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Guide to Japanese Wrestling 2010


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KAGEKI PRO on COMMS - March 23, 2003 & October 7, 2007 & May 4 & June 19, 2010 - (1 3/4 hrs)



May 4, 2010, Hakata - Bayside Place Hakata Pier (300 fans)


1. Azteca & KING © -vs- El Samurai & Cosmo*Soldier - (Hakata City Tag Title) [* 1/2]

--- Wrestling wise this felt like a opening card New Japan junior tag. Decent, non-spectacular wrestling which never got very interesting. Just solid enough not to be sore on the eyes with a decent end where Soldier was getting momentum, only to lose it and get Muscle Bustered nicely by KING.....

15:41 of 15:41 - KING pinned Soldier after a Muscle Buster. Azteca & KING retain the Hakata City Tag Title in their 1st defence.



June 19, 2010, Tosu Citizen Gym (67 fans)


2. KING -vs- KAZE -vs- Koji Niizumi - (3-Way) [*]

--- Had it's share of nice tribute moves landing, but the structure and motivation is rarely high or good enough overall. So yes, a standard Japanese style 3-way without much more to offer then some forgettable wrestling. The end saw Niizumi land a Emerald Frosion on KAZE, but when going for the cover KING came sliding in with a chop pushing him away and stealing the win.

15:42 of 15:44 - KING pinned KAZE after a Emerald Frosion from Niizumi



October 7, 2007, Hakata - Southern Pier Hakata Multi-Purpose Hall (238 fans)


3. Ryusuke Taguchi © -vs- Azteca - (IWGP Junior Title) [** 3/4]

--- It's kind of strange seeing the IWGP junior Title defended on a small and very indy show like this. And to see just how little Taguchi look like a main champion of whats supposed to be one of the top junior crowns in the world of pro-wrestling. But I guess he made himself look extra weak so that Azteca could look credible as a challenger too. Lowering oneselfs for the low. It took a while before the match got interesting, but once it did it was near falls mania with Kageki's onw Azteca looking like a million bucks against the New Japan champion! He landed and trashed Taguchi good here and even looked to win on a couple of occations, but Taguchi was a master at kicking out. And once his adrenaline started he got back into the game and landed him own big moves including a fine cross-arm German for a near fall. But the move that was always going to finish it was the Dodon and Taguchi got it on the second try after Azteca had countered the first one. And that makes it V2 of one of the least interesting IWGP Junior Title reigns to happen. But it did end up becoming a good match at least.

21:09 of 21:09 - Taguchi pinned Azteca after the Dodon to retain the IWGP Junior Title in his 2nd defence.



March 23, 2003, Nagoya - Biwa Island Sports Center (292 fans)


4. Azteca © -vs- La Pantera - (Hakata City Light-Heavyweight Title) [* 1/2]

--- Bringing in veteran luchador La Pantera as a challenger for Azteca's local belt. Fine enough technical stuff, but not a super interesting bout as one could hope from a import. But at least Azteca could look strong beating a half-famous wrestler in front of his fans.

15:33 of 15:33 - Azteca pinned Pantera after a top rope bodypress to retain the Hakata City Light-Heavyweight Title in his 6th defence.



COMMENTS: A collection of interesting Kageki matches with Taguchi's 2007 IWGP Junior Title defence as the clear highlight on this DVD.




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AJPW on GAORA TV - June 20, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



June 20, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,500 fans)


1. Seiya Sanada & KAI -vs- Rene Dupree & Toshizo [* 1/4]

--- Boring build up with the Voodoo Murders beating the young hopes up, but it got of course a little more hot when it came time to finish it and the babyfaces made their comeback with KAI flying and Sanada Tiger Suplexing Toshizo for the win.

9:28 of 9:24 - Sanada pinned Toshizo with a Tiger Suplex





2. Shuji Kondo© & Hiroshi Yamato & Antonio Thomas -vs- Hate© & TARU & Minoru - (Captain's Fall Hair Match) [* 1/2]

--- Ok hair is on the line. The match wasn't any more dramatic because of it. It was just the usula happy wrestling until, like everyone expected, Hate lost as Kondo ran him down. Hate loses a little hair as the machine didn't cut all that well. Yamato & Thomas was actually a fun combo as these skinny muscle toned energy characters.

9:46 of 9:46 - Kondo pinned Hate after a running lariat





3. Big Daddy Voodoo & Mazada -vs- Masakatsu Funaki & BUSHI [* 1/4]

--- This match the Voodoo Murders win because of the colossal Big Daddy Voodoo squashing little luchador wannabe BUSHI who'd also had his mask ripped my Mazada earlier. Fun with the big guy with little the All Japan guys could do to stop him.

8:40 of 8:40 - Big Daddy pinned BUSHI after a Samoan Drop



4. Masa Fuchi -vs- Yasufumi Nakanoue [1/2*]

--- The very old beating a rookie with the basics.....

3:43 of 9:42 - Fuchi pinned Nakanoue with a small package





5. Akebono -vs- Ryota Hama [** 1/4]

--- Dream match!!! Two massively hugh sumo dudes going at it in a straight to the point battle of weight! A freakshow and ugly fight that one can't help but like. Former Triple Crown Champion Hama troubled the Yokozuna hard most of the match laying in that power to keep the big guy down a lot of the time. But do you know what'll keep Hama down? AKEBONO SPLASHING HIM FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!!!!!

6:42 of 6:43 - Akebono pinned Hama after a top rope bodypress





6. Minoru Suzuki & Taiyo Kea & Taka Michinoku -vs- Kohei Suwama & Kaz Hayashi & Masayuki Kono [**]

--- Started out slow, but the final 5 minutes was good with a lot of Taka and Hayashi building for their AJPW Junior Title match later in the tour. Taka as the challenger gets the victory here of course, but that was kind of expected. Otherwise both Suwama and Kono tried their luck with the Triple Crown Champion and Kono is first one out to challenge him for the belts on July 4th.

23:33 of 23:45 - Michinoku made Hayashi submit to a modified facelock



COMMENTS: Akebono vs Hama has to be seen! The main event ended up being good, but the rest wasn't really burning.




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FREEDOMS on COMM - June 21, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



June 21, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,193 fans)


1. Kamui© & Ricky Fuji & Shinobu & Madoka & Keita Yano -vs- Abdullah Kobayashi© & Kazuhiko Ogasawara & Brahman Kei & Brahman Shu & Ken 45 - (Freedoms Army vs Kojika Army Captain's Fall Elimination Match) [* 1/4]

--- So many guys and such a quick and rushed elimination match until one of the captains was beat! Sure there was not a boring moment, but it felt like such a wasted match how it went down. Never ment to be anything more then a quick thrill to start off the show with Kamui in a 3-on-1 handicap situation managed to roll Kobayashi up for the lucky pin to win the bout!

