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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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I don't think Dan is scum. I'd be really shocked if he turns out to be. He's obviously posted some stupid things, and I'm putting my head on the chopping block here, but I think people are making a mistake by voting for him. I've named my suspects. Last time I didn't think SMS was scum, and yes I wound up voting for him - but I made my reservations clear. This time I'm going to abstain from voting on Dan. So all of you who are calling me scummy - take note of this.


Ron - unusually aggressive/defensive play, seemed to be the only one sure enough of the existence of a Serial Killer to raise and push the point.

I didn't seem "sure" of it, I just said look out for signs. One death alone last night makes me think there probably isn't one though. Although it was a bit of an odd death. I actually have a theory on that one that I'll share later on in the game, for reasons that will become apparent then. Unless the scum take me out tonight because of my "power role" :/


If I do die tonight because of this debate over my role, or today through lynching I urge all remaining townies to look closely at some of the people who have pushed for my lynch. Bit premature to say this I know, but I want to make sure I do. I've named my suspects, and I'm going to stick with them.


And I'm going to vote. It's a risky one as I'm not completely sure. But since he hasn't answered my question regarding his weird justification for earlier, TMS has, I don't know enough about Burchill's Buddy - and Family Guy is regularly playing, scum or not I don't want to lynch a regular poster just yet...


Vote Nexus

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This is just my personal reading of the situation, I can't back it up with posts but it is just a hunch.


I really do think that Nexus is receiving some outside coaching during this game. He started of with his all guns blazing style and I think has been told to calm down by his scum friends. He is starting to slip again now as I think that they realise he has reined it in to much and that he needs to post a bit to allay suspicion, but my suspicions have already been raised.


Like I say I only base this on my reading of how Nexus has played this game in relation to previous games he has played.




Vote Nexus

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U mad 'cos I'm voting your scumbuddy?

If I were scum, and Dan Williams were also scum I'd cut my losses. Do you honestly think I'd make my beliefs about him so explicitly clear if we were linked? Especially considering how he's acting. The scum haven't lost a member yet, so losing Dan wouldn't be a problem.


As for the question, I've asked this several times and you've either not seen it or ignored it, but I'll assume the former:


Nexus - The bandwagon against you really kicked off when you claimed you voted for Triple A to kickstart discussion. Do you still stand by that justification, or was it perhaps an excuse to get you out of the firing line? Who are your main suspects?


It's the first part I'm more bothered about as you've named your suspects.

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First, to save me mentioning it dozens of times each time bristep "calls me out" on it. There's three reasons to not post every tiny piece of information from your previous posts (four in fact), 1 - Some of the post was not relevant to the case (because the point I was making stands regardless), 2 - it would turn a wall o' text into a Berlin Wall o'text, 3 - I could not include that many quotes into the post without splitting it up into about 4 seperate posts just for a single case. (and number 4 being that I included the post numbers so that everyone could quite easily hop over and view them, if I was trying to deliberately prevent people seeing the full post, not only would it be stupid because someone would call me out on it, but secondly, I'd not have given everyone a nice easy way to go and find them).


So... with that said, let me refute your points bristep.


"Hi, I'm Mike Castle and I'll take snippets from posts and present them out of context to fit my argument". That is my initial thought reading this post.

Then I would like to change your initial thought and point out that what I did right there is the exact definition of scum hunting. Except I didn't take anything out of context. As I will now prove.


HOWEVER, be wary rumble participants of being misdirected by potential scum. There are those here who have accused Mike of twisting words and avoiding questions so far in this game, and his gameplay of 'wall 'o text' coupled with his apparent self imposed leader status can let him influence the game if he wants to (i.e if he is scum).

Right off the bat, rather than responding to points, you're posting fluff to try and act like my opinion doesn't count. This is meaningless unless your intent was to set everyone's mind into "Mike's lying" before you began arguing your case, same applies to your line above too.


Mike's accusation that I flip-flopped on my opinion of TripleA/bandwagon hopped :


in post #74 I said that TripleA's roleclaim wording was similar to the one I received, my point there was to say that I felt Mike and Nexus had reacted in a scummy way to it (And I conceeded later that I misread Mike's post, rather than just skimming the thread. Mike failed to mention that, a lie by omisson?)


in post #116 I did say that it was possible that TripleA lied about his roleclaim, but this was posted out of context. Firstly Mike has taken the two sentences and presented them side by side which makes them look bad. He doesn't however state that there were 32 POSTS between the statements and a lot of conversation. Second, Mike also plucked this sentence out of a longer post, and again without the rest of the context of the post it looks worse than it is. Here is the original post IN IT'S ENTIRETY.


