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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Victory Road would probably have been a much better show if it was held in a proper building with actual fans. The Impact Zone audience are really hurting the product and the Twitter kick they seem to be on right now is horrible.


I feel as though TNA is a rudderless ship right now which is a shame as a couple of months ago I watched the promotion religiously, there's the occasional moment of genius but generally speaking none of the feuds have been particularly engaging and Sting has been a worse authority figure than Teddy Long. The heel versus heel matches need to stop, the TV title needs to be made to mean something, the tag team division is all but dead, it wouldn't even take much effort to start producing compelling TV again.

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The tag team situation is incredibly easy to fix: there's loads of good tag teams in TNA's sister promotion, Ring Ka King! The Bollywood Boys, Hollywood & Broadway, Chavo & Bulldog Hart and The Sheiks would instantly revitalise the division, and that's without putting some of their mid-carders into teams. Roscoe Jackson & Isaiah Cash would be a quality team, for instance.


And they should bring in Barood too, natch.

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They're fixing the tag division though, they're clearly making the effort, and Joe/Magnus is a good new team to build some stuff around. Some of those Ring Ka King teams do sound good, though!


Couldn't disagree more about Sting, Vito. He's been excellent. The really weak link at the moment, for me, is that they don't seem to know what do do with Flair/Bischoff/Hogan since the end of the Hogoff era. Apart from the Garrett stuff, which clearly nobody is buying. They should just turn Garrett heel, people will accept him as a heel.

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Sting is by far one of the better things with TNA currently. The X-division , although once pure great, seems to be running low on steam currently, with Aries having beaten .....well.....everybody really. They should have Kaz/Daniels back to the X division, as well as picking up some more X division talent.


MCMG are due back soon, but might it be worth a tag division "Reboot" like the X-division? Say Have Joe/Magnus host a tag team invitational with current/new tag teams also?


And the TV title should be waaaaay more important that it is. For what its worth the "Image" of the belt factors into to it also, as currently is looks really "Worn in" which doesnt add to my personal view of the belt. WWE know this and have a new version of there belts made on a regular basis.

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If TNA had sense (well...) they'd be building to an A Double/AJ Styles match somewhere. A Double has done a lot to restore the X Division as something worth your time, but I do agree that his opponents aren't of a similar standard.


I watched Impact on Sunday (first time since the London shows) and it was quite hard to get through, because the crowd/Impact Zone makes everything seem low rent and meaningless. Shame.

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Aries is a babyface now, though. He turned without doing anything, which is always good. The people just like him now and he hasnt changed his character. Which is how all the great faces get it done. They definitely need a AJ vs Aries feud. Styles needs to turn heel. He's bland as fuck as a face. Always has been. Styles vs Aries would have some tremendous bouts. I think Angle vs Aries would be amazing as well. If they get it right with Austin Aries he could have some 2012. Roode, Angle and a heel Styles sounds like a fantastic run of opponents for him.


TNA has a lot of good things on the horizan now. Magnus and Joe vs the Machine Guns (which is supposedly coming soon) sounds awesome. TNA probably have the best roster in wrestling at the moment. Once Gunner fucks off Garrett and Hogan (cant believe I said that, but this angle is REALLY fucking shite), he'll get back on track. Gunner, Roode, Storm, Angle, Hardy, Sting, Bully Ray, Joe, Magnus, The Machine Guns and a few others are bang on form. Shame they have to wrestling infront of those spenks every week.

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I'm kind of hoping that TNA have realised that the Impact! rating doesn't really vary no matter what they put on - it's just very slowly ticking up year on year.


Given that, they might as well concentrate on building better house shows/PPVs and that side of the business, and to that end put your best guys out there on tv and let them work their magic. The main event scene is completely different now as opposed to 6 months ago, and this core of guys (Roode, Storm, Bully, Sting and also Angle, Hardy and possibly Anderson) have tons of good material to keep us all occupied for the next year or two.


They have to put the belt on Bully at some point, it'd be marvellous. Otherwise I reckon he'll piss off back to WWE.

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Bully Ray will probably be the guy to hold it after James Storm (who'll win it at Lockdown). Actually, yeah, this would be how I'd book the World Title this year: Storm to win it at Lockdown, Bully to win it at Slammiversary, Storm to win it back at Bound For Glory.

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It's a big shame that the efforts of those involved in TNA are negated by the venue they tape at. Personally, I much prefer TNAs roster to WWEs - but everything is dead on arrival at the Impact Zone, it makes it impossible to think anything matters. It's never been great, but the last couple of years have zapped the life out of the place.


It's why I hope this Hogoff/Spike Pearl Harbor job is true. They'll snap up most of the TNA roster and they'll move somewhere with an audience that will react again.

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