2:21 - Fuji pinned Kei after a Kamikaze

3:20 - Kobayashi eliminated Fuji & Shu via Over The Top Rope

4:58 - Kobayashi pinned Yano after a top rope elbow drop

6:25 - Kobayashi eliminated Shinobu via Over The Top Rope

6:50 - Ken45 eliminated Madoka via Over The Top Rope

8:28 of 8:27 - Kamui pinned Kobayashi © with a small package



2. Tatsuhito Takaiwa & Masashi Takeda -vs- Minoru Fujita & Takuya Sugawara [* 1/2]

--- Takeda continued to get the postive treatment in Freedoms. While gets pushed as a hardcore guy in Big Japan he gets a push more as a straight wrestler in Freedoms feuding and now teaming with Takaiwa to beat a couple of washed'up indy veterans who still gets lots of gigs. Ok tag match and all, but hardly anything that'll stick in anyones mind except giving Takeda another solid win beating Fujita.

11:23 of 11:22 - Takeda pinned Fujita with a German Suplex



3. Daisuke Sekimoto -vs- Mammoth Sasaki [** 3/4]

--- Mammoth back after being out since February 2009 because of injuries. And he was motivated to work with Sekimoto with both running in hard at the bell. That set the tone for the rest of the match as they clashed in with hard chops, elbows and lariats whenever they had the oppertuniy. Little holding back and Mammoth looks fit for fight after such a long time-out. A welcome comeback and I hope Sasaki feels well enough to make a his presence felt on the indy scene again with his more old style brutality. And while this match was a lot of fun, it was still only a taster of what can come as Sekimoto was the stronger of the two and knocked Mammoth to the point he was not going anywhere for that German.

12:12 of 12:12 - Sekimoto pinned Sasaki with a German Suplex



4. Jun Kasai -vs- Necro Butcher - (Hardcore) [** 1/2]

--- Most comical death match of the year! It just looked absurd the way they did it and you couldn't help but laugh at the whole thing! Butcher as being as awkward as ever before and Kasai was having a blast playing along with the fun as they trashed each other in a trashy way with chairs, tables, ladders and a RAZOR CROSS!!! Kasai got the worst of the cross getting bombed through it, but Kasai got his revenge landing several Pearl Harbor Splashes winning with one standing on top of a ladder! Not much I want to say about it really. Just watch it and have fun.

15:56 of 15:55 - Kasai pinned Necro after a bodypress of the top of a ladder



Freedoms Army vs Kojika Army 5v5 Single Match Series:


5. Magnitude Kishiwada -vs- HIROKI [* 3/4]

--- Straight to the point man! HIROKI went flying spectacularly into the first few rows right away and would be aggressive against the power wrestler, but you know power is more important then speed in Japan so eventually Kishiwada would get the upperhand. And he had one thing in mind. The Last Ride. He tried it three times before it landed as HIROKI kept countering them for near falls, but when it finally landed Kishiwada was making it 1-0 to Kojika's Army.

7:05 of 7:04 - Kishiwada pinned HIROKI after a Last Ride Powerbomb



6. Antonio Honda -vs- The Winger [*]

--- Hillarious little match where Honda really brought the old school. And one would think the guy would fuck up bad and get caught with a cradle from the sly Winger, but it ended the other way around and Honda made it 2-0 to Kojika's Army!!!

3:43 of 3:41 - Honda pinned Winger with a small package



7. Tajiri -vs- Onryo [* 1/4]

--- Battle of the unorthodox. It ended with a cloud of dust, powder and mist with Tajiri landing his green stuff for the cradle win.

7:32 of 7:32 - Tajiri pinned Onryo with a Samson Clutch



8. Takashi Sasaki -vs- Great Sasuke [* 1/2]

--- Not exactly quality, but regardless stupid. Sasaki did a Super Delfin trademark before doing a swinging DDT, but I guess Sasuke didn't like that and it became a very awkward missed DDT which never landed! And to make up for it Sasuke went flying from the top rope and almost flying through the bundle of wrestlers there and landed straight on the wooden floor in the Korakuen Hall. Sasuke didn't get along with the Sato Twins who were supposed to be on his side here in Freedoms and they argued a lot. Honda and Kojika tried to be peacemakers, but Sasuke was distracted enough for Sasaki not to have too much trouble Buzzsaw'ing him for the win. 2-2.

7:06 of 7:03 - Sasaki pinned Sasuke after a headkick



9. GENTARO -vs- Great Kojika [* 3/4]

--- No time limit for this one because they wanted a decider as the score was 2-2. Not that anyone expected this to be this long! Great Kojika got to be one of the oldest wrestlers to main event a Korakuen Hall show at the age of 68! And they had to do a lot of booking to make this one last nearly 20 minutes. Kojika while a tough son of a bitch can't take too many bumps, so the story had to carry it with Kojika's gang coming to his aid. The big moment was messed up. I think Great Sasuke must have been stoned out of his mind for this show because he was the one to fuck this one up too coming very late for a save after Kishiwada had Last Rided GENTARO. Still he made up for it by telling Kojika off for cheating and he got some revenge on the Sato Twins before being helped out. Well, after a long fight GENTARO had the old man trapped in a badly locked Scorpion Death Lock which was the end.

19:10 of 19:10 - GENTARO made Kojima submit to a Scorpion Death Lock



COMMENTS: Lovely seeing Mammoth Sasaki back in action. He's a guy I went from hating to loving in no time when I started following. Also funny with Necro Butcher there putting smiles on the fans faces with his hardcore. The 5-match series was fun, but not designed to be anything great.




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FREEDOMS on Samurai TV - June 21, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



June 21, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,193 fans)


1. Kamui© & Ricky Fuji & Shinobu & Madoka & Keita Yano -vs- Abdullah Kobayashi© & Kazuhiko Ogasawara & Brahman Kei & Brahman Shu & Ken 45 - (Freedoms Army vs Kojika Army Captain's Fall Elimination Match) [* 1/4]

--- So many guys and such a quick and rushed elimination match until one of the captains was beat! Sure there was not a boring moment, but it felt like such a wasted match how it went down. Never ment to be anything more then a quick thrill to start off the show with Kamui in a 3-on-1 handicap situation managed to roll Kobayashi up for the lucky pin to win the bout!

