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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Question time!

Triple A - You named your top 5 suspect list early in the game as Nexus, me, LOTM, insert name here and Mike Castle (in that order). How have your opinions changed on these posters since then?


Well Nexus, INH, and LOTM pretty much faded into obscurity so it's hard to form an opinion on them now. I'm still unsure about you, but not moreso than anyone else.

Mike however reeks of scum after his claim of it being bad to vote for you, then refusing to say why. Scum are now fully aware thanks to him that you may hold some importance to the town, so you'll be a target regardless. It doesn't really matter if he tells us because -


1. Scum will know you're important to town now anyway

2. It's already out there somewhere for everyone to see


Nobody in their right mind would declare another town member "bad to vote for" and refuse to say why. Awful play and i'm surprised you of all people Ron isn't bothered by it, especially if you do have a power role.

Actually TripleA, I've never said whether I believe Ron to have a power role or not. YOU are the one trying to force the opinion he has a power role onto the town.


Moreover, if you honestly believed I felt he had a power role, and that's why I didn't vote for him... why in the blue hell would you think it is PRO-town to point that out anyway?


What you are saying is the following:


"I think Mike doesn't wish to vote for Ron because he thinks he has a power role".


Not only would that line of thinking ALSO lead to "Mike's town because he doesn't want to lynch a power role when he could so easily", but also "Why announce that to the rest of the town"?


It doesn't add up TripleA, what you're accusing me of is doing something pro-town... claiming I'm trying to prevent pro-town information being found out... then calling me scummy because of it... HUH!?

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What you're doing isn't pro town though is it?. It doesn't matter who you say you think is scum or not because scum all know who town are anyway. However, the second you say "don't vote Ron, it's a bad move" then it automatically gives off the assumption he's not just a normal Vanilla.


Also, if you're not claiming he has a power role, then why are you refusing to show us what he said?. It's not much use only you knowing what's been said. Scum know he's town if he actually is, so what's to lose by pointing it out, you're not giving anything away.

Ron is also one of the people from the last phase most suspected of being scum, so not proving his innocence when you apparently can is scummy as fuck.


I could easily go "I think Dan Willams is town. I'm not telling you why though" but why would I do that?

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TripleA, if you honestly think Ron has a power role, and THAT is why I'm not revealing it...




That's what I don't get here. You, yourself, have said that you believe he must have a power role (I'm not saying that, you are), and you're trying to demand I tell you what it is.


Either you're scum making a desperate attempt to find out what (if any) role Ron has, or you are town who is completely oblivious to the fact that you are the one drawing attention to something that you are claiming shouldn't have attention drawn to it.


Seriously here. Back the fuck off. You're doing town no favours in the slightest.

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Please stop talking about people's roles if you think they are pro-town! I've been trying to avoid commenting on this and frankly you've put me in a bad position. If I don't get night killed tonight I'll be stunned. That's not to say I have a power role, but even if I don't you're putting me in the firing line as the scum are going to think that now. I you suspect someone has a pro-town role, or even if you think someone else has pointed it out, ignore it! Obviously if you think they're scum those rules go out the window, but talking about pro-town power roles is not a good thing!


I don't mean to have a go, but I'm being forced to address this issue and I really don't like that.

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TripleA, if you honestly think Ron has a power role, and THAT is why I'm not revealing it...




That's what I don't get here. You, yourself, have said that you believe he must have a power role (I'm not saying that, you are), and you're trying to demand I tell you what it is.


Either you're scum making a desperate attempt to find out what (if any) role Ron has, or you are town who is completely oblivious to the fact that you are the one drawing attention to something that you are claiming shouldn't have attention drawn to it.


Seriously here. Back the fuck off. You're doing town no favours in the slightest.


Twisting my words again? Lovely. I have not once asked you to tell me what role anyone has.


Vote Mike Castle

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Please stop talking about people's roles if you think they are pro-town! I've been trying to avoid commenting on this and frankly you've put me in a bad position. If I don't get night killed tonight I'll be stunned. That's not to say I have a power role, but even if I don't you're putting me in the firing line as the scum are going to think that now. I you suspect someone has a pro-town role, or even if you think someone else has pointed it out, ignore it! Obviously if you think they're scum those rules go out the window, but talking about pro-town power roles is not a good thing!


I don't mean to have a go, but I'm being forced to address this issue and I really don't like that.

Hence my issue with TripleA, the flaw was that if I just ignored him, I'd be branded as "scummy" for avoiding the question.


I still think TripleA is possible town, however I find his actions lately to be bordering on the ridiculous because it's just like rather than thinking through what he has to say before saying it, he just spews forth all over the post, leading to drawing attention to something he says shouldn't have attention brought to it.


But you're right Ron, as of now I will refuse to comment on anything regarding this. TripleA if he has any sense will do the same.


