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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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That is my interpretation indeed Seph. Everyone seems to be making the most of every little thing I type but ignoring quite obvious slips from other people.


Lion, which obvious slips should we be looking at?


I won't be able to do any scum hunting though because anything I say during this day will be either ignored or I will be accused of WIFOM or OMGUS.


Lion, that is really weak. I don't accept that for a second.


I do have my suspicions though

Please share them.

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Seph's slip about what power he has picked for a start


Now you're clutching at straws. I mentioned that you'd passed up something that could directly benefit Town in order to be the sacrificial lamb instead, and as Tom has already covered that may be a clever ploy for a couple of Days later when you have 'proved your innocence' and are free to cast suspicions.

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I won't be able to do any scum hunting though because anything I say during this day will be either ignored or I will be accused of WIFOM or OMGUS

I'm not buying that at all. It screams of you more or less saying that unless people don't accuse you or look at you with a sceptical and/or critical eye, that you're going to take your ball home and won't be of any use to the town. Your reluctance to hunt fro scum isn't helpful to the town whatsoever and it's pushed the scales for me, and as such I am going to put down :


FOS Lion_of_the_Midlands


EBWOP : for not fro

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Any reason for that seph? No offence but I was going back over the thread and I haven't found any kind of arguement from you against Lion.


See 7 posts back. It makes no sense at all to 'randomise to not influence your own choice' -


I chose the 7 and 13 for my draft numbers in the same way, randomly. I figured the rest of you would probably try and work to some sort of system for picking your numbers, birthdays and whatnot so I went for a random way of picking so as not to influence my own choice one way or another.


What does that sentence even mean? Why would you deliberately cut your own knees off and deny yourself a great defensive power if you were innocent? Either side of the fence you'd try to pick something that could help your side any way you could, wouldn't you? It doesn't make sense to leave that to chance unless you were prompted to do so, or offered to take the heat to avoid suggestion from someone else. I believe Lion is taking a dive for his Scum-mates, with his 'vote for me anyway, it makes sense if there's nobody else' platform.


I take it from this post Seph that you picked a defensive power as your role?


My apologies to SMS, my comment was uncalled for.


No one seems to be taking any notice of my comments that I am trying to protect the town power roles by volunteering to take the lynch if no other option is available. When I flip VT if you decide to lynch me, don't look at the people pushing me, look at the people hiding in the background. They will be the most likely scum


Apology accepted Lion!


Still not sure about you claiming to be town though, as you haven't said much more than a few lines on most of your posts, plus you now don't seem to want to help town scum hunt.


We have had our problems in the past, but you are a better player than this, so regardless whether you are town or scum, with or without a role, please get more involved.


Odds are we will most likely lynch a townie but let us at least try and do what we can to try to prevent that.

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I have a few thoughts on the case against Lion and Chris.


Firstly, I can't accept that scum would willingly sacrifice the chance of the two of their players getting power roles by choosing the EXACT same numbers, simply to create distance. The same effect could be achieved simply by them picking the same first number, would look less suspicious and, if it's a high enough number, still keep them relatively high up the list.


Like, for example, Swiftstrike and Andrew The Giant who picked 1, 1 and 1,2 respectively.


It might not seem that suspicious on the surface but given that it was Swift who pushed that we need to look at the numbers and then turned attention to Lion and Chris' choices, I think it's worth looking at. Swift also made a big deal about Lion RVSing Chris "to create distance" and, yet, he did the exact same thing to Andrew, who made his first post (of only two so far) almost immediately afterwards. It seem to me that Swift might well be using Lion and Chris picking the exact same numbers to distract attention from the fact that he's done something very similar, but smarter, to what he's accusing them of.


FOS: Swiftstrike


FOS: Andrew The Giant



MOD: In case you missed it in the sign up thread Kenny McBride said he'd take Family Guy's place

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Is Carbomb VLA because he is remarkably quiet otherwise?


Same goes for Nexus?


If they are not then they a lot more quiet than they would normally be


I think Carbomb already posted that he was VLA. He commented before on how he has loads to catch up on when he re-visits the thread, as do I, so that might be a reason for a lack of involvement, at least this early on where so much is going on with a concentrated group of posters. Nexus wasn't too active in the last game either from what I vaguely recall.


