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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Ron, at these stages I go by nothing more than demeanour in posts.


I believe your demeanour throughout day 1 and now day to just be scummy.


Looking throughout the game the only ones I suspect are Ron and Dan ATM


The only one I truly believe to be Town is TripleA, he's flying off the handle everywhere, he FOSs people left right and centre, maybe a little too much at times, but I honestly believe he's actively scum hunting, so I have trust when it comes to TripleA

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Come on gents, it's only a game, not a recreation of a 1980's gangster movie. If you can't make your points without resorting to swearing and petty insults, don't bother making them at all.


Insert, I did make quite an extensive post regarding the remark you refer to, I'll find it when I'm not on my phone. The crux of it was that I was referring to the fact I had 3 suspects and wanted to see who behaved scummier as the game wore on. Hope that clears it up for you.


Looks like there's now no issue with my votes, and I can consider myself just a bog standard Vanilla townie again. It also would appear it's not Chris who is the double voter, so we just need bugsey to check now.

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Yes FG is correct, everyone calm down, especially Castle and AAA. It's a game boys, a game. Anymore nonsense from either of you and I'll either have you replaced or Modkilled

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Ron, at these stages I go by nothing more than demeanour in posts.


I believe your demeanour throughout day 1 and now day to just be scummy.

But why, at least give an example. As it's been proven by mislynches in other games just going on "demeanour" is competely and utterly wrong. I had Dan lynched in Snake's last game based on that, and several others two. The scum get behind that sort of thing and push it to make it look as though it's something that it isn't.


The only one I truly believe to be Town is TripleA, he's flying off the handle everywhere, he FOSs people left right and centre, maybe a little too much at times, but I honestly believe he's actively scum hunting, so I have trust when it comes to TripleA

So you say you go by demeanor - and that alone. I find it odd how in that case you would say the only one you truly believe is town is the one who you say is "flying off the handle everywhere". Bit of a contradiction, no?


FOS Top Man Shopper

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Quite a lot of people are happy to think i'm town, which is fine because I am, but it begs the question why everyone thinks so?.


Everyone that thinks i'm Town, can you state why?

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Ron, at these stages I go by nothing more than demeanour in posts.


I believe your demeanour throughout day 1 and now day to just be scummy.

But why, at least give an example. As it's been proven by mislynches in other games just going on "demeanour" is competely and utterly wrong. I had Dan lynched in Snake's last game based on that, and several others two. The scum get behind that sort of thing and push it to make it look as though it's something that it isn't.


The only one I truly believe to be Town is TripleA, he's flying off the handle everywhere, he FOSs people left right and centre, maybe a little too much at times, but I honestly believe he's actively scum hunting, so I have trust when it comes to TripleA

So you say you go by demeanor - and that alone. I find it odd how in that case you would say the only one you truly believe is town is the one who you say is "flying off the handle everywhere". Bit of a contradiction, no?


FOS Top Man Shopper


No, not a contradiction at all, his flying off the handle is all part of his innocence, where as your demeanour, to me comes across as scummy. I've had the same sort of angle in previous games (rightly so too, especially Mutiny on the High sodding seas, aaargh!), I just get an underlying feeling, it helps when you separate yourself from the whole game, and using that distance just observe. It's not beneficial at later stages of gameplay, but day 1 and 2 it can really help.


Ron, all I've done is vote for you, I haven't put forward a strong case to have you lynched immediatley, I just believe from the ways in which your posting, you're a tad scummier than most. The fact you're so defensive about such a none vote, in all honesty, is making think I'm probably right. I think SMS summed you up in his 'I'm dying so here's my opinion' post if you're looking for some sort of closure to why I may have voted.


I'm sorry bud, I just can't add any more to it than that. I'm happy with your FOS, if I'm wrong it's fair play, if I'm right it's fully expected for obvious reasons.


If your Town, you shouldn't have anything to worry about and my lowly vote won't actually matter will it?

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Ron, at these stages I go by nothing more than demeanour in posts.


I believe your demeanour throughout day 1 and now day to just be scummy.

But why, at least give an example. As it's been proven by mislynches in other games just going on "demeanour" is competely and utterly wrong. I had Dan lynched in Snake's last game based on that, and several others two. The scum get behind that sort of thing and push it to make it look as though it's something that it isn't.


The only one I truly believe to be Town is TripleA, he's flying off the handle everywhere, he FOSs people left right and centre, maybe a little too much at times, but I honestly believe he's actively scum hunting, so I have trust when it comes to TripleA

So you say you go by demeanor - and that alone. I find it odd how in that case you would say the only one you truly believe is town is the one who you say is "flying off the handle everywhere". Bit of a contradiction, no?


