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Raw 10/01/2011 Discussion


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I reckon at this point Wade could turn up with the entire original Nexus, but minus Bryan and perennial shit-stirrer Otunga. Maybe even with Bryan, his babyface character's got pretty boring.


Punk's faction already have their own t-shirt.

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I just hope that the day they get a little bit more mature with their content they get their international feeds sorted out because even though their bleeps this past year weren't always on time, i really don't wanna be watching a mature WWE live with bleeps everywhere. There is no need for it especially if they don't even bother touching their American feed.

No wrestling show ever has or ever will be mature.


What I don't understand is, how can a show with torture (in the form of the Nexus' backstage whipping) and threatened suicide, not allow the word "ass"?

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I doubt it has made Cena come across cooler. Most (though not all) fans today were watching two and a half years ago when he could say "ass" all the time anyway.

Firstly, two and a half years in wrestling is a lifetime. Secondly, if you don't do something for long enough, fans become unconditioned to it, so it does have an effect. Like the next time someone takes a beating and bleeds like a motherfucker, it will have a tremendous effect. "Ass" is a bad word in wrestling. It was during the Hulkamania era and even WCW rarely used it. I watched a Nitro recently from about September 1998, when the WWF was engaging in allsorts of stuff, and Curt Hennig said about someone "I'm gonna kick your as....k Rick Rude what I'm gonna kick".


If someone really did cook up that plan at WWE, it'd be hilarious. And I wouldn't put it past them -- but if it was intentional, doesn't Cena lose all bad-ass points for apologising to everyone on Twitter?

Not really. He just looks like someone who gets into it in the heat of the moment. Do we really think that 12 years ago Steve Austin walked around from Tuesday to Sunday stunnering McDonalds employees and flipping off coppers? Cena was Mr. Jovial at the start of the promo but worked himself into a frenzy thinking about what he was going to do to CM Punk next week. That's cool.

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What I don't understand is, how can a show with torture (in the form of the Nexus' backstage whipping) and threatened suicide, not allow the word "ass"?

Tom and Jerry used to half kill each other but never swore. If you aim a product at minors, you don't swear. Violence is expected, it's pro-wrestling but bad language isn't. Nor is it necessary, as WCW proved or years. Just don't use words like"poopy", then you cross over into Hannah Montana territory.

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Pretty pathetic HBK talk in the HOF thread with no spoiles "it wont be HBK" when clearly people are posting in here knowing so. sad...

Pretty silly to have a discussion thread with no spoiler warning AFTER the thing is announced.

  • Paid Members
Pretty pathetic HBK talk in the HOF thread with no spoiles "it wont be HBK" when clearly people are posting in here knowing so. sad...

Pretty silly to have a discussion thread with no spoiler warning AFTER the thing is announced.

Exactly. I was being a sarcy cunt in that thread, not a sad bastard. One of the rare occassions I wasnt being a sad bastard, to be frank, and I get called on it. No justice.

Pretty pathetic HBK talk in the HOF thread with no spoiles "it wont be HBK" when clearly people are posting in here knowing so. sad...

Pretty silly to have a discussion thread with no spoiler warning AFTER the thing is announced.


aye well I'm sorry, with a the spoiler police going round I don't know whats what! Some people only watch Raw on Thursday afterall...

  • Paid Members
Pretty pathetic HBK talk in the HOF thread with no spoiles "it wont be HBK" when clearly people are posting in here knowing so. sad...

Pretty silly to have a discussion thread with no spoiler warning AFTER the thing is announced.


aye well I'm sorry, with a the spoiler police going round I don't know whats what! Some people only watch Raw on Thursday afterall...

Just stick "Raw spoilers" in your title and then everyone can post what they like.

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Loved the show. I understand the Punk/Nexus trials may not be to everyones taste but for me it made for great television. In a way, it kind of follows on from Punk's SES stuff on Smackdown where he made his minions do strange things in order to toughen them up and prove themselves to him. Ok, there's a big difference between getting your head shaved and taking a pasting from your stable mates, but the general principle isn't far off. In contrast to the general opinion in the thread, I loved Punk just fucking with the fans with the tron stuff. Even with Gabriel and Slater when it looked like they were going to paste him, he just stood there and encouraged them to take him on. He's an absolute nutcase, but an intelligent nutcase to boot. It's different and a little bizarre, but I'm utterly compelled and captivated by it. McGillicuty, Harris and Otunga now have more focus on them with Slater and Gabriel apparently out of the picture and fair play to them. Now they need to further establish some individual characteristics for them and possibly bring in another body to just to beef things up nicely.


Once again Alberto Del Rio has been a pleasure to watch. His match with R-Truth, despite being under two minutes, was the first R-Truth match I've watched for some time without being bored to tears. Del Rio seems to be getting more and more comfortable on the stick and his buddy Ricardo makes an excellent sidekick. As someone alluded to earlier in the thread, Ricardo is an essential part of the package. Just to further his character I'd even bring in another character, perhaps someone who cleans his boots or something along those lines, just to further establish him as someone who looks down on virtually everyone. The stuff with HBK was simple yet very effective.


