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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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The loss of Rangers would mean everyone would have a better shot at second place and a better shot at a run in the cups. Everyone's average attendance would probably go up and one wee European run every few years for the bigger clubs would probably push them well up over what they make now.


With no Rangers, the other clubs MUST take the chance to fairly distribute the TV income and change the voting structure of the SPL. I say that as a Celtic fan. The way things are done now is just ricockulous. The SPL structure has put them all in the situation of "needing" Rangers. They need to re-think that pretty urgently.

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The loss of Rangers would mean everyone would have a better shot at second place and a better shot at a run in the cups. Everyone's average attendance would probably go up and one wee European run every few years for the bigger clubs would probably push them well up over what they make now.


With no Rangers, the other clubs MUST take the chance to fairly distribute the TV income and change the voting structure of the SPL. I say that as a Celtic fan. The way things are done now is just ricockulous. The SPL structure has put them all in the situation of "needing" Rangers. They need to re-think that pretty urgently.

I may not say it often Kenny, but you're bang on the money right there.

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The loss of Rangers would mean everyone would have a better shot at second place and a better shot at a run in the cups. Everyone's average attendance would probably go up and one wee European run every few years for the bigger clubs would probably push them well up over what they make now.


With no Rangers, the other clubs MUST take the chance to fairly distribute the TV income and change the voting structure of the SPL. I say that as a Celtic fan. The way things are done now is just ricockulous. The SPL structure has put them all in the situation of "needing" Rangers. They need to re-think that pretty urgently.


Do they have a TV deal at the moment? seems like that might be fighting over pennies at the moment. No Rangers is 1 thing but there will be a team in there place (Ranger United if you will). Who says that this new Rangers don't still finish 2nd or even 1st if they become a newco there is a chance they can be better if financially.

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It's worth noting that on Rangers forums they are strongly advocating boycotting away games from now on to hurt the clubs that they think have stabbed them in the back. So attendances will be lower if the new club is in the SPL.

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Do they have a TV deal at the moment?

Word is that Sky have assured the SPL a TV deal will remain in place regardless of the loss of Rangers. There was no doubt this would be the case really, as both Sky & ESPN show the likes of the Irish league and the Blue Square Premier.

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The news today, whilst being pretty much inevitable, is no less sad for myself and all other Rangers fans. Being of an optimist, I held a little bit of hope that the CVA would go through, but in reality, I think the proposal was nothing more than PR from Green. Nothing against the man (yet) - I just think he wanted the fans onside.


Hopefully we won't go cap in hand to the SPL and will apply to the SFL to enter at division 3 and build from there, not as a "get it up you" to other teams, but because it is the right thing to do


This isn't the death of Rangers Football Club, it's the end of a chapter, an embarrassing one at that, Rangers Football Club existed before the formation of the "company" and we'll continue to exist and come back in better shape, and with any fucking luck HMRC will now go after the crooks who have brought our great club to its knees.

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This isn't the death of Rangers Football Club, it's the end of a chapter, an embarrassing one at that, Rangers Football Club existed before the formation of the "company" and we'll continue to exist and come back in better shape, and with any fucking luck HMRC will now go after the crooks who have brought our great club to its knees.


what a pile of shit.


When you are liquidated and if you come back as a newco, it will be a new club. The club you've supported for years will cease to exist. You can't pick and choose what bits you like and you can't separate the bits you like and don't like. Bye bye Rangers.

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This isn't the death of Rangers Football Club, it's the end of a chapter, an embarrassing one at that, Rangers Football Club existed before the formation of the "company" and we'll continue to exist and come back in better shape, and with any fucking luck HMRC will now go after the crooks who have brought our great club to its knees.


Thats not stricty true is it, its like hw mk dons pretend they won the fa cup (afc wimbledon got the trophy) you might have the name and the stadium but everything else is a clean slate all those titles/trophies you won as glasgow rangers fc wont be part of the new clubs history.

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This isn't the death of Rangers Football Club, it's the end of a chapter, an embarrassing one at that, Rangers Football Club existed before the formation of the "company" and we'll continue to exist and come back in better shape, and with any fucking luck HMRC will now go after the crooks who have brought our great club to its knees.


what a pile of shit.


When you are liquidated and if you come back as a newco, it will be a new club. The club you've supported for years will cease to exist. You can't pick and choose what bits you like and you can't separate the bits you like and don't like. Bye bye Rangers.

How is it a pile of shite? The company isn't the club, the club was formed in 1872 and the company came about in 1899. I think everyone most would agree that football clubs are much more than just a corporate entity, certainly in terms of what they represent to fans. Leeds Utd and Fiorentina off the top of my head are still credited with their full history, honours etc despite their companies being liqudated in recent years.


If you're looking for an example of a pile of shite see your post on the last page - why should Rangers FANS apologise?

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If their still going to keep their accolades etc under the new club then at the very least i'd like to see them stripped of all the titles and cups they've won during this period of financial doping.

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Thats not stricty true is it, its like hw mk dons pretend they won the fa cup (afc wimbledon got the trophy) you might have the name and the stadium but everything else is a clean slate all those titles/trophies you won as glasgow rangers fc wont be part of the new clubs history.


Mk Dons reneged Wimbledon's history a few years ago as part of a deal for recognition from s fans supporters board or something of that ilk , meaning they could have away fans at home games.. All Wimbledon's memorabelia now resides with Merton Council and is not part of AFC Wimbledon currently iirc



As for the Newco, there isnt anything I can see which would stop them buying back the history ala Fiorentina etc,as long as they have the funds. It's just whether it would be permissible by the Scots FA or not

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Leeds weren't liquidated.

Fiorentina play in the most corrupt league on the planet - hardly something you want to be judged against.


The company from 1899 is the club you support. There's no separating them. Newco = new club.

The Gretna 2008 that plays down the road from me isn't the same Gretna from the SPL. Rihanna can't change her name to Whitney Houston and claim her back catalogue.


Why should Rangers fans aplogise or at least accept that RFC should shoulder the blame? You cheered when Rangers players scored, Rnagers players bought and paid for by money that was owed to the taxman. You partied when your team lifted trophies won by players bought and paid for by money that was owed to others. Have a bit of shame, a bit of humility in your cheating and other teams might not be as willing to put the boot in.


We are the people - possibly this mentality got you into the state you ended up in. YWTP.

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Leeds weren't liquidated.

Fiorentina play in the most corrupt league on the planet - hardly something you want to be judged against.


The company from 1899 is the club you support. There's no separating them. Newco = new club.

The Gretna 2008 that plays down the road from me isn't the same Gretna from the SPL. Rihanna can't change her name to Whitney Houston and claim her back catalogue.


Why should Rangers fans aplogise or at least accept that RFC should shoulder the blame? You cheered when Rangers players scored, Rnagers players bought and paid for by money that was owed to the taxman. You partied when your team lifted trophies won by players bought and paid for by money that was owed to others. Have a bit of shame, a bit of humility in your cheating and other teams might not be as willing to put the boot in.


We are the people - possibly this mentality got you into the state you ended up in. YWTP.


That is one of the dumbest posts I have ever read on here. I can't even be arsed explaining why, because it must be obvious to most sane people.

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