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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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I think everything posted until the Mod does his job and ends the day should count. If he wanted the day to end at 12, he should have been here at 12.

Yeah, if you can't be here that's fine - things happen in real life - but if that's the case extend the day a little.


I'd suggest someone else place a vote for Nexus (if they believe this is the right thing to do) because even though he has ten votes, one is from Lion of the Midlands who is to be replaced, so I'm guessing it might not count.

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Due to me falling asleep on the sofa last night imam extending the deadline till 6pm tonight. I will do the vote count at 1pm today when I will be in front of a PC

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Righ to clarify, no Lions vote does not stand as it became a unvote when he requested replacement. Also any votes that were made between 11pm and 7 this morning I will not count either as technically it was end of day phase, but now you all have until 6 this evening, to vote, unvote or whatever.


I can only apologise or this day phase as I have not been around and I didn't have a backup mod in place. However after 1pm today I will be fully on the game.

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I don't really want us going to a no-lynch, and I still feel Dan has some ways to go to get himself away from the gallows (although he's done a good job the last few posts he's made), but with that in mind, Nexus IS still second on my list for a lynch (and his most recent posts have hurt his cause too), so I'll switch my vote too.




Vote: Nexus

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The last week or so has been a bit of a clusterfuck organisation wise, but I'm back at work now so will be able to get a lot more involved. One thing I'd like to do is remove my vote for Dan Williams before this day comes to its eventual end. I doubted myself when I did vote for him, and I think he defended himself very well over the last 3 or 4 pages. I don't think you need my vote as you've already got enough now, but I'm not against a lynch on Nexus at all. He was my main suspicion early day 1 before SMS' roleblocker claim and everything that followed it, and I haven't really seen enough of him this day to comment.



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I don't think Dan's defended himself well at all, to be honest. I'm feeling rather like we've been played here. It's like some people have been actively trying to force a no-lynch. I'm actually wondering if Nexus hurling himself at the noose was a scum plan that's ended up backfiring when the day hasn't ended when was expected.

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I don't think Dan's defended himself well at all, to be honest. I'm feeling rather like we've been played here. It's like some people have been actively trying to force a no-lynch. I'm actually wondering if Nexus hurling himself at the noose was a scum plan that's ended up backfiring when the day hasn't ended when was expected.

Didn't you have a vote on Dan at one point that switched to Nexus? I assume you gave reasons at the time but to save my searching, do you mind if I ask why you switched?

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In the interests of getting a lynch.


I originally voted Dan at the start of the day, because I thought he needed pressure put on him. I changed it to Mike, because Mike's play today has been horrendous. As it came close to the deadline, I changed it back to Dan because he was closest to a lynch - however, then a few people changed their votes to Nexus after he started acting suicidally. Since Nexus has been on the radar throughout the game as a suspect, it's not a lynch I have any issues with.

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In the interests of getting a lynch.


I originally voted Dan at the start of the day, because I thought he needed pressure put on him. I changed it to Mike, because Mike's play today has been horrendous. As it came close to the deadline, I changed it back to Dan because he was closest to a lynch - however, then a few people changed their votes to Nexus after he started acting suicidally. Since Nexus has been on the radar throughout the game as a suspect, it's not a lynch I have any issues with.

Yeh I think that about sums up my feelings too. It does perhaps make us seem a bit bandwagon-y, but I'm always against no-lynches under any circumstances. I must have skipped over Nexus' suicidal posts so I'm going to try and find them now. If that's the case though, from the way it's played out do you think it sounds suspiciously like Nexus is throwing himself over the top to save Dan?

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I honestly don't know. It's a possibility - I just really can't see why Nexus is behaving the way he has. He's either town, but really can't help playing suspiciously, or he's scum and doing it for a reason. Or, I suppose, it's also possible he's scum and doing it for no reason, but you'd expect that he'd have other players reigning him in if that were the case.