For all the talk in this thread about HBK vs Sting, I honestly couldn't care less about a match between those two in 2011, but you know what I'd love to see? A match against Del Rio. If HBK absolutely had to come back to do one more match, which I don't think he will (at least anytime soon), then Del Rio would be an excellent candidate. I think they'd have some fantastic chemistry in the ring and the build up in terms of promos would likely make for the best Raw segments each week. They way I'd play it is that Del Rio keeps trying to goad HBK out of retirement, messing with him, maybe even jibing at his religious belief's and so on, only for HBK to finally give in and vow to face Del Rio at Wrestlemania. The match alone would make Del Rio a bigger star regardless of the outcome.


Once again enjoyed Sheamus vs Morrison. They do seem to have some good chemistry together and Morrison continues to impress me as a top babyface star in waiting. It's unclear what will happen for him now with regards to the WWE title picture, but this was a good response to his defeat last week. As for Sheamus, I'd say its only a matter of time before he's back in the title picture too and I have no problem at all with this. I like both guys and the crowd seems to respond very positively to them, so they deserve to be near the top of the Raw card.


Whilst the actual wrestling was a little shorter this week compared to the last show, I still enjoyed the matches that were put out and had no problem with anything else on the show. I think in 2010 Raw saw a significant imrpovement in terms of overall quality and the first two shows of 2011 have been thoroughly enjoyable to watch.

I reckon at this point Wade could turn up with the entire original Nexus, but minus Bryan and perennial shit-stirrer Otunga. Maybe even with Bryan, his babyface character's got pretty boring.


Punk's faction already have their own t-shirt.

Yeah I like how they all got to don the shirt before actually being inducted.


Nicked the Nation Of Dominations hand salute too :angry:.


Anyone remember Bob Holly calling Micheal Cole a little shit head at Wrestlemania 2000?

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On Sky Sports the dub came a second too late (for some reason that was the case with Bret last year too, something to do with audio sync between NTSC and PAL??) but on the USA Network there was no bleep at all.


I'm not sure if this is still the case, but IIRC we always used to get the Canadian feed of live Raw. Pretty much identical, but whoever the network is in Canada (Fox Sports? Or is that elsewhere?) controls stuff like bleeping. I seem to recall there being an incident a few years back of a worse swear than 'ass' (maybe a shit?) getting through on USA, but getting caught in Canada, and therefore here.


Regarding the suggestion made earlier about HBK possibly facing Del Rio at Mania... I'm not sure HBK is likely to wrestle (he may have changed his mind, but he seemed very sure a year ago that he was never going to go back on his word to Taker that it was his last match, unlike a certain man he gave a watch to...), but I was thinking today that it was a possible easy little tease to put Del Rio into people's thoughts as possibly being at that level.


I really thought they were going to 'legitimise' Del Rio for a biggish match at Mania by giving him KOTR (in the same way I thought Miz was going to get a couple of week reign as champ for the same reason...), but they may have done it last night - plant the seed of a potential big match between HBK & Del Rio, and if it doesn't happen, at least the fans have thought of Del Rio possibly being that man and view whatever match he does get as bigger than maybe it would have been.


But maybe I overthink things.

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Wow. Cena said ass. Was it bleeped, is it PG or not, did he get fined, were people offended, WHO GIVES A SHIT?


Just watched it, spoiler free. Enjoyed it, good show.


God please someone give me a sickbag to celebrate a continous trend ;that is, the word mongoloid. How predictable one's post!


In personal pronouns "one" refers to "oneself" or "myself," so what you are actually saying here is "How predictable my post." Personally I haven't heard "mongoloid" for a whilem might make a nice change from retard or dribbling spastic.


Nicked the Nation Of Dominations hand salute too :angry:.


Simmons will surely allude to this in his HOF speech.


Thanks alot you've just ruined wrestlemania, I was only expecting Raw spoilers?


Yeah, Shawn is definitely wrestling Sting at WrestleMania, because a lad on the UKFF said so.


Here are a few Raw musings :


* Great work from Punk in his segments, especially non-verbally ordering Otunga to the ring. Punk can say more with his eyes that a lot of guys could with a thousand words.


* Anyone else think they missed a trick with Lawler and the HBK reveal? Instead of cutting to the video they should have just had King say "here he is..." then cued up Sexy Boy. The pop could have been huge, but we'll never know.


* Speaking of Lawler and crowd reactions, boy did the place go mild when he came out, in fucking Tennessee of all places.


* The fact Del Rio shared the ring with Shawn speaks volumes about highly he is thought of. Shoe in for a world title in 2011.


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