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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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I can't really argue with that, excellent work Mike.


Also, i'm at the point now where scummy or not, if you're not posting, you're not playing.




Vote Mesacret

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I never voted Mesacret because, unless he gets his arse in here, then Snake is going to get rid of him now anyway, and of those three, he was the least scummy (purely because he's done nothing outside of RVS, which leads me to think he may have some personal issue, as even checking his profile, his last post was in the Cluedo game thread on the 29th, which makes me think he can't get online for some reason), and bristep, while scummy, has made a couple of worthwhile posts too (Even if in general he looks scummy as fuck). Corey however has done nothing so far except fence sit, and at this stage you should have more of an opinion on matters than just fence sitting.

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You make a good point. I had no idea Mesacret hasn't posted since then. If that's the case -


1. Why was he allowed to play in this one?

2. Why has he not been replaced/modkilled yet?.


It's been over a week.




Vote Corey Vandal

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Mike Castle Why are you so convinced that Ron is town? Do you have anything other than just getting a "strong town vibe" off him and saying you can prove he's town but can't say why yet?

I have nothing else to go on. But in all honesty, unless I was a cop, watcher, Tracker, weak doc etc. I wouldn't have anything else to go on anyway.


Now, I've just finished a quick re-read (50 fucking pages... fuck it gets dull), and I've noticed a couple of things, and I do have three cases to bring up, two on low posters in fact because I noticed something interesting there, and one on a middle of the road poster. But first...


Daniel Bryan stops to hurl some abuse in Wade Barretts direction which he doesn't take to kindly too and he's run out from the back dived into the rin and pounded Bryan! Oh my! He's dumped him over the top rope and he's rolled out and headed up to the back looking very pleased with himself, but wait Bryan is still lying on the ring apron and looks like he might be able to roll under the bottom rope.

I noticed this on my read through, much as I absolutely detest mods using the flavour to confirm players, this essentially confirms TripleA as town like much of us suspected earlier. That or Snake is deliberately lying to us (and thus playing bastard mod again).


I think not, although I can see why you're saying that. I'd taken that as being flavour text with regards to Triple A being put on L-1 by the mod. Wade Barrett is the mod, and Daniel Bryan mouthed off to him. I think it's just flavour text. If Snake was clearing someone via flavour text, he deserves the forum post equivalent of a slap.


Next, in response to Chris' arguments about the bristep issue, this is exactly the question asked when it was first asked:

In the meantime, I'm going back over posts, and looking for stuff that stands out. Do you think Bristep's post was perfectly normal and not worth bringing up? Considering you're pointing out that mafia could potentially be up for saying each other should be got rid of, you're surprised I'd question someone for potential distancing?

Like I said before Chris, I can't really answer that either way. You're right in that if you feel something is potential distancing you should point it out, but the post you were referencing (I'll bring that up later) doesn't show distancing. Otherwise any two people who disagree could be distancing. Ron and Dan? Distancing. Me and you, distancing. Anytime there's a disagreement it could in theory be accused of distancing.


However... was the post normal? Well... I'll get to that shortly.


Now, this is a little closer to answering the question, which is good - I can see where you had issues with the last part of the question, but not the first part. The first part, I felt you ignored as well, which was why I kept pushing you on not answering.

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I think not, although I can see why you're saying that. I'd taken that as being flavour text with regards to Triple A being put on L-1 by the mod. Wade Barrett is the mod, and Daniel Bryan mouthed off to him. I think it's just flavour text. If Snake was clearing someone via flavour text, he deserves the forum post equivalent of a slap.

Snake has Lawler as his avatar though, which means he's less likely to be Wade, and more likely to be Lawler surely? But you're right in that if he has essentially cleared TripleA (and I think he has) he does need a slap for it.

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One thing to note about mesacret, he was replaced in a previous game (pirates or cowboys) for not having posted, and in that instance turned out to be town I don't think he is hiding as scum, just not getting involved at all.

I don't think it's quite fair to "ban" someone from these games - at least initially, but if someone has a track record they should at least be made to give assurances that they'll post. If they don't end up doing that then it's their own fault if they end up dead or "banished"...


An advance warning - towards the end of next week I'm supposed to be going up to my girlfriend's to spend Christmas. She lives in Northern Scotland so although I'll post I'll probably be a bit more infrequent (assuming I'm alive.) I won't post at Mescret levels, but nor will I be as regular as I am now. I'd imagine I - like many others - will find it tough to post on Christmas day, and on boxing day.


I'll do my best to contribute, but as I said I won't be as regular.

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Someone (I assume Mesacret) is being replaced, thank god.

Hang on, how do you know this?


Is this a slip? Do you have access to a sub-forum where Snake posted this?


Look in off-topic. The other Mafia thread has been bumped with Snake asking for a replacement.



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I think not, although I can see why you're saying that. I'd taken that as being flavour text with regards to Triple A being put on L-1 by the mod. Wade Barrett is the mod, and Daniel Bryan mouthed off to him. I think it's just flavour text. If Snake was clearing someone via flavour text, he deserves the forum post equivalent of a slap.

Snake has Lawler as his avatar though, which means he's less likely to be Wade, and more likely to be Lawler surely? But you're right in that if he has essentially cleared TripleA (and I think he has) he does need a slap for it.


This is why I think it is just flavour text. Wade Barrett running in is, I think, the equivalent of a bolt of lightening.




(Psst, Mike... STOP CLEARING TRIPLE A ALL THE TIME. Just a thought...)

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Someone (I assume Mesacret) is being replaced, thank god.

Hang on, how do you know this?


Is this a slip? Do you have access to a sub-forum where Snake posted this?


Look in off-topic. The other Mafia thread has been bumped with Snake asking for a replacement.





Dammit, I thought I was onto something for a second.

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