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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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I don't really know what to say swift, I hope you are scum trying to misdirect because you've spent a lot of time researching this only to be wrong if you are on our side. And by our side, I mean town.


I'll try and deal with this as best I can, because I don't think you've presented a strong arguemnt.


First off, you accuse me of lots of fluff but not a lot of questioning. This is true and I accept that I haven't been doing a lot of questioning but it's not fluff (or increasing my post count). I can only say once again that this is my first game, I'm not really experienced however this is nothing that I haven't already covered.


I stand by my previous statements that I am trying to give my opinions, but I do not have the experience to try and be a leader in this game and try to root out scum. It is a case of a lack of confidence that experienced scum could end up looking more innocent because I'm not efficient enough at proving otherwise.


the point that 'tipped you off' about a scum celebratory "Oh noes look what happened" post, Sorry but genuine shock at losing 3 overnight and not knowing exactly how we could lose that many in one go was what led me to make that post. It's unfortunately a case of whether you believe me or not here. You took this post to be scummy, then went through my entire post history with the mindset that I was scum. I would make the case that if you went through my history with the (correct) mindset that I am town you would find plenty to support that as well.

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I don't really know what to say swift, I hope you are scum trying to misdirect because you've spent a lot of time researching this only to be wrong if you are on our side. And by our side, I mean town.


I'll try and deal with this as best I can, because I don't think you've presented a strong arguemnt.


First off, you accuse me of lots of fluff but not a lot of questioning. This is true and I accept that I haven't been doing a lot of questioning but it's not fluff (or increasing my post count). I can only say once again that this is my first game, I'm not really experienced however this is nothing that I haven't already covered.


I stand by my previous statements that I am trying to give my opinions, but I do not have the experience to try and be a leader in this game and try to root out scum. It is a case of a lack of confidence that experienced scum could end up looking more innocent because I'm not efficient enough at proving otherwise.


the point that 'tipped you off' about a scum celebratory "Oh noes look what happened" post, Sorry but genuine shock at losing 3 overnight and not knowing exactly how we could lose that many in one go was what led me to make that post. It's unfortunately a case of whether you believe me or not here. You took this post to be scummy, then went through my entire post history with the mindset that I was scum. I would make the case that if you went through my history with the (correct) mindset that I am town you would find plenty to support that as well.

I have mentioned the occasions that your posts come across as townie, but they are few and far between lets us stick to the more salient points shall we as the fluff and post-count stuff is only relevant with that as context



That you unvoted Dan to vote Dan


A more positive townie post actually some suspicions and such then bang------>unvote DAN, Vote Dan you can't even follow your own suspicions that is because you don't have any it is just which ever person you think you can lynch or can keep a lynch off nexus.


That despite find Nexus scummy that you did try to talk tripleA out of that vote


Happy to leave his vote on Nexus while there is only himself and mike voting Nexus, but will jump on SMS if the going looks good.


Does a good job of trying to convience TripleA that despite Nexus being scummy that SMS is a better vote.


Waggon on Dan develops and despite not mentioning him before jumps upon that waggon


WIKI link easy postcount post


Meta speculation easy postcount vote.


Family guy votes nexus, then TripleA unvotes SMS so what happens it

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I don't remember the "I know I'm town, I know you're town" line. I'd like to see you quote it.

Mike, this took me a frickin' age to find with my current slow dial up connection. His whole play on this page is suspicious. And here's the quote in question, no idea how it slipped under the radar. It screams "scummy":


No Ron, I'm appealing to you, one town to another, to stop playing with such obvious tunnel vision.


You're playing in the exact way as you did in the Cluedo game, you get an idea into your head, you spend time looking at ways to back that idea up rather than working out if it's right or not. I voted for you one day 1, because you were the first person I became suspicious of, you fought your corner, I countered your points, just let it go.


You've still got a chip on your shoulder because of the fact that in a game where you mostly use your questioning skills, I questioned you when you'd behaved scummy. Ever since then, you've decided that I must be the scum, because only scum ever suspect town, and tried to find ways of proving yourself right. It's tiresome, and monotonous.


I know you're town, I know I'm town, so why don't you do the town a favour, and drop it.

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I think it slipped by for most people... but I'll tell you what it strongly reminds me of.


"You're scummier than most scum" (Or however it was I phrased it in that Mafia Scum game). Which was, quite obviously, a very bad scum slip that showed I was admitting I was scum without meaning to.


So that convinces me that Family Guy is scum. I fucked up like that before, it's very, very easy to do. It also slipped under the radar when I did it for a few days until someone went back to it.


Doesn't change my views on brownie or Corey, but if we're lucky we can lynch Family Guy now, maybe wind up with a mod-kill on Corey (if nobody shows up to replace in, and I think we've brought in all the replacements we'll get), and from there lynch brownie. That likely leaves us with a single scum left, who I still believe to be swift (sorry swift, that case is weak, I already brought half that stuff up with bristep, and he replied to it with good answers I found).



vote: Family Guy

Still more than happy to lynch brownie or Corey though, but Family Guy's slip makes it even more likely he will flip scum, as I cocked up the same was as scum before.

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That you unvoted Dan to vote Dan


A more positive townie post actually some suspicions and such then bang------>unvote DAN, Vote Dan you can't even follow your own suspicions that is because you don't have any it is just which ever person you think you can lynch or can keep a lynch off nexus.



