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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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No, I don't like this sudden swing at all. It seems very calculated. I think Nexus probably is scum, but


vote Family Guy PMSL


This has sealed the deal for me. If you're scum - as I believe you are - I think you're a very dangerous player to the town. Much more so than Nexus.


Talk about waiting for an opportunity. You've got some cheek calling me calculated. I don't think there's much point arguing against this vote, seem as you've made it clear since the start of the day to vote for me, you've just been waiting for the first chance to stick it in without looking scummy.

Erm, I actually voted for you at the start of the day. I could easily and justifiably left that vote on, but I didn't. This has really made me suspect you, and as I've said I feel Nexus is probably scum, but I also think you are and while I'd like to keep higher posters in the game I think you're capable of "leading" the town - just as swftstrike did in the last game - to a decisive defeat.

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Wow. I leave things for a while, and things have moved pretty rapidly.


Not only that, I see the well's been fouled. Quite frankly, bristep123 raised some very interesting points about Mike which have thrown him up my "potential Nexus" list. But, of course, very conveniently, I can't vote (I wasn't going to, but it's the principle of someone throwing up a blatant roadblock like that), or even describe my logic in considering voting for him now because apparently that would make me Nexus.


TripleA - how are we to know that you're not actually Scum who got lucky with an educated guess as to what the VT PM said, sticking up for your co-conspirator, Mike? And what do you say to the idea that Mike could easily have V/LA-ed just to avoid being lynched today, safe in the knowledge that anyone who voted for him would be seen as Scum, backed up by your interference? Sure, you could say you agreed with the reasoning of those who voted for him, but as Sir Humphrey Appleby said: "It is necessary to get behind someone before you can stab them in the back."


I don't like the fact that, despite being provided with valid reasoning to vote for someone, that information has now, for the mean-time, been effectively poisoned. That in itself comes across as scummy to me.


From this point on, I'm going to be paying extra attention to everything you two post.


FOS Mike Castle

FOS TripleA


Well you see that would be a totally valid argument if -


1. It wasn't such a massive WIFOM. What's to say i'm not scum?, what's to say I am?. I didn't ask you all to trust my claim. It's true, but I didn't try and use it as some sort of mad confirmation, that was everyone else who just took my word.


2. The fact 3 people all voting for Mike one after the other, and the refusal by Family Guy to admit how scummy it might look, is really scummy. Vote for Mike if you all want to, but he's not even here to defend himself so what's the point?. He can't make a case back (not that any of the people who voted even made a good case), he can't roleclaim when he's L-1, and if he has any roles and is town, he can't tell us what to do next day phase to counter on his flip.

For example if he's a doctor, and he's on L-1, he can tell us who he protected. Same if he's a cop, or a hider, or whatever. All we get right now by lynching Mike is a whole bunch of nothing.

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TripleA - how are we to know that you're not actually Scum who got lucky with an educated guess as to what the VT PM said, sticking up for your co-conspirator, Mike?

Carbomb- He quoted the PM word for word - do you honestly think it's possible for him to make such an accurate guess?

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However, Triple A - quick question for you. In the last day phase, you had no problem jumping on SMS's wagon when he'd said he wouldn't be around to defend himself. Why is this not either hypocritical or (more damagingly) flip-flopping to suit an agenda?


Several reasons.


1. He never officially V/LA'd, he just said "I won't be able to post X and Y days". He was sporadically posting when he could inbetween these, so it's not like he was gone completely.


This is true, but I took his post as being pretty clear about the fact he wouldn't be around.


2. He didn't V/LA or say he was going to be away until the day phase was over. He had around a day or two at the end of the phase to defend himself, and he infact actually did that and I unvoted him. It wasn't until he got back on a bad posting track that I re-voted.


Considering I'm talking about the third, and the deadline was the fourth, I'm not entirely convinced by the timing there.


3. SMS was around L-3, so pretty much everyone in the game who was taking part regularly had a vote on SMS, including myself. Granted, there may have been a small bandwagon rolling through town, but everyone up to that point had already either voted SMS, or said they would anyway as they thought he was lying. In a group of around 10/11 people, it's pretty much a given some of them will be scum bandwagon jumpers, so there was no point making a deal of it as it would have went nowhere.


So at which point is it scummy to vote for someone? I'll join a wagon if needs be, because I don't want to go through to a no-lynch, as I think that's bad.


4. Towards the end of the phase, I was on L-1 and it looked like it was either Me or SMS dying. As much as I regretted it (if you look back I admit this, and even unvote SMS for a period of time, willing to sacrafice myself) he eventually started posting desperate stuff again so it looked like he was lying. It was me or him and if I think he's lying i'm going to vote him regardless.


