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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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What are the chances of Rangers going tits up, reforming in a lower division under a different name, then buying back the 'rights' to the name and the club ala Fiorentina?


At this rate, pretty bloody likely. They have a smallish squad already. With the cuts envisaged over the next few days then the sell-off in the summer, not to mention having to find a way to pay the best part of

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What are the chances of Rangers going tits up, reforming in a lower division under a different name, then buying back the 'rights' to the name and the club ala Fiorentina?


From what is understood, it's pretty much inevitable. I reckon moves will be made to ensure that a NewCo Rangers could be brought right back into the SPL though.


Is that because of the obvious fanbase, plus rivalries etc? What would happen to Ibrox in all of this? Do Rangers own the ground? and would it be part of the liquidation package or would it be part of the liquidation package and a new team, pay rent to to whoever holds the Rangers assests to play there?

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I sincerely hope that every other club in the country boycotts Ibrox from now until the end of time. They should also make a point of charging every Rangers fan that comes to their own grounds at least double what anyone else is paying. Once the total extra money raised reaches
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The most likely scenarios as things stand is for a NewCo to be formed and stay in the SPL. There are already rules in place to allow this to happen and as it would also protect the Sky TV deal, not to mention ticket sales when Rangers 2012 come to visit, I can't see any of the other 11 clubs voting against it.


What WILL be interesting is what sanctions will be placed upon the NewCo by the SPL. Neil Docaster has said it's on the agenda for the next SPL board meeting and things like starting on minus x amount of points plus other restricitions/penalties could be imposed.

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It would have to be a minimum of 20-25 points to be meaningful.


I actually think this "Scottish football needs Rangers" argument is bullshit. Assuming we still have two CL spots the season after next (I honestly don't know enough about the co-efficient to say for sure) then you've suddenly got Hearts, Motherwell and Dundee Utd all with a legitimate shot at getting it, and the other teams just underneath that current level having a much stronger likelihood of getting Europa League spots. That would give all those clubs a boost and home gates would almost certainly increase. It might not be quite enough in one season to make up for the loss of a couple of big gates against Rangers, but it would also give them better shots at good cup runs and so on, so the difference might not be as huge as some people seem to think. There would also be the prospect of genuine league reform in favour of the majority, since the Old Firm 10-2 veto would be meaningless. The reason other clubs are in such a funk is knowing that they're unlikely to ever win very much. Fans won't pay to see that. Hibs had better home gates every week when they were winning the First Division than when they were languishing in the Premier.


Besides, as Soapy said earlier in this thread, any part of our game that needs them to survive is a part we can do without. They're thieves and liars and bigots and scumbags. None of us needs them. If New Club takes over Ibrox, we can only hope they bleach every fucking inch of it before they come near our game again.

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Quite honestly, my biggest priority - since I am loyal to Her Majesty and believe that paying Her Revenue and Customs the appropriate sums is an Important Thing To Do - is that they pay their fucking debts. Therefore, I would propose that the club be brought out of administration when it is solvent (at least in terms of its running costs) and then an appointee from HMRC is made financial director of the club with an absolute veto on any piece of business the club might consider. His role will be to extract every piece of profit and pay it directly to HMRC until the whole debt is paid off. If that means

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I actually think this "Scottish football needs Rangers" argument is bullshit.

I completely disagree. I think they should be relegated from the SPL at least but it's rubbish to say Scottish football would be in good health without them.


Assuming we still have two CL spots the season after next (I honestly don't know enough about the co-efficient to say for sure)


According to this on Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012%E2%80%93...hampions_League You are currently in the 15th slot which is the last one to receive two slots. If Rangers were English, they wouldn't qualify for a license to play in Europe next season, dunno how the rules are in Scotland.


Any team other than Celtic has got zero chance of making it through the qualifying rounds, not unless someone takes an almighty gamble. It'll be years before anyone steps up to challenge Celtic. It's going to be a big test for the Scottish game. The next TV contract will be a pittance.


They're thieves and liars and bigots and scumbags.

From the outside, that will appear to be the pot calling the kettle black.


Quite honestly, my biggest priority - since I am loyal to Her Majesty and believe that paying Her Revenue and Customs the appropriate sums is an Important Thing To Do - is that they pay their fucking debts.

I couldn't give a fuck about her majesty but agree with this. British football has been a joke for years with wankers like Leeds, Portsmouth, Leicester, etc ripping off the state time and again. I wanted to see someone made an example of years ago. I say it's retrospectively applied to Leeds.

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Kenny your argument is sound but it has one fatal flaw. You're assuming that the other SPL clubs have the foresight to look beyond the rest of this season and next. They won't. They'll panic about a potential loss of income and let them in.

If the vote comes down to the SPL 6 man committee, they would get back in. If it's one vote for every member club however, it could get pretty interesting. With decisions needing a 10-2 majority to get passed, Celtic would definitely vote against, that's a given. Also, no one knows what mad Vlad would do, and the other difficult one could be Dunfermline, as voting Rangers2012 in would be very much like a turkey voting for Christmas. Would they be better off in the first division, or a Premier league without Rangers?


What rules are in place for a phoenix club to be readmitted into the SPL? If it did get to that, i've no doubt that would be the end result, but it's my understanding that the SPL rulebook would have to be amended for that to be possible, because at present they actually state the opposite - the grey area being that the rule infers that the team goes out of business mid-season.


It's probably just my cautiousness, and feeling that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is, but I can't help but think there's a bit of 'counting chickens before they hatch' about all this. Whether they survive or die and reform is still totally dependant upon the big tax case, and none of us know which way that's going to go. Tax cheat King's 'liquidation is inevitable' comments today could suggest that they know they're going to lose the big case, but we can only speculate.

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Duff & Phelps, the Administrators of Rangers Football Club, today issued the following statement.


David Whitehouse, Joint Administrator, said: "We are announcing today we are accelerating the sale of Rangers Football Club.


"The Club is in a perilous financial situation and that should not be under-estimated. Regrettably, we have been unable to agree cost-cutting measures with the playing staff on terms that will preserve value in the business. We understand the players' position as the scale of wage cuts required to achieve these savings without job losses were very substantial indeed.


"In view of this, we are faced with a situation of making redundancies within the playing staff on such a scale that would materially erode the value of the playing squad. We are striving to strike a balance where cost-cutting measures can be implemented but do not destroy the fabric of the playing squad to the extent that it will inhibit the prospect of a sale.


"However, no one should be in any doubt that in the absence of sufficient cost-cutting measures or receipt of substantial unplanned income, the Club will not be able to fulfil its fixtures throughout the remainder of the season.


"As a result, we are expediting the sale process and over the next few days we will be holding discussions with prospective purchasers who have declared their interest. The Manager, Ally McCoist will play an integral part in these discussions.


"If however it becomes apparent that the sale process cannot be accelerated there will be no choice but to implement very severe cost cutting measures at the Club."


Administrators all but admitting that Rangers can't be saved. Many beginning to speculate that they club won't be able to fulfill their fixtures. Some going so far as to suggest that their defeat on Saturday may have been their last game.


No wonder these guys were Craig Whyte's administrators of choice.


By the way, on the whole issue of a NewCo being parachuted straight into the SPL: say you're a major creditor to an SPL club. You see that Rangers have these massive debts, are liquidated and are allowed back into the SPL under a new name and essentially debt-free. If Rangers can do it then presumably so can Hearts, Hibs, Dundee United, etc. You, as a creditor to one of those clubs, stand to lose a fair bit of money in this scenario. What do you do?

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