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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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No, I don't like this sudden swing at all. It seems very calculated. I think Nexus probably is scum, but


vote Family Guy PMSL


This has sealed the deal for me. If you're scum - as I believe you are - I think you're a very dangerous player to the town. Much more so than Nexus.


Talk about waiting for an opportunity. You've got some cheek calling me calculated. I don't think there's much point arguing against this vote, seem as you've made it clear since the start of the day to vote for me, you've just been waiting for the first chance to stick it in without looking scummy.

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Family Guy, Ron has voted for you and yes he has made it clear that he suspects you more than most however I do not think he is not guilty of your accusation. He voted for you immediately at the start of day 2, then unvoted you two days ago as he was becoming unsure. He has seen something now that reaffirms his thoughts so has revoted.


I don't know that he's right to vote for you, but reading his posts back from this day phase I don't think you can levy that accusation at him.


Dan, given that you have been a suspect in many peoples eyes for some time, I would really consider giving more explanation to your vote than "With how things are going I'm pretty happy to support the vote on him also"

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Horrendously scummy stuff from Dan there. He just jumped on a bandwagon to vote for Family Guy because Family Guy jumped on a bandwagon to vote Mike. At least Family Guy tried to explain it.



Vote Dan Williams

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2. I agree with the opinion Mike is scummy, but I didn't wait until he couldn't defend himself to vote for him.

I understand what you're saying Tripper, but he's gone during the last 48 hours of a day phase. Just because he's V/LA shouldn't mean he can't be voted for.


And i'm now confused as fuck: Mod - can we have a vote count please?

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Right at this minute I'm not really in the mood to post fully fledged thought out lynch posts, I have been coughing non-stop for the last hour, And I know it looks scummy but I just feel that the recent points brought up against him point to him being scum. If this makes me look like scum then it looks like I'm done for.

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2. I agree with the opinion Mike is scummy, but I didn't wait until he couldn't defend himself to vote for him.

I understand what you're saying Tripper, but he's gone during the last 48 hours of a day phase. Just because he's V/LA shouldn't mean he can't be voted for.



I fully understand that. Not voting for him myself is a personal choice. Would I have voted him if he hadn't V/LA'd? Probably.

The main problem here though isn't that 3 people have voted him, it's that 3 people all voted him in about a 15 minute span.

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Right at this minute I'm not really in the mood to post fully fledged thought out lynch posts, I have been coughing non-stop for the last hour, And I know it looks scummy but I just feel that the recent points brought up against him point to him being scum. If this makes me look like scum then it looks like I'm done for.


My condolences on your illness, I know it sucks being sick but you seem to quick to take the route of self-resignation. (as demonstrated in day 1 with your self vote). If you are town, then you need to get some lemsip down your neck, suck it up and fight for the win!

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Also, a cough isn't really a good excuse is it?. If you were vomiting or something maybe, but coughs?. One big post would be better than a few small ones just claiming you're ill.

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2. I agree with the opinion Mike is scummy, but I didn't wait until he couldn't defend himself to vote for him.

I understand what you're saying Tripper, but he's gone during the last 48 hours of a day phase. Just because he's V/LA shouldn't mean he can't be voted for.



I fully understand that. Not voting for him myself is a personal choice. Would I have voted him if he hadn't V/LA'd? Probably.

The main problem here though isn't that 3 people have voted him, it's that 3 people all voted him in about a 15 minute span.

Agreed - that looks terrible.

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Despite all the suspicions that are on Mike right now i'm still inclined to believe he could be town, IMO he's spent the majority of this game so far playing pro-town and it only seems to have been since he went off on one with TripleA and then made a case against Bristep that he's started to look scummy and i don't think Mike would make such a blatent slip-up like this.


