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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Accusing everyone isn't good scum hunting. Sure, you might get lucky, but you're more likely to allow the scum to sit back and watch you or someone you're accusing get lynched.


And it was Wolfvision who Mike set up (within 2 minutes of him arriving laugh.gif )

Yeah, it was me who set up Dan Williams last time, though it wasn't hard.


Well thats not cleared anything up but for now I have my suspicions.

Vote Ron Simmons

FOS Triple A

FOS Mike Castle

Just as it wouldn't be this time :rolleyes:


Dan, I don't believe you're scum, but I can see why others would. Your stroppy comment of "actively hoping the scum win" kind of invites that opinion, or at the very least that you might try and derail the game. My suggestion is that you do less voting in the early phases of today and more questioning and thinking. Your whole tactic of "voting/suspecting anyone who suspects you" in both this game and the cowboy one doesn't help anyone, including yourself. That's how it was so easy to have you lynched in Snake's last game. I'm town this time, but others aren't, and even if it doesn't happen today it will happen later if you keep playing in this way. Tone it down a bit, eh?

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Mikes turnaround on wolfvision in that game was pretty special, he was certain to be lunches himself before that. Back to this game though and I'm sure of where to look, day 2 has. Been slow to get going so my suspicions stay with the two besides sms I suspected on day 1: nexus and Ron. Also, I'm off work this week so all playing will be from my phone, so ill probably be posting a little less until next Monday (but I will male sure I am at least active every day)

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As it's been mentioned a few times now i will say that the reason i haven't been too active in this game so far is because it's my first time playing and i haven't really been following any other games too closely so i've just been trying to get a feel for how the game is played. Now that i've had a little first-hand experience i'm hoping to be more actively involved.

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These two posts from Randy before he died are potentially interesting.


It also defeats the point of the game, doesn't it?


Mike - does this line of questioning happen on the Mafia Scum website?

Never from what I've seen, because it isn't really in the spirit of the game.


And TripleA, by you, yourself, posting a line that states exactly what was in the PM means you broke the rules, people were trying to get you to cut off that line of questioning, but you put yourself in that position.


On the plus side, your earlier actions show you to be town, and I think even that shows that you're naive town at least, so anyone who throws a vote on you at this stage should be lynched tomorrow (or if we have a vig, taken out tonight).


This is very dodgy to me. I mean, If someone hammered home, and tomorrow morning Triple A flipped Town, then okay, interrogate who voted for him. But what if he is mafia. You notion that a vig should nightkill whoever does this is complete bullshit. At least wait until we know Triple A's afflilialtion. It seems like your trying to scare people off from killing him. Which of his earlier actions show him to be town?




sorry, not tomorrow morning, but ater the lynch. The point still stands that you seem to be scaring off people from killing him, though I feel that is actually the best course of action for now. threatening a vig kill now seems overly protective...



I'm wondering if he hid behind whoever hammered home SMS. He seems very against that person being killed. Which would make it Family Guy or Triple A.


Now, it's definitely vague, but it's about all there is from what he posted. If he hadn't pushed against the hammer vote being killed that night, I wouldn't read anything into it.




In the meantime, I think Dan is probably suspect number one, followed by Nexus. I'd be interested in both of their thoughts on the outcome of yesterday's lynch and the death of therandysavage.

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Gutted about SMS being the roleblocked. Thought we really had something there with Snakes post against the idea of roleblockers but it appears not now. I would of voted him most likely before the end of the deadline as something just didn't sit right with me out of all the other choices but I never got the chance to vote in the end as things went down whilst I was out.


I'd of thought the hider would of lasted longer as it was my first ever role and I did quite well lasting to the end of the game (thanks to Castle forgetting to declare me dead) so it seems like either Randy hid behind scum and the doc protected whoever scum targetted or he didn't hide at all and the scum targetted him (which would be very poor play)


As for this days phase my thoughts were always with Ron being my next suspect however Dan concerns me more and more. Dan - if you are scum, you'd know that SMS was WWE. Defending him would make you look pro-town and you could still get a WWE player lynched, so I don't think that's much of a defence.

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I really don't know what to think of Dan Williams now, i thought he could be scum because of him making some disturbing statements and behaving weirdly.

I thought he might have been doing it deliberately to make us suspect him and force us to go into a no-lynch because at that stage just about everyone had a few suspects to decide between.

But now that it turns out that SMS was telling the truth it's left me second guessing him unless of course he was doing some sort of elaborate double bluff to make us eliminate SMS quicker but who knows.

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I think we have to be mindful of focussing just on Dan here. There are other people we need to be looking at as well.


Nexus - you've been very quiet and it helped you survive. Any thoughts or theories on what happened overnight? Excluding Dan, where do you think we should be looking this day phase?

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I haven't been "very quiet," I just haven't been being mental.


I think that we need to figure out who Randy hid behind. Or at least try to.


Dan should be looked at, obviously, and I think that we need to look at the quieter ones, the ones who have said less than me.

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I haven't been "very quiet," I just haven't been being mental.

Fair enough actually - I didn't realise that there are another 5 or 6 who have posted less than you. I must try and read the stats a bit more.


So are you subscribing to the theory that Randy hid behind scum, rather than failing to send an action in?

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The thing is though, the theory brought up earlier that Savage hid behind whoever hammered the vote on SMS home sounds beleivable. Only problem is that it's between Family Guy and myself. Since I know i'm town (and a few of you also think I am) then that leaves Family Guy. It's probably not worth focusing on right now though because -


1. It's guesswork

2. It's 50/50 chance of hitting scum at the very best

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While I'm not advocating we let Dan off the hook, I worry that if he's town the scum will do what I did in Snake's last game and push for his lynch. At this stage it's quite an easy thing to do, and if he is town and gets lynched we might be losing a loose cannon, but that loose cannon would still be town, meaning we're potentially another two down tonight. Or more, I'm not completely sure what TheRandySavage's death means.


We absolutely need to expand the search. It seems as though people are focussing on a set list of suspects. That might be all well and good, perhaps some of them are scum - but what if they aren't? What if the scum are getting behind this list to make it look more credible because it keeps most of them - or worse - ALL of them safe?

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I'll tell you what we do need to see more of Ron... action from the bottom posters.


Corey, Mesacret, Bugsey and Lawz all have under 10 posts (Corey has 2 total, and Mesacret just 3), so I will be expecting both of those to be posting much, much more this day phase. Otherwise I'll have to assume they are deliberately staying quiet to try and hide under the radar.


Nexus is still likely scum in my mind, Dan I'm sure is (but as has been mentioned, it is easy to get him lynched because of his play, so it does make me somewhat doubt myself because of that. I'd like to see him do more than attack the main posters this day phase).


Something I am noticing looking at the post counts... Family Guy is the 5th most active poster... yet I can't honestly remember a single thing he's said. I may need to have a re-read of his posts just to see whether he's posting things that are relevant, or whether they're just fluff posts to look like he's posting a lot (Same goes for Chris B, Carbomb, and brownie for that matter, though Chris B to a lesser extent. While with Carbomb I've only truly noticed his questions about things).

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