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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Just managed to stop myself editing there.


They're the people that are standing out the most to me at the moment, but I'm not happy with the lurking that has been going on here. I think some people deserve to be modkilled at the moment. I'm partially wondering if at least one of them has avoided being modkilled because they sent in a night action - Snake then wouldn't be able to modkill the others, as it would be really obvious who the scum is.

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We're the ones standing out most because aside from myself, Mike, Ron and yourself, there seems to be little effort to join in on anyone else's part.


I'm aware of this. It's partly why I realised what I pointed out in my last post, which I think could be a potential lead. If it turns out that the scum have been entirely coasting, I'm going to be very annoyed.

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Any reason why, apart from the fact that you don't find it logical that I voted for you on Day 1?

Yeah, I thought you focussed on me heavily on day one. Tunneling almost. You also made that "direction of the game" comment. The way you played that first day is very different than the way I've seen you play before. That's left me thinking that you might be scum.


Of course, there's obviously time for you to change my opinion and I very well might. As I've said I think at least one out of yourself, Burchill's Buddy and TMS is scum. I think there's a plan to try and make me look scummy based on the fact I lost my rag on the first day. And admitedly, it's a solid foundation for scum to work from.


The reason I voted for you over BB and TMS is that I feel more familiar with your play style than theirs, and I know you're a really strong player (but don't know much about them) so I think for you to have been so focussed on me, when you ordinarily seem so rounded and balanced, I think something might be up.


I wouldn't say naming 3 players I suspect, and then questioning you because Nexus and SMS had gone AWOL isnt balanced, you kept bringing things to the table to respond to, then accuse me of tunnelling? I fail to see your logic.


Chris, forgive my ignorance, but which lead are referring to?

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The thing is though, this game looks like a piss-easy win for the scum because of it. Say me, Ron, Mike and You are all town. We're the only 4 playing a lot, and so we're in the line of fire more. I've got a vote in on Mike, Ron has a vote on him and so on. It could end up us 4 or whoever is town of us 4 all dying due to lynches or night kills. Then what?. We'd have a load of people not playing and the Mafia would just literally have to wait until the day phase ends with nobody dying, then kill another person.


The minute us 4, and people like Family Guy who are playing a bit more die, the game is fucked.

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I wouldn't say naming 3 players I suspect, and then questioning you because Nexus and SMS had gone AWOL isnt balanced, you kept bringing things to the table to respond to, then accuse me of tunnelling? I fail to see your logic.

I wasn't the only one who described what you were doing as that.




Triple A has raised a pretty valid point. I think FG is scum, but he's obviously not the only one if he is. Even if he is I'd rather see someone who is actively making an effort to play the game to live on a little longer than someone who has posted once or twice. Purely based on the fact he's actually playing the game - NOT on the fact I think he's town:



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I wouldn't say naming 3 players I suspect, and then questioning you because Nexus and SMS had gone AWOL isnt balanced, you kept bringing things to the table to respond to, then accuse me of tunnelling? I fail to see your logic.

I wasn't the only one who described what you were doing as that.




Triple A has raised a pretty valid point. I think FG is scum, but he's obviously not the only one if he is. Even if he is I'd rather see someone who is actively making an effort to play the game to live on a little longer than someone who has posted once or twice. Purely based on the fact he's actually playing the game - NOT on the fact I think he's town:




Absolutely, and I'd have the same retort for anyone who throws the 'tunnelling' accusation at me, not just yourself. I agree with TripleA, there needs to be a blanket prod on the coasters.

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1. SMS

2. Top Man Shopper

3. Lion of the Midlands

4. Brownie

5. Family Guy PMSL

6. Dan Williams

7. Ron Simmons

8. Nexus

9. Bugsey713

10. TheRandySavage

11. bristep123

12. insert_name_here

13. Carbomb

14. Mike Castle

15. TripleA

16. Burchill's Buddy

17. Mesacret

18. Lawz

19. Chris B

20. CoreyVandal


In a game with 20 people playing, it's really shit that only about 5 of us are bothering. I understand people have issues with work, or they're only able to post in the night time, but seriously, if that's the case, don't bother playing. I'm not expecting everyone to post as often as me, or Ron, or Mike, but some of those people I didn't even know were playing until I looked at the list. Some make 1 post, then disappear for days, then come and post 1 more peice of fluff.


I know the official rules are 48 hours gets you a prod or whatever, but seriously Mod, we have a large amount of people bringing nothing to the table.

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Hey guys, sorry for the lack of imput but I am suffering through flu right now I have been trying to keep up as best as can and hope to be back to it by the weekend if you don't lynch me. Once again I apologise

Dan, I don't think you're one of the people that are being complained about.


