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The Terrible, Interminably Boring Mafia Game


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Ok a few questions.


TripleA, Bristep and Carbomb. You three were all named by Snake as being the scum team. You've all given your opinions on this however my question is how do you all feel about each other? Do you think that despite the madness in his method he might've been right with at least one of you? And how do you feel about Top Man Shopper jumping in to support Snake?(now TripleA, Carbomb i realise you've pretty much answered this already but i was planning on asking these questions yesterday and i didn't have time to post them until now)

INH as the lowest poster in the game what actually are your opinions of these players or anyone else for that matter? I'm finding it really hard to get any sort of read on you and even earlier in the game you said you would give your top three but it took some pestering from Chris B to get you to give it why is that?


SMS raises an interesting point about Carbomb's vote now I'm wondering if this gives us prove that either Carbomb or TMS are scum as otherwise wouldn't the scum have had the opportunity to quick lynch despite there being only 8 or so hours between Carbomb's vote and TMS unvote of himself.

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On my phone just now, i've been in a meeting all day, got a 3 hour drive home then I've got to head straight to training. I'll reply to questions and put my thoughts in tonight but it'll be late tonight, sorry folks.

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As I said to bristep in his first game, his stellar abilities in this game mean that I, as a default, will always have to view him with a certain level of mistrust, as I do swiftstrike - having learned the lesson that we should be very wary of being led by good players, it's the only sensible policy.


That said, he's given me absolutely no reason to suspect him thus far, even with closer scrutiny. I daresay that, if he's Scum, he'll probably slip up at some point - but if that happens, we need to be sharp enough to see it. We all know Chris B's skill at this game, and having been on the Scum team with him last game, I knew where he slipped up, but the slip-ups were so subtle, we didn't need to to much to hide them - as a result, nobody really picked up on them. But as I say, at present, I'm of the opinion that bristep has given no indication at all of being Scum.


As to TripleA - it really is difficult with him. I hate to say this about him, but his record has been that, when he's been Town, he's come across as erratic or scummy, and when he's been Scum, his team have helped him keep on track and made him look Town. At the moment, I'm more likely to vote him for a lynch than anyone else. I understand the frustration at TMS' arguments, but he CAN deal with them if he truly is Town, and his giving up just isn't helping his case.

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I'd like to just clarify that in the one game I was Scum with Lawz and Co, they didn't lead me along doing anything. I just played like I did. Should be a little indication for why I'm not acting like I did then, now.

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I'm sure Snake is absolutely thrilled for you in the Scum forum.


Please TripleA, if you're not going to come up with any other answer to the accusations I preapred, at least confirm to me exactly what this quote above means!


Are you suggesting that;


1: Snake is still alive and able to post in a scum forum?




2: Snake was actually scum even though he was pronounced Vanilla Town by the games mod?




3: is it just another flim flam attempt at derailing a good argument put against you by smearing the poster rather retorting a good sensible answer to accusation?

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The third one. Or is it?. Who knows.



It's the third one.


Seriously TripleA, just answer a question with a degree of thought and intelligence for a change. So far this game all you have done is act for youself, maybe coming back with thought out responses may actually get even me to possibly admit I could be wrong.

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But it seriously is the 3rd one. I was too busy trying to make you look bad in order to get you to lay off me that I totally didn't even think that Snake ended up being Town. I was seeing red.

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But it seriously is the 3rd one. I was too busy trying to make you look bad in order to get you to lay off me that I totally didn't even think that Snake ended up being Town. I was seeing red.

Really pushing your unhelpfulness to the town in this game yes?


I'd like to just clarify that in the one game I was Scum with Lawz and Co, they didn't lead me along doing anything. I just played like I did. Should be a little indication for why I'm not acting like I did then, now.

Sorry this statement has me all sorts of confused, I am thinking this is an attempt to claim that you can't be scum as you played better as scum because you made a conscience effort to play better, but that you are claiming that you are town in this game because you haven't put in that effort. Am I close to getting that right and if not can you explain to me what the hell you mean by it?


Anyway we have now less than 2 days to go I would like to see INH answer my question so I can get a better read on him other than this we need to start working out what we are doing I am in flavour of a TripleA lynch based off his overall play this game is scummy but it seems that we have a little ground swell for a no lynch and if that is a town suggest we will not be able to lynch scum tonight as even one or two non votes could see us lose the opportunity to lynch scum.

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Ok a few questions.


TripleA, Bristep and Carbomb. You three were all named by Snake as being the scum team. You've all given your opinions on this however my question is how do you all feel about each other? Do you think that despite the madness in his method he might've been right with at least one of you? And how do you feel about Top Man Shopper jumping in to support Snake?(now TripleA, Carbomb i realise you've pretty much answered this already but i was planning on asking these questions yesterday and i didn't have time to post them until now)



I have nothing to address. It's like talking to a brick wall. Snake has done more damage to the town with his rubbish "trap" than the scum have done. It's sad that TMS won't let it die.

To be fair, it's something to go on. I'm not saying you're guilty, and I'm not saying you're innocent. Snake can't come out and say "here are your scum, x, y and z" definitively, but perhaps scum did help him into a noose. It doesn't merit an immediate hanging, but it merits investigation for sure. If you don't address accusations, even if it is "like talking to a brick wall" that leaves you open to FURTHER accusations of scumminess. I don't think his case on you is solid by any means, particularly since Snake actually did suggest you as a "policy lynch" early on.


Triple A - What do you make of your co-accused (by Snake), Carbomb and Bristep?


Bristep - As above, but substitute yourself for Triple A


Carbomb - As above, but swap...well, you get the idea.