That's more to do with what happened when he was around, rather than when he wasn't, or even when he stated he wouldn't be. He had certainly suggested he wouldn't be around when you voted for him, and that was putting him closer to lynch.


The circumstances between the SMS votes and the Mike votes are completely different, in motive, time spans, quantity. Pretty much everything.


I'd say the time span is close, and that's the point I'm making.




With regards to the case I've made on Mike, I fail to see where it's a bad case. Mike's defences have generally been lacking in this game, and that's part of the problem. It's also frustrating at this point because I do think there should be a lynch, but any time a wagon forms, it gets sidetracked. I can't understand why the push on Dan has utterly failed to gain any traction while he's been acting badly throughout the game. On top of that, because two people vote closely to each other on Mike's (and again, I'll point out that the '15 minutes' thing is bollocks), it can only be a scum plan?


It's not so much that I'm annoyed at the suggestion that people taking the same action closely together is potentially scummy, but that it's being pushed as the only possible explanation, which is rather aggressive. It's not so much 'three people pushing the same action within 15 minutes' as it is 'one person pushing something, and two others responding almost an hour later, within ten minutes of each other'. That, to me, seems less scummy - although it's obviously possible that there's some jumping going on. It also strikes me as entirely possible that I struck a chord with some people, and they read and responded at similar times.

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I feel fairly clued up now.


18 players left & at an educated guess 5 are Nexus.


As I'm new to the game (being the masked guy seems apt!), I'm not jumping in. I've learnt from my last attempt. As far as my role goes, I'm saying nothing. I'm also not going to accuse or form allies until the next day phase.


My findings so far are that I feel Nexus are trying to accuse each other. There are 3, possibly 4 players that I feel are involved in this. My vote will go to the one with the most votes at this time tomorrow.

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I feel fairly clued up now.


18 players left & at an educated guess 5 are Nexus.


As I'm new to the game (being the masked guy seems apt!), I'm not jumping in. I've learnt from my last attempt. As far as my role goes, I'm saying nothing. I'm also not going to accuse or form allies until the next day phase.


My findings so far are that I feel Nexus are trying to accuse each other. There are 3, possibly 4 players that I feel are involved in this. My vote will go to the one with the most votes at this time tomorrow.


That's rubbish. You have possibly 4 people to vote for. Why not do something constructive, name them and give solid reasons. Why not start a wagon and not just jump on one last minute?

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I'm not a hothead, like you. I have nothing constructive to add that has not already been said by others.


I'm not jumping on a bandwagon, I have three suspects in mind, but as a n00b, I'm not letting them know, yet. I'll state my case further during the next day phase.

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I'm not a hothead, like you. I have nothing constructive to add that has not already been said by others.


I'm not jumping on a bandwagon, I have three suspects in mind, but as a n00b, I'm not letting them know, yet. I'll state my case further during the next day phase.


It's nothing to do with being a "hot-head". What kind of useless play for the town is saying "I suspect 4 people, but i'm not telling you". It totally reeks of bullshit.


Oooof my head is getting all hot again




Vote Wolfvinson

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Well you see that would be a totally valid argument if -


1. It wasn't such a massive WIFOM. What's to say i'm not scum?, what's to say I am?. I didn't ask you all to trust my claim. It's true, but I didn't try and use it as some sort of mad confirmation, that was everyone else who just took my word.


Right, I'm going to do something hideously noobish and ask: WTF is the whole deal with WIFOM? Why is it all of a sudden such an invalid form of logic? Why is it if I ask a WIFOM question, it's unfair to expect you to explain yourself?


2. The fact 3 people all voting for Mike one after the other, and the refusal by Family Guy to admit how scummy it might look, is really scummy. Vote for Mike if you all want to, but he's not even here to defend himself so what's the point?. He can't make a case back (not that any of the people who voted even made a good case), he can't roleclaim when he's L-1, and if he has any roles and is town, he can't tell us what to do next day phase to counter on his flip.

For example if he's a doctor, and he's on L-1, he can tell us who he protected. Same if he's a cop, or a hider, or whatever. All we get right now by lynching Mike is a whole bunch of nothing.


That's as may be, but what's to stop any of us in future from simply V/LA-ing until or past the official end of Day Phase, at any point we feel we're potentially on course for a lynch? How do we know if it isn't a simple case of Mike realising he's been rumbled by bristep and has decided to V/LA until everything calms down, the next Day Phase begins and he's given an opportunity to talk everyone down when everyone's had a break from posting?


TripleA - how are we to know that you're not actually Scum who got lucky with an educated guess as to what the VT PM said, sticking up for your co-conspirator, Mike?