2:21 - Fuji pinned Kei after a Kamikaze

3:20 - Kobayashi eliminated Fuji & Shu via Over The Top Rope

4:58 - Kobayashi pinned Yano after a top rope elbow drop

6:25 - Kobayashi eliminated Shinobu via Over The Top Rope

6:50 - Ken45 eliminated Madoka via Over The Top Rope

2:44 of 8:27 - Kamui pinned Kobayashi © with a small package



2. Tatsuhito Takaiwa & Masashi Takeda -vs- Minoru Fujita & Takuya Sugawara [* 1/2]

--- Takeda continued to get the postive treatment in Freedoms. While gets pushed as a hardcore guy in Big Japan he gets a push more as a straight wrestler in Freedoms feuding and now teaming with Takaiwa to beat a couple of washed'up indy veterans who still gets lots of gigs. Ok tag match and all, but hardly anything that'll stick in anyones mind except giving Takeda another solid win beating Fujita.

1:37 of 11:22 - Takeda pinned Fujita with a German Suplex



3. Daisuke Sekimoto -vs- Mammoth Sasaki [** 3/4]

--- Mammoth back after being out since February 2009 because of injuries. And he was motivated to work with Sekimoto with both running in hard at the bell. That set the tone for the rest of the match as they clashed in with hard chops, elbows and lariats whenever they had the oppertuniy. Little holding back and Mammoth looks fit for fight after such a long time-out. A welcome comeback and I hope Sasaki feels well enough to make a his presence felt on the indy scene again with his more old style brutality. And while this match was a lot of fun, it was still only a taster of what can come as Sekimoto was the stronger of the two and knocked Mammoth to the point he was not going anywhere for that German.

12:12 of 12:12 - Sekimoto pinned Sasaki with a German Suplex



4. Jun Kasai -vs- Necro Butcher - (Hardcore) [** 1/2]

--- Most comical death match of the year! It just looked absurd the way they did it and you couldn't help but laugh at the whole thing! Butcher as being as awkward as ever before and Kasai was having a blast playing along with the fun as they trashed each other in a trashy way with chairs, tables, ladders and a RAZOR CROSS!!! Kasai got the worst of the cross getting bombed through it, but Kasai got his revenge landing several Pearl Harbor Splashes winning with one standing on top of a ladder! Not much I want to say about it really. Just watch it and have fun.

15:45 of 15:55 - Kasai pinned Necro after a bodypress of the top of a ladder



Freedoms Army vs Kojika Army 5v5 Single Match Series:


5. Magnitude Kishiwada -vs- HIROKI [* 3/4]

--- Straight to the point man! HIROKI went flying spectacularly into the first few rows right away and would be aggressive against the power wrestler, but you know power is more important then speed in Japan so eventually Kishiwada would get the upperhand. And he had one thing in mind. The Last Ride. He tried it three times before it landed as HIROKI kept countering them for near falls, but when it finally landed Kishiwada was making it 1-0 to Kojika's Army.

7:05 of 7:04 - Kishiwada pinned HIROKI after a Last Ride Powerbomb



6. Antonio Honda -vs- The Winger [*]

--- Hillarious little match where Honda really brought the old school. And one would think the guy would fuck up bad and get caught with a cradle from the sly Winger, but it ended the other way around and Honda made it 2-0 to Kojika's Army!!!

3:43 of 3:41 - Honda pinned Winger with a small package



7. Tajiri -vs- Onryo [* 1/4]

--- Battle of the unorthodox. It ended with a cloud of dust, powder and mist with Tajiri landing his green stuff for the cradle win.

7:32 of 7:32 - Tajiri pinned Onryo with a Samson Clutch



8. Takashi Sasaki -vs- Great Sasuke [* 1/2]

--- Not exactly quality, but regardless stupid. Sasaki did a Super Delfin trademark before doing a swinging DDT, but I guess Sasuke didn't like that and it became a very awkward missed DDT which never landed! And to make up for it Sasuke went flying from the top rope and almost flying through the bundle of wrestlers there and landed straight on the wooden floor in the Korakuen Hall. Sasuke didn't get along with the Sato Twins who were supposed to be on his side here in Freedoms and they argued a lot. Honda and Kojika tried to be peacemakers, but Sasuke was distracted enough for Sasaki not to have too much trouble Buzzsaw'ing him for the win. 2-2.

7:06 of 7:03 - Sasaki pinned Sasuke after a headkick



9. GENTARO -vs- Great Kojika [* 3/4]

--- No time limit for this one because they wanted a decider as the score was 2-2. Not that anyone expected this to be this long! Great Kojika got to be one of the oldest wrestlers to main event a Korakuen Hall show at the age of 68! And they had to do a lot of booking to make this one last nearly 20 minutes. Kojika while a tough son of a bitch can't take too many bumps, so the story had to carry it with Kojika's gang coming to his aid. The big moment was messed up. I think Great Sasuke must have been stoned out of his mind for this show because he was the one to fuck this one up too coming very late for a save after Kishiwada had Last Rided GENTARO. Still he made up for it by telling Kojika off for cheating and he got some revenge on the Sato Twins before being helped out. Well, after a long fight GENTARO had the old man trapped in a badly locked Scorpion Death Lock which was the end.

19:10 of 19:10 - GENTARO made Kojima submit to a Scorpion Death Lock



COMMENTS: Lovely seeing Mammoth Sasaki back in action. He's a guy I went from hating to loving in no time when I started following. Also funny with Necro Butcher there putting smiles on the fans faces with his hardcore. The 5-match series was fun, but not designed to be anything great. This is the TV version with the first couple of matches edited down to nothing.




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DDT on Samurai TV - June 23 & July 4, 2010 - (2 hrs)



June 23, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (200 fans)


1. Yago Aznable & Enormous MA Hoshitango -vs- Antonio Honda & Takao Soma

--- A silly one with Hoshitango the UFO having extended claw arms.....

2:48 of 7:19 - Yago pinned Soma after the Jab Low



2. Dick Togo -vs- Yukihiro Abe

--- Only easy win from the #1 Dick.

2:00 of 9:15 - Togo made Abe submit to a Crippler Crossface



3. Poison Sawada -vs- Muscle Sakai -vs- MIKAMI -vs- Toru Owashi -vs- Tomimitsu Matsunaga - (5-Way Gauntlet Match) [3/4*]

--- Winners leave the match declaring an ultimate loser. Looked a long time like that loser was going to be Sakai losing 3-times before he managed to land his deadly move right and leave Matsunaga as the main loser of the match.

