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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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Sky News are reporting that the SFA have banned Craig Whyte from involvement in the Scottish game for life. They have also slapped a twelve month transfer ban on Rangers.

Hopefully that will put an end to talk of Rangers signing Steve Jennings in the summer.

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Sky News are reporting that the SFA have banned Craig Whyte from involvement in the Scottish game for life. They have also slapped a twelve month transfer ban on Rangers.

Hopefully that will put an end to Rangers.



Welcome back David. :thumbsup:

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Welcome back David. :thumbsup:

Cheers. I was hoping Rangers wouldn't go down the drain whilst I was gone, wouldn't want to miss out on the party :laugh:


I see that RST have issued a statement regarding the measures taken by the SFA against Rangers;


This is a shameful decision that has been taken with the sole purpose of crippling Rangers Football Club. It is completely unacceptable and fans groups will be meeting to explore how we jointly express our opposition to this decision in the strongest possible terms. This could include protesting at Hampden on on the day of the Scottish Cup Final as well as boycotting SFA sponsors William Hill, Carling and Vauxhall. All options are on the table and no Rangers player or supporter can credibly play in or support the national side until this ridiculous decision is reversed.


Hitting Rangers in this way is in stark contrast to the soft justice dished out to Neil Lennon last week for a string of offences in which he questioned the integrity of the referees and officials. The SFA appears to have one set of rules for one club yet a completely different set for the other.


Despite calls to delay this action the SFA persisted with this case while the club was not in a position to adequately defend itself and had the SFA done its job in the first place on Craig Whyte then this entire saga could have been avoided.


Rangers supporters are appalled by this decision which brings shame on the SFA and the national side.

Also, it appears that the footsoldiers will be out in force;



I see they don't want to be treated fairly as far as punishment goes! :laugh:

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Glasgow City Council have said the walk/protest will be illegal as they have not contacted them for permission.


The "WATP" attitude is out in force. I don't know why they think they shouldn't be punished because, "it was all Craig Whyte". If it was Desmond or Lawwell, we'd have to face the same consequences.

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It's a complete farce. I've already decided that should Rangers go into liquidation and a NEWCO is given the green light to walk right back into the SPL, I'm done with Scottish football.


A major part of my decision is the fact that Derek Weir of Motherwell sits on the SPL board who would have to sanction such a move. If my club is responsible in playing a major part in destroying the legitimacy of the SPL then I couldn't watch it any more.

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What sanctions did Motherwell get when they went into administration? Was it just the 10 point reduction?


None. Rangers have only received the 10 point deduction for going into administration. The rest are penalties they should have received even if the PAYE tax avoidance hadn't put them into admin.


Add me to the list of people done with Scottish football if they waltz back into the SPL. It would be a complete slap in the face to the integrity of our game.


Graham Spiers made a tremendous point tonight to the fans blaming the SFA for not carrying out proper tests. If the SFA had blocked the takeover, they'd have been fucking beeling.

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Similarly the BBC did look into his background and they didn't want to hear a word of it and actually banned them from ibrox. Damned if you do and damned if you don't with these idiots.


Personally I think the 1 year ban is a very apt punishment given that they haven't paid plenty of clubs the money that they're owed for previous transfers. Maybe an indefinite ban until all member clubs get the money that's owed to them would be fair?

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