That despite find Nexus scummy that you did try to talk tripleA out of that vote


Happy to leave his vote on Nexus while there is only himself and mike voting Nexus, but will jump on SMS if the going looks good.


Does a good job of trying to convience TripleA that despite Nexus being scummy that SMS is a better vote.


Waggon on Dan develops and despite not mentioning him before jumps upon that waggon






Family guy votes nexus, then TripleA unvotes SMS so what happens it

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I had suspicions about Lion of the Midlands before him, and the case he's making is very weak. But I'm going to give swiftstrike as clear a slate as I possibly can to work from. I'm confused as to why he's picked you of all people to make such an in depth and focussed case about.

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I had suspicions about Lion of the Midlands before him, and the case he's making is very weak. But I'm going to give swiftstrike as clear a slate as I possibly can to work from. I'm confused as to why he's picked you of all people to make such an in depth and focussed case about.


I think he saw a line he thought was scummy (or that he could twist to being scummy), threw out a vote for me then started to build up a case. I don't think he managed to make a strong case because there really wasn't one there, but because he voted for me immediately he was then committed to presenting a case, to not do so would flag up as scum straight away.


I'm inclined to think that he is scum, but there is the chance that he genuinely thought he had something and tried to go for broke. Sadly all we have from him so far are a handful of posts, and mostly focused on me.


On another topic, the Family Guy line is quite a damning one, I think that he did react badly to your voting for him last day phase and his actions at the end of the last day really put him on my radar, spending the time defending a wagon that didn't exist while ignoring the discussion around lynching either Dan or Nexus.


FamilyGuy, can you explain that line, and also explain why you focused on Ron's apparent tunnelling even though nobody really agreed with him, and do you feel that it was your own actions have actually moved you closer to the noose?

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I had suspicions about Lion of the Midlands before him, and the case he's making is very weak. But I'm going to give swiftstrike as clear a slate as I possibly can to work from. I'm confused as to why he's picked you of all people to make such an in depth and focussed case about.

What Lion did counts for swift's position too, it's still the same slot, and should be treated as such. Otherwise you risk ignoring town/scum reads from the previous position, and means we can wind up with people not being taken notice of potential town/scum at points that it's important to do so.


In fact, in a game that's just finished (Pick Your Power 4 on Mafia Scum), the final scum member was also a player who had only just replaced into the game, and would likely have flown right under the radar had yours truly not used the power of investigation and caught the scum out on the previous night. So yeah... never let a replacing in player have a clean slate. It's worth considering that they'll play different, and if the previous player was crap (Lion isn't of course) then I can see a clean slate being considered, but not when it's decent player replacing into a decent player slot.


Also I find swift's play scummy as well.


As for the deadline - Ad Break will occur on Wednesday 22nd December 2010 at 16:00 (Pasted from Snake's last post).

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What Lion did counts for swift's position too, it's still the same slot, and should be treated as such. Otherwise you risk ignoring town/scum reads from the previous position, and means we can wind up with people not being taken notice of potential town/scum at points that it's important to do so.

Oh for sure, it was just a danced up way of me saying I won't be voting for him this day phase. His play looks scummy, but as Bristep said it may just be that he backed himself into a corner with that early vote. Having joined a game in progress myself I know it can be difficult. When you're reading through the early stages of the thread you sometimes get a "eureka" moment that has been quashed later in the thread, but you're yet to know that.


I'll certainly keep my eye on swiftstrike, but I don't see any point in voting for him at this stage. If he's scum I wonder if it's a distraction, or an attempt at using his reputation in these games (and heck, he has one) to dispose of one of the town's best players. He could also deliberately be putting focus on him to take focus away from someone else who is scum and has a powerful role.


If he's town he might have backed himself into a corner, or perhaps has information previously available to LOTM that suggests Bristep is scum, and is trying to build a case, but finds it difficult to because he's played so well this game.


I don't personally think Bristep is scum, so I'm leaning towards one of the other options. Dunno which one yet though.

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Yeah, I'm not convinced of bristep being scum either. However I don't think swift would throw himself away for the good of the other scum, even if he was just a mafia goon, he's likely worth holding onto beyond most scum roles purely because of his ability to appear town regardless in general. I'm also not convinced he just had a "eureka" moment, he's the type of player who thinks things through more than that. Which to me means one single slip wouldn't have him jumping on someone (unless it was big, even then, he tends to discuss it more), so to that end, it's all outside of his normal play.


But I'm with you on not lynching him today. For me it's between FG, brownie and Corey now. I'm not really fussed who out of those three as I'm pretty certain all three will flip scum. with swift being the 4th and final scum of the group. (The 5th being the now dead Nexus of course).

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Well it seems I have a lot to catch up on from the weekend play....but from a quick skim it seems Mike has performed the most epic of backtracks on Ron, and as his rabid insistence that he was scum was one of the main reasons for my vote, I'm going to unvote too. I'm going to try and re-read some of Swift's and Family Guy's stuff today, but if I don't agree with the arguments against them then I think my vote will go on either Corey or Wolfvision.


Corey I believe to be just not playing, so I'm not convinced he's scum, Wolfvision on the other hand seems to pop up just before he would be eligible for a modkill, post nothing of importance, and vanish for a few more days. What makes me slightly suspicious is that in his short (thanks to Mike's excellent lynch on him) play in the pirate game (or was it the cowboy game?) he was a very active poster. I have a feeling he might be hiding.

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