0:55 - Sawada pinned Sakai with a counter cradle

5:46 - MIKAMI pinned Sakai with a schoolboy

6:00 - Owashi pinned Sakai with a schoolboy

7:00 of 7:00 - Sakai pinned Matsunaga after a vertical drop Verdict



4. HARASHIMA -vs- Yasu Urano [3/4*]

--- Too little shown to really sink in. A lot of cradles from Urano aswell as submissions being in focus until HARASHIMA established the cross-armbreaker as a dangerous move from him.

3:55 of 14:46 - HARASHIMA made Urano submit to a cross-armbreaker



5. Sanshiro Takagi -vs- Michael Nakazawa - (No-Ropes; Table Match) [1/4*]

--- A strange match with no ropes and them pushing each other over the edge through plastic tables.....and it ended a draw or something with a lot of discussion after the match with several spaceheros entering the ring.

4:09 - Takagi fought Nakazawa to a Draw



July 4, 2010, Hakata Star Lane (397 fans)


6. Batten Tamagawa -vs- Michael Nakazawa [1/4*]

--- Amateur comedy hour.... well, those 5 minutes did feel like an hour....

5:14 of 5:53 - Tamagawa pinned Nakazawa after a forearm drop



7. Sanshiro Takagi -vs- Batten Tamagawa; Dynamite Kyushu; Brute Kensuke; Yago Aznable - (Consecutive Matches) [1/4*]

--- A series of terrible indy comedy matches where Tagai was king until Michael came in to save him from Yago's claw punch.....

1:02 of 1:00 - Takagi made Tamagawa submit to the Paradise Hold

3:39 of 3:37 - Takagi pinned Kyushu after a Stunner

2:36 of 2:35 - Takagi pinned Kensuke after a Spicoli Driver

2:54 of 2:51 - Takagi wrestled Yago to a No-Contest



8. Sanshiro Takagi & Michael Nakazawa & Azteca -vs- Yago Aznable & Brute Kensuke & Dynamite Kyushu & Batten Tamagawa [1/4*]

--- Now guest Azteca comes out and they have a re-match of sorts and the masked guy became the hero for the DDT side.

2:03 of 2:44 - Azteca pinned Tamagawa after a top rope bodypress



9. Danshoku Dino © -vs- Munenori Sawa - (DDT Extreme Title) [*]

--- Kissing rules wrestling. Meaning that you had to seal a cover with a kiss for it to be valid. And Sawa was refusing to slap on the lips when he had Dino in trouble and once he finally gayed himself up for it Dino counter-kissed him for the pin! And one got to love Dino's running kiss which ended with him flying down a bunch of empty chairs and no kiss in sight.

11:47 of 11:46 - Dino pinned Sawa with a kissing small package to retain the DDT Extreme Title in his 1st defence.



10. HARASHIMA & Toru Owashi & Kenny Omega -vs- Dick Togo & Antonio Honda & Shuji Ishikawa [* 1/4]

--- The serious match. Decent action, but no more then a standard showcase without any real purpose then giving the fans at least some good wrestling on a otherwise terrible show in that regard. And HARASHIMA continues to look good before challenging for the KO-D Title on the July 25th Sumo Hall show!

10:31 of 20:46 - HARASHIMA pinned Honda after the Somato double-knee attack



COMMENTS: Very mixed quality this. Not much of interest either from the wrestling side or the storyline side of things.




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NEO on COMM - June 23, 2010, Kushiro - (1 1/2 hrs)



June 23, 2010, Kushiro Sightseeing International Exchange Center (116 fans)


1. Hiroyo Matsumoto -vs- Hikaru Shida [3/4*]

--- Standard, but I kind of felt Shida looked better then Matsumoto in this one. No doubt who was carrying it, but Shida's execution just felt more focused then the more pushed girls stuff. Matsumoto wasn't going to lose to the Ice Ribbon girl before her NEO Double Title match so no surprise that Matsumoto won.

9:57 of 9:59 - Matsumoto pinned Shida after a stomach buster



2. Natsuki*Taiyo -vs- Hamuko Hoshi [3/4*]

--- Two stumpy girls who can land moves, but struggle to fill out the rest. Kind of fun and kind of not. On/off feel to this. Natsuki was always going to win though.

9:22 of 9:24 - Natsuki pinned Hoshi with a rolling La Magistral



3. Manami Toyota -vs- Megumi Yabushita [*]

--- Vetrans doing their very standard spots without any kind of add-lib or anything to make in unique. But it featured Toyota so I was pleased. She won too.

13:01 of 13:04 - Toyota pinned Yabushita with the Japanese Ocean Cyclon Suplex Hold



4. Toshie Uematsu -vs- Tsukasa Fujimoto [*]

--- Something is wrong when an Ice Ribbon girls gives more then the so-called pros. Ok, the quality was around the same as all the other matches on the show, but Fujimoto gets the energy in with Uematsu doing the same rutine she always does...with anybody before winning with the usual Dragon Suplex.

11:48 of 11:52 - Uematsu pinned Fujimoto with a Dragon Suplex



5. Yuki Miyazaki & Tanny Mouse -vs- Yoshiko Tamura & Aya Yuki [*]

--- Looooong NEO Machines Guns match with Tamura having trouble keeping a straight face cracking up several times. So a light hearted main event fighting all over the arena including teasing a balcony dive which was never going to happen from that hight. Why they needed to drag this one so long I don't know, but they did and it felt so good when the bell finally rang. But for the wrong reasons of course.....

22:58 of 23:01 - Tanny pinned Yuki after a second rope headbutt



COMMENTS: NEO on tour with lots of empty chairs in the arena.....




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Dragon Gate on KANSAI TV - June 24, 2010, Osaka - (1 hr)



June 24, 2010, Osaka Kansai Television Nandemo Arena (750 fans)


1. Masato Yoshino & BxB Hulk -vs- YAMATO & Shingo Takagi [* 3/4]

--- Solid tag, but I struggled to get into the drama of it all. It came too slowly for me to get all excited about the end where Hulk was fighting and giving it to Takagi landing the Phoemix Splash and then kicking Takagi's head in.

18:12 of 22:42 - Hulk pinned Takagi after a thrust kick to the head



2. Naruki Doi & PAC & Naoki Tanizaki © -vs- CIMA & Gamma & Genki Horiguchi - (Open the Triangle Gate Title) [**]

--- World-1's reign lasted a total of 4 days before Warriors-5 got them back! The fight was good. What you'd expect with PAC being a major factor for anything good like landing the 360 SSP and stuff like that. Didn't have much heat for a rival battle, but that's the thing with these groups now. Happy action! And with that atitude Genki won with his Backslide From Heaven!

