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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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To be fair he's been a pretty rubbish mod throughout. I even had to PM him after I got my role because he didn't even clearly specify what I was or what I could do :/

And then there's all the votecounts he's not bothered with, or the people he's not prodded (or at least not told us he's prodded), it took him a week to replace someone who hadn't even posted in the game for almost a week.

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Next up in the 'Who's trying to fit up Family Guy parade, we've got Ron 'All you did in Day One is tunnel me' Simmons. Lets have a quick skim over Ron's posts this day phase shall we:


We start on Thursday, with Ron laying down the marker on FGPMSL


Don't get me wrong, I have strong suspicions against Family Guy, but I wouldn't want to accuse him based on the wording there. It might have been a subtle attempt to create an impression, but the terminology doesn't bother me.


Then, all goes quiet for a couple of days, before votes start flying in elsewhere, and Ron realises there's only the one wheel on his wagon. He pops a vote in on me, appealing to the town to get that scummy Family Guy into the noose because he has the audacity to accuse someone who isn't Ron Simmons.



I'm sticking with my Family Guy vote. As I've said I'm pretty certain Dan - as erratic as he's been - isn't scum. I'm putting my neck out for him here, but I think we'll end up disposing of another townie if we go ahead with this lynch. As it stands I'd be shocked if FG flipped town. He's the one I feel most certain about. I'd be happy with either a Nexus or FG lynch myself though. Don't know what others are thinking?


Again - absolutely putting my neck on the line - but I'm not going to vote for Dan.


Dan isn't scum isn't he? You changed your tune since your last failed wagon against Dan in day 1. Later in the day, Ron, realising no-one's listening to him, tries to steer discussion back towards me again.


How many are we at now, 18? I do think we have a few floating voters and quite possibly a few low posting scum members. That said, I still think there are a few players who maybe don't stick out like a sore thumb, but their actions are incredibly suspect. I know I've said this before, but Family Guy PMSL has played a very different game than he normally does. His initial attack on me (because of what Dan said - the person he's now voting for...) was followed by what seemed like a very opportunistic move on Mike. A "let's see if we can get rid of the vocal player when he's not around" kind of move. Testing the water. Now he's voting for Dan, and while opinions can change I feel that recently he's been very opportunistic.


Quite a damning attack, surely now the town will get on board? Well, actually, no, we've got considerably more scummy players in the game. So, later, Ron gives it another stab.


I still think Family Guy is a better lynch, because Nexus might just be acting arsish for the hell of it. But his behavious is more scummy to me than Dan's as it seems like calculated, provacative posting as opposed to "all over the place" erratic posting.


Well, we were talking about Nexus, but if the word 'lynch' was mentioned, surely you need to get your feelings across Ron.


And still nobody joins in. Damn!


What to do, what to do?


I'm pretty convinced Family Guy is scum, but I'm realistic. I don't think he's going to be lynched today.


Yes Ron, I get it. You think I'm scum. You're way wrong, you haven't backed your thoughts up with any reasoning other than 'you don't normally play like, you're being irrational', despite the fact my points have been backed up with actual reasoning and debate, rather than throwing some shit and hoping it sticks. All this comes off the back of when you had the bare-arsed cheek to tell me I'm tunnelling in Day 1, when all I did was answer your bullshit points. You're either doing this for two reasons:


1. You're bloody minded town who is so desperate for people to back your hunch, you have to hammer your point into the ground, or


2. You're scum.


Nobody other than Ron is looking in your direction right now and even he is voting elsewhere. Why are you spending your time 3 hours before the end of the phase defending points made hours ago and that are not the pressing concern? Right now we need to drill down to a lynch, whether we're right or not. How about you stow it for now, at least until we're in day 3.


Oh, and I'll go through the post later to derive it's validity but right now I'll say this. Whether you make a good case or not, just because someone has suspicions on you doesn't mean that they are trying to "fit you up". That's subverting intentions and plain misdirection. It's scummy behaviour.

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Well, maybe I'm just sick of Ron crawling up my arse with a flashlight, when he's got absolutely no case on me further than 'this isn't how he normally plays' when I've done nothing different in this game.


I got accused of tunnelling Ron in day 1, and since then he's done nothing but tunnel me. He's like a broken record; I get it, he thinks I'm scum, but when is he going to accept I'm not one of the scummy players here?


