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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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That said, I'm not saying that I'm definite on Lion being town. I don't know. However, I feel that Swift has jumped all over it. Combine him taking quotes about me out of context and misleading people about the probability points, and I'm pretty secure in my vote. If town decides to vote for Lion, I've no issues with that other than that my suspicions are elsewhere.

Right, in which case I take it you'd at least see some merit in my alt theory that Lion is scum with swift, and after you co-incidentally picked the same numbers a plan was formulated to take you out of play?


I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I think it's either a case of this being true, or yourself and Lion being scum.


Is it possible that Lion and yourself picked the same numbers by chance, then he voted for you by chance? Of course. But is it probable? I don't think so. And in a game where you operate on probabilities I don't see why the current FOS/vote situation is so divided. Lion's the linking factor here, and it seems blatant to me that he's the best lynch of the day. And given he's a linking factor, if he flips scum (and I'm pretty certain he will) we know that it's probable that either swiftstrike or Chris B is scum alongside him. And if we have a cop in play? Well, that's 50% of the scum gone right there.


I agree with some of that but not all.


I think there's a lot being made of Lion's RVS of me. Nobody else is being picked up on who they RVS'd, and the only reason Lion is being so is because he and I picked the same numbers. I know there's nothing to the numbers, so I'm not seeing any need to distance himself from me.


Do I agree that swift is making a case out of nothing? Absolutely. In fact, I'll go further and say that I think he's trying to create suspicion, to the point where I've voted for him. However, do I believe that this only makes sense if Lion is part of the plan? No, not particularly. For me, it doesn't make him any more or less likely to be scum.

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Vote Count

swiftstrike (2) - Nexus, Chris B

brownie (1) - seph

Lion of the Midlands (2) - Ron Simmons, SMS

bristep123 (1) - brownie


Not Voting:

Andrew the Giant, unfitfinlay, Carbomb MA, spotlightmagnet1, tom, swiftstrike, Family Guy PMSL, bristep123, Lion of the Midlands, El Nicko Loco


With 16 Alive it takes 9 to lynch.


Day phase ends: 7pm Friday 18th March.

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Any reason for that seph? No offence but I was going back over the thread and I haven't found any kind of arguement from you against Lion.


See 7 posts back. It makes no sense at all to 'randomise to not influence your own choice' -


I chose the 7 and 13 for my draft numbers in the same way, randomly. I figured the rest of you would probably try and work to some sort of system for picking your numbers, birthdays and whatnot so I went for a random way of picking so as not to influence my own choice one way or another.


What does that sentence even mean? Why would you deliberately cut your own knees off and deny yourself a great defensive power if you were innocent? Either side of the fence you'd try to pick something that could help your side any way you could, wouldn't you? It doesn't make sense to leave that to chance unless you were prompted to do so, or offered to take the heat to avoid suggestion from someone else. I believe Lion is taking a dive for his Scum-mates, with his 'vote for me anyway, it makes sense if there's nobody else' platform.

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However, insofar as I can make out, everyone's playing their usual style, except bristep, who's articulate as usual, but seems to be in a bit of a rush to end the day phase early, with comparatively little discussion of the potential lynchee's (read: TDK/brownie) guilt.


bristep - you're the one I'm most suspicious of at the moment, mainly because you seemed to be in such a rush to lynch Browny Kay. Sure, you've pulled back, as have a load of others, to give a bit of thought to things fully, but how would you answer to an accusation that you've simply withdrawn because you've realised that a wagon that was steaming along has suddenly ground to a halt, thwarting your plans?


By saying that it was incorrect. I've acknowledged that I was headstrong in my pursuit of TDK, but it was because I believed him to be scum and wanted him to be lynched. After missing out on 2 scum lynches last game because I pulled on the brakes due to a lack of confidence, I went with my instinct and pushed hard for the lynch.


I'll make no apologies for it, every game is a learning curve and despite claims by Brownie that I'm a 'clever player', I'm still newish to this and perhaps he's giving me more credit than I'm due simply because I'm articulate. Either way, I've not told a lie at any point in the game, and once I'm revealed to be town (by death or otherwise) maybe people will realise that if I'm playing differently in this game it's because I've been on the losing team both times I've played as town in the past, and it's because I'm still learning.


That's a fairly cromulent answer, though I think the whole "I'm new to this" tack is a little off - you've established yourself as a more than capable player, so to refer back to newbie inexperience is a bit dodgy, quite frankly, especially as you've never been lynched. You're not coming off as scummy as such, but you're certainly not assuaging any doubts.