15:06 of 18:15 - Horiguchi pinned Tanizaki with a backslide. CIMA & Gamma & Horiguchi become the 29th Open the Triangle Gate Champion.



3. Masaaki Mochizuki -vs- Susumu Yokosuka [* 1/2]

--- Competitive. Kicks vs lariats. And busters of all kinds before Mochizuki pulled the longest straw with his Emerald Frosion like drop to have Yokosuka beat. Wish more of the build-up was shown because the climax part was good.

4:44 of 17:34 - Mochizuki pinned Yokosuka after a reverse Twister



4. Cyber Kong & Kagetora -vs- Dragon Kid & Ryo Saito [* 1/2]

--- The action was good between these Kamikaze and Warriors-5 sides. Then again it was just a action match so they accomplished what they were out there doing. Giving the fans something to cheer for before the more important matches on this show. Kagetora gets a rare chance of looking strong trrashing Saito with nasty drops for the pin.

5:25 of 12:18 - Kagetora pinned Saito after the Ikkitousen



COMMENTS: Different network version of the June 24th show. Professional production which I wish more companies had.




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Dragon Gate on GAORA TV - June 24 & July 8, 2010 - (2 hrs)



June 24, 2010, Osaka Kansai Television Nandemo Arena (750 fans)


1. Naruki Doi & PAC & Naoki Tanizaki © -vs- CIMA & Gamma & Genki Horiguchi - (Open the Triangle Gate Title) [**]

--- World-1's reign lasted a total of 4 days before Warriors-5 got them back! The fight was good. What you'd expect with PAC being a major factor for anything good like landing the 360 SSP and stuff like that. Didn't have much heat for a rival battle, but that's the thing with these groups now. Happy action! And with that atitude Genki won with his Backslide From Heaven!

15:06 of 18:15 - Horiguchi pinned Tanizaki with a backslide. CIMA & Gamma & Horiguchi become the 29th Open the Triangle Gate Champion.



2. Masato Yoshino & BxB Hulk -vs- YAMATO & Shingo Takagi [* 3/4]

--- Solid tag, but I struggled to get into the drama of it all. It came too slowly for me to get all excited about the end where Hulk was fighting and giving it to Takagi landing the Phoemix Splash and then kicking Takagi's head in.

18:12 of 22:42 - Hulk pinned Takagi after a thrust kick to the head



July 8, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (2,200 fans)


3. Susumu Yokosuka & K-ness -vs- CIMA & Gamma [* 1/2]

--- This one was just there giving Yokosuka a solid win over CIMA with a little help from Dragon Kid coming in with a kick so Yokosuka could counter the cradle. Normal CIMA & Gamma stuff filled most of the match so it never gathered much steam.

17:16 of 22:08 - Yokosuka pinned CIMA with a counter cradle



4. Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi & BxB Hulk -vs- YAMATO & Shingo Takagi & Cyber Kong -vs- Ryo Saito & Dragon Kid & Genki Horiguchi - (3-Way Elimination) [** 1/2]

--- This one turned real good toward the end. It was always a fun and action filled match, but they also got some meaning into the final minutes which made the match have more of a purpose. Especially with Hulk and Takagi clashing hard and Yoshino showing Cyber Kong that strenght is not all managing to out-wrestle the monster and make him pass out to the Sol Naciente to win the match for World-1.

(13:29) - Takagi pinned Horiguchi after a Doomsday Device

22:13 of 29:39 - Yoshino defeated Kong with the Sol Naciente



COMMENTS: Matches focusing on the feutds between World-1, Warriors-5 and Kamikaze. Things are getting more interesting toward the big July show.




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NEO on COMM - June 24, 2010, Asahikawa - (1 1/2 hrs)



June 24, 2010, Asahikawa Completion Center Citizen Gym (293 fans)


1. Natsuki*Taiyo -vs- Hikaru Shida [1/2*]

--- Not bad. It was just over before it turned into anything more then just a few moves and the right woman winning.

7:09 of 7:11 - Natsuki pinned Shida after a top rope bodypress



2. Tsukasa Fujimoto -vs- Hamuko Hoshi [* 1/4]

--- Pure Ice Ribbon doing their sprint. Which got half-exciting with their basics and trillion nearfalls. No science about it. It's just that they tried their best and got a half-decent bout out of it with the idol girl winning with climbing corner kicks.

10:52 of 10:54 - Fujimoto pinned Hoshi after two Venus Shots



3. Yuki Miyazaki -vs- Aya Yuki [1/2*]

--- Typical NEO match of no importance. Yuki did land a fine German, but Miyazaki kicked out and ended up fooling the big girl by pushing the referee in front of her and then roll up the schoolboy....

8:51 of 8:54 - Miyazaki pinned Yuki with a schoolboy



4. Manami Toyota -vs- Tanny Mouse [1/2*]

--- I love Toyota and all, but a nearly 20 minute match with Tanny Mouse is just too damn much! Sure, they went on a trolly ride and chased kids, but.....damn!

19:06 of 19:09 - Toyota pinned Tanny after a Queen Bee Bomb



5. Yoshiko Tamura & Megumi Yabushita -vs- Toshie Uematsu & Hiroyo Matsumoto [* 1/2]

--- Finally something to be pleased about. A pure happy action match to excite the fans. Hardly anything revolusionary, but they did enough to end the otherwise boring show in a good way almost being motivated to perform! Matsumoto and Tamura have their thing building for the title match in July and Yabushita was cool adding her MMA stuff to the mix well and winning with the armbreaker.

17:34 of 17:36 - Yabushita made Uematsu submit to a cross-armbreaker



COMMENTS: Undercard Bad. Main event average.




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NEO on COMM - June 25, 2010, Rausu Town - (1 3/4 hrs)



June 25, 2010, Rausu Town Gym (305 fans)


1. Hikaru Shida -vs- Hamuko Hoshi [1/2*]

--- This NEO shows starts with a Ice Ribbon match. This one didn't reach any hights, but Shida somewhat unexpectedly used a kneekick to win the match.

6:18 of 6:20 - Shida pinned Hoshi after a running kneekick to the head



2. Toshie Uematsu -vs- Tanny Mouse [1/4*]

--- I'm used to silly matches and can on some level find enjoyment in it, but when the wrestling portion was so damn horribly executed this got more and more painful.....

11:28 of 12:18 - Uematsu pinned Tanny with a small package



3. Aya Yuki -vs- Hiroyo Matsumoto [* 1/2]

--- This was a weird match, but it was filled with aggression with biting and causing a mess around ringside chasing fans away. Enjoyable, yet I didn't really know what to think. But it was certainly a different kind of match for them. No winner though as it went to a time limit. Overtime actually as the announcer forgot and started the countdown a minute late in all the chaos.