EBWOP: Evidently not, because he's still acting like a VI.

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I initially had been attacking Ron, then I realized he was likely town, and which point I stopped attacking him, prove me wrong. I dares ya.


I didn't ask if you'd stopped attacking him. I asked if you'd constantly been going on about just how town he was. You're pretending I asked a different question.


So... we're using a time machine now?


Do I HONESTLY have to say "at that time" before I post anything? fucksake. If I did something at point A, then see something else at point B, and realize at point C that what I felt at point A was perhaps wrong, that doesn't change what I felt at point A initially.


However, even when things DID "kick off", can you tell me if we got any more than a long back and forth that didn't really help us any, or if we gained valuable insight into various players at that point of the game?


I'd say we got some valuable insight. Dan's one of my top suspects and Ron's not far behind. As I've already said, if the pressure is increased on scum, they have a tendency to slip up. You've already conceded this point, and now you're flip-flopping again.


I was being sarcastic in the "asking my opinion" bit, however the rest of it stands. What EXACTLY were you expecting me to say? No matter what I said you could have passed it off as scummy, it was a pointless question even at the time, unless your intention was to try and paint me as scummy from it.


I'm expecting you to answer the questions. Why would someone who's town be afraid to answer questions? I'm not trying to turn your words on you, but I am looking for inconsistencies. None of the questions I asked were unreasonable - not one of them. And it's bullshit to suggest otherwise.


So basically, I wasn't expecting you to give any specific answer. If I knew your answers, I wouldn't have asked. They weren't pointless - it was asking your opinion of another player. I was trying to find out if that player was scum, not if you were. But you got enormously defensive. Again.


Again, what else were you trying to say there, other than accusing him of writing fluff?

I'm getting rather annoyed at this, I have NOT accused him of writing fluff. NOWHERE have I accused ANYONE of writing fluff.


I HAVE stated that I don't remember anything he has said, which in turn means I (as in me, as in the person typing this, not you, not your mum, not your nan, and not your damned dog skippy) need to go and read through the thread so that I can SEE WHAT HE HAS WRITTEN AND DECIDE FOR MYSELF.


That's not saying "He has posted fluff" that's saying "I haven't the fucking faintest smegging, bastarding idea what he's said thus far, and I need to go and find the fuck out".


Spot the difference?


Unless your point is 'I'm Mike Castle, and my memory sucks', no, I don't. It happened in the context of low-posters. What else could you be possibly trying to insinuate other than that there may be higher posters who are posting fluff?


Bear in mind, I was never in favour of a single person lynching Triple A. I was against the idea he was effectively unlynchable because of it. Why is everything either one thing or another for you?

Okay, so we were nearing deadline, there was damned sure nowhere near a majority who were in favour of lynching TripleA, but there was plenty of votes in the direction of Ron (wrongly I still say), Dan and SMS. So tell me why ANYONE should have thrown their one, and only vote, onto TripleA and lynched him without the town's majority, and thus it being pro-town.


Of COURSE he was unlynchable for it, because there's absolutely no way it would be pro-town to lynch him under the circumstances we had. If someone had voted for him it would have been for their own views, not the town's view. If you are arguing it would have been pro-town to have lynched TripleA with a single vote, I want to hear your reasoning, if not, why the smeg are you arguing a point you agree with me on?


Again, you're pretending I asked a different question. I think having people be unlynchable is a bad idea. We can find out if people are in favour of lynching him easily, except you were too busy pushing people to look elsewhere. I think he still should have been the subject of discussion, and if enough people decided he was scum, he should then get the vote. How is this an unreasonable position?


I'd just point out that originally I felt TripleA was town through the claim, then after a closer look (I think SMS pointed it out, but I could be wrong) that showed TripleA gave nothing away it lessened my confirmed belief he was town, but it doesn't change that I've not seen any scummy behaviour from him.


Throw in that the only attacks on TripleA thus far have been OMGUS attacks from people he, himself, has pressured, and the fact that I was also already pressuring those who were attacking him, and it wasn't even really a chainsaw defence, though that's the closest you'll get to me trying to defend him outright.


Oh, I see. So you weren't defending him - you were just continually pointing out he was town for no reason, since it wasn't 'a chainsaw defence' after you brought up the fact it was a chainsaw defence.





Meanwhile, this bullshit about pointing something out, then criticising other people for bringing it up strikes me as scummy as hell.


The most pertinent question - why are you avoiding answering questions so much?


Until either you start doing so, or until someone else acts scummier:


Vote: Mike Castle

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Just because I think you're scum doesn't mean i'm the VI you condescending little turd. This isn't a game of "follow Mike Castle". You're just as eligible to be scum as everyone else. You might think i'm an idiot for going on about the Ron thing, but facts are facts and you're the one who needlessly brought it up and put Ron at risk. Everyone playing can read so it's not like I gave away a massive secret, you posted it.


