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Guide to Japanese Wrestling 2010


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Thanks! Yeah, Vicera looks like an absolute beast in Japan. Hama is just lovable. So that's almost the beaty and beast :p




AJPW on GAORA TV - July 4, 2010, Osaka - (3 3/4 hrs)



July 4, 2010, Osaka Prefectural Gym (3,300 fans)


1. TARU & Rene Dupree -vs- Masa Fuchi & Yasufumi Nakanoue [*]

--- Opening card action with Fuchi doing his bodyslam bit, but needed support with a weghtlifter like belt, a belt he and Nakanoue would later use to whip Dupree with. That was kind of Nakanoue's spotlight moment in between getting beat up and Buzzsaw'ed by TARU.

11:46 of 11:46 - TARU pinned Nakanoue after a headkick



2. Power Pro Kamen(Kaz Hayashi) & KAI -vs- Taka Michinoku & Antonio Thomas [3/4*]

--- Nah, wasn't getting into this much. Just Hayashi doing some silly masked gimmick drinking protein powder to make the final comeback and win the match with Power wresting.

10:33 of 10:33 - Power Pro pinned Thomas with a Ligerbomb



3. Lance Cade -vs- Seiya Sanada [*]

--- The final Lance Cade match from Japan before his death on August 13th 2010. And it was just a simple singles match with Sanada. Cade kicked out of the Japanese leg roll clutch and then beat Sanada with the Stan Hansen lariat. Not much more to it.

9:24 of 9:21 - Cade pinned Sanada after a lariat



4. Shuji Kondo© & BUSHI & Hiroshi Yamato -vs- Mazada© & Minoru & Hate - (Captain's Hair Match) [* 1/2]

--- So far Hate and Yamato has lost their hair in this hair-series. In this bout it's Kondo and Mazada's hair on the line. And they had to work hard to get any excitement into this one. They did a BUSHI getting injured angle with him getting powerbombed off the turnbuckle and having to be assisted out leaving Yamato & Kondo by themselfs. BUSHI tried to re-enter the match later, but Mazada took care of him and instead Yamato ended up being the hero suplexing Hate until he had him beat with a cross-arm German! So say goodbye to Mazada's hair.....

13:58 of 14:01 - Yamato pinned Hate with a cross-arm German Suplex



5. Masakatsu Funaki -vs- Big Daddy Voodoo [* 1/4]

--- Shooter Funaki against the massive Big Daddy Voodoo! Let's call it a special match where Voodoo's moves landed hard and Funaki was a fairly successful underdog size-wise. The end was a bit screwie as Funaki had locked in a legbar and the Voodoo Murders invaded the match causing the DQ. They teased Funaki joining the Voodoo Murders after the bout but Funaki threw the VM t-shirt back at TARU.

7:40 of 7:38 - Funaki defeated Big Daddy by DQ



6. Taiyo Kea & Akebono -vs- Kohei Suwama & Ryota Hama - (AJPW Tag Title Decision) [** 1/4]

--- Former AJPW Tag Champions Keiji Muto & Masakatsu Funaki had to abandon the belts because of Muto's injury, so this is a match to decide new tag champs in the company. And we have the wonder combo of Suwama & Hama against the Hawaiian side of Kea & Akebono! And yes, this match was too long for someone like Akebono and Hama. No need to drag it out 20-min. But it did feature a lot of hard fatso moments to keep the fans happy. Splashes all over the place. Hama even did a Vader like corner splash on Akebono! Kea and Suwama had to pick up the speed where Akebono and Hama were tired, but this really did feature a lot of those two, especially Hama, working. But his work didn't pay off as Kea planted Hama ready to get splashed by Akebono. TOP ROPE SPLASH! And again Hama falls too short against the Yokozuna. You're new AJPW Tag Champions - Taiyo Kea & Akebono! 7th reign for Kea! And Akebono's first time with these belts.

20:36 of 20:36 - Akebono pinned Hama after a top rope bodypress. Kea & Akebono become the 57th AJPW Tag Champions.



7. Minoru Suzuki © -vs- Masayuki Kono - (Triple Crown Title) [** 1/2]

--- Then for the main event and this was the long one. Serious one. Suzuki knows he's the man and this was a total Suzuki experience and I wish Kono had shown more fire when he had the chance because the match really missed him looking like a top contender. He's got the size, but he's lacking the personality of a top guy so thats the thing he need to work on becuase all it needs is for him to be more focused and show the right kind of boss emotion when needed. Not as Suzuki bitch like he was most of the time here. Suzuki kept the control by working over Kono's leg locking in heel holds and the knee to make life painful for Kono. And when Kono landed his leathal top rope kneedrop he was in so much pain he couldn't make the cover. Kono did try and work over Suzuki's arm, but it never really resulted in much as Suzuki was still dominating quite a lot with Kono getting to kick out of some certain deaths including the Gotch-style piledriver. Then Suzuki slapped on the sleeper and evertually the referee stopped it. Sadly at the wrong time IMO, as when the bell rang it still looked like Kono was fighting back enough to justify staying in there a little longer. But they covered it up by Kono having to be carried out on a streacher while Suzuki and his fellow Tokyo Gurentai members showed off their belts as Taiyo Kea & Akebono holds the AJPW Tag belts now.

25:20 of 25:19 - Suzuki defeated Kono by referee stop with a sleeper to retain the Triple Crown Title in his 1st defence.



COMMENTS: They never really got the fans into the drama of the matches and they didn't really do enough to get them to care too much either. This could have been a masterfully show had they wanted it to, but like too often AJPW fails to bring enough in the ring. Still by todays standard it was good.




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Ha ha, well he does get beat a lot so it wasn't all wrong :p





DDT on Samurai TV - July 3, 7, 10 & 25, 2010 - (2 hrs)



July 7, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (366 fans)


1. Muscle Sakai -vs- Tomimitsu Matsunaga

--- Foot-stomps all the way to school.....!