Mike Castle, unless I missed it, you haven't posted who you are.


Who are you?


Having had a quick look back it appears that Mike has indeed not told us who he is. With Mike's penchant for text walls and the fact that he does everything for a reason, it does look a little suspicious.


However, it could also be an honest oversight. Worth remembering though.


I agree that statistically at least one of the people who vocally stated that they believe TripleA is town must be scum. With that said though, I don't think it's for the reason TripleA has stated. While I think it's possible that it could have been organised, I just don't think that it was.


It's also possible that TripleA lied about his role, after all the win condition wasn't exactly a big reach. He might have taken a gamble and had it pay off. He might have been in on the plan with Nexus and A.N.OTHER if you extend it


1) TripleA lies about his role

2) Nexus condemns it

3) someone defends TripleA, which while pointing FOS at Nexus all but confirms (wrongly) that TripleA is town letting him work under the radar for the rest of the game.


Again, not that I think that this is likely, but much like TripleA's theory it IS a possibility.


Right now the strongest case for being scum is Nexus, he should really speak up soon and defend his actions as I think the lynch will end up in his direction otherwise.

Okay, so you've posted the entire quote there. Tell me how that changes anything. Yes, I only took out the bolded line. Because that's the relevant line. You originally stated that TripleA's statement was accurate, and now you're saying he was lying. The two CANNOT work together. Either his statement wasn't accurate, or it was. If it was accurate, he cannot have lied, and if it wasn't accurate and he did lie... why did you say it was in the first place?


Note that everything else in that post doesn't contribute to anything worthwhile in regards to what I was saying. Therefore it was removed from what I was quoting for ease of showing what I was pointing at.


Slightly more to go on there, I'd say. It's also worth noting that I mentioned my thoughts on Nexus, which leads nicely onto




That I weakly votehopped onto Nexus. Firstly, my vote on RandySavage to begin with was only there because of start game bollocks. He posted NSFW pics of Vickie and incited a bad rap from R-Truth so I put a vote in. I changed it to Nexus because at that time he hadn't defended his vote on TripleA yet. He actually did so while I was posting that, but it was still unsatisfactory in most eyes including mine.


Again, since the rest of post #116 made mention of Nexus, did Mike leave it out because it harmed this argument?

"The rest of post #116" you mean that last line that is throwaway? Yeah, I left it out to help my case... or because it was meaningless, though I could have pulled you up on stating it with no basis of anything and making it nice and easy to swing onto a Nexus lynch later... which you still did.


It doesn't matter where your vote was previously. It matters where your vote went and HOW it went, and you voted Nexus in an exceptionally weak way. Normally a weak vote onto someone isn't an issue. But then, most things aren't an issue by themselves. Add them together and that's when you get scummy playing.

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That I made the argument that "Every possibility should be raised, so that it can be put in the public eye to be considered/accepted/refuted" (I'm paraphrasing, but Mike didn't get it the first time so there's a chance others might not too) Then I 'attacked' ChrisB for doing the same.


See I don't see that there's a point to answer here. I answered ChrisB's question, then RAISED THE POSSIBILITY THAT HE HELD ONTO THE QUESTION TO MISDIRECT IF NEEDED. If anything I validated my point that I think every point should be raised. We'll come back to that at the end.

You've either deliberately avoided my point, or just didn't get it.


My point is that originally you attacked Chris for raising a point in your direction. You then (quite quickly afterwards) said you believe every possibility should be brought up. Why would you say such a thing if, when that possibility is brought up in your direction, you attack someone for it?




That I tried to make Buggsy look scummy.


This again was a valid point worth raising (I thought) at the time. AGAIN it's out of context though, the point was that Dan said he trusted you and TripleA and suspected Ron and Nexus. Buggsy chose to ask why he supported the two of you, rather than asking why he suspected Ron and Nexus. I felt that it was a pertinent point worth raising.

Fair enough, I'll buy that as your thought process, but it's worth noting that asking why someone finds someone else to be town is a good idea in general as long as you don't go overboard with pressuring someone.




That I votehopped from Nexus onto Dan.


Yes, I moved my vote from Nexus, and onto Dan. And all in the space of 277 POSTS!


Again, posted with no context or sequence. This time he failed to alude to what I was responding to, that being a very well structured post from TripleA which mirrorred my own thoughts. Since TripleA is all but confirmed town in most people's minds, was this left out so as not to dilute his argument?