You're a much better player than putting Ron at risk like that. It's a terrible move even singling single people out like that, regardless of his role. It was a scummy move and the fact you're twisting my words by saying I asked you to reveal his role when I blatantly didn't, along with just going "lalalala i'm not telling you" and calling me a village idiot for calling you out is totally rubbish, hence why you get my vote.

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Dan Williams - Do you still "actively want the scum to win"? Also you made this statement earlier:

Owing to Chris B's last post, SMS has made only 6 posts so far where as Nexus has made around 30,

Chris B responded:

What are you on about? Nexus has made 7 posts, SMS has made 5.

Then you replied:

You are right I appologise I think I had nexus confused with yourself when I glanced at the list of posts, sorry if anyone found this misleading.

This kind of got overshadowed earlier, but why did you get nexus confused with Chris B of all people?


Chris B - What is your opinion of the above exchange?



I'm honestly not sure. It certainly seems to be trying to push against Nexus in quite a bad way - however, Nexus played pretty badly earlier. Still, it was odd to see him being criticised for posting loads and also for not posting enough. I'd be far more interested in Dan's response than my own thoughts on it right now, as that's where the question really is.


I'm more interested in why he grandstanded about how he'd add his vote if a proper wagon formed, then didn't follow through.

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Mike, Triple A, let's tone down on the insults, lads. By all means pressure each other, but don't get into a pantomime about it either.

To be fair it's easy to get caught up in the game. When you're wrongly accused (or accused based on something silly) it gets frustrating. I think that's why some people suspected me earlier, because I got a little pissed off. Of course, I think some people jumped on the bandwagon, but that's neither here nor there.


I would warn people not to take "attitude"/"pissed-off posting" into account when voting. Well, for the most part anyway. Sometimes people are going to make scummy moves in an angry way, but if someone makes an angry move in an angry way that doesn't necessarily mean they are scum.

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insert name here - Early on you suspected Lion of The Midlands for trying to cast doubt on Nexus. What are your opinions on both posters now? How have your opinions changed throughout the game, if they have at all?


I think LOTM gave me a decent enough explanation for what he'd said so my suspicions on him have pretty much faded for now and as for Nexus, i'm still not entirely convinced of his explanations for his scummy behaviour but after the SMS debacle i'm gonna wait and see what he does before i take it any further.


As for now i think TripleA could well've been telling the truth about his role and that he is in fact town.


I'm still stuck on what to think of Mike because he generally has acted pro-town for most of the game until his recent "i can prove Ron's town but i can't say why yet" behaviour


It's the same for you Ron, i've had a few suspicions about you being very defensive about everything and that whole seriel killer stuff you brought up out of nowhere but you've said that's just your style of play and i'm satisfied with your reasoning for why there might be a serial killer in the game(that's not say i think there is one) I'm almost inclined to believe you to be town but we'll see how it goes


Dan Williams has been the most bizzare player so far between voting for himself and openly saying "I hope the scum win" or words to that effect he's put himself high on a lot of people's suspect lists including my own but if he did get lynched or NK'd and he filpped town i would be at a total loss to try and explain why he's made such weird plays in the first place


FGPMSL earlier made a suspicious comment about how he was voting for Ron because "That's the direction the game was heading in" did he ever give us an explanation for that cos i'm looking and i can't seem to find anything

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Dan Williams has been the most bizzare player so far between voting for himself and openly saying "I hope the scum win" or words to that effect he's put himself high on a lot of people's suspect lists including my own but if he did get lynched or NK'd and he filpped town i would be at a total loss to try and explain why he's made such weird plays in the first place

I suspect the "red mist" might have decended. In all honesty I'm not completely convinced that he's scum. He made a few similar moves in Snake's last game that were erratic and at the end he wasn't any threat at all. Fortunately for me that didn't really matter as I was the last remaining cult player and just needed someone to die who wasn't me!

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I didn't ask if you'd stopped attacking him. I asked if you'd constantly been going on about just how town he was. You're pretending I asked a different question.

It amounts to the same thing, I cannot say "I have constantly gone on about how town he is" if I spent half of Day 1 thinking he was possibly scum can I? Because you'd say "Actually you didn't because you were attacking him".


I'm expecting you to answer the questions. Why would someone who's town be afraid to answer questions? I'm not trying to turn your words on you, but I am looking for inconsistencies. None of the questions I asked were unreasonable - not one of them. And it's bullshit to suggest otherwise.


So basically, I wasn't expecting you to give any specific answer. If I knew your answers, I wouldn't have asked. They weren't pointless - it was asking your opinion of another player. I was trying to find out if that player was scum, not if you were. But you got enormously defensive. Again.