0:55 of 4:32 - Sakai pinned Matsunaga with a schoolboy



2. Toru Owashi -vs- Muscle Sakai [1/4*]

--- Sakai kept faking it. Faking letting Owashi just cover him. Faking getting counted out entering at the last possible moment. Faking getting DQ'ed. Then he tried to kill the referee with the Verdict, but as usual he messed it up and the referee landed on top of him and Owashi made the cover with the referee laying on top of Sakai while counting the three.

3:39 of 3:36 - Owashi pinned Sakai after a failed Verdict



3. Toru Owashi -vs- MIKAMI [1/2*]

--- Plenty of clowning in this one too, but it ended with a more wrestling based way of cradles reversals.....winner Owashi!

4:34 of 4:58 - Owashi pinned MIKAMI with a cradle reversal



4. Sanshiro Takagi & Munenori Sawa -vs- Yago Aznable & Enormous MA Hoshitango & DJ Nira

--- Just the end with Nira anti-bumping and Tagai killing him with a Spicoli Driver...... They set up a dark match for the Sumo Hall show where Takagi & Sawa will defend against the Freedoms side of Jun Kasai & Kamui!

0:40 of 9:43 - Takagi pinned Nira after a Death Valley Bomb



5. Danshoku Dino & Hikaru Sato & Keisuke Ishii -vs- Dick Togo & Daisuke Sasaki & Tanomusaku Toba - (Football Rules)

--- Highlights from the in-ring football match which ended a draw and had to be decided by penalties. Let's just say even Dick Togo was smiling big from this bout. After the bout they set-up the RG & HG vs Danshoku Dino match for the Sumo Hall!!! Now, thats gay! Dino talked a long time on the mic with HG....all the time with RG in his pants.

2:02 - Dino & Sato & Ishii defeated Togo & Sasaki & Toba 4-3 after penalties



6. Daisuke Sekimoto & Ryuichi Kawakami -vs- HARASHIMA & Yasu Urano [* 1/2]

--- Big Japan vs DDT! This is to build up for the main event at the Sumo Hall where Sekimoto defends the KO-D Title against HARASHIMA! And Sekimoto really wanted to put the challenger in place being aggressive and throwing a table hard over HARASHIMA and clubbing them down with lariats. Sekimoto was chasing HARASHIMA around ringside as Kawakami beat Urano the Sekimoto-way. The heat is on!

8:21 of 14:09 - Kawakami pinned Urano with a German Suplex



Referee Matsui Produce - May 22, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (421 fans)


7. Sanshiro Takagi & Lingerie Muto © -vs- Kikutaro & Kuishinbo Kamen - (KO-D Tag Title) [* 1/2]

--- Sanshiro Takagi and Munenori Sawa defending the KO-D Tag belts as Lingerie Muto and Bra Chono!!! Against the Osaka clowns. Comic beauty!

5:18 of 14:59 - Sawa pinned Kikutaro after a Shining Wizard. Takagi & Sawa retain the KO-D Tag Title in their 6th defence.



West Gate - May 31, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING


8. Sanshiro Takagi & Munenori Sawa © -vs- Kunihiko Mitamega & Small Shinya Hashimoto? - (KO-D Tag Title) [3/4*]

--- And then Takagi & Sawa slum down in West Gate, the home of parody wrestlers and here they face a wannabe Shinya Hashimoto and a parody guy of any modern indy wrestler looking horrid being fancy. Got to love his cradles or non-cradle. The indy dude got dropped nasty a couple of times by Takagi and the Hashimoto managed to make a fool of himself falling off the top rope when trying a dive. He landed on the second try. The champs retain of course.

4:11 of 15:00 - Takagi pinned Mitamega with the sitting Sunflower Bomb. Takagi & Sawa retain the KO-D Tag Title in their 7th defence.



July 3, 2010, Chu Ward Shopping Center Arcade (300 fans)


9. Sanshiro Takagi & Munenori Sawa © -vs- HARASHIMA & Michael Nakazawa - (KO-D Tag Title) [*]

--- Wrestling at a shopping center. Last time I saw DDT do this was when Dino was humping people a lot with children around. This time Takagi was shooting with toy guns, joshi wrestler Hiroyo Matsumoto got involved and had her breasts felt by Michael in public, watermelon eating contest, all while going shopping. Referee Matsui was keeping accounts with the local store owners.

10:44 of 33:23 - Sawa pinned Nakazawa with a Dragon Suplex. Takagi & Sawa retain the KO-D Tag Title in their 8th defence.



July 10, 2010, Gujo City Meiho Ski Area


10. Sanshiro Takagi & Munenori Sawa © -vs- HOF Senyo Z'GOK & Kido Soldier Handam - (KO-D Tag Title) [1/2*]

--- They really found a obscure place to host this KO-D Tag Title match. At a parking lot at some remote mountain place. Out-of-season ski resort. And against a couple of horridly looking superheroes. And this featured remote control cars.......

6:07 of 20:00 - Sawa made Kido submit to a grounded Octopus Hold. Takagi & Sawa retain the KO-D Tag Title in their 9th defence.



July 25, 2010, Tokyo - Sumo Hall (8,800 fans)





11. Sanshiro Takagi & Munenori Sawa © -vs- Jun Kasai & Kamui - (KO-D Tag Title; Falls Count Anywhere) [* 1/2]

--- It's a mad world! This match took place before the Sumo Hall show had started and it started outside of the Sumo Hall and went on all over the place from the halls, inside the arena in the fans area, the bathrooms and locker rooms. Jun Kasai even did a table splash from one of the enterance areas of the Sumo Hall! Crazy motherfucker! Sawa was bleeding, but still riding his bike around the Sumo Hall. And during their fighting they met Goto Tsurumi in the bathroom. And I'm not sure what happend with Kasai. I think he got flushed down the toilet as he was in the booth and all of a sudden he was gone and it was just Kamui left fighting Sawa in the bathtub in the sumo warm-up area and Sawa had him submitting to the Octopus Hold! Awesome!

15:48 of 16:30 - Sawa made Kamui submit to a Octopus Hold in the bathtub. Takagi & Sawa retain the KO-D Tag Title in their 10th defence.



COMMENTS: The first hour was mainly storylines getting ready for the big show on July 25th. And the second hour was stupid KO-D Tag Title defences all over the place and a joy to watch the madness!




