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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Ugh, so Mike's calling me the killer now? I have a theory like I told you last post. I'm on a phone right now, so can't copy/paste but I was on the mafia wiki, and there's a role called a 'paranoid veteran' (I think) - if someone could copy and paste the entry that'd be handy. But yeah, this is a pro-town role where a player kills anyone who makes an action against them. We lost 2 power roles. They probably targeted the same person - a person with this role. That's my theory, though I'm accessing the site with a phone so please paste the wiki entry so people can poke holes in what I say.


Worth noting that Ron is claiming to be the Paranoid Gun Owner, but got the name wrong when referencing it earlier. Ron, can you give an explanation for that?

Good point.


Ron = 100% Serial Killer.


Eh, I'm not totally convinced by either side of this right now.


He got the name wrong but that could have been intentional so as not to tip off that he might be one himself. You are basing your serial killer theory on a pattern which you've seen but it could just be that he uses the word too much. I use the words "Quite Frankly" a lot, something I wasn't aware of until I saw a promo of mine on a show, so it's entirely possible.


On the other hand of course you could well be right, he could be a serial killer claiming otherwise. If he convinces the game that he's a PGO then nobody will want to attack him (Clarify for me, if he is lynched and is PGO does the hammer die? Also if the scum target him for an NK do any of them die?)


Anyways we have time on our side to try and establish the truth here. phase doesn't end for a week almost.

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Plus targeting TMS would be seriously bad play - I just built a case on Nexus which saved Dan, and could quite easily have built on that. Killing someone like Bristep, who has played an awesome game so far, would have been a better plan. Killing at random is the best way to play that role. Plus, why did only one person die tge previous night? Probably because scum targetted someone protected and THE HIDER hid behind me!

Hider does not die if he hides behind a PGO.

In fairness, the Hider would die because they targetted the PGO. But like I ALSO say... the PGO is normally only a single use role... with it being multiple use it would be massively overpowered in scum's direction because it risks losing tons of pro-town power roles. So it's bollocks.


Ugh, so Mike's calling me the killer now? I have a theory like I told you last post. I'm on a phone right now, so can't copy/paste but I was on the mafia wiki, and there's a role called a 'paranoid veteran' (I think) - if someone could copy and paste the entry that'd be handy. But yeah, this is a pro-town role where a player kills anyone who makes an action against them. We lost 2 power roles. They probably targeted the same person - a person with this role. That's my theory, though I'm accessing the site with a phone so please paste the wiki entry so people can poke holes in what I say.


Worth noting that Ron is claiming to be the Paranoid Gun Owner, but got the name wrong when referencing it earlier. Ron, can you give an explanation for that?

That was deliberate. I didn't want tge scum to think it was me, so I would be targeted tonight for being a 'power role' - and they'd die, just like IIH, TMS and TheRandySavage.



Sorry Ron, but you've been caught bang to rights on this one.


And Dan, he likely didn't kill you because you were pushing him "too" heavily. While TMS was pushing him well, but not massively, so he felt that was the better target (plus WIFOM abound after), it just was unlucky for Ron that TMS was the cop.


Checking the mafiawiki, the Army Veteran and Paranoid Gun Owner are essentially the same thing, with the exception being that the Army Veteran is one shot whereas the PGO makes no mention of that being the case.

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bristep, he doesn't use the word vigilant a lot though. As evidenced by the fact he only did it for that short span of time, stopping immediately after I called him on it.


As far as the name goes... how would it "not tip off the scum"? They would know, 100%, what role he was referencing because he explained it entirely. He could have said the exact name without scum suddenly "knowing" that he meant himself. It's a bullshit reason.


And no, if a PGO and is lynched, the hammer wont die. In fact, I'll stake myself on that one by BEING the hammer vote if people would rather (I've no issue with it as I know he's not a PGO anyway).


Also, if anyone targets the PGO, they would die (but as I say, it's only one use 99% of the time for balance reasons... and if it's not, he should have claimed day one to prevent risking losing multiple power roles, better he's lynched through nobody believing him day 1, than losing multiple power roles).