The problem is there are a number of people not posting regularly with anything of substance, so there's very little to go on with them. Carbomb's been a great player, Family Guy too, you've posted regularly, I think Lawz has posted with substance though he probably could do with posting a wee bit more, brownie's been pretty decent, same with insert_name_here...there are a number of people I haven't mentioned who I think have been decent contributers, but there are others who - if scum - will go completely undetected, which really dillutes the idea of the game for me. What if there are four scum, and they are Mesacret, Bugsey, bristep and...say, CoreyVandal. There's absolutely nothing to go on to actually deduce that these people are scum. The rest of us could be going on a wild goose chase.


Or, alternatively these are town, and the scum are active. I just don't like the possibility of the former.

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Again, I'm sorry for not posting much, and what i am posting is short and could easily be interpreted as fluff, but its really shit not having access other than my phone outside of work. Those of you who played with me in the three games I've been involved in know I generally am very active. I promise you'll see a lot more of me from Monday onwards, assuming I'm still here of course.

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Mike Castle Why are you so convinced that Ron is town? Do you have anything other than just getting a "strong town vibe" off him and saying you can prove he's town but can't say why yet?

I have nothing else to go on. But in all honesty, unless I was a cop, watcher, Tracker, weak doc etc. I wouldn't have anything else to go on anyway.


Now, I've just finished a quick re-read (50 fucking pages... fuck it gets dull), and I've noticed a couple of things, and I do have three cases to bring up, two on low posters in fact because I noticed something interesting there, and one on a middle of the road poster. But first...


Daniel Bryan stops to hurl some abuse in Wade Barretts direction which he doesn't take to kindly too and he's run out from the back dived into the rin and pounded Bryan! Oh my! He's dumped him over the top rope and he's rolled out and headed up to the back looking very pleased with himself, but wait Bryan is still lying on the ring apron and looks like he might be able to roll under the bottom rope.

I noticed this on my read through, much as I absolutely detest mods using the flavour to confirm players, this essentially confirms TripleA as town like much of us suspected earlier. That or Snake is deliberately lying to us (and thus playing bastard mod again).


Next, in response to Chris' arguments about the bristep issue, this is exactly the question asked when it was first asked:

In the meantime, I'm going back over posts, and looking for stuff that stands out. Do you think Bristep's post was perfectly normal and not worth bringing up? Considering you're pointing out that mafia could potentially be up for saying each other should be got rid of, you're surprised I'd question someone for potential distancing?

Like I said before Chris, I can't really answer that either way. You're right in that if you feel something is potential distancing you should point it out, but the post you were referencing (I'll bring that up later) doesn't show distancing. Otherwise any two people who disagree could be distancing. Ron and Dan? Distancing. Me and you, distancing. Anytime there's a disagreement it could in theory be accused of distancing.


However... was the post normal? Well... I'll get to that shortly.


Finally (for this post and before my cases).


Mod, please prod Mesacret and bristep, neither have posted this day phase.

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Right, case 1, and the weakest of them... Mesacret.



Vote Insert_name_here


Ya see i've got nothingh against the rap but Rey Mysterio is in fact a racist, little known fact about him.



Comedy flavour I was going for but then again i've never met him, he could be for all I know


His first post was just saying he was Rey. The other two are obviously just pointless posts, he hasn't posted since them, making his last post on the 29th of November. However he also hasn't been on the forum, so I wont instantly class him as scum because of it, but I am expecting a replacement of him at least (I fear a modkill which, if Mesacret is town, will likely end the day phase early and screw us over a bit).




Second case... Corey Vandal...


A total of four posts, and nothing said in any of them. In fact here they all are:



Hey guy's another late one here.


Hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and weighing in at 227lbs, ladies and gentleman please put your hands together for The Instant Classic, Captain Charisma himself, Christian!


Oh, and FOS Triple A, just because he's always so scummy tongue.gif

Intro post, which says nothing so far.



First off, apologies for not posting, I've had a busy couple of days, but how about we just say since I was the last entrant I've been stalking the ring waiting for the right moment to enter wink.gif


I have to say after reading through the past few pages Ron Simmons really does come off suspiciously. The post Family Guy pointed out really doesn't come off too well. It just seems like someone purposely creating suspicion where there is none. A prime Nexus tactic.


FOS Ron Simmons


*Christian finally rolls into the ring after scouting the outside. He immediately makes a beeline towards Cody Rhodes and throws him to the corner for some vicious Canadian style chops.*

Been away for ages, then returns and posts pure fluff.



Hi all, I'm really sorry about my lack of participation, had some personal stuff going on. I will try and make up for it, but I understand if people would rather have me replaced.


Oh, any the laptops showing the weird view of the UKFF, how do you change it back again? Thanks

Returned, and still has yet to post anything.



