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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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I actually think it might be OK without Rangers. It would take a wee while to adjust, but the likes of Hearts and Aberdeen actually have pretty decent core supports. With the realistic prospect of second place finishes, cup wins and so on, attendances would likely go up. Like it or not, all clubs have glory-hunting fans. Hibs, for example, saw a significant attendance increase after they got relegated a while back because people could go to Easter Road expecting a win for once. If Celtic could be more confident of Champions League money EVERY season, they could afford a wee bit more investment and could retain one or two players that might otherwise take off. Overall, the league would probably become a bit more competitive. The TV money is so insignificant these days that a substantial drop-off is almost impossible unless the game disappeared from TV altogether. If that happened, there's a chance that attendances at 3pm on a Saturday would improve too. It's not like without TV, no-one's going to care about football in Scotland.


Having said that, I'd rather Rangers stuck around and just spent the next 20 years paying HMRC back at

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Second place isn't any better than third place. It's just another way of saying loser. For other fans to take a big interest you need Celtic to die also making it possible for other teams to actually challenge for the championship. Which is very possible, whatever anyone says Celtic need Rangers to fully flourish.

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That's nonsense. It's like saying Man Utd. need Liverpool to flourish. They don't. It's just that Liverpool have been amongst the most consistent rivals for the longest time. Over the last 10-15 years their top rivals have varied between Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea and now Man City. With no Rangers, a team like Hearts would likely step up and become serious challengers. As I said, it might take a few years for things to shake out, but Hearts already bumped Rangers to third place once. Who's to say they couldn't start to make an impact on Europe if they had some degree of security of knowing they'd be there every season and could bank on that to attract (and pay) some better players? There would also only be one team in Scotland trying to snatch up every decent young player that appeared, so the others would have a better chance at building their teams long-term.


I don't believe it will happen and I don't think it's the best solution, but I think suggesting that the whole of Scottish football depends on the flourishing of Rangers is patently nonsense. Aberdeen and Dundee United were giving most of Europe a doing when Rangers couldn't get a home crowd above 5000.

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That's nonsense. It's like saying Man Utd. need Liverpool to flourish.

It's not remotely the same. Celtic vs. Rangers is the one true main event in Scotland. It's similar to Real-Barca. England is more akin to Italy where there are several big name teams who have rivalry developed over a number of years and have the history and fan base to back it up. Rangers would be a massive loss for Scottish football and for Celtic. None of the other teams would step up in the same way, compete financially and on the pitch and drive Celtic on at home and in Europe.


Where it would really kill you is the interest in the SPL brand outside of Scotland. That interest exists purely on Celtic vs. Rangers. Celtic wouldn't die without Rangers but it's be another nail in the coffin for Scottish teams competing in Europe like they did once upon a time.

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Sounds like Rangers fans are a bit concerned; Don't drop us....pleeeaaase let us back in....you really, really need us... you'll die without us. :laugh:


To hell with them. They've made their bed, they chose to be cheats and tax dodgers, they chose to steal from the very institution they claim to worship, and they chose to profit from dishonesty and illegality. The fans deserve little sympathy as they were the ones demanding more money be spent year after year, lording it over us with their ill-gotten-gains. Any time there was a problem the solution was easy for them - spend more money that they didn't have. When it became apparent that they owed a fortune to the taxman, they still made no attempt to address it, instead continuing to run up more debt by buying more expensive players, and burying their head in the sand regarding their responsibilities. They thought they didn't need to operate under the same rules of the rest of us, but they were wrong. The days when a knowing wink or a funny handshake would see them alright are a thing of the past, and now the chickens are coming home to roost.


I am quite satisfied about the prospect of the death of their club and a couple of years free of them. I think I speak for the vast majority of Celtic fans in saying I'm not losing any sleep over the prospect of the berz disappearing for a while, no matter how important they seem to think they are. There's a phrase that's became pretty popular in timmy circles in recent months, something along the line of "Any part of our club which is reliant on them is a part I can live without", and it couldn't put things more succinctly in terms of the general feelings of the Celtic support. And well, if they are saved at the 11th hour, they'll be crippled for years anyway so it's win/win whatever happens.


In the real world though, there's no point in even contemplating Scottish football without them, because there's absolutely no way that'll happen. With a bit of luck we may well be free of Rangers FC in the next few months, but there's just too many of them for them not to immediately return under some new guise. Best case scenario is being effectively shot of them for a few years as the newco climbs the leagues. Unfortunately, the likelihood is no-one will stand with Celtic to block their re-entry, and they'll be back in the SPL for the new season even if they are liquidated in the summer.


The Rangers fans don't need to worry about having no team to follow on a Saturday, they'll always be there in some form. But if events transpire as expected over the next couple of months, they'd better prepare themselves to deal with the shame and humiliation of their club dying, 54 all out, their history extinguished, the timeline being broken, and the knowledge that their 'gallant pioneers' and 'men of dignitee' will be turning in their graves. Not to mention the stick they're going to get from us lot. I might be wrong, but something tells me we won't be shy in reminding them over the coming years :p

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It's a bit embarrassing that Rangers fans are only dwelling on the impact this catastrophe will have on Celtic. You'd think they'd mobilise and actually do something for their club. Then again, the heads have been rooted in the sand for long enough now that nearly every Rangers fan has some imbecilic view on the matter. Whyte hasn't really helped matters by playing the emotion card through the season ticket money.

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I have to admit this has really shocked me. Surely deducting tax from employees wages but not actually passing it on to the taxman is fraud?


I assumed that administration was Whyte's plan all along but surely something like this could get him banned from being a director at the very least, if not charged for it?


Whatever happens, Whyte shouldn't get anywhere close to Ibrox ever again.

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