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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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Right, I'm still not sure what I think of the whole chris/lion thing, I guess there's a few options. If Lion and Chris hadn't of picked the same numbers then would 7 and 13 have been a good number choice if someone had wanted to be low down the list in order to appear to be town? If that is the case then it could well be likely that one of them is scum; now if that was Lion then it would be a possibility that his vote on Chris was simply out of anger that Chris had brought attention to the numbers by happening to have picked the same ones.


Probably causing myself problems here by overexplaining, but I did kind of screw up my number choices.


I thought everybody would go for higher numbers, so there'd be more duplicates there. I also slightly misunderstood how the numbers worked, and thought that you got two picks at the same number, and it was the highest unique number that would choose the relevance. I didn't realise you could pick the same number twice. So I thought a medium number and a lower number would be more likely to hit the highest unique number. I figured everyone would be picking higher, and there'd be more people knocked out due to duplication.

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I put the list of numbers that are by peoples names in the 1st post of this thread into random.org and it came out with 16, so Chris B was the the Random vote I made. Because RVS is about Random voting that makes the most sense to me. I won't bother in future, I will just vote for SMS to see if I can get him to meltdown from now on. I chose the 7 and 13 for my draft numbers in the same way, randomly. I figured the rest of you would probably try and work to some sort of system for picking your numbers, birthdays and whatnot so I went for a random way of picking so as not to influence my own choice one way or another.


As for any FOS's or votes that come my way, good. If you can't find real scum then you should vote for me as I have no role. It is the best thing a true town non power role player could do. We all know that no lynch is the worst thing. If you can't come up with more likely scum then definitely vote for me.

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I can't think how my posting style has been different, could you comment on them more? I was quite defensive (apparently, I can't see it myself) in the last game, and as for being forced, I can't see it myself, I was trying to be quick but I am naturally a slow person. It's not really an acceptable excuse but it's the only one I can think of


In the last game you were actively scum hunting: You were the first person to pick up on me, for example. In this game you seemed to be more confused and trying to fly under the radar a bit more. Your earlier post where you sort of defended TDK and then very mildly brought up Tom's points against him is exactly the sort of fence sitting that you rightly accused me of doing in the last game.


What I mean by "forced" is that "I'm a little suspicious about mentioning the numbers and changing the numbers" doesn't make a whole lot of sense in the context of the game does it? Finishing that post by saying "I'm not sure what to think" and then FOSing Bristep makes me suspect you'd been asked to FOS Bristep and did so quickly, without fully understanding the case against him. It has also taken quite a few questions from me for you to actually clarify WHY you FOS'd him as well.


As I said before you seem very defensive in this post where you jumped into saying that you weren't fully agreeing with Teedy Kay, when nobody was saying you were.


I am still very suspicious of Swiftstrike's focus on the numbers since the idea that scum would deliberately half the chance of them getting any power roles is insane. For now though:


FOS SpotlightMagnet1

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Jeez, it feels like there's absolutely no consensus here. I know we've a few more days till the deadline, but I'm a little concerned the confusion will lead to a no-lynch.


I've made my views clear, and none of the numerical discussion throughout today has really changed them. I think I need to read over this whole thread though, it's a bit of a confusing mess right now.

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Jeez, it feels like there's absolutely no consensus here. I know we've a few more days till the deadline, but I'm a little concerned the confusion will lead to a no-lynch.


I've made my views clear, and none of the numerical discussion throughout today has really changed them. I think I need to read over this whole thread though, it's a bit of a confusing mess right now.


Since you're the one pushing that it's an unusual coincidence, can you back up why the numerical discussion hasn't changed it?

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Jeez, it feels like there's absolutely no consensus here. I know we've a few more days till the deadline, but I'm a little concerned the confusion will lead to a no-lynch.


I've made my views clear, and none of the numerical discussion throughout today has really changed them. I think I need to read over this whole thread though, it's a bit of a confusing mess right now.


Since you're the one pushing that it's an unusual coincidence, can you back up why the numerical discussion hasn't changed it?