16:12 of 15:00 - Yuki wrestled Matsumoto to a 15:00 Time Limit Draw



4. Yoshiko Tamura -vs- Megumi Yabushita [*]

--- Interesting match-up but not nearly as good as these matches was years ago when both ladies were more in their prime and cared more. Now it's just their trademark wrestling. Some of it still good, but nothing that'll win new or old fans when one compare to the better days. Tamura gets the win slaming Yabushita down hard and sits on top of her for no escape.

12:33 of 12:35 - Tamura pinned Yabushita after the Patriot Bomb



5. Yuki Miyazaki & Natsuki*Taiyo -vs- Manami Toyota & Tsukasa Fujimoto [*]

--- Random, long and rather emotionless. And when Ice Ribbons Fujimoto is the greatest contributer as far as well executed spots then something is wrong, isn't there? Or is Ice Ribbon become so far now that they are producing the best tallent on the joshi scene?! Anyway, while the match was no super match it had things always happening and with Miyazaki warming up for the next show when she gets a shot at the JWP Title.

19:03 of 19:06 - Miyazaki pinned Fujimoto with a Tiger Suplex



6. 12-Woman Battle Royal [1/2*]

--- Lazy battle royal with all the ladies on the show just for the hell of it.... with Tamura as winner. The ace continues to be the ace.....

(0:37) - Tsukasa Fujimoto eliminated

(1:30) - Manami Toyota eliminated

(3:50) - Yuki Miyazaki eliminated

(3:54) - Natsuki*Taiyo eliminated eliminated

(4:52) - Megumi Yabushita eliminated

(6:32) - Aya Yuki eliminated

(6:37) - Hikaru Shida eliminated

(6:42) - Hamuko Hoshi eliminated

(6:55) - Hiroyo Matsumoto eliminated

(7:40) - Toshie Uematsu eliminated

(7:54) - Tanny Mouse eliminated

7:54 of 8:20 - Yoshiko Tamura win the 12-Woman Battle Royal



COMMENTS: Not sure.... some interesting stuff, but overall not really a good show.




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BJPW on COMM - June 25, 2010, Yokohama - (1 3/4 hrs)



June 25, 2010, Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse (192 fans)


1. Mens Teioh & Daikokubo Benkei -vs- Yuichi Taniguchi & Atsushi Ohashi [1/4*]

--- Just by looking at the line up you know it's going to be a waster. And why do Teioh keep hooking up with these guys these days? Has he totally given up now? He beats Ohashi at least here....

11:37 of 11:35 - Teioh made Ohashi submit to a Cobra Twist



2. Daisuke Sekimoto & Takumi Tsukamoto -vs- Yuji Okabayashi & Kazuki Hashimoto [* 1/4]

--- Giving the rookies Tsukamoto and Hashimoto a lot of ringtime. It was only a small show effort, but the wrestling was solid on a basic level with power wrestlers Sekimoto and Okabayashi coming in to add some power stuff in between the two young guys trying their luck. But of course all Sekimoto had to do was slap opn the STF to have Hashimoto tapping. Not exactly finisher #1 from Sekimoto that.

15:31 of 15:31 - Sekimoto made Hashimoto submit to a STF



3. Mitsuya Nagai -vs- Ryuichi Kawakami [*]

--- Veteran shoot stylist Nagai brought in to give Kawakami the experience. But this didn't bring out the best in them. Instead it felt very ordinary the way they did it and naturally Kawakami was tapping as soon as Nagai had him in a solid hold.

9:36 of 9:37 - Nagai made Kawakami submit to a Streach Plum



4. Shadow WX & The Winger & Ryuji Yamakawa -vs- Jun Kasai & Jaki Numazawa & Yamada Man Pound - (Barbed Wire Board Match) [*]

--- This was a extremely average garbage match. To the point that it was annoying. And it never seemed to end either with a lot of focus on the guys who had the least to offer in Yamada and Yamakawa until Yamada was taken care of by the hardcore veterans.

19:27 of 19:25 - Shadow pinned Yamada after a lariat



5. Yoshito Sasaki -vs- Necro Butcher [* 3/4]

--- A special match on a throw-away show. Hardcore mess with a bunch of bumps on piles of chairs. Off the ramp or in the ring. Just as long as they could deliver those popping moments as Sasaki was bleeding for the American madman. But Sasaki has the power and managed to murder Necro Butcher enough at his own game before he started playing his own landing hard blows before winning with his mighty lariat.

14:14 of 14:13 - Sasaki pinned Butcher after a lariat



6. Ryuji Ito & Takashi Sasaki & Yuko Miyamoto -vs- Masashi Takeda & Kankuro Hoshino & Mototsugu Shimizu - (Light Tubes Death Match) [* 1/2]

--- The usual crushing of light tubes. Neither bad or nor super good. Just there doing their spots with the Death Match champion winning.

19:16 of 19:15 - Ito pinned Hoshino after a top rope light tubes bodypress



COMMENTS: Sasaki vs Necro Butch was ok fun. The rest was what you come to expect from Big Japan and nothing more.




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SMASH on Samurai TV - June 25, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



June 25, 2010, Tokyo - Shinjuku FACE (600 fans)


1. Akira -vs- Yusuke Kodama [*]

--- Kodama comes across as a faceless rookie with quite a bit of passion. Strange mix. This was your usual veteran lesson for the SMASH rookie and not surprisingly Akira had the boy tap to one of the lesser finishers he had.

6:16 of 8:31 - Akira made Kodama submit to the Old Boy



2. Akira Shoji & Mentallo -vs- Kim Numpum & Yun Gang Chui [*]

--- More comical then something to get excited about. These Korean guys are more performers then wrestlers, but possess some strengh. Shoji is getting better. He's now a black thrunk technical wrestler of the old school kind focusing on the details of the moves more. He's still got a lot to learn about ring presence. Masked Mentallo had the honors of doing the more spectacular wrestling and also got the pin with a moonsault when Chui had made a fool of himself.

10:36 of 10:36 - Mentallo pinned Chui after a moonsault





3. Kushida -vs- Isami Kodaka [** 1/4]

--- Kushida getting a special challenge facing hardcore Union Pro wrestler Isami in a generation match. Both are about the same on the indy rankings. Isami finding success in Big Japan and Kushida having worked for New Japan in the Best of Super Juniors there. And it was was a equal fight to the elbows to the drops. Isami had to bring in the hardcore element which Kushida didn't feel comfortable with. Isami landed the chaired kneedrop on the ladder spot as well as brining out a barbed wire board for a couple of bumps trying to hurt Kushida. But once the match was back in it's more regular wrestling pattern Kushida was getting the better of him and got the victory with a Dragon Suplex.