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MR.GANNOSUKE on COMM - July 8, 2010, Tokyo - (2 1/4 hrs)



July 8, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (192 fans)


1. Mineo Fujita -vs- Daisuke [*]

--- These two faced each other on the last Gannosuke show, but in that one Daisuke was injured about a minute out and the match had to be stopped. Here they got the chance to have a full match. Can't say they needed to. Not too much to offer except for a very straight forward standard without much fanfare. Well, kind of difficult with so few fans there. But still only a match which Fujita won fairly comfortably.

14:04 of 14:00 - Fujita pinned Daisuke with a Gannosuke Clutch



2. Miyako Matsumoto -vs- Lingerie Muto [3/4*]

--- Ice Ribbons Matsumoto was trying to be all aggressive even going to get Muto backstage before he could make his enterance! But it was all just too cute to take seriously. Even how she rolled Muto up in the floor mat and bodypressed it was sooooo cute! And Muto was dominated! And even lost to the girl......

11:04 of 10:08 - Matsumoto made Muto submit to a Octopus Hold



3. Masashi Takeda -vs- Keita Yano [*]

--- Yano was being a goof as usual doing all these referances to other classic wrestlers without it doing the match any good. Only thing to say it was interesting for it's stubbornness and that it didn't seem like a rehersed match, but it still wasn't very good. German with for Takeda.

14:53 of 14:51 - Takeda pinned Yano with a German Suplex



4. Tajiri -vs- Emi Sakura [1/2*]

--- I just found this plain boring.....

14:28 of 14:28 - Tajiri pinned Sakura with a La Magistral cut-back



5. GENTARO -vs- Yuko Miyamoto [*]

--- Not a good show when also the main event is dead boring. They didn't really attempt to make it special either. Just a match for them. Only thing to note was the finish where they did a double-cover type deal which is rarely used. GENTARO landed the top rope elbow and Miyamoto kicked out, but GENTARO went for another and more secure cover and this time got the pinfall without adding any other moves.

19:18 of 19:16 - GENTARO pinned Miyamoto after a top rope elbow drop



COMMENTS: In 2009 Gannosuke shows where good. In 2010 they're not.




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WALLABY PRODUCE on COMM - July 9, 2010, Tokyo - (1 1/4 hrs)



July 9, 2010, Warabi City Isami Wrestle Budokan


1. Hideya Iso -vs- Takeshi Makenji [1/4*]

--- Dreadfully boring ground based game between two unknowns who are going to stay unknown showing very little joy to their wrestling.

8:13 of 8:07 - Iso made Makenji submit to a modified leg armbar



2. Yasu Urano & Yuki Sato -vs- GENTARO & Ryuji Nagoya [3/4*]

--- Mostly letting the rookie guy Nagayo get some ring action with the more known wrestlers making sure there was at least some personality to the match. Never amazing, but on such a small show one can't expect too much and it was executed fairly well in it's basics all considering.

14:17 of 14:13 - Sato pinned Nagoya after a top rope dropkick



3. Keita Yano -vs- Emi Sakura - (I Quit Match)

--- This one never happend. Yano and his friend attacked Sakura before the match and put her out of business this night....

0:00 of 0:00 - Yano wrestled Sakura to a No-Contest



4. The Winger -vs- Mayuki Matsumoto [1/4*]

--- Silly little inter-gender match where Winger had to cheat to beat the annoying untallented ballerina girl by pretending she pulled his mask off....

8:03 of 8:11 - Winger defeated Matsumoto by DQ



5. Ultraman Robin -vs- Keita Yano - (Catch Rules) [3/4*]

--- A total technical bout under the 3-min round rules and yellow cards. Liked the idea, but look who it is doing it. Ultraman is old and broken down and probable haven't had a serious match in a decade or so knowing very little how to wrestle in this style. And Yano is a total glamorized backyarder with a few cool tricks and absolutely horrible execution nearly everything he does! And they tried a lot of old technical details and they struggled so bad with just the basics. Even the referee had to be told by Yano when to give yellow cards and stuff. Well, it was nice of them to try their best, but it's not like thats the level wrestling needs to be. The level should be a lot higher. Anyway, Yano got beat on a inside cradle reversal which it took the referee ages before he saw and started counting.

14:28 of 14:23 - Ultraman pinned Yano with a small package reversal 2:23 of the 5th Round



COMMENTS: Small show in the Warabi City arena. Hardly a classic show.




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NOAH on G+SN - July 10, 2010, Tokyo - (3 1/2 hrs)



July 10, 2010, Tokyo - Ariake Colosseum (5,300 fans)


1. Atsushi Aoki & Shuhei Taniguchi -vs- Akira Taue & Masao Inoue [*]

--- Opening action with the old comedy pair Taue & Inoue against someone a lot more fresh. I'm glad they gave the younger generation the win here as Taniguchi took care of Inoue the right way.

10:43 of 10:43 - Taniguchi pinned Inoue with a German Suplex



2. Bison Smith & Keith Walker & Taiji Ishimori & Ricky Marvin -vs- Akitoshi Saito & Mohammed Yone & Kentaro Shiga & Genba Hirayanagi [* 1/4]

--- The GHC Tag Champions teaming. Both heavyweight and Junior heavyweight champs. And they face the leftovers for this show. Decent action with a wonderful ending minute between little Genba and big Smith!

11:52 of 11:53 - Smith pinned Hirayanagi after the Styles Clash



3. Kensuke Sasaki & Yoshinari Ogawa & Katsuhiko Nakajima -vs- Jun Akiyama & Takuma Sano & Makoto Hashi [** 1/4]

--- Just watch as Akiyama throws Nakajima ruthlessly head first into the railings. Looked like Nakajima was getting knocked out right there! Nakajima struggled to recover from that. Probable got a light concussion as he was almost puking in the ring. Didn't stop Akiyama from trashing him with authority some more! Then Nakajima got a breather while the match cooled down with the others until the end where it was Nakajima and Hashi fighting and Hashi dropped Nakajima hard down on his head with a driver move! Nakajima was lucky to survive the legit blow and what else that came and it was a very happy ending when he was the one to beat Hashi jump kicking his head with the Death Roll for the three.