Carbomb- He quoted the PM word for word - do you honestly think it's possible for him to make such an accurate guess?


He didn't, he quoted three elements, two of which were easy to guess, and one which could have been made up seeing as it was about his specific character (Daniel Bryan). I was a bit thrown by it at the time, but I don't think it's cast-iron guarantee of innocence everyone's made it out to be.


I'm not saying he's Nexus, but I'm definitely suspicious.

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Well you see that would be a totally valid argument if -


1. It wasn't such a massive WIFOM. What's to say i'm not scum?, what's to say I am?. I didn't ask you all to trust my claim. It's true, but I didn't try and use it as some sort of mad confirmation, that was everyone else who just took my word.


Right, I'm going to do something hideously noobish and ask: WTF is the whole deal with WIFOM? Why is it all of a sudden such an invalid form of logic? Why is it if I ask a WIFOM question, it's unfair to expect you to explain yourself?


2. The fact 3 people all voting for Mike one after the other, and the refusal by Family Guy to admit how scummy it might look, is really scummy. Vote for Mike if you all want to, but he's not even here to defend himself so what's the point?. He can't make a case back (not that any of the people who voted even made a good case), he can't roleclaim when he's L-1, and if he has any roles and is town, he can't tell us what to do next day phase to counter on his flip.

For example if he's a doctor, and he's on L-1, he can tell us who he protected. Same if he's a cop, or a hider, or whatever. All we get right now by lynching Mike is a whole bunch of nothing.


That's as may be, but what's to stop any of us in future from simply V/LA-ing until or past the official end of Day Phase, at any point we feel we're potentially on course for a lynch? How do we know if it isn't a simple case of Mike realising he's been rumbled by bristep and has decided to V/LA until everything calms down, the next Day Phase begins and he's given an opportunity to talk everyone down when everyone's had a break from posting?




1. It's not that you're asking me to explain myself that's the problem (I've explained myself a few times regarding Mike so why you didn't just read one of those ones I don't know. The WIFOM is the fact you said "how are we to know you're not scum?" when the most obvious answer is you don't know, only I do. People are scummy for trusting me, people are scummy for not. It's not really relevent.


2. Mike wasn't "on course for a lynch" though, that's what my problem is. As far as I know, nobody had a vote in on Mike until he left. The arguments provided by the 3 of them were all a mix of "I was going to anyway" and "he's being a bully".

The one part of the wording though that sticks out to me is "i've been thinking about it" which was said by both Chris B and Brownie. It reads very oddly that they took all this time to "think about it" and then decided the best time to vote is when Mike went away. The excuses they used were things Mike had been doing all game, yet it took them until the day after he left to decide they'd though about it enough. Nothing on the day they actually voted actually happened, as Mike was away. Surely they'd vote the minute he did it, not "have a think" and then do it a day later?.

Then there's Family Guy's refusal to acknowledge how bad it might look for 3 people to suddenly decide to vote for Mike the day he buggers off. He might have all good reasons for voting and may deep down beleive it's the right thing to do, but to not realise it looks bad?. Not buying it.



Regardless of those 3, i'm more concerned now with Wolfvinson who's "I suspect these 4 people but i'm not telling you until the next day phase for no reason" is the worst play I think i've seen so far in the game. It also doesn't help he came in and called me a "hot-head" all smugly. In this game sometimes you need to lose your cool and attack from all angles. Coming in and refusing to say anything though is just scum from back to front.

It's so blindingly obvious Wolfvinson has no cases to make at all, and is hoping we all think "well let's wait until the next phase to see what he has to say". I'm not buying that at all. I say he tells us or we vote him, simple as.

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It's late and I have been drinking much in the way of lovely lovely wine. And I've decided to check on this before I go to bed. Other than noticing that I'm getting shit for saying 'I've been thinking about it', which is something I'll come back to when I've slept, I've got a quick message for about a third of the people in this game.





There are people posting less regularly than the fucking mod, and he's not exactly responding to mod requests fucking sharp-like. Just take part in the sodding game and don't be a bunch of hiding pricks that we can't get a read on. It's bullshit, because it's leading to the same people going round and round and round, and we can't get anything done. Why are you being so quiet when there are obviously things going on that the rest of us need either your opinion or your votes on? If you're scum, you're playing in a really shitty way, because what you're doing involves absolutely no skill. And if you're town, then you're useless. Just get stuck in. Give some opinions for Christ's sake.


Obviously, I've given that some thought, so that means I've been thinking about it. I must be scum! That's the only explanation, because 'I've been thinking about it' is such a weird fucking thing to say.

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