11:54 of 11:54 - Kushida pinned Isami with a Dragon Suplex





4. Jessica Love & Stark Adder & Haijy-Heimo Ukonselka -vs- Tajiri & Hajime Ohara & Lin Bairon [* 3/4]

--- Fight Club Finland vs SMASH! And we have girlyboy Jessica Love along with two guys who'd fit right in with the middleages in the creature of the wild Stark Adder and more heavy mental metal guy Ukonselka facing Tajiri, Ohara and 'Hong Kong born' lady wrestler Bairon. And it was a amusing bout. The wrestling wasn't of the highest quality, but it was entertaining watching this strange mix of wrestlers meet. One of my favourite moments was when Jessica kissed Tajiri and Tajiri filled his/her mouth with green mist. And poor Ohara continues to be the jobber against the wrestlers from Finland. This time it was Ukonselka who beat him. A guy they nearly played out as unstoppable here. Soon Starbucks is coming to Japan!

13:29 of 14:07 - Ukonselka pinned Ohara after a pumphandle slam





5. Shuri -vs- Kana [* 1/2]

--- Joshi match to end the show after Kana attacked Shuri on the last show. And it was a focused fight. Sadly it didn't drag me in as much as I had hoped. It was a slowed down women's fight with kicks and submissions, but to me little was standing out in this competitive fight. But the wrestling was still good. Just not as special as I'd hoped for a main event match. But good for Shuri because she ended up getting the win over the more established lady kicking her down!

13:58 of 13:58 - Shuri pinned Kana after a high headkick



COMMENTS: SMASH always brings something different. A more layed back product along with using and giving new foreigners a chance in Japan.




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AJPW on Samurai TV - June 26, 2010, Yamanishi - (2 hrs)



June 26, 2010, Yamanishi - Fuji-Q Highland Hall (1,500 fans)


1. Antonio Thomas -vs- Yasufumi Nakanoue [3/4*]

--- Thomas was ok, but Nakanoue isn't brining anything yet. So a easy and deserved win for the American.

8:21 of 8:21 - Thomas pinned Nakanoue with a modifed fishermans suplex



2. Ryota Hama & BUSHI -vs- Masa Fuchi & Taka Michinoku [*]

--- The man with the stamina issues. Not talking about Hama, but of old Fuchi. He didn't like having Hama stand on top of him needing a lenghty time-out. During that time they teased Hama flying through the ropes, but of course that was not happening. And this was more just an amusing bout rather then anything great with Hama evetually beating Fuchi splashing him down.

15:08 of 15:08 - Hama pinned Fuchi after a bodypress



3. Shuji Kondo & Hiroshi Yamato -vs- Minoru & Hate [*]

--- Kondo wanted to shave off Hate's hair, but he's done that already just a week ago. Still they teased cutting Yamato's hair after the bout was won by Kondo and his lariat knocking Hate down for the three. So the hair feud is not over!

10:40 of 10:41 - Kondo pinned Hate after a lariat



4. Minoru Suzuki & Masakatsu Funaki -vs- KAI & Seiya Sanada [* 1/2]

--- Veteran shooters against young punks. Nothing too spectacular, but enough fun to keep one entertained fighting all over the place. Suzuki as the Triple Crown Champion was of course the most visual guy there being his usual self and while he Gotch'ed Sanada, Funaki took care of KAI for the win.

16:42 of 16:42 - Funaki pinned KAI after a backdrop suplex



5. Taiyo Kea & Akebono -vs- Rene Dupree & Big Daddy Voodoo [*]

--- More a clumsy and comic match then anything great between the All Japan foreigners. Funny how Big Daddy Voodoo's saves always backfired on Dupree. Let's just say Dupree got enough weight dropped on him in this bout.

10:57 of 10:57 - Akebono pinned Dupree after a bodypress



6. Kohei Suwama & Masayuki Kono & Kaz Hayashi -vs- Lance Cade & TARU & Mazada [* 1/4]

--- One of handfull Lance Cade matches to air on TV in Japan before his untimely death. He looked good and would have been a real asset for the company had he not died of the normal 'wrestling death'. However this no main event quality match. No real effort and the usual stuff with Suwama beating the weakest in the match with the Last Ride.

17:05 of 17:06 - Suwama pinned Mazada after a Last Ride powerbomb



COMMENTS: Nothing special to see here. Only standard matches with lower impact then usual and little that stood out as far as doing something different.




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NOAH on Samurai TV - June 26, 2010, Tokyo - (3 hrs)



June 26, 2010, Tokyo - Differ Ariake (1,800 fans)



- The show opend with a in-ring tribute to Rusher Kimura who passed away on May 24th.



1. Naomichi Marufuji & Yoshinari Ogawa -vs- Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Genba Hirayanagi [* 3/4]

--- The good stuff came from Marufuji as he's building up for the GHC Junior Title match against Kanemaru on July 10th. Marufuji mostly focused on sending a signal through beating up Genba running through his own finishers before planting Genba down with Kanemaru's brainbuster finisher! There was plenty of other little things too to keep the bout moving well.

12:37 of 12:38 - Marufuji pinned Hirayanagi after a brainbuster



2. Yutaka Yoshie & Bison Smith -vs- Takeshi Morishima & Shuhei Taniguchi [* 1/2]

--- Heavyweights! And you got your heavyweight highlights with a bunch of big suplexes and stuff like that, but little else as Smith beat Taniguchi rather easy.

14:23 of 14:23 - Smith pinned Taniguchi after the Styles Clash



3. Jun Akiyama -vs- Keith Walker [* 1/4]

--- Big Walker in control. Killing Akiyama slowly. And then the comeback with Akiyama teasing a wrist-clutch Exploder.... instead a wrist-clutch small package! Walker fooled!

9:00 of 8:57 - Akiyama pinned Walker with a wrist-clutch small package





4. Taiji Ishimori & Ricky Marvin © -vs- NOSAWA Rongai & Minoru Fujita - (GHC Junior Tag Title) [**]

--- Not sure how many was thrilled with this match with NOSAWA & FUJITA as challengers. I wasn't and it was a fairly lame match even if they did deliver some good action. They kept it basic and sadly when they tried something more explosive it didn't look all that good. But as long as they stuck to what they knew they got a few hot covers for it until Ishimori landed the 450 Splash with no one to save NOSAWA.

