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Online, Single Player or Both?

Steve Justice

Online, Single Player or Both?  

25 members have voted

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Based on what is being discussed in the Xbox thread, I'm just wondering what gamers focus on these days in terms of there purchase. Obviously there is a lot of focus on online muliplayer, but I feel that the single player story modes are suffering because of it. I tend to go for games that are more focussed on the single player aspect, although I do tend to have a dable online if it takes my fancy. Games like Red Dead Redemption, GTA, Assassins Creed, Fallout, Fable, Prince of Persia... basically story based games with a lengthy gametime with very little focus with the online aspect (with the exception of RDR who got the balance quite right) are more perferable to me than say COD, Halo and even this years FIFA that seem to focus more on online and let the single player suffer (i.e. the content of FIFA's manager mode, COD's short story mode and Halo's dull story and single player).


So my question to you is, do you perfer online, single player or both when it comes to your purchase?


It's subjective on the game for me. I voted single player if I was held at point and had to pick one (thats a likely scenario I feel). Summed up my thoughts in my post in the X360 thread.

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i'm not a massive gamer, but i play a bit of both.


I tend to have a one player game on the go (at the moment its Kane & Lynch 2), and i have a game i play online (COD)...I agree with the single player suffering though, ive had Black Ops since release date and ive never even gone into the single player mode, and i know other people who are the same. I do intend to play it because its probably awesome.


COD is the only online game ive really got to grips with though, ive found FIFA & the UFC games suffer due to lag and stuff like that, but COD is spot on.

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I like to game with other people, for the most part. That can be in the form of online, or it can be real people.


It doesn't necessarily even have to be a multiplayer game though - it can be something that facilitates a "pass the pad" kinda gameplay (e.g. Trials HD)


As such I don't really play any of the 'immersive' big story type games. I think they're great and all.. But sinking any significant amount of time sitting and playing them on my own makes me feel like I'm wasting my time. Also, my attention span can be a bit poor. As a result I'll never finish anything like GTA / Fallout etc., so I've just stopped playing them.


As you specifically mentioned COD actually - I'm really glad for the short story on that one. I played it pass-the-pad style with my bro over Christmas and it was a good length to hold my interest.


Primarily it's single player. I dabble online now and then but usually just with people on my friends list, unless it's a RDR type scenario.


Yeah, just read that.


If game developers wanted to focus puerly on online MP, would it not be more beneficial to them to have it as a download on marketplace? They could charge less for it and not have to worry about overheads like distribution costs etc. I'm not a techie expert so I don't know how feasble tht would be.

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I have a terrible habit of never finishing games because I have an early go on the multiplayer to see what it's like, get hooked and never go back.



Me too. Or alternatively, I'll lose the inclination to load up and continue with a single player game because the appeal of another game's (Super SF4's) online multiplayer is too strong. The main reason I don't finish games now though is that they're more disposable to me than they were as a child. I used to get a game as a present and wring every ounce of entertainment out of it. Now it has a limited time to get its hooks in me before I sack it off for something else. Some modern classics have still managed it, but the good-but-not-instantly-mindblowing games can suffer. I'm the same as Rockwell in that I don't have the attention span, time or alone time to commit to the Fallouts, GTAs and RDRs of the world, so I've stopped buying them instead of playing them for a week and ditching them.


I think that offline, single-console multiplayer has suffered a great deal because of online play as well. Four player split screen isn't expected any more, partly due to technical limitations and partly because people do their multiplaying online and there isn't a call for it. It's a shame because local multiplayer is still more fun to me than any other kind of gaming.


Pass the pad is a winner though. Megaman 9 and 10 were done in this fashion with my housemates and it made for a great pseudo-multiplayer experience.

  • Paid Members

I'm on Xbox live, I just renewed by membership as well, though I never play multiplayer online. Sometimes I wonder why I'm paying

I have a terrible habit of never finishing games because I have an early go on the multiplayer to see what it's like, get hooked and never go back.