First of all, I find it suspicious that the two of you both surface at practically the same time and ask exactly the same question. However, since you're both barely here it's impossible to get a read. Ron and INH, the two of you need to start naming your suspects and generally be more active. Right now you're surfacing, asking a few questions and disappearing again. A lot of what you're asking has already been answered in thread so the questions aren't even that helpful and go over old ground.


In response to the question about my thoughts around the other 2 people snake named as scum along with myself. First of all, I invited analysis of that post at the start of the day, and there's really been none other than you guys asking what other people think about it.


Carbomb has mostly been off my radar so far in the game, however I wasn't overly happy with his answer to the point about voting for TMS, he seemed to focus on the reasons why he voted, not why he voted after Swift advised everyone not to (to avoid scum rushing a lynch if TMS isn't scum, effectively ending the game). With that said, going back to his earlier point about being ignored, if he was being ignored it would be extremely dumb of him to point that out if he was scum. I am wary of him, and am watching him for slips (as I am everyone) but he isn't on my list right now.


TripleA, where to start. I came into this phase being effectively 50/50 between him and TMS. Since then, he's done nothing but give me reasons to believe he's the scum. First off I thought TMS put together a good case on him, and he hasn't responded in kind. He's pretty much given up which is just bad play. He's also made some really scummy statements that just set off alarms in my head, such as


I'd like to just clarify that in the one game I was Scum with Lawz and Co, they didn't lead me along doing anything. I just played like I did. Should be a little indication for why I'm not acting like I did then, now.


Effectively saying that he is perfectly capable of acting rational, but that was because he was scum. He's using the WIFOM defense to say "I don't act like this when I'm scum, so I can't be scum".


I feel that me and TMS need to cool down going for each other and even if we think the other is scum, focus on scum-hunting others. If we keep up the way we're going it'll end exactly like the last round with the entire day overshadowed by 2 people having a back-and-forth. If we still feel strongly later on then come back to it when we have a better idea about the game. We're only on the second day and whilst the majority are still in the game it's very likely at this point we could both be town. Certainly more likely now than later.


This one was from the end of a post, it was made while TMS had "given up", so there was no need to say this. Given that TMS said he wasn't posting anymore, this comes across more as "don't focus on me, look elsewhere".


There are more, but others have covered these, so I don't need to repeat things.


INH your other question, do I think he could have got one of the names right, right now yes I do because I think TripleA is now likely to be scum. Ask me that at the start of this day phase I'd have said there was as much chance of him being right as there was wrong (well, slightly less of him being right, because I know for a fact that he was wrong about me).


Other notes, Ron you said you don't agree with TMS's case on TripleA but only provided one quote from the case to support your reasoning. What else stands out as not ringing true for you in that case? You said that there needs to be more investigation done on this subject. Have you done any yet? What are your findings if you have?


I don't think a no lynch is the best idea, I can see it's merits but I think that I've seen enough to support a lynch on TripleA. Obviously I'm not putting the vote on yet because we've still got a day and a half to use to get more info from the game. I'll be voting first thing Friday morning, as I've got work through the day then a show at night so will likely be bumping around like a good'un when the deadline passes. I'll keep up on my phone though.

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Carbomb has mostly been off my radar so far in the game, however I wasn't overly happy with his answer to the point about voting for TMS, he seemed to focus on the reasons why he voted, not why he voted after Swift advised everyone not to (to avoid scum rushing a lynch if TMS isn't scum, effectively ending the game). With that said, going back to his earlier point about being ignored, if he was being ignored it would be extremely dumb of him to point that out if he was scum. I am wary of him, and am watching him for slips (as I am everyone) but he isn't on my list right now.


Oh, sorry about that. I missed that question, but I'll happily answer it: because at the time, I honestly believed TMS to be Scum, regardless of what anyone else thought. It seems reckless, but I'm determined to play the game as how I feel it was meant to be played, i.e. based on the conclusions which you personally draw from what you read of the situation, or from the cases people make (provided you feel they are validly compelling), rather than be led. I suppose you could say I'm particularly paranoid about being led these days, ever since my first game, where swiftstrike turned out to be a Poisoner whom no-one ever suspected because he came across as a voice of reason and a Town leader, and this was further enhanced by the disastrous Cluedo game, where we were basically led to slaughter (mainly our own fault for allowing ourselves so easily to be led).


Also, I initially missed swiftstrike's advice to avoid lynching, but even looking back at it, I still stand by my vote for TMS at the time.

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I understand I'm not really trying to defend myself, but I spent the entire last day phase doing that and to be quite honest didn't want to spend this one doing it too. Me just "giving up" arguing back is seriously just through frustration.


I see myself being the lynch today and that's fair enough. Despite knowing full well I'm town, TMS pretty much nailed me to the wall, which was either excellent scum play or misplaced town play. Either way I'm not bothering answering any more of his questions regarding Snake's play.


To change subject, Ron is looking a bit scummy to me atm in the light of Bristep pointing out that INH and Ron are asking the same questions at the same time period, and are both just popping in and out under the radar. Coupled with Ron's disappearance at the start of the game when Snake took aim at us both, and his frequent lack of play since then. It's looking a lot like someone trying to lay really low, and that similar post between him and INH is a bit dodgy.

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I have to say, I think TripleA's onto something there. That INH and Ron asked the exact same question so close together looks very much like a Scum mis-communication there. I'm gonna re-read that section.

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Well, the language isn't the same; if it had been, I'd have been straight on to one of them with a vote.


However, it's still mighty suspichy, and Ron and INH should start coming up with answers. What's a bit baffling is that there's almost half an hour between their posts.

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