15:40 of 15:41 - Nakajima pinned Hashi after the Death Roll





4. Prince Devitt & Ryusuke Taguchi -vs- KENTA & Eddie Edwards [** 3/4]

--- New Japan boys in the green ring to face Edwards and most of all KENTA! And it was a real good one with Apollo55 hate running wild in NOAH as the home fans found them obnoxious. Especially Taguchi was feeling it in this one so only natural he was the one to get the pinfall after Apollo55's Blackhole vacation finisher was landed. The match was mostly a action based bout, but with the inter-promotional theme they got the extra boost making the action more interesting. Solid from start to finish!

14:12 of 14:13 - Taguchi pinned Edwards after the Blackhole Vacation





5. Takeshi Morishima -vs- Yutaka Yoshie [** 1/2]

--- FAT~ vs FAT~ Super heavyweight bout! Slow of course with explosive impact spots coming at a timed pace. And Morishima was the king of the major moments flying through the ropes and landing his lariats and backdrop suplexes like only he can! Yoshie answered back real strong with Morishima barely getting his shoulder up at all on the near falls. But in the end Morishima turned extra aggressive with his lariat and set Yoshie up for the kill with the backdrop! Wish they'd done more with their time between the spots, but the times they clashed was real good.

16:11 of 16:09 - Morishima pinned Yoshie after a backdrop suplex





6. Yoshinobu Kanemaru © -vs- Naomichi Marufuji - (GHC Junior Title) [***]

--- Marufuji has been involved in most of the best bouts of 2010, but majority of those have been about his opponent chasing him. Here it's he thats chasing and him it's about. And I must admit that this match does suffer a lot from Marufuji trying to be too fancy and creative. He's not exactly a master at timing his kicks with slap noices. Quite honestly he's one of the worst offenders of that trick. Anyway, here he tried a lot of fancy stuff. Some worked and some didn't so well. One of those was his brainbuster on top of the railings which was just too low impact to mean anything, especially after Nakajima's crash earlier in the show. His piledriver on the apron side looked better. Not to mention his top rope quebrada over the railings! The match was filled with those little tricks from Marufuji and even Kanemaru tried some, but was mostly struggling with Marufuji's aggresson. And having just lost the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title the other month Marufuji really wants more gold as he's only held the GHC Junior belt once and he's up against someone who's held it 5 times! And he was getting closer wanting to suplex Kanemaru off the top rope, but thats when it happend. The big Kanemaru comeback. He reversed the move in mid-air to make the big brainbuster into a buster of his own and then it was just to follow up with more brainbusters until he had this years big star beat to keep the belt!

23:20 of 23:20 - Kanemaru pinned Marufuji after a brainbuster to retain the GHC Junior Title in his 3rd defence.





7. Go Shiozaki -vs- Hiroshi Tanahashi [** 3/4]

--- Oh, so close! This could have been a Match of the Year. The re-match from the Tokyo Dome show where Tanahashi beat Shiozaki, so in a way the result was a given as this would be Shiozaki's trimphant home ring victory. And this was of similar quality as their bout in New Japan. However there was small timing issues between the two several times which took away the edge losing the fans from going bananas as it looked little too rehersed/planed when it was supposed to look intense. And that intensity lacking is what hurt it from becoming one of the best heavyweight matches of 2010. Simple as that. Tanahashi was hated. This was not his ring. This is NOAH and here Shiozaki is loved. And watching Tanahashi eat up that hate was cool. And when Shiozaki got in such babyface landings such as that brutal moonsault and lariat at the end things was working out quite well with the formula of the match. Then Shiozaki got his win back with the Go Flasher!

20:11 of 20:11 - Shiozaki pinned Tanahashi after the Go Flasher





8. Takashi Sugiura © -vs- Yoshihiro Takayama - (GHC Title) [***]

--- This was going to be stiff no matter what! But was it going to be good? I'm satisfied. There hasn't been many Sugiura matches that's won me over. Against Makabe on February 28th 2010 did so. And this one was fairly close to that level. Sugiura needs brute to fight to make it work and who's more of a tough bully then Takayama?! And Takayama owned this match in large parts and deserves the credit for keeping it interesting and flowing with brutality. His headbutt which started his own skull bleeding was the start of something good. Takayama was volunerable and dangerous at the same time which was the break Sugiura needed. The champion is pretty much a mini version of Takayama, but sadly he looks like a little smurf next to the national star and needed all the boost he could get out of this one. They did the trading of finishers with Takayama kicking out of the Olympic Slam and Sugiura getting one bigger kicking out of the Everest German! But the thing that set this one apart was the KNOCKLE PUNCHES! And for the first time in the match Sugiura looked more dangerous then Takayama! Sugiura should do more of a boxer gimmick from now on because here he made him look like a total king in the ring getting the better of Takayama and getting him ready for two straight Olympic Slam for the three!

16:34 of 15:49 - Sugiura pinned Takayama after a Olympic Slam to retain the GHC Title in his 3rd defence.



COMMENTS: NOAH delviers! It's not too often, but here the show was nearly top to bottom strong! With at least 5 matches worth your time and with different qualities this show is worth your time!




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NEO on COMM - July 11, 2010, Higashikurume - (1 3/4 hrs)



July 11, 2010, Higashikurume West Danchi Entrance Parking Lot (301 fans)


1. Ayako Sato -vs- Tomoko Morii [3/4*]

--- This NEO out-doors show opens with a guest match from Ito Dojo. The wrestling was done ok, but the match wasn't very interesting. And with a very relaxed feel from the fans with their BBQ and drinks it wasn't going to be about what was going on in the ring. Sato beat fellow 2001 AJW classmate Morii with a German Suplex.

12:33 of 12:35 - Sato pinned Morii with a German Suplex



2. Makoto -vs- Tsukushi [1/4*]

--- Then for the guest match from Ice Ribbon as Makoto face one of the young ones. And she shouldn't be in the ring, quite simply and the match sucked.

8:56 of 8:58 - Makoto pinned Tsukushi with a double-arm suplex hold



3. Mr. Buddhaman -vs- Pretty Ota [1/4*]

--- Midgets......

