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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Ron for a start (I initially attacked him, then noticed something, and I am pretty confident he's town, have you noticed how I've kept well away from his wagon, and stated that voting him is a bad choice?)


FoS Mike Castle.


Really?. You're flat out telling people you're actively not voting for Ron because something made you confident he's town?.


Awfully scummy play that Mike. From saying it's a "bad choice" voting for him, you've pretty much stated he's an important role because if he wasn't you wouldn't have mentioned it. What kind of town declares someone else's status like that?.


I'd really like to know what possessed you to just chuck Ron under the bus like that?

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How convenient, as soon as you and Mike Castle are somehow linked because he's defending everything you say, you point a FoS at him? What's next, are you going to throw one out at me for point this out? Is Mike Castle going to go suddenly turn up with an 800 word quoted essay showing that I have been posting nothing but fluff?


Also, as soon as someone suggests the next lynch should be between TripleA and myself, bang, Mike is in defending TripleA, leaving yours truly as the most viable option? Pfft, I can smell a set up.


To be honest, I'd just like the stuff about the voting cleared up so at least we can move on. Come on Snake, get the lead out and give us this vote count.

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How convenient, as soon as you and Mike Castle are somehow linked because he's defending everything you say, you point a FoS at him? What's next, are you going to throw one out at me for pointing this out? Is Mike Castle going to go suddenly turn up with an 800 word quoted essay showing that I have been posting nothing but fluff?


Also, as soon as someone suggests the next lynch should be between TripleA and myself, bang, Mike is in defending TripleA, leaving yours truly as the most viable option? Pfft, I can smell a set up.


To be honest, I'd just like the stuff about the voting cleared up so at least we can move on. Come on Snake, get the lead out and give us this vote count.

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Me and Mike are two of the most frequent posters in the game, it's hardly coincidence some of our posts will be one after the other.


One thing you have gotten right though is that Mike seems way too eager to trust me. You also have a good point about when I said about the theory someone else brought up that Ron may have hid behind me or you that Mike jumped straight in on my side, when even I said let's not pursue it because it's 50/50 guesswork at the very best.


I'd like to clarify that as much as Mike seems to trust me, i've no opinion on him scum or town. I'll FoS him, Vote him, or take his side when each action is necessary.

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Ron for a start (I initially attacked him, then noticed something, and I am pretty confident he's town, have you noticed how I've kept well away from his wagon, and stated that voting him is a bad choice?)


FoS Mike Castle.


Really?. You're flat out telling people you're actively not voting for Ron because something made you confident he's town?.


Awfully scummy play that Mike. From saying it's a "bad choice" voting for him, you've pretty much stated he's an important role because if he wasn't you wouldn't have mentioned it. What kind of town declares someone else's status like that?.


I'd really like to know what possessed you to just chuck Ron under the bus like that?

Oh c'mon TripleA, I've been saying I trust Ron since about halfway through DAY ONE. This is not new information to anyone. I have felt he was likely town for a long time. This isn't something I'm "suddenly doing" or whatever.


How convenient, as soon as you and Mike Castle are somehow linked because he's defending everything you say, you point a FoS at him? What's next, are you going to throw one out at me for point this out? Is Mike Castle going to go suddenly turn up with an 800 word quoted essay showing that I have been posting nothing but fluff?


Also, as soon as someone suggests the next lynch should be between TripleA and myself, bang, Mike is in defending TripleA, leaving yours truly as the most viable option? Pfft, I can smell a set up.


To be honest, I'd just like the stuff about the voting cleared up so at least we can move on. Come on Snake, get the lead out and give us this vote count.

Family Guy, first, don't claim that if I find you've only been posting fluff it's because you're "calling me out" or some such bollocks.


Also, I expect you to quote exactly where I've been suddenly "defending TripleA" since someone (TripleA incidentally) suggests the lynch is between you two... I dare you to even find one (And no, my responses to Chris B claiming I'm buddying TripleA don't count in the slightest, because the only way to NOT mention it there was to not respond to Chris B in the first place).

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Ron for a start (I initially attacked him, then noticed something, and I am pretty confident he's town, have you noticed how I've kept well away from his wagon, and stated that voting him is a bad choice?)


FoS Mike Castle.


Really?. You're flat out telling people you're actively not voting for Ron because something made you confident he's town?.


Awfully scummy play that Mike. From saying it's a "bad choice" voting for him, you've pretty much stated he's an important role because if he wasn't you wouldn't have mentioned it. What kind of town declares someone else's status like that?.