16:34 of 16:35 - Ishimori pinned NOSAWA after a Firebird Splash. Ishimori & Marvin retain the GHC Junior Title.





5. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Ryusuke Taguchi -vs- Go Shiozaki & Atsushi Aoki [** 3/4]

--- Now this was more interesting! New Japan guys Tanahashi & Taguchi coming in like stars wanting to show the NOAH fans whois the best. Well, it kind of started as a happy mood match with everybody smiling and being a little cocky, but the seriousness slowly crept in and things got more intense the longer the inter-promotional battle lasted. The pace was a little too slow to really take off, but they got the point across leading up to the Tanahashi vs Shiozaki singles bout on the July 10th show. Tanahashi really made those Go chops look good making that match-up seem a lot more interesting. But New Japan emerged victorious here as Tanahashi the former IWGP Heavyweight Champion beat up the NOAH junior heavyweight Aoki with the High Flying Flow.

22:44 of 22:45 - Tanahashi pinned Aoki after a top rope bodypress





6. Yoshihiro Takayama & Kensuke Sasaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima -vs- Takashi Sugiura & KENTA & Mohammed Yone [** 1/4]

--- Takayama is the next challenger for Sugiura's GHC Title so those two clashed at the start to set the tone. Based off this it's going to be a stiff and awkward fight. The quality in this match came from Sasaki & Nakajima stiffing KENTA! KENTA and Nakajima have their equal-fighters feud and Sasaki just wanted to hurt KENTA with chops and did a real good job at it. The match never took off for some reason, it had been like that whole show, but this had some quality fighting thanks to KENTA holding his own gainst the ones that wanted to hurt him. And I'm glad they didn't let him job in the end and used Yone for that instead as Takayama Everest'ed him for the three.

23:31 of 23:44 - Takayama pinned Yonewith a German Suplex



7. Kento Miyahara -vs- Eddie Edwards [* 1/4]

--- They had time to air the opening matches at the end of the broadcast and Miyahara and Edwards had a competitive 15-min draw. The main highlight was both going over the railings on Edwards tope dive! But no winner....

9:20 of 15:00 - Miyahara wrestled Edwards to a 15:00 Time Limit Draw



8. Akira Taue & Akitoshi Saito -vs- Takuma Sano & Masao Inoue [3/4*]

--- Mostly just easy work and slapstick until Inoue was declared the loser. Saito seemed to be the only one interesting in delivering any pain in this one and I'm glad he did that to Inoue.

9:02 of 13:23 - Saito pinned Inoue after a enzuigiri



COMMENTS: Quiet show for the most part with the main two matches giving the fans something to cheer for. The KENTA stuff was good and the NJPW vs NOAH tag was interesting.




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BJPW on Samurai TV - June 27, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



June 27, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (886 fans)


1. Shiori Asahi & Makoto Oishi & Tsutomu Oosugi -vs- Mens Teioh & Onryo & Atsushi Ohashi [* 1/4]

--- Fun Men's Club action where the K-Dojo guys Oishi & Asahi showed off their playful wrestling beating up Ohashi. The Big Japan loser did get 3 Tiger Suplex-like roll-up cradles, but no win. Instead he was the victim of a double-team Canadian Destroyer.

5:46 of 10:34 - Oishi pinned Ohashi after the Cactus Flower



2. Jun Kasai & Jaki Numazawa -vs- The Winger & Ryuji Yamakawa - (Barbed Wire Board Death Match) [* 1/2]

--- Broken down Yamakawa keeps on bumping. Here he was suplexed from the ring through a barbed wire board out on the floor! And when he tried to no-sell Kasai's brutality, Kasai up'ed his brutality trashing the old git even more. Lovely to watch Yamakawa get the trashing. That's all he's good for these days to get sympathy as this pathetic shadow of his old self. Kasai even beat him with a one-foot cover to add to the insult.

11:28 of 11:28 - Kasai pinned Yamakawa after a reverse Tiger Driver on a chair



3. Yuko Miyamoto & Necro Butcher -vs- Shuji Ishikawa & Kankuro Hoshino - (Hardcore) [** 1/2]

--- NECRO DID A FREAKIN' BALCONY DIVE!!! An extremely ugly one like only Necro can do! Well this was a very ugly fight anyway so it fit so well into everything. Necro played the hurting knee after the fall and Hoshino worked over the leg with Necro getting a lot of support from the fans. And then Hoshino started doing one of the ugliest spinning-toe holds I've seen and Necro countered with a inside cradle for the happy moment! Ishikawa added the stiffness and Miyamoto the more fancy stuff so you got some of that too, but it was Necro Butcher that was the man in this one!

15:47 of 15:46 - Necro pinned Hoshino with a small package



4. Daisuke Sekimoto & Shinobu & Ryuichi Kawakami -vs- Yuji Okabayashi & Kazuki Hashimoto & Takumi Tsukamoto [**]

--- The wrestling guys giving the fans a solid match with a lot of focus on the young guys Tsukamoto & Hashimoto trying to fit in with the heavier and more experienced assbeaters. And they did well. I liked Tsukamoto best of the two so it was fitting that it was Hashimoto that did the job once Sekimoto had ran him down hard.

10:22 of 17:18 - Sekimoto pinned Hashimoto after a lariat



5. Takashi Sasaki -vs- Yoshito Sasaki [** 1/4]

--- This clearly is the show for ugly fighting. I'm not 100% sure what to think about this one. It was stiff and bloody. No real flow and the crowd got kind'a quiet over what the two Sasaki's was doing, but it was a stubborn war. Loved the moment where Yoshito had locked in the crab hold and kept on punching Takashi's face with the other arm. And the end when Takashi just stiffed Yoshito with the kick before planting the Buzzsaw for the end.

10:53 of 10:51 - Takashi pinned Yoshito after a headkick



6. Masashi Takeda & Isami Kodaka -vs- Ryuji Ito & Shadow WX - (Light Tube/Free Weapons Death Match) [**]

--- Having Ito & Shadow main event with a light tubes bout isn't exactly fresh. Doesn't look fresh and doesn't feel fresh. But at least this followed the storyline of Style-E's Takeda wanting to challenge Ito for the BJPW Death Match Title with Ito bullying the guy and Takeda repaying him by beating the champion with a Dragon Suplex in the end. Plus they know how to destroy light tubes and give the highlights!

16:43 of 16:40 - Takeda pinned ito with a Dragon Suplex



COMMENTS: Trashier then usual from Big Japan. Had it's highlights for sure. Necro Butcher mania going wild in the Korakuen Hall! And the Sasaki's battling.




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