6:27 of 6:30 - Buddhaman pinned Ota after getting exhausted



4. Yoshiko Tamura -vs- Hanako Kobayashi [1/2*]

--- Easy day at work for Tamura beating up the Ito Dojo girl without much trouble. The match was also a little slippery to become anything....good.

9:52 of 9:55 - Tamura pinned Kobayashi after the Patriot Bomb



5. Tanny Mouse -vs- Apple Miyuki - (Street Fight) [1/2*]

--- A comedy "street fight" with play hammers, water guns and fighting inside of phonebooths. And actual fighting in the streets waiting for the greenlight before crossing the road and things like that. Yeah, real serious stuff.....

15:18 of 16:25 - Tanny pinned Miyuki with a schoolboy



6. Jaguar Yokota & Toshie Uematsu -vs- Yuki Miyazaki & Aya Yuki [1/2*]

--- Just a light-hearted action main event with nothing standing out to end one of the most layedback shows of the year.

15:16 of 15:19 - Umeatsu pinned Yuki with a Japanese leg roll clutch hold



COMMENTS: More like a street party with side entertainment then a wrestling show.




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OZ ACADEMY on GAORA TV - July 11, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



July 11, 2010, Tokyo - Shinjuku FACE


1. Hiren -vs- Nao Komatsu [3/4*]

--- Hiren beats the rookie. Easy young girls formula and a clear winner. Hardly all that interesting though.

7:20 of 13:03 - Hiren pinned Komatsu after a top rope dropkick



2. Chikayo Nagashima & Sonoko Kato -vs- Hiroyo Matsumoto & Tomoka Nakagawa [* 1/2]

--- Energetic action. Not a perfect match, but it had it's moments as the underdog Matsumoto & Nakagawa team was looking like they had a chance of beating the established. Naturally it wasn't going to happen, but it was fun to think they could as Matsumoto landed her finishers with some help from Nakagawa. Instead when things looked bad for her Nagashima managed to lock in some kind of figure-four to make Matsumoto tap.

12:12 of 12:13 - Nagashima made Matsumoto submit to a modified figure-four leglock



3. Manami Toyota & Dynamite Kansai & Ayumi Kurihara -vs- Mayumi Ozaki & Takako Inoue & Yumi Ohka [* 1/4]

--- Messy brawling as with any Ozaki match with Toyota finding a light in the chaos and beat Inoue. The usual crazy stuff.

12:24 of 20:54 - Toyota pinned Inoue after a Queen Bee Bomb



4. Aja Kong & Kaoru Ito © -vs- Ran Yu Yu & Akino - (Oz Tag Title) [* 3/4]

--- This had it's moments with the heavyweight champs like Ito's sliding dropkick sending Akino & Ran way our in the crowds. But they really kept this match alive way too long considering stamina isn't exactly the best for some of these wrestlers, without mentioning names. Not that it became a major issue. It's just that it might have been better to have a shorter more intense battle with power workers like Aja & Ito in it. But I guess they can play the lenght card for why Akino managed to pin Aja with that slightly off roll-up. Regardless Akino & Yu Yu are once again the Oz Tag Champions!

18:05 of 23:15 - Akino pinned Kong with a side roll-up. Yu Yu & Akino become the 10th Oz Tag Champions.



5. Carlos Amano © -vs- Kaoru - (Oz Title) [* 1/2]

--- A urgent match and that's where they excitement layed. And the win kind of came out of that as they were going through a cradle rush Amano looked to be the winner landing her leeping headbutt, but as she was going for the cover Kaoru rolled her up to win the Oz belt!

9:59 of 13:11 - Kaoru pinned Amano with a small package to become the 8th Oz Champion.



August 1, 2010, Tokyo - Shinjuku FACE


6. Kaoru & Aja Kong -vs- Takako Inoue & Hiren

--- Kaoru as the newly crowned champ shows she is the grand old lady in Oz at the moment by fighting off Ozaki's ladies!

2:25 of 11:30 - Kaoru pinned Hiren after a moonsault



7. Chikayo Nagashima & Sonoko Kato -vs- Mayumi Ozaki & Yumi Ohka [1/2*]

--- Nagashima & Kato make sure it's them that face the new Oz tag Champions by winning this #1 contenders match over Ozaki & Ohka. Things are not going the right way for Ozaki's gang.

3:11 of 21:20 - Kato pinned Ohka after a reversed piledriver



COMMENTS: Ok show without any major happenings as far as wrestling goes. But title changes you got!




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Kaientai Dojo on GAORA TV - July 11, 2010, Chiba - (2 hrs)



June 24, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (146 fans)


1. Yuji Hino -vs- HIROKI - (Strongest-K '10 - Round 1) [* 1/2]

--- Solid and competitive fight. HIROKI has to establish himself a new in K-Dojo after taking some time off, so Hino who's one of the top stars in the promotion was going to beat him. But Hi69 showed some good spirit on his way to losing to Hino's powerbomb.

6:17 of 16:14 - Hino pinned HIROKI after a powerbomb



2. Kengo Mashimo -vs- Taka Michinoku - (Strongest-K '10 - Round 1) [* 1/4]

--- Another big match-up from K-Dojo in the 1st round of this years Strongest-K Tournament. And they fought to exhaustion with both nearly getting KO'ed before Mashimo landed a high headkick on a near dead Taka and pinned him.

5:27 of 18:36 - Mashimo pinned Michinoku after a high headkick



July 3, 2010, Chiba Blue Field (76 fans)


3. Taishi Takizawa -vs- Makoto Oishi - (Strongest-K '10 - Round 2)

--- Quick cradle action until Takizawa got the upset with a fine Tiger Driver!

0:46 of 0:53 - Takizawa pinned Oishi with a Tiger Driver



4. Daigoro Kashiwa -vs- KAZMA - (Strongest-K '10 - Round 2)

--- KAZMA just layed down for Daigoro to pin him.....

0:15 of 0:19 - Kashiwa pinned KAZMA when he layed down for him



5. Yuji Hino -vs- Kaji Tomato - (Strongest-K '10 - Round 2)

--- Hino beating Tomato who was unable to get an upset with his desperation cradles.