FOS Top Man Shopper


No, not a contradiction at all, his flying off the handle is all part of his innocence, where as your demeanour, to me comes across as scummy. I've had the same sort of angle in previous games (rightly so too, especially Mutiny on the High sodding seas, aaargh!), I just get an underlying feeling, it helps when you separate yourself from the whole game, and using that distance just observe. It's not beneficial at later stages of gameplay, but day 1 and 2 it can really help.


Ron, all I've done is vote for you, I haven't put forward a strong case to have you lynched immediatley, I just believe from the ways in which your posting, you're a tad scummier than most. The fact you're so defensive about such a none vote, in all honesty, is making think I'm probably right. I think SMS summed you up in his 'I'm dying so here's my opinion' post if you're looking for some sort of closure to why I may have voted.


I'm sorry bud, I just can't add any more to it than that. I'm happy with your FOS, if I'm wrong it's fair play, if I'm right it's fully expected for obvious reasons.


If your Town, you shouldn't have anything to worry about and my lowly vote won't actually matter will it?

This isn't an election, TMS. One vote can make a difference. Plus 'if your town you've nothing to worry about' is a daft thing to say, otherwise SMS would still be alive. There is scum in this game actively looking to derail it, and if they smell blood they'll go for the kill.


Plus this 'defensive' argument is a bit silly, if someone places a vote on you then what else can you do, other than defend yourself? I genuinely can't see why someone would think I'm scum right now. And yeah, obviously I'm potentially biased but I don't think that comes into it for me right now.

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I think you are Town TripleA because of what you quoted from your PM that you shouldn't have. It was very similar to mine, so rang true. Of course now if you flip scum I am dead but I don't think you will and I am willing to take that risk on that basis.


As for who to suspect, there are massive amounts of WIFOM flowing from one post to another like jizz from a two dollar hookers wizards sleeve, so it is hard to tell who is the most scummy. On purely gut instinct I would say Mike, but that is probably just because I find his holier than thou attitude in these games that gets my back up. As for Nexus, has he calmed down because he has had some coaching perhaps.

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As for who to suspect, there are massive amounts of WIFOM flowing from one post to another like jizz from a two dollar hookers wizards sleeve, so it is hard to tell who is the most scummy. On purely gut instinct I would say Mike, but that is probably just because I find his holier than thou attitude in these games that gets my back up. As for Nexus, has he calmed down because he has had some coaching perhaps.

That might be a good call. It's also one of the reasons I don't think Dan Williams is scum. Surely someone would have reigned him in by now. Unless they thought "screw it, lets throw him to the dogs"

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Plus this 'defensive' argument is a bit silly, if someone places a vote on you then what else can you do, other than defend yourself? I genuinely can't see why someone would think I'm scum right now. And yeah, obviously I'm potentially biased but I don't think that comes into it for me right now.


No, the 'defensive' argument isn't silly, ESPECIALLY when it's a vote like mine, because why try to defend yourself to a vote solely based on an opinion on the way you post?


If someone were to give a pretty much throwaway vote as mine to myself, I wouldn't really worry about, I'd if anything just concentrate on no-one else voting for me.


And I will say this to you Ron, your defence to such a throwaway vote, for me personally, is condemning

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No, the 'defensive' argument isn't silly, ESPECIALLY when it's a vote like mine, because why try to defend yourself to a vote solely based on an opinion on the way you post?


If someone were to give a pretty much throwaway vote as mine to myself, I wouldn't really worry about, I'd if anything just concentrate on no-one else voting for me.


And I will say this to you Ron, your defence to such a throwaway vote, for me personally, is condemning

No offence, but that's absolutely ridiculous. No vote should be a throwaway - there's no point playing the game if you're town and you're putting no thought into who you're voting for. You vote for the person you think should be lynched, not "just because".


And you also shouldn't judge whether someone's scum based on the fact they don't play how you do. That's a hugely flawed strategy.


So much so that I'm beginning to suspect that it's a scum strategy. I'm not sure enough to place a vote yet, but I'm certainly suspicious.

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I didn't ask if you'd stopped attacking him. I asked if you'd constantly been going on about just how town he was. You're pretending I asked a different question.

It amounts to the same thing, I cannot say "I have constantly gone on about how town he is" if I spent half of Day 1 thinking he was possibly scum can I? Because you'd say "Actually you didn't because you were attacking him".


So, your answer is 'no, it wasn't the same, but I'd have done the same thing if I thought someone else was so completely town'?


False, you asked whether you should pursue a connection between Bristep and myself.