I'm leaning more towards voting for Dan Williams(mainly for his almost manic behaviour and as it's been pointed out him seemingly trying to move on a bandwagon aimed at Ron Simmons) now with Nexus and FamilyGuyPMSL still high up on the list but we've still got time before i have to make my mind up on it

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2. I agree with the opinion Mike is scummy, but I didn't wait until he couldn't defend himself to vote for him.

I understand what you're saying Tripper, but he's gone during the last 48 hours of a day phase. Just because he's V/LA shouldn't mean he can't be voted for.



I fully understand that. Not voting for him myself is a personal choice. Would I have voted him if he hadn't V/LA'd? Probably.

The main problem here though isn't that 3 people have voted him, it's that 3 people all voted him in about a 15 minute span.


Closer to an hour, in fairness. I made the point late-ish afternoon, and Family Guy and Brownie responded almost an hour later. It's probably not coincidental that it's around the time people are likely to finish work, and then go out. Part of the reason I made the push when I did is that I was out for most of tonight, and the game seemed to have stalled. I wanted to move things along, and decided that my reasons for not voting Mike were now outweighed by reasons to vote for him. As I've said already, I also thought Mike was gone from tomorrow (well, today now).


However, Triple A - quick question for you. In the last day phase, you had no problem jumping on SMS's wagon when he'd said he wouldn't be around to defend himself. Why is this not either hypocritical or (more damagingly) flip-flopping to suit an agenda?

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However, Triple A - quick question for you. In the last day phase, you had no problem jumping on SMS's wagon when he'd said he wouldn't be around to defend himself. Why is this not either hypocritical or (more damagingly) flip-flopping to suit an agenda?


Several reasons.


1. He never officially V/LA'd, he just said "I won't be able to post X and Y days". He was sporadically posting when he could inbetween these, so it's not like he was gone completely.


2. He didn't V/LA or say he was going to be away until the day phase was over. He had around a day or two at the end of the phase to defend himself, and he infact actually did that and I unvoted him. It wasn't until he got back on a bad posting track that I re-voted.


3. SMS was around L-3, so pretty much everyone in the game who was taking part regularly had a vote on SMS, including myself. Granted, there may have been a small bandwagon rolling through town, but everyone up to that point had already either voted SMS, or said they would anyway as they thought he was lying. In a group of around 10/11 people, it's pretty much a given some of them will be scum bandwagon jumpers, so there was no point making a deal of it as it would have went nowhere.


4. Towards the end of the phase, I was on L-1 and it looked like it was either Me or SMS dying. As much as I regretted it (if you look back I admit this, and even unvote SMS for a period of time, willing to sacrafice myself) he eventually started posting desperate stuff again so it looked like he was lying. It was me or him and if I think he's lying i'm going to vote him regardless.


The circumstances between the SMS votes and the Mike votes are completely different, in motive, time spans, quantity. Pretty much everything.

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Wow. I leave things for a while, and things have moved pretty rapidly.


Not only that, I see the well's been fouled. Quite frankly, bristep123 raised some very interesting points about Mike which have thrown him up my "potential Nexus" list. But, of course, very conveniently, I can't vote (I wasn't going to, but it's the principle of someone throwing up a blatant roadblock like that), or even describe my logic in considering voting for him now because apparently that would make me Nexus.


TripleA - how are we to know that you're not actually Scum who got lucky with an educated guess as to what the VT PM said, sticking up for your co-conspirator, Mike? And what do you say to the idea that Mike could easily have V/LA-ed just to avoid being lynched today, safe in the knowledge that anyone who voted for him would be seen as Scum, backed up by your interference? Sure, you could say you agreed with the reasoning of those who voted for him, but as Sir Humphrey Appleby said: "It is necessary to get behind someone before you can stab them in the back."


I don't like the fact that, despite being provided with valid reasoning to vote for someone, that information has now, for the mean-time, been effectively poisoned. That in itself comes across as scummy to me.


From this point on, I'm going to be paying extra attention to everything you two post.


FOS Mike Castle

FOS TripleA

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