0:46 of 7:06 - Hino pinned Tomato with a German Suplex



6. Kengo Mashimo -vs- Shiori Asahi - (Strongest-K '10 - Round 2)

--- A long bout lasting over 32 minutes, but we only get highlights from less then 2 of them and Mashimo shows he's one of the top dogs in the company!

1:42 of 32:20 - Mashimo made Asahi submit to the Mudo



July 10, 2010, Chiba Blue Field (50 fans)


7. Yuji Hino -vs- Daigoro Kashiwa - (Strongest-K '10 - Semi-Final)

--- No matter how many Daigoro had to help him he was unable to stop the mighty Hino!

1:20 of 15:01 - Hino pinned Kashiwa after a powerbomb



8. Kengo Mashimo -vs- Taishi Takizawa - (Strongest-K '10 - Semi-Final)

--- Takizawa has never reached the levels that Mashimo have and he didn't here either. But he put up a decent fight it seemed, but Mashimo is a master at these long battles and eventially won with a brainbuster.

1:28 of 23:52 - Mashimo pinned Takizawa after a brainbuster



July 11, 2010, Chiba Blue Field (140 fans)


9. Saburo Inematsu & Makoto Oishi & Shiori Asahi & Bambi -vs- YOSHIYA & Handsome JOE & Ryuichi Sekine & Yuu Yamagata [*]

--- Ok group action with Oishi stealing the win with his speciality cradle over the weakest dude in the bout. The match was filled with little things, but it never felt like more then just a average 8-person tag.

5:40 of 14:02 - Oishi pinned Sekine with the Tornado Clutch



10. KAZMA & Daigoro Kashiwa -vs- Boso Boy Raito & Randy Takuya [*]

--- No surprise that Randy was beat up by the heels with power wrestler KAZMA taking care of business with a hard lariat.

5:49 of 11:09 - KAZMA pinned Takuya after a lariat



11. Marines Mask II -vs- Hiro Tonai [*]

--- Seemed to be a profile match for Tonai and his new slicker look. But he still didn't stand a chance against the Indy Junior Champion PSYCHO....erm....I mean Marines Mask II. Looked like Isami Kodaka challenged Marines Mask after the bout.

5:58 of 16:15 - Marines Mask pinned Tonai after a top rope bodypress



12. Taka Michinoku & HIROKI -vs- Taishi Takizawa & Kaji Tomato [* 1/4]

--- Ok action while it lasted with Tomato and HIROKI having a good ending sprint with HIROKI landing a hard knee to the face to make ketchup of Tomato. Ok, no blood :(

5:52 of 16:36 - HIROKI Pinned Tomato after a kneekick to the face



13. Yuji Hino -vs- Kengo Mashimo - (Strongest-K '10 - Final) [** 1/2]

--- Then for the long epic K-Dojo style! And Mashimo as we already know is the master of that style, but Hino has become one of the top workers in the company and could follow well. The match was clipped a lot early on, but they let the match sink more in toward the later stages of the Strongest-K '10 final. They took a lot of side steps to fill the time, but the main story was Hino's leg getting worked over a lot. To the point that Hino was having difficulty running. And Mashimo would always when he had a chance go back to the leg kicking it hard to keep Hino down on his knee. A real struggle as Hino would make his power move comebacks to weaken Mashimo aswell. And then Hino got the German Suplex, as both where having a hard time standing from the war, and won the Strongest-K 2010!

18:03 of 27:18 - Hino pinned Mashimo with a German Suplex to win the Strongest-K '10 Tournament.



COMMENTS: A lot of clipped action with the matches from the Strongest-K '10 Tournament, but the final had time to sink in and was real solid.




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ZERO-ONE MAX on Samurai TV - July 11, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



July 11, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall


1. Minoru Fujita & Takuya Sugawara & Yoshikazu Yokoyama -vs- Kamikaze & Rikiya Fudo & Shota Takanishi [*]

--- Opening action. Nothing of importance or all that good. A match that was just there with Sugawara living his Toryumon days with the black box, low blow and roll-up to beat Fudo.

10:38 of 14:12 - Sugawara pinnd Fudo with a La Magistral



2. Wataru Sakata -vs- Kenta Kakinuma [**]

--- 'Hustle King' Sakata taking on rookie Kakinuma. And this was a very technical based fight with Sakata going back to his roots as a shoot stylist working over Kakinuma locking in his legs and rubbing his face so his nose would bleed. It was like Sakata was only out to hurt the kid kicking his knee so Kakinuma would be grounded and keeping him under control. Kakinuma did land a German Suplex after Sakata had blocked the first attempt. But that was all the offensive spotlight he would get as Sakata backdropped and kicked him apart for the simple but effective win.

12:06 of 10:41 - Sakata pinned Kakinuma after a Superkick



3. Masato Tanaka -vs- Shawn Daivari [* 3/4]

--- Former WWE and TNA wrestler Shawn Daivari facing former ECW Champion Masato Tanaka! And they played this one out long and competitive. It was a very Tanaka style bout with Daivari getting put through a table and bringing in chairs. Sadly Daivari's suplex off the ropes missed the chairs which was a bit funny. Timing wasn't perfect between the two, but they did want to give the fans a good match even if it fell a little short on that mark. Tanaka wins with a Sliding D.

15:39 of 17:09 - Tanaka pinned Daivari after a Sliding D





4. Ikuto Hidaka © -vs- Shoichi Funaki -vs- Munenori Sawa - (International Junior Title; 3-Way) [3/4*]

--- This was a waste of time. Weak execution and over in no time with the champion rolling Funaki up for the three. Only excitement was Hidaka doing a couple of double moves on the two challengers, but even that didn't look too impressive. More fun then serious.

6:12 of 6:25 - Hidaka pinned Funaki with a schoolboy to retain the International Junior Title in his 3rd defence.





5. Kohei Sato © -vs- Bambi Killer - (Zero-One Title) [*]

--- How did this come about?! Chris the Bambi Killer is now the Zero-One Champion beating Sato rather easy here! The match never got exciting and the fans didn't seem all that interested in Bambi Killer as challenger either, so why this decision. I guess it fits Sato as an unambitious wrestler who can be good when he wants to, but can take very lightly on some matches and this was the case here losing to the Killer Bottom.