I'd really like to know what possessed you to just chuck Ron under the bus like that?

Oh c'mon TripleA, I've been saying I trust Ron since about halfway through DAY ONE. This is not new information to anyone. I have felt he was likely town for a long time. This isn't something I'm "suddenly doing" or whatever.


How convenient, as soon as you and Mike Castle are somehow linked because he's defending everything you say, you point a FoS at him? What's next, are you going to throw one out at me for point this out? Is Mike Castle going to go suddenly turn up with an 800 word quoted essay showing that I have been posting nothing but fluff?


Also, as soon as someone suggests the next lynch should be between TripleA and myself, bang, Mike is in defending TripleA, leaving yours truly as the most viable option? Pfft, I can smell a set up.


To be honest, I'd just like the stuff about the voting cleared up so at least we can move on. Come on Snake, get the lead out and give us this vote count.

Family Guy, first, don't claim that if I find you've only been posting fluff it's because you're "calling me out" or some such bollocks.


Also, I expect you to quote exactly where I've been suddenly "defending TripleA" since someone (TripleA incidentally) suggests the lynch is between you two... I dare you to even find one (And no, my responses to Chris B claiming I'm buddying TripleA don't count in the slightest, because the only way to NOT mention it there was to not respond to Chris B in the first place).


'Find where I said that, except where I said that, because that doesn't count'


Do one of your little forensic examinations then, you'll find I've been hunting scum and asking questions, which is much more than at least half of the rest of the people in the game.

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Ron for a start (I initially attacked him, then noticed something, and I am pretty confident he's town, have you noticed how I've kept well away from his wagon, and stated that voting him is a bad choice?)


FoS Mike Castle.


Really?. You're flat out telling people you're actively not voting for Ron because something made you confident he's town?.


Awfully scummy play that Mike. From saying it's a "bad choice" voting for him, you've pretty much stated he's an important role because if he wasn't you wouldn't have mentioned it. What kind of town declares someone else's status like that?.


I'd really like to know what possessed you to just chuck Ron under the bus like that?

Oh c'mon TripleA, I've been saying I trust Ron since about halfway through DAY ONE. This is not new information to anyone. I have felt he was likely town for a long time. This isn't something I'm "suddenly doing" or whatever.





That's not what I asked though is it? Nice attempt to worm out of it though. I couldn't care less who you trust or not, but you just pretty much told everyone Ron has a power role. There's people in the game that I feel are more likely town than scum, but I don't go "don't vote for them is a really bad choice, i've noticed something about them".

I'd like to know why you felt you had to tell everyone this when "I feel like Ron is town" would have done? Why claim you've noticed something about him and that lynching him is a bad choice?. Surely you see how the scum's ears will perk up as soon as you declare someone else that important.

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Okay, I'll hit your points one at a time, and I'll try not to be condesending in it, because to be quite honest, it would be extremely easy to be.


Really? Who? Because I've gone back, and I can't find you consistently saying how town you think someone is in the way you have with Triple A.

Ron for a start (I initially attacked him, then noticed something, and I am pretty confident he's town, have you noticed how I've kept well away from his wagon, and stated that voting him is a bad choice?)




You mean that back and forth that was going nowhere at the time except for a "no u" argument... the same type I've recently pointed out is utterly pointless because you're trying to convince the guy you are saying is scum... that he is scum?


Really? You think you've been doing it in the same way? It strikes me you've been pretty wishy-washy about defending Ron, whereas you've been pretty full on about defending Triple A. Please do prove me wrong - if the style of defense is the same, I'd prefer to be in a situation where I could back down.


Also, with regards to the back and forth argument, that's a rather different response to your last one.


See, the way I look at it, if I think someone is scum, I'm going to keep pushing them until they make a mistake. Putting someone on the spot can be a pretty good tactic, and it looked like that one was kicking off rather than going round in circles.

I didn't feel it was going to kick off... however considering how things are going now, you may well have been right considering it's kicked off now, just a day later than it could have. So I'll concede to that point.


As for Bristep, what are you expecting me to say to such a comment? I know I'm town, so why would I want you to waste time looking into something that I know wont lead anywhere? However if I say as much you would just claim I had something to hide, it was a question that, whatever the answer, you could have claimed I was scum because of it. It was pointless and a waste of time, if you want to look into something, get off your keister and go look. Don't go asking my permission for it.