It's not just the numbers - it's the "random vote" for you by Lion that cements it for me. Combining the two makes it seem pretty unlikely that it's pure fluke it wound up that way. I've outlined the possibilities, and even if Lion flips scum (and I'm pretty certain he will) that doesn't mean you're scum with him, I think it's 50/50 whether his partner is you or swiftstrike. It was either an ill-thought out attempt to distance him from you, or a calculated plot between Lion and swiftstrike to make you look bad.

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But, again, that goes back to the idea that the scum deliberately tried to give themselves as little chance as possible to get roles. In order to say what? 'I can't be scum, look - coincidentally, I picked the same numbers as someone else'. It's utterly bats-arse.

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But, again, that goes back to the idea that the scum deliberately tried to give themselves as little chance as possible to get roles. In order to say what? 'I can't be scum, look - coincidentally, I picked the same numbers as someone else'. It's utterly bats-arse.

Hang on a second, it's already been established that the scum had time to discuss AND change their numbers. It's clearly stated in the sign-up thread. So you can take that "coincidentally" right out of there. It's a bit odd that you'd use that word at this point.


FOS Chris B

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I can't think how my posting style has been different, could you comment on them more? I was quite defensive (apparently, I can't see it myself) in the last game, and as for being forced, I can't see it myself, I was trying to be quick but I am naturally a slow person. It's not really an acceptable excuse but it's the only one I can think of


In the last game you were actively scum hunting: You were the first person to pick up on me, for example. In this game you seemed to be more confused and trying to fly under the radar a bit more. Your earlier post where you sort of defended TDK and then very mildly brought up Tom's points against him is exactly the sort of fence sitting that you rightly accused me of doing in the last game.


What I mean by "forced" is that "I'm a little suspicious about mentioning the numbers and changing the numbers" doesn't make a whole lot of sense in the context of the game does it? Finishing that post by saying "I'm not sure what to think" and then FOSing Bristep makes me suspect you'd been asked to FOS Bristep and did so quickly, without fully understanding the case against him. It has also taken quite a few questions from me for you to actually clarify WHY you FOS'd him as well.


As I said before you seem very defensive in this post where you jumped into saying that you weren't fully agreeing with Teedy Kay, when nobody was saying you were.


I am still very suspicious of Swiftstrike's focus on the numbers since the idea that scum would deliberately half the chance of them getting any power roles is insane. For now though:


FOS SpotlightMagnet1


I don't know what to tell you. I didn't put my thoughts well and misinterpretted things. I did believe there was something in the Bristep thing and pointed a finger to show that, as I've done with Lion. Difference is both you and Bristep have done things which made me believe the case is not strong enough. To be honest, apart from TDK and the PM fiasco, I haven't seen anything myself to warrant a vote. I've got my finger pointed against Lion because:


1. As pointed out before, him and Chris B. picked the same number and he then did a random vote for Chris B.

2. He jumped in on the TDK thing and helped fan the flames so to speak by concisely confirming that TDK was mistaken.

3. He has made most of his posts with only one or two lines, in fact only two posts had more.


But I don't feel this is definently scum behaviour, just enough to look at him closely.


The fence sitting post wasn't meant to be that, just I aimed in this game to look for lurkers, but as the game just started I found it weird that he would go very early with 'I'm a Vanilla Town'.

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But, again, that goes back to the idea that the scum deliberately tried to give themselves as little chance as possible to get roles. In order to say what? 'I can't be scum, look - coincidentally, I picked the same numbers as someone else'. It's utterly bats-arse.

Hang on a second, it's already been established that the scum had time to discuss AND change their numbers. It's clearly stated in the sign-up thread. So you can take that "coincidentally" right out of there. It's a bit odd that you'd use that word at this point.


FOS Chris B


Seriously, am I being unclear recently? I feel like I'm being abundantly clear when I point out how probability works, or when Swiftstrike takes away the context from something I say, or this, and yet I need to keep repeating myself and over-explaining.


I'm saying that's what you're suggesting the plan is, if it is a scum plan between me and Lion. I thought I was blatantly saying that.


Let me put it more simply.


There are three options here, as I see it.


1 - Lion and I are both scum. We've decided to pick the same numbers as each other, in order to appear slightly more trustworthy. This is despite the fact there's the chance we could pick the same numbers as a town member anyway, and also despite the fact it almost guarantees that we won't get any roles. For some reason, you seem to think this is such a good plan that we must have fallen over each other to do it.


