as they did the same with McGhee when he was in charge of us.

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