I don't believe his PGO claim in the slightest, the evidence is too strong to show that he was fake breadcrumbing earlier, and now has no way of backing it up because he hit the cop.

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bristep, he doesn't use the word vigilant a lot though. As evidenced by the fact he only did it for that short span of time, stopping immediately after I called him on it.


As far as the name goes... how would it "not tip off the scum"? They would know, 100%, what role he was referencing because he explained it entirely. He could have said the exact name without scum suddenly "knowing" that he meant himself. It's a bullshit reason.


And no, if a PGO and is lynched, the hammer wont die. In fact, I'll stake myself on that one by BEING the hammer vote if people would rather (I've no issue with it as I know he's not a PGO anyway).


Also, if anyone targets the PGO, they would die (but as I say, it's only one use 99% of the time for balance reasons... and if it's not, he should have claimed day one to prevent risking losing multiple power roles, better he's lynched through nobody believing him day 1, than losing multiple power roles).


I don't believe his PGO claim in the slightest, the evidence is too strong to show that he was fake breadcrumbing earlier, and now has no way of backing it up because he hit the cop.


Ok, I'm willing to go with you on this one. You have the experience over me and I do believe that you're town so I'll go along with it.


Sorry Ron, but Mike was right about Nexus so I'm going to go out on a limb and trust him on this one.


God damnit Mike you really better be right.


vote Ron

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Whoah, but who turned the tables yesterday so that Nexus got lynched over Dan? Why would I have been fighting to save Dan if I were a serial killer? Why would THREE people have died today, yet only one yesterday? TWO power roles at that - How would people have gotten THAT lucky? Why would I target TMS "because he was vocal against me" when Family Guy had been EVEN MORE vocal against me...I don't think you're daft enough to be ed, Bristep so that kind of worries me that you might be scum - and if you are, hat's off as you've played a brilliant game...but if you're town Bristep don't let Mike lead you. He's been hugely wrong before, like when he thought wolfvinson was the poisoner in Snake's last game. He genuinely did think it was him, and was WAY off the mark. Just as he is now. This is easily disproven. I'm telling the truth about being a PGO, so I'm the only one the scum can't kill. If you're wrong you lose an unkillable person...but if I AM a killer then you'll find out tonight and can lynch me then. I AM NOT a serial killer!!! Why would I bring it up if I was? Have I ever played such a horrendous game before?!


Sorry for the double posts before...I was on a phone but now I'm on slow dial-up - Family Guy PMSL is who you should be looking at - look at how his posting danced around yesterday when he was defending against my vote. He went from calling me a "terrible player" to trying psychology: "I know I'm town, I know you're town" - look at how he played his vote against Nexus - afte the deadline and very last minute. Look at his general play! He's blatant scum! And the case for me to be a SK is so hugely flawed! My connection is so shitty I won't be around for long - ironically perhaps - but trust me, you are so hugely wrong and out of all Mike's "eureka" moments this is the stupidest. You're gonna feel really daft for going along with this. I don't think Mike's scum at all, otherwise why wouldn't he take out me, "the vigilante"? So even if I die - to all the townies - DO NOT be led into a lynch on Mike Castle. He's making a retarded move, but it wouldn't make much sense for him to be scum. That might change, but DO NOT lynch him based on this.


And Mike, in the post game thread I'm going to give you such a hard time for this ;)

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Ron, you'd be scum hunting as a Serial Killer regardless... so claiming that you were scum hunting doesn't change the fact you're the SK.


Sorry Ron, but my reason for trusting you previously was the whole Vigilant stuff.


More to the point, if you weren't saying Vigilant deliberately, why did you stop when I told you to? Why didn't you question what I meant at the time? You could have responded about it, and scum would have attempted to kill you that night if you were, indeed, the PGO "just in case", while the doc wouldn't have protected you because it's unlikely they'd have been sure you were telling the truth due to the suspicion on you.


Sorry Ron, but I'm just not going to believe you as town now. The one, and only, reason I trusted you so much was the vigilante stuff, now you're backing out on that you are definitely not town.

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Right Ron, I'm willing to trust you as I feel a lot more evidence swings in your favour in my eyes so far if I'm wrong I appologise to the town. Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is in regards to FGPMSL as I'm willing to back you on this one as I think his play at the end of the last day was scummy.