Me too. Or alternatively, I'll lose the inclination to load up and continue with a single player game because the appeal of another game's (Super SF4's) online multiplayer is too strong. The main reason I don't finish games now though is that they're more disposable to me than they were as a child. I used to get a game as a present and wring every ounce of entertainment out of it. Now it has a limited time to get its hooks in me before I sack it off for something else. Some modern classics have still managed it, but the good-but-not-instantly-mindblowing games can suffer.


I think that offline, single-console multiplayer has suffered a great deal because of online play as well. Four player split screen isn't expected any more, partly due to technical limitations and partly because people do their multiplaying online and there isn't a call for it. It's a shame because local multiplayer is still more fun to me than any other kind of gaming.


Totally agree with that. Back when I did play Halo 3 online quite a bit, most of that time was with 3 of my mates in the same room on the same console. That to me was a lot more fun way of playing online. Since, as you say, most are now only 2 way split screen (and in some cases not at all) that part of gaming has died off for me.

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Pass the pad is a winner though. Megaman 9 and 10 were done in this fashion with my housemates and it made for a great pseudo-multiplayer experience.



I think you need it for those games! They're so fiendishly hard, I couldn't imagine cracking them on my own.

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The highlight of MM9 was when my housemate, who hasn't been a serious gamer since the SNES, sent me a text in the middle of the working day saying "TORNADO MAN DIES TONIGHT!" He did as well.


I only ever really play LittleBigPlanet (2 now) and the Smackdown vs Raw games. Don't mind online on LBP2, but on Smackdown it's horrendous because of the same 100-stat Lesnar/Hardy hybrids with the running grapple spamming that have ruined the online play since it started.


I always want to play stuff like Fallout, Bioshock etc but never have the attention span either. And I hate the character creation aspect in the RPGs, because I always want to make them smart and talkative for the dialogue options but then they're always shit at combat and it makes the game a slog.


I did get well into Red Dead Redemption last year, but stopped before finishing Mexico because I had the ending spoilt for me. I stopped playing GTA IV because there was a helicopter mission (the one where you are chasing another helicopter and Little Jacob has a bazooka) and I couldn't figure out how to fly the helicopter fast enough.


Here's what I said in the other thread...


I have never bought a Rockstar product with multiplayer in mind. Sure, I had fun with the GTA and RDR multiplayers for a few hours here and there, but Rockstar absolutely excel at delivering a deep, story driven single player experience with gorgeous dialogue and refined gameplay. That's what I want from LA Noire, not running around awkwardly trying to shoot sn1p0rzK1ng93, what detective does that? I think there's far too much emphasis in contemporary gaming to tack on a multiplayer for the sake of it. Some are still good, others aren't, but I just feel a sense of developers being pressured to do it when it's probably best not to. Rockstar aren't a good example because they've done a good job, but maybe you can still see the point I'm trying to make. I do love online gaming, but I'm also a huge, huge fan of a rich single player game and I'd rather they focus on that.


Sort of out in context in this thread as that was mainly about the notion of a multiplayer in LA Noire but you get the idea.


Furthermore I think I prefer single player because I don't like playing online with strangers. For the most part in something like Left 4 Dead they'll just run off and it just gets old. I only really play Call of Duty only by myself, with everyone else on mute. On the flipside I really enjoy playing L4D and Halo inparticualar online with mates, it's great but I just don't have all my friends online as often so I just prefer sticking in whatever I want. The fact there's so many brilliant, immersive single player games out there and the fact I have hours to invest in them also sways my preference. It disappoints me when people like that executive from EA (I forget his name) comes out and says single player games are a thing of the past and it's all about online multiplayer now. That just seems lazy to me.


Generally speaking I'm a rubbish gamer, so I'm much happier tottering through a single player game at my own pace on a low to medium difficultity level than having my ass handed to me repeatedly online. Annoyingly when a game comes along that I'm actually ok at and would have some fun with online its ruined by something else, like the horrendous lag trying to play SDvsRaw online. Still somehow managed to win an elimination chamber match online though, even if it did look like the chamber was full of treacle.


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