What more can I say? I am town, so when someone says "You're too clever to do this if you were town" how can I respond? Obviously I'm not the player everyone thinks I am, I didn't think for a second that calling for the lynch of someone I'm certain is scum would be scummy, no matter when it took place in the day phase.

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I won't bother in future, I will just vote for SMS to see if I can get him to meltdown from now on.


What is with the attitude in this game?


I am not impressed with that comment Lion, when the main reason I said I wasn't going to play anymore games was because people keep throwing that back in my face, but I agreed to give it another game after a few other players asked me.


I will just ignore that as I find it sad and almost as pathetic as my meltdown.


Any reason for that seph? No offence but I was going back over the thread and I haven't found any kind of arguement from you against Lion.


See 7 posts back. It makes no sense at all to 'randomise to not influence your own choice' -


I chose the 7 and 13 for my draft numbers in the same way, randomly. I figured the rest of you would probably try and work to some sort of system for picking your numbers, birthdays and whatnot so I went for a random way of picking so as not to influence my own choice one way or another.


What does that sentence even mean? Why would you deliberately cut your own knees off and deny yourself a great defensive power if you were innocent? Either side of the fence you'd try to pick something that could help your side any way you could, wouldn't you? It doesn't make sense to leave that to chance unless you were prompted to do so, or offered to take the heat to avoid suggestion from someone else. I believe Lion is taking a dive for his Scum-mates, with his 'vote for me anyway, it makes sense if there's nobody else' platform.


Missed this post somehow, but good find Seph, as I totally disagree with this post from Lion.


I went for as low numbers as I guessed I could, as I knew I wanted a guaranteed role, just not which one at that time.


I didn't notice Mikes example of someone picking the same two numbers till the game started and I saw someone had done that.


No idea why anyone would pick a very high number for their second number, because if there first number is already picked, chances are they will end up near the bottom of the draft.

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I won't bother in future, I will just vote for SMS to see if I can get him to meltdown from now on.


What is with the attitude in this game?


I am not impressed with that comment Lion, when the main reason I said I wasn't going to play anymore games was because people keep throwing that back in my face, but I agreed to give it another game after a few other players asked me.


I will just ignore that as I find it sad and almost as pathetic as my meltdown.


Any reason for that seph? No offence but I was going back over the thread and I haven't found any kind of arguement from you against Lion.


See 7 posts back. It makes no sense at all to 'randomise to not influence your own choice' -


I chose the 7 and 13 for my draft numbers in the same way, randomly. I figured the rest of you would probably try and work to some sort of system for picking your numbers, birthdays and whatnot so I went for a random way of picking so as not to influence my own choice one way or another.


What does that sentence even mean? Why would you deliberately cut your own knees off and deny yourself a great defensive power if you were innocent? Either side of the fence you'd try to pick something that could help your side any way you could, wouldn't you? It doesn't make sense to leave that to chance unless you were prompted to do so, or offered to take the heat to avoid suggestion from someone else. I believe Lion is taking a dive for his Scum-mates, with his 'vote for me anyway, it makes sense if there's nobody else' platform.


Missed this post somehow, but good find Seph, as I totally disagree with this post from Lion.


I went for as low numbers as I guessed I could, as I knew I wanted a guaranteed role, just not which one at that time.


I didn't notice Mikes example of someone picking the same two numbers till the game started and I saw someone had done that.


No idea why anyone would pick a very high number for their second number, because if there first number is already picked, chances are they will end up near the bottom of the draft.


I think that goes back to people not having a full understanding of the pick. I got it wrong too but luckily I ended up high on the draft based on my first number.


Swift's 1,1 seems to be tactical because he picks 1 as his first number (Chances are most people will second guess and avoid the very highest number), then 1 as his second (even if that's not the case, the likely chance is that they won't pick 1 a second time, so I'll end up highest out of that pack).


Which is why 7,13 seems like an awful choice of planned choices for Lion and Chris. It's almost engineered to put them dead last, and scum shouldn't aim to be at the edge of a game (be it top OR bottom), they want to blend in with the pack.


Look at the responses to picking such terrible numbers.


Chris - I got it wrong, and thought I was trying to pick 2 numbers from the same field

Lion - I just randomised it.


One is plausible, especially as I got the system wrong when I picked too. The other I have trouble seeing how a random pick benefits you or your team.


Lion's comment about choosing his numbers at random along with the pop at SMS and mini tantrum may be a case of what swift refers to in his post to ChrisB (scum being annoyed that they've been fingered for an invalid reason, like the way a pro poker player would be pissed when a player beats him with a hand he should never have risked money on in the first place). So,


VOTE Lion of the Midlands




I think unfitfinlay has something when he says spotlightmagnet's support of Swift's vote on me seemed forced, as if he'd been asked to come in and give it support but didn't fully get what he was supporting at the time. Maybe that came from Swift rather than TDK as I previously assumed.


