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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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I'd love Rangers to have to start from the bottom. It'd be a hell of a sight. Reminds me of the good old days on CM3 when I'd always put United in the Conference to see what happened.


It'd be amusing to see how many times Celtic and Rangers were "randomly" drawn together in the cups by the SFA!

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To be honest, with all the mortgaging of the future, Rangers fans would be better off if the club folded and took all the debt with it, they reformed the club as an Industrial and Provident Society and worked back from the bottom of the SFL. Provided Ibrox could be protected and Murray Park used for the good of Scottish football that is.

If they were pragmatic and only looked to the future then maybe. In the real world however, they wouldn't, as they'd have us pesky tims on their case forevermore. It would be torture for them, and they'd never hear the end of it.They're far too precious about the shite they pass off as their 'culture' and 'tradition' to be ok with killing their club and starting from scratch anyway. As they say, 'the big house must stay open' :D
That's a strange thing to have a dig about. Of course we don't want our Club to die so we can start from scratch again. Who would?
Under the circumstances, forward thinking pragmatists who are thick-skinned enough not to care about the inevitable annihilation from Celtic fans, who hold no superiority complexes, and who are under no delusions about the history being particularly proud and worth preserving. i.e none of you, hence you won't be better off with what's suggested.

They're precious about Queen and country and loyalty too. It didn't stop them nicking

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To be honest, with all the mortgaging of the future, Rangers fans would be better off if the club folded and took all the debt with it, they reformed the club as an Industrial and Provident Society and worked back from the bottom of the SFL. Provided Ibrox could be protected and Murray Park used for the good of Scottish football that is.

If they were pragmatic and only looked to the future then maybe. In the real world however, they wouldn't, as they'd have us pesky tims on their case forevermore. It would be torture for them, and they'd never hear the end of it.


They're far too precious about the shite they pass off as their 'culture' and 'tradition' to be ok with killing their club and starting from scratch anyway. As they say, 'the big house must stay open' :D


That's a strange thing to have a dig about. Of course we don't want our Club to die so we can start from scratch again. Who would?

Under the circumstances, forward thinking pragmatists who are thick-skinned enough not to care about the inevitable annihilation from Celtic fans, who hold no superiority complexes, and who are under no delusions about the history being particularly proud and worth preserving.


i.e none of you, hence you won't be better off with what's suggested.


Do you know many Rangers fans in real life then? Or are you just making a generalization based on the kind of fannies that rant on the internet?


For the record, Mikey's suggestion makes a lot of sense but I'd still much prefer the Club continue as in it's current form, as would fans of most teams in similar circumstances. Whether we can is the question.


If we do go completely bust, it's far more likely that any new version will just end up going straight back into the SPL anyway, simply for financial reasons. The new TV deal has a clause in it that renders it null and void unless Rangers and Celtic are in the League. Celtic could afford to take that hit and refuse to let the "new" Rangers back in but I don't think any of the other Clubs could.


As for the "inevitable annihilation from Celtic fans". That's going to happen whatever happens, and rightly really. It'll be a big thing for a while and then it'll end up as just another argument in the endless running debate about which of the Old Firm is "worse".

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Do you know many Rangers fans in real life then? Or are you just making a generalization based on the kind of fannies that rant on the internet?

It's not a generalisation at all. If any fan was embarrassed by the history, they wouldn't support the club in the first place ergo every Rangers fan is proud of it and wants to retain it. If you want me to put my response to the question in a more neutral way then ok... A newco would not be better for Rangers fan because they see their history and tradition as too important. In their eyes, the negatives of what would result - the loss of that history, the hard time from rival fans, the acknowledgement that trophies were tainted etc. would outweigh the benefits that coming back as Rangers2012 and being a powerful force a few years sooner would bring them.


If we do go completely bust, it's far more likely that any new version will just end up going straight back into the SPL anyway, simply for financial reasons. The new TV deal has a clause in it that renders it null and void unless Rangers and Celtic are in the League. Celtic could afford to take that hit and refuse to let the "new" Rangers back in but I don't think any of the other Clubs could.

Possibly. The TV deal is for very little money though, and it wouldn't disappear completely, they'd come back with reduced terms so each team would still get something. Another aspect to it is that with Rangers out the league, the 10-2 'Old Firm Veto' also goes out the window, so there probably wouldn't be much to stop the other teams voting to redistribute income & prize money, to cover any losses for a few seasons until Rangers would be back in the SPL.