False, you asked whether you should pursue a connection between Bristep and myself.


Therefore my response is completely correct in that it mattered not what I said anyway. If I said "yes, look into it" people would insinuate "it's a slip" if I said "there's nothing there anyway" people would insinuate that I was trying to avoid anyone looking into a connection that isn't there. It's fucking pointless. So yes, the entire stuff about you looking into Bristep for a connection with me, was a wasted question. Which is the specific comment this was about (and you're trying to make it a catch all).


Unless your point is 'I'm Mike Castle, and my memory sucks', no, I don't. It happened in the context of low-posters. What else could you be possibly trying to insinuate other than that there may be higher posters who are posting fluff?

Well done that man, give yourself a cookie.


Then tell me when "may" becomes "are". I said basically "It's possible he, and others, have been posting nothing but fluff", you are claiming I said "Family Guy has been posting fluff" when I have never once said that. Seriously, go find me stating he IS posting fluff, I've NEVER said it, just stated it's possible and I need to look into it. You cannot argue that point, because the only way to argue it is to OUTRIGHT LIE about what you are saying.


Again, you're pretending I asked a different question. I think having people be unlynchable is a bad idea. We can find out if people are in favour of lynching him easily, except you were too busy pushing people to look elsewhere. I think he still should have been the subject of discussion, and if enough people decided he was scum, he should then get the vote. How is this an unreasonable position?

Fuck the "question" you asked, it was shit.


You are suggesting that in 29 hours we would have a full on change of direction from "Dan, Nexus or SMS are likely our main scum" to "We should lynch TripleA" when there had been nothing thus far to suggest TripleA was scum.




Are you shitting me? At that point people felt he was likely town, the only reason for lynching him then was to prevent whichever of the other three were due to be lynched, from being lynched. Or for someone's own personal reasons. If it had happened with plenty of time before the deadline (say now) then hey, by all means we can discuss whether we felt like lynching him.


However, you are yet to say how it would have been pro-town for anyone to have lynched him with a single vote.


More over you are failing to say how I was ANTI-town in anything you are saying. You do realize that disagreeing with something doesn't make it scummy right? It just means you have different views on how YOU would do it.


Try looking at what you're trying to rake me over the coals for and rather than looking at "do I agree with it?" look at "does it benefit scum?" If it doesn't benefit scum... IT'S NOT SCUMMY!


The most pertinent question - why are you avoiding answering questions so much?

I've not avoiding any questions, you've just disliked the answers. There's a difference. I have in fact answered every question you have asked.


Just because I think you're scum doesn't mean i'm the VI you condescending little turd. This isn't a game of "follow Mike Castle". You're just as eligible to be scum as everyone else. You might think i'm an idiot for going on about the Ron thing, but facts are facts and you're the one who needlessly brought it up and put Ron at risk. Everyone playing can read so it's not like I gave away a massive secret, you posted it.


You're a much better player than putting Ron at risk like that. It's a terrible move even singling single people out like that, regardless of his role. It was a scummy move and the fact you're twisting my words by saying I asked you to reveal his role when I blatantly didn't, along with just going "lalalala i'm not telling you" and calling me a village idiot for calling you out is totally rubbish, hence why you get my vote.

TripleA, you have YET to tell me why what I have supposedly done is scummy.


I mentioned I felt Ron was town, YOU came up with some grand idea as to a further in-depth reasoning of it (seriously, go look, find where I said what you're claiming I said).


HOWEVER. Pretending I did do what you're claiming I did...




If I saw something that said "X has Y role". I'd tell my fucking scum buddies in private wouldn't I? What scum motivation would I have for saying it in thread when I was nowhere near to being the lynch?


Until you start noting that something has to have scum motivation for it being scummy, I'll continue noting that you're a VI.

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Ok then. Replace "scummy" with "fucking stupid". You singled Ron out and there's absolutely no doubting that saying "lynching X is bad for the town" is a ridiculous thing to say, that automatically gets scum noses sniffing as to exactly why it's such a bad thing. It goes without saying lynching any town members is a bad idea, so there shouldn't have been any reason for you to blatantly pointing it out.


It's also just as eligible that you are infact scum, and made a passing comment that I picked up on. If you start saying you trust certain members of town and lynching them is bad, it gives everyone else the idea that you are also town. That way when you and your scum buddies pick Ron off overnight, you can quote back to that post that everyone just skipped over and say "well here I was sticking up for him, i'm town".


You might not see what you did as ridiculous from all the way up there on your high horse, but if I was scum and read "lynching X is bad for town" i'd immediately be like "well why is that then? let's kill him and find out".


I'm sorry Ron for constantly banging on about it, but Mike's refusal to acknowledge it as fucking retarded is getting my back up.

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