2 - One of Lion and I are scum. However, since, in that case, it's a coincidence that we picked the same numbers, it has no bearing on anything, except that you know the scum member is likely a vanilla goon.


3 - Neither Lion or I are scum. We picked the same numbers coincidentally.


I don't know why or how Lion came to RVS me. You know what? It's an RVS. I don't care either. I don't see it as distancing because i don't see anything as needing to be distancing.

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That said, I'm not saying that I'm definite on Lion being town. I don't know. However, I feel that Swift has jumped all over it. Combine him taking quotes about me out of context and misleading people about the probability points, and I'm pretty secure in my vote. If town decides to vote for Lion, I've no issues with that other than that my suspicions are elsewhere.

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That said, I'm not saying that I'm definite on Lion being town. I don't know. However, I feel that Swift has jumped all over it. Combine him taking quotes about me out of context and misleading people about the probability points, and I'm pretty secure in my vote. If town decides to vote for Lion, I've no issues with that other than that my suspicions are elsewhere.

Right, in which case I take it you'd at least see some merit in my alt theory that Lion is scum with swift, and after you co-incidentally picked the same numbers a plan was formulated to take you out of play?


I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I think it's either a case of this being true, or yourself and Lion being scum.


Is it possible that Lion and yourself picked the same numbers by chance, then he voted for you by chance? Of course. But is it probable? I don't think so. And in a game where you operate on probabilities I don't see why the current FOS/vote situation is so divided. Lion's the linking factor here, and it seems blatant to me that he's the best lynch of the day. And given he's a linking factor, if he flips scum (and I'm pretty certain he will) we know that it's probable that either swiftstrike or Chris B is scum alongside him. And if we have a cop in play? Well, that's 50% of the scum gone right there.

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I chose the 7 and 13 for my draft numbers in the same way, randomly. I figured the rest of you would probably try and work to some sort of system for picking your numbers, birthdays and whatnot so I went for a random way of picking so as not to influence my own choice one way or another.


I just have to ask: with only one guaranteed Vanilla role if everybody is lucky enough to pick a power without a duplicate, why leave that to chance? Assuming Chris is correct in that you can pick the same number twice there are 30 combinations involving 1 and/or 2, and as the draft went 1-3 through 1-10 would have won the top slot. At least one player would ask Mike if they could've picked the same number twice, and the Scum play would've been to ask by PM. This *would* FOS Swiftstrike, but 1-1 is an obvious choice that somebody else went so Mike would have to random it. Which is probably why I was further down the list than Spotlight as both his numbers were higher than mine, someone else went for 2-11 as well :laugh:

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However, insofar as I can make out, everyone's playing their usual style, except bristep, who's articulate as usual, but seems to be in a bit of a rush to end the day phase early, with comparatively little discussion of the potential lynchee's (read: TDK/brownie) guilt.


bristep - you're the one I'm most suspicious of at the moment, mainly because you seemed to be in such a rush to lynch Browny Kay. Sure, you've pulled back, as have a load of others, to give a bit of thought to things fully, but how would you answer to an accusation that you've simply withdrawn because you've realised that a wagon that was steaming along has suddenly ground to a halt, thwarting your plans?


By saying that it was incorrect. I've acknowledged that I was headstrong in my pursuit of TDK, but it was because I believed him to be scum and wanted him to be lynched. After missing out on 2 scum lynches last game because I pulled on the brakes due to a lack of confidence, I went with my instinct and pushed hard for the lynch.


I'll make no apologies for it, every game is a learning curve and despite claims by Brownie that I'm a 'clever player', I'm still newish to this and perhaps he's giving me more credit than I'm due simply because I'm articulate. Either way, I've not told a lie at any point in the game, and once I'm revealed to be town (by death or otherwise) maybe people will realise that if I'm playing differently in this game it's because I've been on the losing team both times I've played as town in the past, and it's because I'm still learning.


That's a fairly cromulent answer, though I think the whole "I'm new to this" tack is a little off - you've established yourself as a more than capable player, so to refer back to newbie inexperience is a bit dodgy, quite frankly, especially as you've never been lynched. You're not coming off as scummy as such, but you're certainly not assuaging any doubts.

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