FOS Swiftstrike FOS spotlightmagnet

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Any reason for that seph? No offence but I was going back over the thread and I haven't found any kind of arguement from you against Lion.


See 7 posts back. It makes no sense at all to 'randomise to not influence your own choice' -


I chose the 7 and 13 for my draft numbers in the same way, randomly. I figured the rest of you would probably try and work to some sort of system for picking your numbers, birthdays and whatnot so I went for a random way of picking so as not to influence my own choice one way or another.


What does that sentence even mean? Why would you deliberately cut your own knees off and deny yourself a great defensive power if you were innocent? Either side of the fence you'd try to pick something that could help your side any way you could, wouldn't you? It doesn't make sense to leave that to chance unless you were prompted to do so, or offered to take the heat to avoid suggestion from someone else. I believe Lion is taking a dive for his Scum-mates, with his 'vote for me anyway, it makes sense if there's nobody else' platform.


That is a very good find. I know personally I decided to go for a high number first as I thought it would be a tactic which put me aside from others.


I know what I meant when I pointed my finger at Bristep. I was inarticulated, I'm sorry. But I thought there was something there and I acted upon those feelings.

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Any reason for that seph? No offence but I was going back over the thread and I haven't found any kind of arguement from you against Lion.


See 7 posts back. It makes no sense at all to 'randomise to not influence your own choice' -


I chose the 7 and 13 for my draft numbers in the same way, randomly. I figured the rest of you would probably try and work to some sort of system for picking your numbers, birthdays and whatnot so I went for a random way of picking so as not to influence my own choice one way or another.


What does that sentence even mean? Why would you deliberately cut your own knees off and deny yourself a great defensive power if you were innocent? Either side of the fence you'd try to pick something that could help your side any way you could, wouldn't you? It doesn't make sense to leave that to chance unless you were prompted to do so, or offered to take the heat to avoid suggestion from someone else. I believe Lion is taking a dive for his Scum-mates, with his 'vote for me anyway, it makes sense if there's nobody else' platform.


I take it from this post Seph that you picked a defensive power as your role?


My apologies to SMS, my comment was uncalled for.


No one seems to be taking any notice of my comments that I am trying to protect the town power roles by volunteering to take the lynch if no other option is available. When I flip VT if you decide to lynch me, don't look at the people pushing me, look at the people hiding in the background. They will be the most likely scum

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I take it from this post Seph that you picked a defensive power as your role?


That's your interpretation, I only inferred that you willingly passed up that opportunity to pose as a lemming, which is unorthodox for Town and suicidal for Scum.


And what I can infer from your last post is that anyone who hasn't voted/FOSed you is suss i.e. Most of the field. That means some people certainly believe you are not Scum, won't jump on the wagon and are waiting for the night phase - if you make it to day two the odds of you being Scum are greater as right now you're goading either a lynch or a hit - like Teedy, but more gentlemanly.

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The context of Lion's pop at SMS was a response to the seemingly growing, although I would argue not massive at that point really, pressure on him and it's quite an aggressive and defence retort to it which isn't really proportionate to the situation. It's like he's trying to be all like "I was trying to do things the right way BUT NEXT TIME I'LL JUST BE A DICK!", but going off and using a randomiser seems a lot of effort just for a pointless and usually meaningless portion of the game; hell, I didn't even bother with the RVS crap, I don't see the point.


Also, regardless of if you have power or not, lynching someone who is town wouldn't exactly be a great start to the game so it is only logical that some people would opt to not FOS or vote you; that doesn't mean they are scum, it is more likely that they are just cautious town dwellers with maybe a small chance of one or two scum holding back so as not to be seen as jumping on a wagon or something like that. There is a possibility that you are using reverse psychology; by inviting people to vote against you, you are more likely to convince them not to vote for you as you are being a loyal townie supposedly and offering yourself up for the greater good; and if you are scum then the obvious advantage of this is that you are ensuring your safety for the time being and you can also push for lynches on innocent people by pointing to their lack of a FOS or vote, which is something you are planting the seeds for now.

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That is my interpretation indeed Seph. Everyone seems to be making the most of every little thing I type but ignoring quite obvious slips from other people.


And Tom, Like I have said Town always gets lynched first up. There are only 4 scum so it is statistically more likely that a town player will be lynched first time up. What I am trying to do is the noble thing for the town and ensure that a power role is not lynched. There is still plenty of time to find actual scum though. I won't be able to do any scum hunting though because anything I say during this day will be either ignored or I will be accused of WIFOM or OMGUS. I do have my suspicions though

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