You quoted TripleA's post, and then posted what I quoted. That's a wagon hop. I don't care if there were two posts between it, 277 posts between it, or 1000 posts between it. All you did was say "that case looks good" and voted someone who's wagon was increasing at a good rate, without ever backing up your reasons for it, and hoping to just slide by without having to back them up.




I think I've answered Mike's case fairly well, however others may debate that. I think that his points were skewed, and that he took my words out of their context to support them.

I think I've proven I didn't once take them out of context, if anything, you are claiming that to try and discredit my case. However I implore everyone who still thinks I took them out of context to take a good look at each of bristeps posts (explicitly the ones I've pointed out of course) and ask me if I took them "out of context" or just "quoted the relevant bits".


Be honest, would people have rather me quote every tiny piece of text, including the fluff, or would they rather I quoted the relevant bits and got to the point?

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Nexus, when you're next online try to answer my question. I actually defended you earlier in this thread if you want to look back, but at this stage it seems as though you're not even reading the thread often enough to keep up with who is acking you what, and what's happening. A few questions - not just from me - have been thrown at you and have gone unanswered. I know you might be busy or have things to do, but it worries me about the future of the town if votes are being placed based on earlier actions, or what other people have said without the pace of the game being kept up with.


So, wolfvinson, You've one post more than I believe you got to make in the last game you were in.


What are your opinions of the game thus far?

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Now, couple of non-bristep things.


brownie, you say that Corey would be replaced by "mod discretion", I'd point out that that's not how the game works. If Corey posts enough to not be replaced/modkilled as per the rules. Then that's it. The mod can't just step in and go "hey, you've been posting enough to not be replaced/modkilled, but as I don't feel you're posting enough content, you're being replaced". The game doesn't work that way. That would mean the mod is no longer impartial, which he needs to be. Meaning unless Corey out and out stops posting, the only other ways he can be removed from the game are lynch or nightkill. And if he's scum, only if we have a vig in the game.


This is just my personal reading of the situation, I can't back it up with posts but it is just a hunch.


I really do think that Nexus is receiving some outside coaching during this game. He started of with his all guns blazing style and I think has been told to calm down by his scum friends. He is starting to slip again now as I think that they realise he has reined it in to much and that he needs to post a bit to allay suspicion, but my suspicions have already been raised.


Like I say I only base this on my reading of how Nexus has played this game in relation to previous games he has played.




Vote Nexus

Another thing to note is that he previously posted that when he's scum he tries making everyone confused. The only time he's done that here (I've not played with Nexusscum on MS yet) was when he was less scum, and more unknown scum helper who was trying to lead the lynch away from actual scum.


(Oh, and wolf, sorry about last game, I had to do something, lol. Hope to get some good reads from you this time round and let you get fully involved, unless you are scum, then you can get swinging :D).

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Ron: I voted TripleA because a) I didn't believe his claim at that point, and b) I knew it would cause some kind of discussion. Which it did.

Why didn't you believe his claim? He quoted the WWE PM! Where would he have got that information from otherwise?!


And I don't buy your claim.


My vote stands.

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Because it's quite easy to fabricate a VT PM, they're all pretty similar. And he clearly didn't quote it, otherwise he'd be modkilled.


I don't really care if you don't buy my claim, you are scum with Williams, so your opinion means nothing.

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Erm... Ron, much as I still believe Nexus to be... well, Nexus. It's since been pointed out a few times that TripleA actually gave away nothing in his post. And while Nexus was bad for jumping on it so quickly (then later saying he believed TripleA and was just voting for him, and has now said he didn't believe him... and holy fuck this scum needs lynching NAOW), saying he outright quoted the PM is wrong.


However... thanks to what I've said above, much as I want to lynch Corey or bristep... Nexus seems to be switching his opinion more often than I change my socks.



vote: Nexus

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Because it's quite easy to fabricate a VT PM, they're all pretty similar. And he clearly didn't quote it, otherwise he'd be modkilled.


I don't really care if you don't buy my claim, you are scum with Williams, so your opinion means nothing.

He was WARNED for quoting though! Put on L-1! He quoted it word for word, and if you were town you'd know that!

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Because it's quite easy to fabricate a VT PM, they're all pretty similar. And he clearly didn't quote it, otherwise he'd be modkilled.


I don't really care if you don't buy my claim, you are scum with Williams, so your opinion means nothing.

He was WARNED for quoting though! Put on L-1! He quoted it word for word, and if you were town you'd know that!

Wasn't he put on L1 for trying to get you to quote it?

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