10:45 of 13:11 - Bambi Killer pinned Sato with the Implant to become the 8th Zero-One Champion.





6. Shinjiro Otani & Ryuji Sai -vs- Manabu Nakanishi & Yutaka Yoshie [**]

--- Shinya Hashimoto Memorial bout with roots from his days in New Japan with Nakanishi & Yoshie along with fellow Z-1 follower Otani student Sai. It was a fun bout, but it wasn't the kind of match that would save the show. Only give the fans some of that stubborn Nakanishi fighting and happy Otani comeback beating the big guy Yoshie using three Dragon Suplexes! After the bout they announced a Sumo Hall show on March 6, 2011 for their 10th Anniversary! Ambitious for a company that struggles to draw even at the Korakuen Hall.

18:18 of 19:18 - Otani pinned Yoshie after a Dragon Suplex



COMMENTS: Not the best Zero-One can bring. The Title matches was kind of strangely booked, but we did get Sakata beating up a rookie the way it should be done and a fun main event in honor of the late Shinya Hashimoto.




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NJPW on Samurai TV - July 11, 2010, Tokyo - (3 hrs)



July 11, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,800 fans)


1. Hirooki Goto & Taichi Ishikari -vs- Manabu Nakanishi & Tama Tonga [*]

--- Easy opener as Nakanishi is working Zero-One's main event later in the day and Taichi tries to be fancy which he usually don't impress with. At least Goto's lariat taking care of Tama landed well.

9:35 of 9:35 - Goto pinned Tonga after a lariat



2. Ryusuke Taguchi -vs- El Samurai [* 1/4]

--- Samurai letting the fans know he's getting too old for this. And the fans love him as this sorry old guy. At least he lets his proteg

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Dragon Gate on PPV - July 11, 2010, Kobe - (4 hrs)



July 11, 2010, Kobe World Hall (9,300 fans)


1. Yasushi Kanda & Kenichiro Arai & Kzy -vs- Naoki Tanizaki & Kotoka & Mark Haskins [* 1/4]

--- Easy action with the badmen naturally singling out and beating up the rookie Kotoka. Yeah, and that tactic guaranteed a simple win for the heels as Kzy double-arm piledrove the kid very nicely!

8:41 of 8:36 - Kzy pinned Kotoka after a double-arm piledriver



2. Abdullah the Butcher & Akebono -vs- Stalker Ichikawa & Jackson Florida & Johnson Florida & Syachihoko Machine - (Comedy Handicap Match) [1/2*]

--- Big guys Abdullah & Akebono taking on the losers! Simple fun and it's always good to see Abby with Akebono carrying the workload for the team here before they landing elbow drops to pin them all..... Funniest bit was when one of the Florida brothers was sent down the rampway in his wheelchair crashing hard.

4:41 of 4:41 - Abdullah & Akebono pinned Ichikawa & Jackson & Johnson & Syachihoko after elbow drops



3. Naruki Doi & PAC -vs- Ryo Saito & Dragon Kid -vs- NOSAWA Rongai & TOZAWA -vs- Cyber Kong & Kagetora - (4-Way) [** 1/2]

--- A massive action match where guys like PAC and Dragon Kid felt right at home delivering the spectacular. PAC especially was involved in a lot of good! His spinning dives in and outside the ring looked amazing and really helped make this match such fun to watch. Hardly a match that'll need a lot of knowlegde to understand. No, it's a match you just sit back and enjoy.....

10:50 - Kong pinned TOZAWA with the Cyber Bomb

12:23 - Dragon Kid pinned Kagetora with the Ultra Huracanrana

14:43 of 14:44 - PAC pinned Saito after the 360 Shooting Star Press



4. CIMA & Gamma & Genki Horiguchi © -vs- Black Buffalo & Tigers Mask & The Bodyguard - (Open the Triangle Gate Title) [** 3/4]

--- Warriors vs Osaka Pro! Over the Triangle Gate. There have already been a few title changes between Dragon Gate and Osaka Pro with CIMA holding the Osaka Pro Title and Tigers Mask the Open the Brave Gate Title. And here the Osaka heel side wants more gold around their waist. And the way to do it was isolate Genki which was what most of the early part of the match was about with the Osaka wrestlers looking real cocky taking care of Genki. Then the match exploded a bit with the happy Warriors comeback and the match went into finisher mode along with a bunch of weapons thrown in. Gamma's kendo stick shots didn't face The Bodyguard, but the powder in his face did! They crushed a plastic box in there, but the home side managed to keep focus and take this one home with a hungry CIMA landing the Meteora to beat the Brave Gate Champion! And on July 29th Tigers Mask and Cima face in a double title match!

18:24 of 18:21 - CIMA pinned Tigers Mask after the Meteora. CIMA & Gamma & Horiguchi retain the Open the Triangle Gate Title in their 1st defence.



5. Susumu Yokosuka & K-ness © -vs- Masaaki Mochizuki & Don Fujii - (Open the Twin Gate Unified Tag Title) [** 1/4]

--- Yokosuka & K-ness finally proving themselfs as worthy champions fighting off the veteran team of Mochizuki & Fujii in a impressive way. I wouldn't say there was much sticking out from this match as special, but they worked hard and had a good typical Dragon Gate action match until Yokosuka planted the lariat on a Mochizuki who was not yet up form the mat.

20:06 of 20:04 - Yokosuka pinned Mochizuki after a low-angle lariat. Yokosuka & K-ness retain the Open the Twin Gate Unified Tag Title in their 2nd defence.