If they go out the game, then I think it would be hard for anyone to justify letting any phoenix club straight back into the SPL, as much as I still suspect they'd find a way to do it. It would send out an awful signal, and I think with all the options available, every other team would manage for a few years without Rangers. It could also be an opportunity to experiment with this league restructuring that a lot of people have been shouting about (not that I would support it). That way, they could open the door to Rangers only being out of the top division for one season. As for fans getting their Old Firm fix, there's ways and means - for example, there's always the domestic cups with heated balls, they could reintroduce the Glasgow cup as a senior tournament, and I wouldn't be surprised if Celtic pushed to try and get a 'b' team into the lower divisions also.


As for the "inevitable annihilation from Celtic fans". That's going to happen whatever happens, and rightly really. It'll be a big thing for a while and then it'll end up as just another argument in the endless running debate about which of the Old Firm is "worse".

Well it's only going to happen if the big tax bill is upheld. Get away with it, even if on a technicality, and you have your ammo to counter any flak.

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Do you know many Rangers fans in real life then? Or are you just making a generalization based on the kind of fannies that rant on the internet?

It's not a generalisation at all. If any fan was embarrassed by the history, they wouldn't support the club in the first place ergo every Rangers fan is proud of it and wants to retain it. If you want me to put my response to the question in a more neutral way then ok... A newco would not be better for Rangers fan because they see their history and tradition as too important. In their eyes, the negatives of what would result - the loss of that history, the hard time from rival fans, the acknowledgement that trophies were tainted etc. would outweigh the benefits that coming back as Rangers2012 and being a powerful force a few years sooner would bring them.


For me it's got far more to do with the fact that Rangers2012 wouldn't BE Rangers. Similar name and strip aside, it would still be a completely different Club same as Airdrie United aren't Airdrieonians and AFC Wimbledon aren't Wimbledon. Sure, they might be more successful quicker but if that was all that was important we could all start supporting Celtic and suddenly be 14 points clear at the top of the league!


For what it's worth, if Rangers did go completely bust, I think we'd probably see more than one new version appear. Especially if the likes of Craig Whyte or even David Murray, are involved in one version.


If they go out the game, then I think it would be hard for anyone to justify letting any phoenix club straight back into the SPL, as much as I still suspect they'd find a way to do it. It would send out an awful signal, and I think with all the options available, every other team would manage for a few years without Rangers. It could also be an opportunity to experiment with this league restructuring that a lot of people have been shouting about (not that I would support it). That way, they could open the door to Rangers only being out of the top division for one season. As for fans getting their Old Firm fix, there's ways and means - for example, there's always the domestic cups with heated balls, they could reintroduce the Glasgow cup as a senior tournament, and I wouldn't be surprised if Celtic pushed to try and get a 'b' team into the lower divisions also.


Oh I agree it would send an awful signal but, still, money talks at the end of the day. If it's a choice between letting a new Club straight back in or losing money that've likely already budgeted for, and can't afford to lose, then I think they'll accept it.


The problem with your idea for the Cups is that it wouldn't BE the same Rangers and, also, even if it was, a Third Division Rangers playing an SPL Celtic would be a complete mismatch which kind of hurt the drama of the fixture.


As for the "inevitable annihilation from Celtic fans". That's going to happen whatever happens, and rightly really. It'll be a big thing for a while and then it'll end up as just another argument in the endless running debate about which of the Old Firm is "worse".

Well it's only going to happen if the big tax bill is upheld. Get away with it, even if on a technicality, and you have your ammo to counter any flak.


Naaaah. Even if we did get off on a technicality. The piss rippings would continue and justifably so. It's not like our fans wouldn't do the same thing if it was the other way around.

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To be honest, with all the mortgaging of the future, Rangers fans would be better off if the club folded and took all the debt with it, they reformed the club as an Industrial and Provident Society and worked back from the bottom of the SFL. Provided Ibrox could be protected and Murray Park used for the good of Scottish football that is.


EDIT: And administration sucks balls. This is why it comes with a penalty that usually hurts teams.


I don't think that option appeals to all the troglodytes who wheel out the "dignity, tradition and heritage" lines. To some of these people, that is seen as Rangers' raison d'etre.

No, the option of our club going out of business doesn't appeal to us surprisingly. Funny that eh?

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This Rangers fiasco has really proven that most Old Firm fans are complete and utter cunts. I hope celtic fuck off along with Rangers.

You don't think United fans would be gloating if Liverpool were facing financial bother? The response from Celtic fans has hardly been that bad and Rangers have completely brought it on themselves. If Celtic were in this kind of bother Rangers fans gloating would probably be even worse.

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This Rangers fiasco has really proven that most Old Firm fans are complete and utter cunts. I hope celtic fuck off along with Rangers.


Oh fuck off you miserable twat. My team's biggest rivals just got gubbed at home in a week that has been the most embarrassing in their history. Excuse me for enjoying myself.

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