Therefore my response is completely correct in that it mattered not what I said anyway. If I said "yes, look into it" people would insinuate "it's a slip" if I said "there's nothing there anyway" people would insinuate that I was trying to avoid anyone looking into a connection that isn't there. It's fucking pointless. So yes, the entire stuff about you looking into Bristep for a connection with me, was a wasted question. Which is the specific comment this was about (and you're trying to make it a catch all).


No I didn't ask if I should pursue a connection. Again, read the questions.


Do you think Bristep's post was perfectly normal and not worth bringing up? Considering you're pointing out that mafia could potentially be up for saying each other should be got rid of, you're surprised I'd question someone for potential distancing?Do you think Bristep's post was perfectly normal and not worth bringing up? Considering you're pointing out that mafia could potentially be up for saying each other should be got rid of, you're surprised I'd question someone for potential distancing?


Why are you pretending I asked something else?


Unless your point is 'I'm Mike Castle, and my memory sucks', no, I don't. It happened in the context of low-posters. What else could you be possibly trying to insinuate other than that there may be higher posters who are posting fluff?

Well done that man, give yourself a cookie.


Then tell me when "may" becomes "are". I said basically "It's possible he, and others, have been posting nothing but fluff", you are claiming I said "Family Guy has been posting fluff" when I have never once said that. Seriously, go find me stating he IS posting fluff, I've NEVER said it, just stated it's possible and I need to look into it. You cannot argue that point, because the only way to argue it is to OUTRIGHT LIE about what you are saying.


Hence the word 'insinuate'. You don't point out someone's behaviour without accusing them of doing it, otherwise you're just talking out loud. Insinuating and accusing are effectively the same thing in this game, as you're still mentioning that person in DIRECT correlation with posting fluff.


Again, you're pretending I asked a different question. I think having people be unlynchable is a bad idea. We can find out if people are in favour of lynching him easily, except you were too busy pushing people to look elsewhere. I think he still should have been the subject of discussion, and if enough people decided he was scum, he should then get the vote. How is this an unreasonable position?

Fuck the "question" you asked, it was shit.


You are suggesting that in 29 hours we would have a full on change of direction from "Dan, Nexus or SMS are likely our main scum" to "We should lynch TripleA" when there had been nothing thus far to suggest TripleA was scum.




Are you shitting me? At that point people felt he was likely town, the only reason for lynching him then was to prevent whichever of the other three were due to be lynched, from being lynched. Or for someone's own personal reasons. If it had happened with plenty of time before the deadline (say now) then hey, by all means we can discuss whether we felt like lynching him.


However, you are yet to say how it would have been pro-town for anyone to have lynched him with a single vote.


More over you are failing to say how I was ANTI-town in anything you are saying. You do realize that disagreeing with something doesn't make it scummy right? It just means you have different views on how YOU would do it.


Try looking at what you're trying to rake me over the coals for and rather than looking at "do I agree with it?" look at "does it benefit scum?" If it doesn't benefit scum... IT'S NOT SCUMMY!


Lose the attitude. You're swaggering all over these games, and it's actually damaging the gameplay for others. How many people have suggested that you have a bad attitude in here?


Triple A has been the subject of some suspicion. At that point in the game, it was deadlocked anyway. Him being taken out of contention was anti-town, and if you're okay with that, I really don't understand it. I don't think anyone is above suspicion, and if you disagree, I think you're anti-town.


One day of gameplay is enough to lynch someone. If more people had gone for him than any of the others, it would have been the pro-town thing to do above a no-lynch.


The most pertinent question - why are you avoiding answering questions so much?

I've not avoiding any questions, you've just disliked the answers. There's a difference. I have in fact answered every question you have asked.


No, you haven't. You haven't answered the Bristep points. You've also ignored, repeatedly, questions about Ron. You TALK a lot. You don't answer.

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For christ fucking sake, now you wonder why I don't post more often.


Will everyone whos overheated in here please chill the fuck out. Half of this bullshit is not adding to finding the scum which is y'know the point? Mike/Chris B stop flinging shit at each other, I dunno about you Mike but this happens every time with you Chris and I've been on the end of it before. Lay off each other and lets get back to weeding out who might be the possible scum.


Can you two please call a truce for now and work along those lines for the sake of the town? If you both are town it wouldn't hurt for you to stop continuing pointless arguments over and over and work together. All this bickering is derailing us from doing the most important thing. Mike I've noticed both you and Chris suspect Dan so you've got something in common. Do you both feel that Dan is the most possible scum at this point of time?


Now play nicely, its 10 minutes to my birthday so lets have a happy day going forward, for me? :D

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Okay. You make a good point, and I do think Dan's been the scummiest overall. I'm not trusting Mike, or indeed Triple A / Family Guy, but what I've got there is primarily a theory and attitude.




Vote: Dan Williams


Happy birthday.

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