Vote Family Guy PMSL

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More to the point, if you weren't saying Vigilant deliberately, why did you stop when I told you to? Why didn't you question what I meant at the time? You could have responded about it, and scum would have attempted to kill you that night if you were, indeed, the PGO "just in case", while the doc wouldn't have protected you because it's unlikely they'd have been sure you were telling the truth due to the suspicion on you.

I thought you meant argue with you - I thought you meant stop the slightly aggressive play. Which I then stopped. Look at my posts and you'll see that. And I think I've played a pretty pro-town game, I can't see why you'd think otherwise. Initially I got frustrated at a few people, but it's easily done. You've been there too in this game, Mike. Look at insert_name_here's opinions, see if he was positive towards me? Or it may be that IIH protected scum, and TMS investigated me because of what he said earlier. Your theory doesn't really add up - I urge you to read back and see this.


And incase I don't get lynched,


Vote Family Guy PMSL


It's a tough fight though, the scum will be up my arse and will probably push my lynch through. And the bane of my life, Mike f'cking Castle will be doing his best to squeeze in alongside them.


Again, town - DO NOT lynch Mike based on this if I die. You'll be led towards doing that, but don't let the scum take control. Say as many nasty things as you like to him, but don't lynch him unless you genuinely end up thinking he's scum. He's lynching me because he's wrong, I reckon. Not because he's scum. Really, really, really wrong. As a poster I really like Mike, but in these games he's like a child with a chainsaw...town, don't let him damage himself.

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Ok mike I think you have argued the case against ron well so im going to go with you, however ill be stating your reputation on it, Ron flips scum and you have led two scum lynches which would surely confirm you town, but if you're wrong on this one after being so certain, my first post on day 3 will be a vote on you.


Vote Ron Simmons

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Right, I'm probably going to die so my suspects are Burchill's Buddy and Family Guy PMSL. There's gonna be someone else in there I'd imagine, but I'm not sure who. I thought Lion of The Midlands might be scum, or TMS, but I was obviously wrong on the latter.


Burchill's Buddy is already planting seeds to chase a lynch on Mike Castle. BB, if you're town, yes stake his reputation and credibility on it - he deserves that - but DO NOT lynch him because of it. There's a difference between being scum and being stupid.


Now, I think BB is scum and will attempt to lynch Mike anyway, so I'm going to have to hope that people see his scummy ways and ignore his opinions. I'm worried swiftstrike has come in as scum if he replaced Lion, and he'll do a damn good job of getting rid of whoever he feels the need to if that's the case.


Whatever the case, it seems the town are being led once again. They'll never learn...:(

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Anyway, I need to go now. But yeah, I think Mike needs to earn his "Mafia God" title or otherwise be relegated to something of our choice...and since he's wrong he's screwing the town out of an important player.


Unless, of course I'm wrong and he's scum. Then he gets to keep the title!


But it looks like I'm going to die, so town - good luck. Make sure you give Mike a verbal raping in the morning.

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Yeah, the evidence has really stacked up against Ron at the moment hasn't it?


Problem with him, is with the accusation that he's the serial killer being the main basis for his lynch is something the town and the scum would work together to hammer, so we don't really gain any info from the players pushing for his demise. A Serial Killer lynch is good for everyone, and even better for the scum if he's a vigilante.


Personally, I thought he was just playing a bad town game, and stick by that assumption, even if it is slightly influenced by gut feeling. I still feel suspicious of Mike, but Ron's constant tunnelling of me since I accused him in Day One is getting to the point of irritation now. He's ended up in bother, and his first point of call is 'Oh, it's FGPMSL, stop looking at me, it's him! I don't have any further basis other than some flimsy argument made days ago about it being illogical to vote for me when I've been playing like scum, but vote for him instead of Me anyway'. Whilst personally I'd like to see shot of him, that's not enough of a basis for me to put a vote in, because it's personal prejudice.


I can see the points raised by the voters on Ron being valid, and understand why he's in the noose, but I can't put a vote in him at this moment personally I'm afraid.

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