My vote is staying on Mike. If it gets to the point that I have to vote for the town to lynch, then depending on the case put on that player, I may move my vote, but right now, I see no reason to move it.

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Well, maybe I'm just sick of Ron crawling up my arse with a flashlight, when he's got absolutely no case on me further than 'this isn't how he normally plays' when I've done nothing different in this game.


I got accused of tunnelling Ron in day 1, and since then he's done nothing but tunnel me. He's like a broken record; I get it, he thinks I'm scum, but when is he going to accept I'm not one of the scummy players here?


My vote is staying on Mike. If it gets to the point that I have to vote for the town to lynch, then depending on the case put on that player, I may move my vote, but right now, I see no reason to move it.


I don't see the logic in waiting until the last moment to *maybe* make a decision. If you are town then you should really proactively look at the 2 candidates and decide now whether a lynch is valid on either. Waiting until the end is not sensible.

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Well, maybe I'm just sick of Ron crawling up my arse with a flashlight, when he's got absolutely no case on me further than 'this isn't how he normally plays' when I've done nothing different in this game.


I got accused of tunnelling Ron in day 1, and since then he's done nothing but tunnel me. He's like a broken record; I get it, he thinks I'm scum, but when is he going to accept I'm not one of the scummy players here?


My vote is staying on Mike. If it gets to the point that I have to vote for the town to lynch, then depending on the case put on that player, I may move my vote, but right now, I see no reason to move it.


I don't see the logic in waiting until the last moment to *maybe* make a decision. If you are town then you should really proactively look at the 2 candidates and decide now whether a lynch is valid on either. Waiting until the end is not sensible.


Okay, if you want to look at it, I don't think a lynch on Dan Williams is viable, I don't think the main protagonist against him in this game, Mr Simmons, have put together a case worthy of lynching. I don't even know how close Nexus is to a lynch, and yes, as I've previously stated I can see him being member of the scum cell, but I don't feel comfortable enough to vote for either him or Dan until I know it's definitely one of them or a No Lynch, which I wouldn't agree with.


Basically if it's a choice of one of Dan Williams/Nexus or no lynch taking place, I'd happily be the hammer, because I don't want to see a No Lynch, but I'm certainly not putting a vote on either of them now, to pad out the votes, in the event that influences other votes, because I don't have a strong enough belief either of them are scum to lay a vote down on it's merits of anything other than 'It's this or a No Lynch'.


In short, you won't pressure me into putting a vote down on those two players unless it's a last resort.

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Well, maybe I'm just sick of Ron crawling up my arse with a flashlight, when he's got absolutely no case on me further than 'this isn't how he normally plays' when I've done nothing different in this game.


I got accused of tunnelling Ron in day 1, and since then he's done nothing but tunnel me. He's like a broken record; I get it, he thinks I'm scum, but when is he going to accept I'm not one of the scummy players here?


My vote is staying on Mike. If it gets to the point that I have to vote for the town to lynch, then depending on the case put on that player, I may move my vote, but right now, I see no reason to move it.


I don't see the logic in waiting until the last moment to *maybe* make a decision. If you are town then you should really proactively look at the 2 candidates and decide now whether a lynch is valid on either. Waiting until the end is not sensible.


Okay, if you want to look at it, I don't think a lynch on Dan Williams is viable, I don't think the main protagonist against him in this game, Mr Simmons, have put together a case worthy of lynching. I don't even know how close Nexus is to a lynch, and yes, as I've previously stated I can see him being member of the scum cell, but I don't feel comfortable enough to vote for either him or Dan until I know it's definitely one of them or a No Lynch, which I wouldn't agree with.


Basically if it's a choice of one of Dan Williams/Nexus or no lynch taking place, I'd happily be the hammer, because I don't want to see a No Lynch, but I'm certainly not putting a vote on either of them now, to pad out the votes, in the event that influences other votes, because I don't have a strong enough belief either of them are scum to lay a vote down on it's merits of anything other than 'It's this or a No Lynch'.


In short, you won't pressure me into putting a vote down on those two players unless it's a last resort.


