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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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They'd still exist and would still get a decent crowd


Last time they weren't getting any success, their crowds were around 10,000 average. Their is a lot of die hard Rangers fans out there, but they seem to have a larger portion of glory hunters than any other team.

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Rangers stars were warned that they will have to play for free if the Ibrox crisis club is to limp on in administration.


As anxious players await showdown talks with administrators this morning, they have been told to brace themselves for bad news.


That is the view of leading Scottish administrator Donald McGruther, who sees a club with no source of new income - after discredited owner Craig Whyte mortgaged four years of advance ticket cash for

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An open message to the Celtic Family

Despite what your graceless Chief executive and compliant media would tell you, you have little right to the endemic mock indignation which vast majority of you seem to display like a mawkish badge of honour.


For if we are to put your Club and it's history under the same degree of scrutiny afforded Rangers FC and it's recent history I fear that there would be nothing mock about the universal revulsion and indignation felt by the majority of right minded people.


From wartime machinations against the country from which you have gained your history and some would say prominence in the football world, to child abuse and the systemic failure and cover up which ensued. The subsequent dynasties of custodian families who are alleged to have massaged down attendance figures so as to line their own pockets and therefore evade paying tax. If we are to consider stripping miscreant clubs of their honours then surely much of your nine in a row is tarnished?


In fact your clubs flirtation with administration or indeed worse was precipitated by years of asset stripping by those very families, Celtic minded zealots who could not find it in their hearts or narrow minds to admit their greatest ever manager to the board because of his religion, a policy still in place today...And you preach to us about being inclusive, Mark Walters certainly felt included when he made his debut for Rangers at your stadium, included into your vile hatred of Rangers coupled with your endemic racism which is consistently peddled by today's supporters via twitter and facebook.


How many fines have you had from UEFA in regard to pitch invasion? How many of your number glory in the anthems which celebrate a sectarian murder gang? How many referees and their families have been attacked or intimidated by supporters of your club? Scotland's shame indeed, a body of fans who despite the huge improvement in behaviour of the Rangers support, categorically refuse to drop the sectarian name calling and singing which blights their club!


Enjoy reveling in what is the darkest hour for Rangers and it's support, but remember this: You will always be a graceless, classless organisation founded on the basis of religious expediency and separation. Rangers will always be seen as Scotland's greatest club, your nemesis, the antithesis of all that you stand for, we will be back stronger and better than before with Celtic emphatically consigned to where they belong....In our wake!!

Hilarious. :laugh:

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They'd still exist and would still get a decent crowd


Last time they weren't getting any success, their crowds were around 10,000 average. Their is a lot of die hard Rangers fans out there, but they seem to have a larger portion of glory hunters than any other team.



That's nonsense. There have been 3 times in the last 2 seasons when Parkhead has been occupied by under 20,000 supporters. And that's not even with the club in financial meltdown or as prolonged a period of zero success as Rangers experienced in the 80's. Not trying to go tit for tat here but Rangers have the same amount of glory hunters as any other club of it's size.

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That's actually a pretty good move by Rangers in my opinion I think he's got the ideal background to work with Craig Whyte and the Rangers board as with his career on the side he'll be used to working with a massive prick and a bunch of fannies.
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They'd still exist and would still get a decent crowd

Last time they weren't getting any success, their crowds were around 10,000 average. Their is a lot of die hard Rangers fans out there, but they seem to have a larger portion of glory hunters than any other team.
That's nonsense. There have been 3 times in the last 2 seasons when Parkhead has been occupied by under 20,000 supporters. And that's not even with the club in financial meltdown or as prolonged a period of zero success as Rangers experienced in the 80's. Not trying to go tit for tat here but Rangers have the same amount of glory hunters as any other club of it's size.
I pretty much agree with you. The Rangers low point of the mid 80s is unlikely to be repeated, unless the team goes on a long streak of abject failure. We can only hope...I heard someone talking about the case on Radio 5 this morning. His basic argument was that HMRC will eventually take what they can get but will not be likely to force the winding up the club, so eventually the club will come out of administration with no debt and will just have to start again with a smaller, cheaper playing squad for a couple of years until they can attract some decent new investment and/or save up a bit of cash. That sucks balls.
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To be honest, with all the mortgaging of the future, Rangers fans would be better off if the club folded and took all the debt with it, they reformed the club as an Industrial and Provident Society and worked back from the bottom of the SFL. Provided Ibrox could be protected and Murray Park used for the good of Scottish football that is.