What was that you were accusing me of doing? Oh yeah - twisting your words.


Here's what I asked you, that you ignored.


Do you think Bristep's post was perfectly normal and not worth bringing up? Considering you're pointing out that mafia could potentially be up for saying each other should be got rid of, you're surprised I'd question someone for potential distancing?Do you think Bristep's post was perfectly normal and not worth bringing up? Considering you're pointing out that mafia could potentially be up for saying each other should be got rid of, you're surprised I'd question someone for potential distancing?


I wasn't 'asking your permission'. I was asking your opinions.




Something I am noticing looking at the post counts... Family Guy is the 5th most active poster... yet I can't honestly remember a single thing he's said. I may need to have a re-read of his posts just to see whether he's posting things that are relevant, or whether they're just fluff posts to look like he's posting a lot


How is that twisting your words? What else could you POSSIBLY be saying there? You're blatantly pointing it out, and suggesting that you may need to have a re-read to confirm. You're not pointing out that you need to look at his posts.


There's no twisting there. It's not misquoting. With the part I've bolded, it's a completely fair summation. If it isn't, please explain what you were actually saying, and how you feel I've twisted it.

I've fixed the bolding for you. It's easy to claim something when you try and ignore the rest of the sentence isn't it? The bit I've bolded there states I need to have a re-read to find out whether it's fluff or not. So yes, you did misquote me claiming that Family Guy was only posting fluff. Because as shown above, I have yet to read all of his posts to find that out.


Again, what else were you trying to say there, other than accusing him of writing fluff?


I also note you've chosen to ignore my responses on what you claimed was buddying with TripleA, instead deciding to brush the actual cases of what you call buddying under the carpet in favour of a catch all statement of buddying.


So, either you are twisting my words, or you are legitimately misreading what I am saying, but may I suggest you calm it before we again get into another pointless debate over what amounts to nothing.


Saying you agree with someone's points, or pointing out that potentially ending day 1 with a lynch comprised of a single person (You still haven't told me how a single person lynching TripleA would be pro-town yet, which I expect you to do if you intend to argue that point as well) is not scummy. Deliberately buddying is. There's a huge difference, in fact if you wanted to call me on something, you could have suggested somewhat of a chainsaw defence on TripleA if anything (attacking someone for attacking him), but buddying it is not.


Bear in mind, I was never in favour of a single person lynching Triple A. I was against the idea he was effectively unlynchable because of it. Why is everything either one thing or another for you?


And okay - how would you defend against an accusation of chainsaw defence? I'll ignore the fact that you're being unbearably pedantic over correct usage of mafia terminology like 'chainsaw defence', and just ask the question you've brought up yourself.

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'Find where I said that, except where I said that, because that doesn't count'


Do one of your little forensic examinations then, you'll find I've been hunting scum and asking questions, which is much more than at least half of the rest of the people in the game.

I have no clue what you're getting at Family Guy, you accused me of defending TripleA AFTER TripleA suggested lynching you or himself (in essence, based on Randy's last comments, though I don't see where Randy favoured either of you for being town). I have asked you to point out where I'm defending TripleA... are you intending on doing so?


And I will read through your posts, but not tonight. However why the smeg people are pulling me up over saying "I need to re-read" is fucking beyond me. Anyone who doesn't re-read things at points needs to start doing so if they actually plan to win as town.


That's not what I asked though is it? Nice attempt to worm out of it though. I couldn't care less who you trust or not, but you just pretty much told everyone Ron has a power role. There's people in the game that I feel are more likely town than scum, but I don't go "don't vote for them is a really bad choice, i've noticed something about them".

I'd like to know why you felt you had to tell everyone this when "I feel like Ron is town" would have done? Why claim you've noticed something about him and that lynching him is a bad choice?. Surely you see how the scum's ears will perk up as soon as you declare someone else that important.

No, I didn't tell everyone he has a power role. I said something happened that made me feel he was town. Why are you so insistant on making out that Ron has a power role though?


And "worm out of it" is a phrase deliberately written to make out I'm scummy, when I haven't wormed out of anything. Stop trying to claim things that are false.


Really? You think you've been doing it in the same way? It strikes me you've been pretty wishy-washy about defending Ron, whereas you've been pretty full on about defending Triple A. Please do prove me wrong - if the style of defense is the same, I'd prefer to be in a situation where I could back down.