My take on the situation so far is thus, I think brownie's made some good points with post 361. Lion, if you are casting suspicions I think you need to share them with us and present your points in order to avoid the possibility of an early lynching here. You say you won't bother posting such things due to people casting aspersions and the like, but I think you need to in order to stay in the game. Otherwise, as brownie and tom have said, people won't believe you. Don't get so angry/annoyed if people are casting votes on you, 'tis part of the process.


I said this to another player earlier in the game (Teedeekay I think?) and the same applies to you, you come across as annoyed in the previous games if something was said against you and if they did, you retorted back calmly. If you are town, you'd be best of doing the same again in fairness. The fact that you and Teedeekay (again, I'm going on the basis that it was him I replied to earlier) are both seemingly more aggressive and narked in this game is weird to me. You were both Horseman last time out in the WCW/nWo game and in that Horseman sub-thread I got to know your general vibes quite well. Every game has a fresh start though, so it's tough to gauge.


So yeah, share your thoughts with us basically.

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Have been unexpectedly V/LA owing to having been sent out on a number of errands by my boss. Currently only have access to the Intarwevia phone, so will post later.

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Not a great deal of progress since I last posted, but I'm not completely sure about your theory about Andrew The Giant/swiftstrike, unfitfinlay. Why draw attention to a plan of "distancing" if that's what you're trying to do yourself? I definitely suspect swift though, but not for those reasons. ATG might end up being scum, but if he is he hasn't really given me much to judge that on in terms of post quantity.

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8 - Quick Topics will be available to talk in at night only. No discussion may be done outside of the thread during day phase.


No idea if this is a rule change in general as I havent played in a while but this is an interesting change that caught my eye as it means that scum wont be able to talk to each other during the day phases. This could account for people playing in a different manner than they have before.


As for my number choices I picked one and two because I figured no-one else would be that cheeky and go for the two highest numbers.

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8 - Quick Topics will be available to talk in at night only. No discussion may be done outside of the thread during day phase.


No idea if this is a rule change in general as I havent played in a while but this is an interesting change that caught my eye as it means that scum wont be able to talk to each other during the day phases. This could account for people playing in a different manner than they have before.


As for my number choices I picked one and two because I figured no-one else would be that cheeky and go for the two highest numbers.

Ooh, good spot. Maybe it's enough to catch someone out. I suspect a lot of people have missed this so there's perhaps a golden opportunity to catch people out here. Time to re-read the thread AGAIN...!

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Not a great deal of progress since I last posted, but I'm not completely sure about your theory about Andrew The Giant/swiftstrike, unfitfinlay. Why draw attention to a plan of "distancing" if that's what you're trying to do yourself? I definitely suspect swift though, but not for those reasons. ATG might end up being scum, but if he is he hasn't really given me much to judge that on in terms of post quantity.


Well, for one reason, you can say "Why would I bring up distancing if that's what I was doing?"


I'm not saying the theory is perfect but it explains Swift's constant focus on the numbers since the start of the game and makes a hell of a lot more sense to me than the idea that Chris and Lion deliberately depowered themselves.


What do you think about how Spotlight's played so far Ron?


8 - Quick Topics will be available to talk in at night only. No discussion may be done outside of the thread during day phase.


No idea if this is a rule change in general as I havent played in a while but this is an interesting change that caught my eye as it means that scum wont be able to talk to each other during the day phases. This could account for people playing in a different manner than they have before.


Never noticed that either. Well spotted. I'm going to have to have another read through the thread with that in mind and see if it changes anything.

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Well, for one reason, you can say "Why would I bring up distancing if that's what I was doing?"


I'm not saying the theory is perfect but it explains Swift's constant focus on the numbers since the start of the game and makes a hell of a lot more sense to me than the idea that Chris and Lion deliberately depowered themselves.


What do you think about how Spotlight's played so far Ron?

To be honest I'll need to re-read his posts before I comment on that. I can't remember any of them from the top of my head. I've a habit of getting sidetracked when I think I'm on to something that I really need to butt out - I've been so convinced that Lion's scum alongside either swiftstrike or Chris B that I've probably focussed less than other people than I should have.

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@MOD : Can you confirm that the scum have no ability to daytalk, or was this a copy/paste from a mafiascum.net game (where they generally don't allow scum daytalk) and something you missed?


Just before everyone starts going back and rereading everything, best to get it confirmed.

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