EDIT: And administration sucks balls. This is why it comes with a penalty that usually hurts teams.

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To be honest, with all the mortgaging of the future, Rangers fans would be better off if the club folded and took all the debt with it, they reformed the club as an Industrial and Provident Society and worked back from the bottom of the SFL. Provided Ibrox could be protected and Murray Park used for the good of Scottish football that is.


EDIT: And administration sucks balls. This is why it comes with a penalty that usually hurts teams.


I don't think that option appeals to all the troglodytes who wheel out the "dignity, tradition and heritage" lines. To some of these people, that is seen as Rangers' raison d'etre. This numpty provides a rather rousing example:


Its funny how things can turn around. Ask any Rangers supporter who has been following our club's saga on message boards, social networks, news channels and printed media. If this was a tv soap it would be criticised for having too much drama. Where it will end goodness only knows, this bear has long given up trying to even remotely predict the outcome.


Instead perhaps it's worth turning our attention to what we do know.


On the announcement of administration for Rangers there were a fair few people who could barely contain their joy, they texted about it, they tweeted about it and they openly laughed and joked about it.


But they ain't laughing now.


In fact they are sitting watching events unfold with increasing alarm and a dawning realisation.


Its not the fact that every 5 minutes or so news commentaries are describing Rangers as the most successful club in the world, nor is it even that we are being hailed as the biggest and best supported club in Scotland or that we are an institution, which is an integral part of Scottish society, and part of the identity of millions of people not just in this country but around the globe. Neither is it that politicians, from first ministers to prime minsters and commentators from the world of sport and beyond sport, are openly encouraging Rangers to survive and come through this troubled time.


No, what is causing mass trepidation amongst those who hate Rangers is that the events of the last few days have shaken the colossal beast which is the Rangers support out of hibernation. The fabled army has risen and is on the march and God help anyone or anything which gets in its way.


The majority which has been silent for far far too long, have finally found their tongues. In cities, in towns, in villages, in glens, in valleys, in shires the call to arms for the Rangers is being answered. But don

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To be honest, with all the mortgaging of the future, Rangers fans would be better off if the club folded and took all the debt with it, they reformed the club as an Industrial and Provident Society and worked back from the bottom of the SFL. Provided Ibrox could be protected and Murray Park used for the good of Scottish football that is.

If they were pragmatic and only looked to the future then maybe. In the real world however, they wouldn't, as they'd have us pesky tims on their case forevermore. It would be torture for them, and they'd never hear the end of it.


They're far too precious about the shite they pass off as their 'culture' and 'tradition' to be ok with killing their club and starting from scratch anyway. As they say, 'the big house must stay open' :D

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To be honest, with all the mortgaging of the future, Rangers fans would be better off if the club folded and took all the debt with it, they reformed the club as an Industrial and Provident Society and worked back from the bottom of the SFL. Provided Ibrox could be protected and Murray Park used for the good of Scottish football that is.

If they were pragmatic and only looked to the future then maybe. In the real world however, they wouldn't, as they'd have us pesky tims on their case forevermore. It would be torture for them, and they'd never hear the end of it.


They're far too precious about the shite they pass off as their 'culture' and 'tradition' to be ok with killing their club and starting from scratch anyway. As they say, 'the big house must stay open' :D


That's a strange thing to have a dig about. Of course we don't want our Club to die so we can start from scratch again. Who would?

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