The interplay between Chris B and Mike Castle has been quite interesting. There's such vigor in their defense and questioning that I can't believe at least one of them isn't scum. Triple A's also coming off in much the same way, but that does seem to be his general playing style (scummy and aggressive even as town). This doesn't mean I 100% trust him to be town, and I don't think anyone else should since he could be getting a bit of a free ride with people thinking "oh, that's just how Triple A plays".


At the moment I want to say Mike Castle is my top suspect, but if it turns out he's town I have a strong feeling Chris B will turn out to be mafia.

Finally some posting with actual content, and there's still not really anything there, it's fence sitting on the issue between me and Chris B, and allows him to swing in either direction if need be.


I don't like any of that, he's kept active enough to not be modkilled or replaced, but by the same token has said nothing of worth to this point, with all the discussions going on, all the points being made, and all the voting that's been done, he's kept well out of the way, and avoided leaning in any direction really at any point (Besides jumping on Ron at the same time everyone else was of course).


One more case to come, and it's a biggy, so I'll make a new post.

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Case on bristep123


(As a note, these aren't all of his posts, so I just noted the post they were, however I only began doing that from post 116, and so I wasn't going to go back to find the actual post number for the first one).


This concerns me:

TripleA's wording is fairly accurate to the town text that I was sent also, so I would ask why Mike and Nexus are calling him out unless they hadn't seen that particular text?

Coming quite quickly after TripleA's terrible role claim, not only does it show he's skimming the thread (claiming I'm calling TripleA out on it), but it shows that he is more interested in buying town points than being honest. It's since been stated by plenty that the role claim of TripleA gave nothing away and didn't really say anything that wouldn't have been able to have been worked out if he was scum anyway.


So why is bristep trying to make out that it's fairly accurate?


post 116:

It's also possible that TripleA lied about his role, after all the win condition wasn't exactly a big reach.


Does not compute with what was said earlier. In fact it's a direct contradiction.


Yes, he says it's only "possible", but how is it possible if said claim was "fairly accurate", surely that would have been a bloody good guess based on his previous post.


It reads to me like he hopped on the trusting TripleA wagon when it began, and when it was shown that TripleA didn't reveal anything, he hopped right back off it.


post 122:

No, no other suspicion I just hadn't unvoted him.


You're right too about Nexus. His only actions thus far have been to tell Randy that his sig was too big, and to vote for TripleA.


The more I think about it, the more I


UNVOTE TheRandySavage VOTE Nexus

Either a weak vote hop, or a weak bussing (depends on whether Nexus is scum or not, and I'm still pretty sure he is after his "Invite a NK" post just before this), but it's a damned weak vote.


post 184:

I was tired, and he talked to me like a prick, that's all it was. I can't really do much other than refute it.


Seems quite a time between the statement and the question though, were you holding onto that until such time as the FOS starts to point to one of the scum (i.e Nexus or SMS) to muddy the water? Maybe to distract people slightly?

Not a fan of this post either, while I don't like Chris accusing bristep of distancing from me (based on that, anyone who disagrees could be distancing), bristep is trying to make out it's trying to distract people when it's not. If something looks fishy, you should question it, or pull people up on it. It doesn't instantly mean the person doing the questioning is scummy (more often than not, that's not the case... unless their name is swiftstrike of course, in which case they could well be).


post 187:

It's still worth making every point, so just so that it can be documented then explained/refuted.

Still no clue what he meant, but Carbomb further down suggests it means all points should be brought up... so why did he attack Chris B for doing just that? (bristep also confirms Carbomb's thinking of what it means later on)


post 212:

I think that his questioning of why mike and triplea are wwe in your opinion is more suspect than knowing about scum boards. I mean I know about them from following the cluedo game which led to me signing up for this one.

(In regards to bugsey commenting on Dan trusting me and TripleA at that stage).


No reason as to why questioning why someone feels someone else is town is suspect. It's perfectly fine to question why you trust someone (though sometimes you can go too far in trying to demand information), so it feels like trying to make bugsey look scummy.


Post 399:

I have been getting more and more convinced of exactly this with each of Dan's posts.


UNVOTE Nexus VOTE Dan Williams

More wagon hopping.


Post 584:

Desperation plea for survival. A complete flip-flop in 33 minutes, and to me seems like odd behaviour given the grudging acceptance of the first post. I'm close to changing my vote from Dan (although I still think he's scum too), however given that we still have 24hrs before day phase ends I'll leave it for now since SMS is so close to a lynch at this point.

He is now pushing the lynch on SMS without voting himself. So after all the vote hopping, when it gets to the point where town is about to be lynched, he pushes the wagon but keeps off it himself? Not buying that.

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