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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Hold on Dan... the two current proposed plans, if all goes tits up (I'm town, Ron's town, and we lose town if we lynch me with Ron as the hammer, or if I'm town Ron's the SK (and he survives) who we lynch tomorrow) lose us 3 players maximum. Your plan is guarenteed to lynch FOUR players before we ever move forwards.


We lynch Ron today and say he flips town, tonight we lose a town player, and I'm lynched tomorrow (I'm town, and whoever hammers dies, we could potentially lose town there in fact), and that night another town dies... that's four (minimum) town dead, with a possibility of FIVE town dead before we proceed...


Why would you favour that plan over any of the others?


(Note, I am assuming that the plan goes wrong, which if Ron flips PGO would go wrong, as I know I'm the Bomb).


In fact... that would potentially drop us to 9 alive, 5 to lynch, and four scum alive... one more mislynch at that point and town could be well and truly lost. So the fact you would advocate that plan above anything else (where we lose 3 town max if it all goes tits up) seems fishy to me.

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Yes but if Rons town (PGO) I'm pretty sure you will not be town. If Rons scum then hes gone and we get to work on brownie and corey (who you claim you are sure they are mafia). But you don't seem to want to pursue them for some reason even though you are sure they are mafia but have provided no real evidence

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I have provided evidence actually, go back and look. I've also said I want to pursue them, if you want to go back and look. However this day phase I was concentrating on Ron because I felt (and still somewhat do) that he's the Serial Killer, which is more dangerous to keep around long term than a scum team (the scum team will kill each night even if we lynch one of their members, the SK stops killing as soon as he's dead, so we halve our night deaths with one lynch).


However, my point is, if you suspect BOTH me and Ron... you should be putting your weight behind the "lynch Mike and have Ron hammer" plan, which still only loses 3 town if me and Ron are both town. Which is better for town.


YOUR plan means if we get the worst outcome, we end with 5 town dead... how does that sound better to you than 3 town dead in the worst possible situation?

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Also if you are as sure as you claim to be you would know my plan would only lose 1 town in the NK as you claim you are sure that he is the SK but now seem to be going back on that. are you trying to mislead the town Mike, a little scummy if you ask me saying you are certain then saying not to follow the plan of the nearest damn thing to guarenteed town that we have because he might not be SK. How sure are you Mike? What were your actions last night Mike?

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Have you been paying attention?


Me = bomb


What smegging actions do you want me to perform as an inanimate object that explodes when someone kills me or lynches me? Christ on a bike.


My point is, we know Snake doesn't attempt to be bastardly in his games... but he already has been in this one without meaning to, by confirming TripleA via the earlier flavour text, and then punishing him by putting him at L-1 for quoting part of his role PM. I'm second guessing myself because Snake's entirely possibly put in BOTH a bomb and a PGO (and Ron dicked about with the vigilante crumbing because he's a tit who for a few hours went mad). In which case following the plan to lynch Ron means we risk being stuffed over, even more so if he DOES flip PGO and everyone lynches me, because it puts us five down instantly.


By waiting a single night we find out if there are additional kills tonight, if nobody targets Ron, (and anyone who has roles that could potentially die if they act... don't bleeding act!) and we only lose a single player tonight, we reveal that Ron has to be the PGO based solely on the fact that a Serial Killer should be killing nightly to have a true chance of winning. Same the night after, if after two nights we've just lost a single town player each night, we know it's just the scum group we're looking for. In the meantime we obviously continue to hunt scum.


As I say, worst case scenario, we've lost 3 town on either of the plans put forth (by me, and Lawz I think), your plan risks 5 town... this is worse for us than either of the current plans.


What's more, the plan of "scum hunt, and leave Ron and me alive tonight to see how things go" also has the other benefit of, if there's just the one kill that happens tonight, we have essentially gained us two confirmed town that the scum CANNOT kill without risking dying (they blow up if they kill me, and they just wouldn't be able to kill Ron).


I'll take that one I think over all else at this stage the more I think about it. However I can also understand why people would be against it in that it doesn't confirm either of us to them in essence. But I will note that if we also lynch scum today (and I still say brownie or Corey as I have done for bleeding ages), that should confirm me regardless, and with no additional night kills, it confirms Ron too.

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Ok so lets lynch Brownie then, If he flips scum you have as close to confirmation as we are going to get but if only one person dies that will not confirm ron as he will just hold off until he is in a better position to knock us off ( if he is the SK) . If brownies scum then we lynch corey, then Ron.

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Nuhuh, we lynch brownie, I'm all for that.


But if we get only a single kill for a couple of nights, I'm not going to suddenly lynch Ron. Now if we get a night with zero kills (which, at this point, we shouldn't, as the doc AND roleblocker for town are gone), we know all the scum are dead and can lynch Ron as likely Serial Killer who was holding back. (At that point we should be mass claiming anyway).



vote: brownie

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Corey has gone silent again, and brownie is V/LA until Monday so we're not going to get much in the way of defence from either. Could be risky to lynch them without questioning when there are other suspects we can try to get more info out of.


What is the general concensus as to the amount of scum remaining? I have 5 people who I suspect, but I don't know that there's that many out there.

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As I said earlier in the game, we have 5 Nexus scum maximum (4 if there's a Serial Killer), any more than that and it's unbalanced for town, less and it's unbalanced for scum.


Suspect wise I have brownie, Corey and Lionswift. Chris B and Dan are now also suspect for me (Chris B because he seems adamant to press me as scum despite my uber strong pushing of Nexus since day 1, and Dan because he would currently rather risk losing 5 town rather than 3 town in a worst case scenario).