Ron has stated as little time as 2 pages ago that he thinks Dan is likely town, so no I agree that he hasn't put a case together worthy of lynching. That could be a mistake but I'm suspicious of it. If you are both scum then that could well be you trying to take the sights off of Dan by using the same argument that Ron is his main protagonist. It could be, or as I say it could be a mistake.

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Dan's complaining about being potentially lynched reminds me very much of his actions in the last day phase.


quote name='Dan Williams' date='Dec 2 2010, 19:19' post='2263389'

Well it seems I am a prime suspect all because I trusted 2 players who appeared to be scum hunting, vote me off if you want but please don't waste this day and have it end in a no lynch we all know this only benefits scum. Oh and if you do vote me off and Ron flips scum remember that I told you so.


That does look like a familiar way of playing to me...


POst 652


Meanwhile, Dan - here's the scummiest thing I've seen from you. You said, in the last day, while you were grandstanding, that you'd change your vote if a consensus appeared to be agreed. You then spectacularly failed to do so. Considering the way you played yesterday, did you have any intentions of following through with that?


So apparently this was THE scummiest thing I said in the whole of the last day phase and its not actually that scummy is it really. It was obvious the reason I never switched was because people started to get on one wagon and it was the one I felt was wrong as I felt SMS was town as he turned out to be.


1) My issue was that it went absolutely against what you were encouraging people to do. Let's not forget that this came after you'd pushed the entire day for Ron to be lynched, then self voted and said you hoped that the scum won. You then made out that you weren't trying to push for a no-lynch at all - you were willing to go with the town's decision. Here are two separate times you said it.


Im not having a meltdown Im frustrated as no one seems to understand the point im trying to get across, it is advantagous to the scum that there is a no lynch at the end of this phase. We have just had more votes without pushing a lynch on anyone and this will end up with us no lynching, Im also frustrated at the people who are coasting through the game why did they even sign up if they aren't going to play. So can we get a common agreement on 1 person to eliminate and vote for them instead of pursuing our own agendas, I have been willing to do this I'm sure some of you can too for the good of the town.





quote name='Dan Williams' date='Dec 3 2010, 1:03' post='2263672'


1) I suspect ron because i feel he tried to start a lynch on me by misquoting what i said and taking the words out of context


2) Nexus i only have a mild suspicion on due to his early posts but i felt he was popping up in most people suspicion lists so felt if we were heading to a no lynch we could vote him instead as several people had said they suspected him


3) I simply felt at the begining that they were the most positiv pro town players in my mind


4) I feel scum hunting was de-railed by Rons attempts to discredit me and Triple a's about face when i tried to push a lynch on Nexus (who he had earlier stated he suspected)


5) The plan i would now go with is in the next 12 hours we all need to agree with who to vote for as time is running out.


Also I will not be on tomorrow at all and wont be back on, on saturday until tea time.


2) You then didn't. Which I found to be really anti-town. You make a lot of noise about what you'll do if everyone else does it, and then you ignore it. How can this not look scummy?

Post 697

I'd say we got some valuable insight. Dan's one of my top suspects and Ron's not far behind. As I've already said, if the pressure is increased on scum, they have a tendency to slip up. You've already conceded this point, and now you're flip-flopping again.


He said he had some pretty valuable insight obviously into me as scum yet still has posted no evidence against me and showed in no way that I am scum


I didn't say 'I' had some pretty valuable insight. I said that 'we' (as in town/WWE) got some valuable insight. Which we did - the way you and Ron pushed on each other was bad. The way you continued and continued to push the point was worse. It then led to you self-voting, 3) and refusing to change it unless either Ron or Nexus was lynched. And then saying you hoped the scum won.


post 699

I'm honestly not sure. It certainly seems to be trying to push against Nexus in quite a bad way - however, Nexus played pretty badly earlier. Still, it was odd to see him being criticised for posting loads and also for not posting enough. I'd be far more interested in Dan's response than my own thoughts on it right now, as that's where the question really is.


I'm more interested in why he grandstanded about how he'd add his vote if a proper wagon formed, then didn't follow through.


I wasn't pushing against nexus in quite a bad way though was I? Infact I never even voted for him and then you say your not going to answer something as you don't think your answers relevant yet I should answer. And then he come back to that uber scummy point about me and his single minute shred of evidence me not changing my vote which I have just explained above.


