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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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"The "WATP" attitude is out in force. I don't know why they think they shouldn't be punished because, "it was all Craig Whyte". If it was Desmond or Lawwell, we'd have to face the same consequences."


"Graham Spiers made a tremendous point tonight to the fans blaming the SFA for not carrying out proper tests. If the SFA had blocked the takeover, they'd have been fucking beeling."


"Damned if you do and damned if you don't with these idiots."


A few quotes from this discussion; and a few points to make.


Firstly, I'm a Rangers fan- lets just get that out in the open from the get-go.


Secondly, I'm becoming ever more uncomfortable with the growing number of supporters from other clubs who just want to see Rangers die. Imagine how you'd feel, knowing that the team that you've followed for the 26 years you've walked this earth just wouldn't be there anymore. Without hyperbole, it would be like a bereavement.


Also, I'm NOT saying rangers should escape punishment, and I'm NOT saying "It wuz aw Whyte's fault." Rangers should have known who they were getting into bed with- Greig, Johnson and Bain all knew what was coming and fucked off- that should have been warning enough to SDM and the rest who allowed it to happen. Rangers allowed him to buy the club with money he didn't have, and the flag should have been raised about non-payment of PAYE long before February- that's what fucking accountants are for.


HOWEVER, I am saying that the Schadenfreude is starting to get right underneath my skin. We are not all bigots, nor are we all uneducated masses. Some of us are football fans, some of us like going to watch a team that brought us so many happy memories in the past. I was born in 1986- by the time I knew what a ball was, Rangers were on their 9-in-a-row streak, making me glad to be a part of something special.


I just dearly want Rangers to stay alive, as they are- whether that be playing fourth tier football, with players that only our youth coaches could put a first name to, or not playing in Europe for X years- fine. I can take that.


Just remember, that there are actual fans, not bigots, ultras or morons, who deeply care, and are hurting. If you feel aggreived that your team has been hard done by- well, you're probably completely in the right. But aim your anger at the folk responsable, rather than the folk that dearly dont want to see an institution of their lives die.

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From on outsiders point of view, I don't understand why fans of all the other clubs bar Celtic would actually want Rangers to cease to be, surely they bring massive gate receipts twice a season?


Not ay more, Rangers fans are planning to boycott all away grounds as a protest at the treatment of their club by the SFA.

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From on outsiders point of view, I don't understand why fans of all the other clubs bar Celtic would actually want Rangers to cease to be, surely they bring massive gate receipts twice a season?


Except when you actually do the maths, having clubs as dominant as Rangers and Celtic substantially impacts attendance at all the other "meaningless" fixtures. With no Rangers, several other clubs would have a shot at second place so their overall attendances would likely improve week after week after week. A strong home support is much more valuable than an occasional big visitor.


Bydo - I feel for you. I'm sure you're a perfectly decent bloke. But you know what? Rangers have cheated the system and they have to be punished. Losing them is no great crime against football. It might even be the best thing that could happen, because a newco won't carry the bigoted baggage of the past and Celtic fans, given that new feeling of smug superiority, might finally be able to let go of some of their own baggage. Fans of other clubs find it funny because Rangers have treated all and sundry with contempt for a long time. Everyone hates you...and now no-one cares.

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From on outsiders point of view, I don't understand why fans of all the other clubs bar Celtic would actually want Rangers to cease to be, surely they bring massive gate receipts twice a season?


It might even be the best thing that could happen, because a newco won't carry the bigoted baggage of the past and Celtic fans, given that new feeling of smug superiority, might finally be able to let go of some of their own baggage. Fans of other clubs find it funny because Rangers have treated all and sundry with contempt for a long time.


Kenny, do you really think that if a newco is formed as Rangers 2012 or whatever, that the support of this team won't still have the bigoted minority? I'd have to disagree entirely and say that if anything it will be WORSE due to the hyperbole about the perceived SFA bias. (A perception of bias that is the result of the actions of an independent panel!)


Guys like Bydo deserve some degree of sympathy but 30 seconds of looking on Facebook, twitter or various other online breeding grounds for bigtory will quickly erase most of that though as we see such statements as 'BJK' and 'We might fiddle taxes but we don't fiddle kids'. Sadly the reaction by bodies such as the Rangers Supporters Trust and Rangers Assembly in organising illegal marches and attempting to get Mark Dingwall on telly for as many soundbites as possible without taking any positive action to deal with the situation have all but obliterated any sympathy I had.


Kenny is right in that respect, I don't like them and I don't care.

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There will still be idiots, but the club itself can (and hopefully will) make a concerted effort to rebrand itself - "we're leaving behind all the unpleasant bits of our past" kind of thing - and start again as a new entity that has never tolerated and will never tolerate religious bigotry, racism, tax evasion etc.


It's a long shot...but it might just work.

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Wishes things would just hurry the hell up and Rangers to be liquidated. The club done wrong. It should be punished. To the fans and their love of the club they have to pay a price and you just have to deal with it. The penalties that are to come are fair. They are justified.

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I just dearly want Rangers to stay alive, as they are- whether that be playing fourth tier football, with players that only our youth coaches could put a first name to, or not playing in Europe for X years- fine. I can take that.


You seem like a reasonable person and I certainly have sympathy that your club is facing hard times. I dont necessarily want to see Rangers die completely. In an ideal world I'd like to see them strike a deal with HMRC and payoff the money they owe, even if it's at say

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Bydo - I feel for you. I'm sure you're a perfectly decent bloke.

Darn tootin'! We've actually met, and got on great- we were pished in the solid mind, and Kage Tyler was discussing his bawbaggery with you. ;)

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