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The Terrible, Interminably Boring Mafia Game


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Ok, fair enough. You win TMS, I'm scum. You and Snake played an absolute blinder!. There's no way I can compete/be bothered to compete with that.


Vote away everyone, see what happens :)

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Carbomb, you say that you've been ignored can you quantify this? What have we ignored that is important to the game?


Can't really quantify as such, but there have been a few things:


1. No-one's really asked me any scum-hunting questions. I'm as eager to prove I'm Town as anyone else.

2. I made a very valid point about focusing on TMS both before and after the Snake lynch - no-one else seems to have picked up on this point. Not that I'm necessarily correct, but given that we've made a relatively big deal about being thorough and presenting every possible argument for scrutiny, it seems rather lax.


TMS - you've made some very interesting and strong arguments, but they're not conclusive for me. As a result, I haven't a scooby - but for the meantime:


Unvote TMS

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Good work TMS.


That is a good case towards Triple A and will help me come to a decision when I feel it is right to vote.


Triple A was going to be one of my top suspects today anyhow, especially after yesterdays events, as well as the fact that when everybody was asking others questions, whe it was mentioned he should ask me a question, he said he didn't have any for me.


He could have at least tried to come up with something, anything even, like I did.


I also hold suspicions on those who didn't make any effort to ask questions to the two people near them on the list that a few of us agreed on.


We really needed everybody to work together on that, as now we have no way of knowing how many town and scum members asked each other questions, when we would know that everybody had and could examine the questions and answers for clues if we had all gone along with it.


Nobody has commented on my post at the start of thd day about a possible no vote, or sharing any info we have, as this could be our last day.


Is it something we should consider?


I didn't find much reading through everything, not enough to start a push on someone, so I am just going to have to come up with a different question for everyone tonight.

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TMS has put together a great case there and covers a lot of the points I have raised before I'm still going to go back and look to see if there is anything else in TripleA posts that prove relevant to add to this.


SMS are you now suggesting a no lynch for today then?


I do agree with the idea of sharing information at this point if in the unlikely event that someone has an innocent result on TripleA this information would override pretty much anything else given that this could be the last chance we have to find mafia and shouldn't be lynching someone with an innocence result.

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I feel it should be considered but am not sure about it myself, so that is why I mentioned it, so we could have a group discussion before we decide anything.


It would give us at least another days guaranteed play, would give our power roles an extra day to uncover stuff, then they can all unload their information and we just have to work out what is the truth from there.


It is a risky play, but if we get results now, we blow the cover for our power roles meaning they can get nightkilled.


We don't know if we have a cop, doctor or what roles we have, so it is also risky in that respect as well as the possibility our the person who has our main evidence could be nightkilled ruining that plan.


For now, I feel we need info on Triple A and TMS, or at the very least another day to figure them out so I am off to the person whose post stood out more to me than anything else other than the two people mentioned.


Vote: Carbomb


Why, when TMS had already voted himself and Swift warned us about casting votes could lead to a scum surge and possibly end the game, did you then vote TMS?


Was you hoping to get a bandwagon going so that you get a town vote and then your scum buddies join in meaning game over for the town.


Please explain yourself because I am really not happy about that play at all!

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I don't agree fully with TMS's case against Triple A, this point in particular:

Snake is playing a very crafty game of picking me out of a crowd since the very beginning, completely aware that I'm one of the easier players to annoy and get arguments from

TMS said:

Picking you out? Even though he fully admitted he was going after ChrisB???


But Snake actually said from the very start he was fine with lynching either myself or Triple A as a "policy lynch", so Triple A's statement in question of being picked out fromt he beginning was actually true.

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Vote: Carbomb


Why, when TMS had already voted himself and Swift warned us about casting votes could lead to a scum surge and possibly end the game, did you then vote TMS?


Was you hoping to get a bandwagon going so that you get a town vote and then your scum buddies join in meaning game over for the town.


Please explain yourself because I am really not happy about that play at all!


What? This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say people ignore me. I was saying for ages (and was probably the first to do so) that I thought TMS was Scum.


Look back at my earlier posts: I said, several times, even before Snake was lynched, that I strongly suspected TMS of being Scum pushing Town to lynch Town with the way he just jumped on to Snake's TripleA bandwagon, with no word to us to explain Snake's logic, or how he was in on the "trap".


The next day phase, he hadn't answered my question in relation to that, and I was still extremely suspicious of him, so I voted for him. He's gone and explained himself very well, so I've unvoted him. Doesn't mean I'm necessarily voting for TripleA yet, as I'd like to give him the chance to address TMS' points, but he seems to have given up the ghost.

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That's the thing: there WAS no bandwagon. It was just TMS voting himself, and then myself later on. He's never had more than two votes this day phase, and both have been withdrawn. If someone does vote for anyone at all, I'd like to see reasoning and explanation as to why, just like I'd expect people to want the same from me.

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But do you not think he's more likely to be blindly following Snake as opposed to trying to start something? He's in a difficult position, Snake's pushed out a theory and anyone who follows through on it is at risk of being accused of bandwagon hopping. He might genuinely think Snake is correct. And while I'm not saying Snake isn't, I think more investigating needs to be done.

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But do you not think he's more likely to be blindly following Snake as opposed to trying to start something? He's in a difficult position, Snake's pushed out a theory and anyone who follows through on it is at risk of being accused of bandwagon hopping. He might genuinely think Snake is correct. And while I'm not saying Snake isn't, I think more investigating needs to be done.


Well, like I said a couple of posts ago, he's done sufficiently well in explaining himself since then that I've withdrawn my vote on him. His case on TripleA isn't air-tight, but it's left Trips at the top of my suspect list if it comes to a vote. Like I say, though, I won't be voting until TripleA addresses TMS' points further, or until the deadline starts pressing. Right now, I'm not in favour of a No Lynch.

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I have nothing to address. It's like talking to a brick wall. Snake has done more damage to the town with his rubbish "trap" than the scum have done. It's sad that TMS won't let it die.

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Ok a few questions.


TripleA, Bristep and Carbomb. You three were all named by Snake as being the scum team. You've all given your opinions on this however my question is how do you all feel about each other? Do you think that despite the madness in his method he might've been right with at least one of you? And how do you feel about Top Man Shopper jumping in to support Snake?(now TripleA, Carbomb i realise you've pretty much answered this already but i was planning on asking these questions yesterday and i didn't have time to post them until now)

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I have nothing to address. It's like talking to a brick wall. Snake has done more damage to the town with his rubbish "trap" than the scum have done. It's sad that TMS won't let it die.

To be fair, it's something to go on. I'm not saying you're guilty, and I'm not saying you're innocent. Snake can't come out and say "here are your scum, x, y and z" definitively, but perhaps scum did help him into a noose. It doesn't merit an immediate hanging, but it merits investigation for sure. If you don't address accusations, even if it is "like talking to a brick wall" that leaves you open to FURTHER accusations of scumminess. I don't think his case on you is solid by any means, particularly since Snake actually did suggest you as a "policy lynch" early on.


Triple A - What do you make of your co-accused (by Snake), Carbomb and Bristep?


Bristep - As above, but substitute yourself for Triple A


Carbomb - As above, but swap...well, you get the idea.

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