6. Shingo Takagi -vs- BxB Hulk - (Hair vs Hair Match) [*** 1/2]

--- The hairs of BxB Hulk and Shingo Takagi on the line! And these two have had a good rivalry few years aswell so this match ment something to them and that came across nicely. Motivated Dragon Gate wrestling. One can blame them for not bringing too much in the early stages of the match, but they did manage to create the atmosphere. The fans cared. And once it exploded....it exploded! And at first Hulk wasn't staying down for Shingo and landed quite a few E.V.O. versions, but then Shingo made him stay down! And I loved the top rope suplex straight into a E.V.O. after landing from Takagi. And the crowd popped big when Hulk refused to take the insult of Shingo doing his finisher kicking out at one! Shingo tried a wrist-clutch Made In Japan and several other bigger moves he had and then came the Last Falconry. And he made a point of that one being the killer. Which it was! And Hulk gets humiliated by Shingo who cut his hair on top making the pretty boy look like a beaten freak.

25:56 of 25:56 - Takagi pinned Hulk with the Last Falconry



7. YAMATO © -vs- Masato Yoshino - (Open the Dream Gate Title) [*** 1/4]

--- This one had the same bubbly feeling as the Shingo vs Hulk hair match before it. You always sensed something great was coming and kept watching them try and have a epic. I really did miss some kind of "OMG" moment, but they used what they had and stuck to their own game plan going through their trusted moves. The most spectacular of which was YAMATO's Galleria's, especially the nasty second version which could have murdered Yoshino legit. YAMATO was looking like a real cocky cock as he was tearing Yoshino's knee apart during the build-up. Wonderful arrogance! He only weakend Yoshino on part-time and Yoshino slowly fought himself back into the match and started going through his own big moves until he came to the Sol Naciente! Yeah, thats the one people had been waiting for as they've made it a very strong finisher in recent months and onw Yoshino had trapped YAMATO down to the mat it was soon over and the little speed star could finally crown himself with the biggest prize in Dragon Gate!

31:50 of 31:50 - Yoshino made YAMATO submit to the Sol Naciente Kai to become the 12th Open the Dream Gate Champion.



COMMENTS: Now this was a great shows from Dragon Gate. Their epics worked and the undercard was fun and action filled. They have missed the ball on many big shows in recent years, but her for their annual Kobe World show they delivered!




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They probable payed for the belt during their alliance with AWA and kept it once the AWA staple was dropped.




NOAH on G+SN - July 14, 2010, Osaka - (2 1/2 hrs)



July 14, 2010, Osaka - Iwate Prefectural Gym (1,800 fans)


1. Akitoshi Saito -vs- Atsushi Aoki [* 3/4]

--- I would have loved it so much if Aoki had made the washed-up Saito tap here. The set-up was done well. The fans was behind the junior heavyweight and he had worked over the arm nicely before locking in the cross-armbreaker, but no such luck. Instead the heavyweight threw the little guy around big time! And then landed a hard lariats and enzuigiri for the pin.

11:33 of 11:34 - Saito pinned Aoki after a enzuigiri



2. Akira Taue & Yoshinari Ogawa -vs- Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Makoto Hashi [* 1/2]

--- The NOAH guys that got kicked out and now only work part-time for the company almost always does the job now. Good they are loyal to the ones they still have on contract. Here Ogawa beat Hashi with a backdrop suplex. The match was fun with Hashi doing his diving hardbutts and the juniors Ogawa and Kanemaru wrestling. Plus Taue always put a smile on my face even if he's given up now.

11:18 of 11:19 - Ogawa pinned hashi with a backdrop suplex



3. Go Shiozaki & Takeshi Morishima & Takashi Okita -vs- Mohammed Yone & KENTA & Alex Payne [* 3/4]

--- Not sure what to make of this 22 year old Payne. So far he deserves the pain he's getting from the boys. I can see him be a fun guy to watch in squash matches taking the punishment, but I'm not sure if I'll ever take him seriously. He did surprise a little here getting some offence, but was naturally taken care of by Okita who kept flying in with his shoulders to knock the air out of Payne before landing the Jackhammer.

14:41 of 14:41 - Okita pinned Payne after a Jackhammer



4. Kensuke Sasaki -vs- Genba Hirayanagi [1/2*]

--- Hirayanagi has taken over for "brother" Yasshi as the ultimate loser who can't make squash matches even remotely fun......

7:36 of 7:35 - Sasaki pinned Hirayanagi after a Northern Light Bomb



5. Yoshihiro Takayama & Takuma Sano -vs- Toshiaki Kawada & Masao Inoue [*]

--- Veterans way out of shape. Slow, awkward and badly executing their own trademark spots. Kawada is seriously starting to look sick now. Anyway, this match wasn't much and Inoue was met with a Takayama knee.

13:06 of 13:08 - Takayama pinned Inoue after a kneelift



6. Jun Akiyama & Naomichi Marufuji -vs- Takashi Suguira & Shuhei Taniguchi [* 1/2]

--- Akiyama and Sugiura warming up for their future GHC Title bout. The match was missing something. Looked kind of tired what they were doing and not all focused. Not sure how fit Marufuji was after the punishment he got from Sugiura & Taniguchi here. Looked a little troubled by their treatment. Anyway Taniguchi is still jobber to the stars regardless if he's getting more spotlight by each year and Akiyama took care of him with a front necklock.

18:13 of 17:57 - Akiyama made Taniguchi submit to a front necklock



7. Taiji Ishimori & Ricky Marvin -vs- Katsuhiko Nakajima & Kento Miyahara - (GHC Junior Tag Title) [** 1/2]

--- Kensuke Office dudes Nakajima & Miyahara challenging for the GHC Junior Tag belts was a success in 2009 and it worked here too giving us the best match featuring the GHC Tag Champions this year as Ishimori & Marvin haven't been able to create any magic during their reign. Solid junior duo, but lack the established power other teams have had in recent years as both have pretty much been close to jobbers for so long. And I still felt like it was the challengers that made this match interesting and I'm particularly fond of Miyahara and what he has to offer in these kinds of matches. He looks hungry and thats what a title match needs. This wasn't anything super amazing. Just good junior action going back and forth until the champs had retained ending in a spectacular fashion as Marvin was spinning his way out of the ring and Ishimori spinning his way down to the mat with a Firebird Splash to beat Miyahara.

21:29 of 21:29 - Ishimori pinned Miyahara after a Firebird Splash. Ishimori & Marvin retain the GHC Junior Title in their 2nd defence.



COMMENTS: One match show. The stars looked tired today. Very tired.




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