I initially had been attacking Ron, then I realized he was likely town, and which point I stopped attacking him, prove me wrong. I dares ya.


Also, with regards to the back and forth argument, that's a rather different response to your last one.

So... we're using a time machine now?


Do I HONESTLY have to say "at that time" before I post anything? fucksake. If I did something at point A, then see something else at point B, and realize at point C that what I felt at point A was perhaps wrong, that doesn't change what I felt at point A initially.


However, even when things DID "kick off", can you tell me if we got any more than a long back and forth that didn't really help us any, or if we gained valuable insight into various players at that point of the game?


I wasn't 'asking your permission'. I was asking your opinions.

I was being sarcastic in the "asking my opinion" bit, however the rest of it stands. What EXACTLY were you expecting me to say? No matter what I said you could have passed it off as scummy, it was a pointless question even at the time, unless your intention was to try and paint me as scummy from it.


Again, what else were you trying to say there, other than accusing him of writing fluff?

I'm getting rather annoyed at this, I have NOT accused him of writing fluff. NOWHERE have I accused ANYONE of writing fluff.


I HAVE stated that I don't remember anything he has said, which in turn means I (as in me, as in the person typing this, not you, not your mum, not your nan, and not your damned dog skippy) need to go and read through the thread so that I can SEE WHAT HE HAS WRITTEN AND DECIDE FOR MYSELF.


That's not saying "He has posted fluff" that's saying "I haven't the fucking faintest smegging, bastarding idea what he's said thus far, and I need to go and find the fuck out".


Spot the difference?


Bear in mind, I was never in favour of a single person lynching Triple A. I was against the idea he was effectively unlynchable because of it. Why is everything either one thing or another for you?

Okay, so we were nearing deadline, there was damned sure nowhere near a majority who were in favour of lynching TripleA, but there was plenty of votes in the direction of Ron (wrongly I still say), Dan and SMS. So tell me why ANYONE should have thrown their one, and only vote, onto TripleA and lynched him without the town's majority, and thus it being pro-town.


Of COURSE he was unlynchable for it, because there's absolutely no way it would be pro-town to lynch him under the circumstances we had. If someone had voted for him it would have been for their own views, not the town's view. If you are arguing it would have been pro-town to have lynched TripleA with a single vote, I want to hear your reasoning, if not, why the smeg are you arguing a point you agree with me on?


And okay - how would you defend against an accusation of chainsaw defence? I'll ignore the fact that you're being unbearably pedantic over correct usage of mafia terminology like 'chainsaw defence', and just ask the question you've brought up yourself.

I'd just point out that originally I felt TripleA was town through the claim, then after a closer look (I think SMS pointed it out, but I could be wrong) that showed TripleA gave nothing away it lessened my confirmed belief he was town, but it doesn't change that I've not seen any scummy behaviour from him.


Throw in that the only attacks on TripleA thus far have been OMGUS attacks from people he, himself, has pressured, and the fact that I was also already pressuring those who were attacking him, and it wasn't even really a chainsaw defence, though that's the closest you'll get to me trying to defend him outright.

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That's not what I asked though is it? Nice attempt to worm out of it though. I couldn't care less who you trust or not, but you just pretty much told everyone Ron has a power role. There's people in the game that I feel are more likely town than scum, but I don't go "don't vote for them is a really bad choice, i've noticed something about them".

I'd like to know why you felt you had to tell everyone this when "I feel like Ron is town" would have done? Why claim you've noticed something about him and that lynching him is a bad choice?. Surely you see how the scum's ears will perk up as soon as you declare someone else that important.

No, I didn't tell everyone he has a power role. I said something happened that made me feel he was town. Why are you so insistant on making out that Ron has a power role though?


And "worm out of it" is a phrase deliberately written to make out I'm scummy, when I haven't wormed out of anything. Stop trying to claim things that are false.




Alright then, if you're not stating he has a power role, then care to share why you think he's town with the rest of us?. Considering there's a lot of people voting to off Ron Simmons, you're not really doing much to stick up for someone you think is most likely town are you?

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It's what he said, and his response to me saying to stop. It tells me that he's likely town. Throw in that since that point I've not outright seem him do anything scummy, and I have zero reason to consider him as scum.


Sort of like you in that sense TripleA, while I think your direction at the moment is poor, you've also not done anything scummy beyond the initial poorly judged role claim.

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What did he actually say though is what i'm asking. I know he said something, but what?. It's useless to the rest of the town if you just keep saying "he said something".

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