However, Corey going silent again is no reason not to push him, in fact, it's more reason he's possibly scum, because if he's AGAIN not saying much of anything, then it again shows he's trying to slide under the radar, and... thinking about it, like I said earlier, a lynch on Corey, with a Corey scum flip means brownie has to be scum because brownie was the one trying to drag me kicking and screaming away from pushing a Corey lynch.


So to that end... I'm more than happy to see a Corey, brownie or swift lynch this day phase.

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As I said earlier in the game, we have 5 Nexus scum maximum (4 if there's a Serial Killer), any more than that and it's unbalanced for town, less and it's unbalanced for scum.


Suspect wise I have brownie, Corey and Lionswift. Chris B and Dan are now also suspect for me (Chris B because he seems adamant to press me as scum despite my uber strong pushing of Nexus since day 1, and Dan because he would currently rather risk losing 5 town rather than 3 town in a worst case scenario).


However, Corey going silent again is no reason not to push him, in fact, it's more reason he's possibly scum, because if he's AGAIN not saying much of anything, then it again shows he's trying to slide under the radar, and... thinking about it, like I said earlier, a lynch on Corey, with a Corey scum flip means brownie has to be scum because brownie was the one trying to drag me kicking and screaming away from pushing a Corey lynch.


So to that end... I'm more than happy to see a Corey, brownie or swift lynch this day phase.


I still think Dan is town, only because of the rolecop scum flip last night.


Personally Corey, brownie, swiftstrike, Familyguy and Burchill Buddy are on my list. Some stronger than others, but all have acted in dubious ways to me so far.

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As I said earlier in the game, we have 5 Nexus scum maximum (4 if there's a Serial Killer), any more than that and it's unbalanced for town, less and it's unbalanced for scum.


Suspect wise I have brownie, Corey and Lionswift. Chris B and Dan are now also suspect for me (Chris B because he seems adamant to press me as scum despite my uber strong pushing of Nexus since day 1, and Dan because he would currently rather risk losing 5 town rather than 3 town in a worst case scenario).


However, Corey going silent again is no reason not to push him, in fact, it's more reason he's possibly scum, because if he's AGAIN not saying much of anything, then it again shows he's trying to slide under the radar, and... thinking about it, like I said earlier, a lynch on Corey, with a Corey scum flip means brownie has to be scum because brownie was the one trying to drag me kicking and screaming away from pushing a Corey lynch.


So to that end... I'm more than happy to see a Corey, brownie or swift lynch this day phase.


I Actually didn't want to risk 5 town, I was going on your advice that you were SURE that Ron was the SK therefore my plan would have ended instantly and we would lose the 1 town on the NK so thats twisting my plan completely to make me look scum even though I couldn't be anymore town right now. Still as with the discussed plan i will vote brownie and if he flips scum yay for us and then corey is next up, If he flips town then its looking bad for you mike.



Vote Brownie

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I still think Dan is town, only because of the rolecop scum flip last night.

Fair point, my only issue with Dan was that it seemed like he was more willing to risk 5 town than 3. Beyond that my feelings on him being scum have lessened considerably. Just like me only real suspicion of Chris B was from earlier this day phase, I've felt he's town prior to that, so I'm not strong on him.


Personally Corey, brownie, swiftstrike, Familyguy and Burchill Buddy are on my list. Some stronger than others, but all have acted in dubious ways to me so far.

I'd drop Buchill's Buddy, and you may be onto something. While I have nothing to suspect Familyguy that much, my gut tells me he should be scum. I just don't want to rely on gut only. So he's the lowest out of that group I'd say.


I Actually didn't want to risk 5 town, I was going on your advice that you were SURE that Ron was the SK therefore my plan would have ended instantly and we would lose the 1 town on the NK so thats twisting my plan completely to make me look scum even though I couldn't be anymore town right now. Still as with the discussed plan i will vote brownie and if he flips scum yay for us and then corey is next up, If he flips town then its looking bad for you mike.



Vote Brownie

Like I said above, that was my only suspicion of you, and if brownie and Corey flip town AND Ron is the PGO, I need to go back to the drawing board when it comes to spotting scum in the UKFF games. But it wasn't twisting your words, because I'm essentially second guessing myself. Because we know Snake likes to over-fill his games with roles, so while there shouldn't be both a PGO and a Bomb in the same game... I wouldn't put it past Snake to do so without realizing it's a terrible combination, which is what makes me concerned I got that one arse about face.

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I'm not really down with a brownie vote at the moment, he's V/LA and he has contributed towards the game more then Corey who's been less vocal. When Mike was V/LA votes quickly reigned down on him in sucession and people were quick to point out he was V/LA now brownie is the same and I think we should extend him the same courtesy tbf. Coreys been less active overall and has had a chance to integrate himself more, therefore if its out of those two I'd be more willing to vote Corey.

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I'm not really down with a brownie vote at the moment, he's V/LA and he has contributed towards the game more then Corey who's been less vocal. When Mike was V/LA votes quickly reigned down on him in sucession and people were quick to point out he was V/LA now brownie is the same and I think we should extend him the same courtesy tbf. Coreys been less active overall and has had a chance to integrate himself more, therefore if its out of those two I'd be more willing to vote Corey.


While I'm not saying this to discount your point, you're wrong in the reaction to voting on Mike. The point was made that it was suspicious that 3 people decided to vote for Mike once he was V/LA. There was at no point any discussion around it being unfair to vote someone who is V/LA.

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