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I'm back, and I'll come straight in with some responses to stuff from just after I disappeared for the weekend:


but there's a huge difference between 'leaving out what isn't relevant' and 'leaving out what is relevant, but doesn't support my case'.

Yes, there is. Have you gone and checked that I've only left out irrelevant stuff? Because if you had, you will notice that I have only left out irrelevant stuff.


I also don't get his attitude of 'if I don't agree with you, that doesn't mean I'm scum' when he's one of the first to throw accusations of scum around based on that.

I am? So I've accused you of being scum because you disagreed with me? Or have I stated I feel you to be potential town pushing for information?


I think the V/LA is convenient timing as well, since it's taking him up to the end of the day, and it'll make anyone who pushed on him look scummy.

I spent a weekend visiting my Mum (I'll be spending five days there over Christmas, again with no net access, so now you have advance warning. though I would hope Snake would extend the day phases over Christmas purely based on the fact people will be with family most likely, rather than worrying about a game online).


When I made a final point against him he ignored it amidst a few tellings off by the mod. When I later repeated myself and asked him to answer it, he didn't.

I don't really understand the point you want me to answer. Mind quoting it/clarifying it, so I can make a response?


As was said earlier, this is not a game of 'Follow Mike Castle', yet again he's tried to make mountains out of molehills with TripleA and bristep

This is either blatantly lying, or just not paying close enough attention. Where have I tried to make "mountains out of molehills" with TripleA? I've actually said I believe him to be playing more like town than as scum.


Mike's defences have generally been lacking in this game, and that's part of the problem.

I'll again point out that you not receiving the answers you like, =/= not answering the questions.


On top of that, because two people vote closely to each other on Mike's (and again, I'll point out that the '15 minutes' thing is bollocks), it can only be a scum plan?

Except it was stated that "one" of those on the wagon is scum, and they likely are. If scum believe there to be an easy wagon they'll hop on happily and just ride it out. If the person flips town, "they looked scummy", if they flip scum then the scum on the wagon have bought town points. (They hope).


The one part of the wording though that sticks out to me is "i've been thinking about it" which was said by both Chris B and Brownie.

Then there's Family Guy's refusal to acknowledge how bad it might look for 3 people to suddenly decide to vote for Mike the day he buggers off. He might have all good reasons for voting and may deep down beleive it's the right thing to do, but to not realise it looks bad?. Not buying it.

I'm still thinking Chris is possibly town just trying so hard he's missing certain things (namely that things aren't black or white, and there's a huge ton of grey in between). Family Guy... I dunno, I think he's possibly jumping again because he thinks you're calling him scummy just by posting it (likely the same with Chris, what with the fact they both jumped like crazy when I even slightly suggested the whole "possibly posting fluff" stuff (Incidentally, on the re-read I found Family Guy hadn't been posting fluff anyway).


brownie on the other hand... I'm not liking. His chainsaw defence of Corey comes across very much like "we should force the slot to be replaced, even if the rules say it shouldn't be, we should wait for a replacement", despite the obvious "we can't wait for one if there is no reason for it", then attacks me for attacking someone for me believing their scum. Throw in his obvious wagon jump, and out of the three who voted me in that space of time, he's the one most likely to be scum.


i'm more concerned now with Wolfvinson who's "I suspect these 4 people but i'm not telling you until the next day phase for no reason" is the worst play I think i've seen so far in the game.

I have this strange feeling Wolf is town. I don't know why because it's terrible play, but I do believe he (at this stage) believes that he should hold back. It's a bad decision by all accounts, but I can't see a real scum gain from it.


So thus far, I'm still happy with a Nexus lynch if it's between him and Dan at this stage (I'm beginning to feel Dan's leaning town). I would rather a Corey or brownie lynch now (Seriously, brownie's constant defending of Corey smells wrong). But with deadline looming, a wagon switch just isn't going to happen at this stage, and Nexus is still a strong suspect in my eyes. So he should swing today.

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