4)You repeatedly said that you would only change your vote if either Ron or Nexus were voted. You then changed that to 'if there was a consensus'. I'd say that was pushing against nexus, and then making out that he had posted 30 times, when he'd actually posted six was also pushing pretty badly against that. I note that you ignored the context for BOTH of those points.


post 720




Okay. You make a good point, and I do think Dan's been the scummiest overall. I'm not trusting Mike, or indeed Triple A / Family Guy, but what I've got there is primarily a theory and attitude.




Vote: Dan Williams


Happy birthday.


I have been the scummiest overall apparently but still none of that hard evidence is there?


5) I think that tunnelling on Ron the way you did, trying desperately to stop town from lynching, self-voting, saying you hoped mafia won, and then promising to go with the town's decision and then refusing to is pretty hard evidence. You've then been very, very quiet in this day phase until people started voting for you again.



1)So you seem to only have this point again and I have said I would have changed my vote but there was no point as people continued there own agendas so there was no need for me to change my vote as we couldn

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My main suspect is still Dan, as the case has been made on him pretty strongly. It's possible that he's been pushed to the lynch, but it seems more probable that he's walked himself there. Have I missed a V/LA, btw? I've not seen him around for a bit.


After that, Mike and Triple A, followed by Family Guy and Nexus. I don't think the Family Guy/Triple A lead I pointed out earlier is necessarily great, but it seemed to kick things off as it unconvered some potential buddying by Mike and Triple A. This makes me think Triple A is a more likely lead than Family Guy, although it could go either way. If Triple A ends up being scum, then so is Mike. And vice versa. In my opinion, anyway. I'm tempted to think they're buddying up on Ron, but it could also be that they're playing with him. For me, a lot of it comes down to how Dan flips - I think that would be the lynch that would give us the most information at this point


What case is this then chris as you are still to post any evidence you have of me being scum but just seem to mention the fact alot, pretty scummy play this is so far isn't it. Everytime i accuse someone of being scum i at least back it up with some evidence. And chris you say my flip will give the most information, what info will you gain when I flip town?

End of part 1


6) I encourage everybody to go back and read the third of December. Dan's play is ludicrously anti-town.


The reason why I think that your flip will gain the most information is because of the huge arguments between yourself and Ron and Triple A from that day. It was the most obvious of all the arguments that day, and seeing who defended you and attacked you meant that it could give us far more information than anyone else. Is this really in question?

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Also if you can tell so much from the flip what will you learn when I flip town?


That we need to scrutinise every single post made even vaguely against you, and try and work out if there was any scum involvement in your lynch. I sincerely hope I'm right, because I'm fairly sure about you and Nexus. If I'm wrong then I am left at square one again. I think a lot of the town will be.

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Now's the time to weigh it up, do we all come together and lynch someone who the majority of us aren't 100% sure about as scum, or do we hold firm and just loose the one Town this set by putting it in the hands of scum?


I know it's near enough a shoddy way out, but we just can't decide can we?


Compelling arguments have reared their heads and I can't honestly say I can name scum from the main names highlighted, I'm not liking this end of day, I truly feel the scum have possibly gotten away with it here (namely Ron) but a decision truly has to be made.


One thing that I have to question is the fact that Dan came out right and voted for himself last day phase, yet this day phase when he faces actual lynching he hasn't pulled that trick, was the first attempt a bluff and now his backs against the wall, he actually doesn't want to go?

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Ok, no sign of the mod. The vote count is as follows (if I've got it right).


Dan Williams is L-2 (Chris B, Lawz, Nexus; Bristep123; Brownie; Carbomb; Top Man Shopper; Burchill's Buddy)

Nexus is L-5 (Lion of the Midlands; Mike Castle; Insert Name Here; Triple A; Ron Simmons)

Mike Castle is L-9 (Family Guy PMSL)

Family Guy PMSL is L-9 (Dan Williams)


Two hours left,

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Ok, I'm going to change my vote for lynch, because Dan is at least trying to state his case, and trying to defend himself. Nexus is just telling people they are incorrect and that it's all just down to his playing style. Whether or not either are true is yet to be seen but while neither have convinced me that they are town, Dan has at least been playing the game more actively and gives us more to scrutinise next day.




VOTE Nexus


BTW that makes Dan Williams L-3 and Nexus L-4.

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