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Guide to Japanese Wrestling 2010


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NJPW on Samurai TV - June 13, 2010, Tokyo - (2 3/4 hrs)



June 13, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (2,005 fans)


1. Tomoaki Honma & Mitsuhide Hirasawa -vs- Manabu Nakanishi & Kyosuke Mikami [*]

--- Ha ha ha, they had rookie Mikami wrestle like a mini-Nakanishi! He's still a loser and was taken care of with a Boston Crab.

7:38 of 7:37 - Honma made Mikami submit to a Boston Crab



2. Toru Yano -vs- Kushida [1/2*]

--- Gedo was injured so heavyweight Yano was his replacement and beat up the SMASH junior heavyweight in less then 3 minutes.....

2:57 of 2:57 - Yano pinned Kushida after the Oni Koroshi powerbomb





3. Prince Devitt -vs- Taiji Ishimori - (Best of the Super Jr. - Semi-Final) [** 1/2]

--- First semi-final bout and it's New Japan's Devitt against NOAH's representative Ishimori! Short match. But filled with spectacular action! You had Devitt land his top rope brainuster beautifully! Ishimori came back with a top rope moonsaulting back flip slam! And there was dives and effective blocks and the Bloody Sunday!!!

6:56 of 6:56 - Devitt pinned Ishimori after the Bloody Sunday DDT





4. Kota Ibushi -vs- Ryusuke Taguchi - (Best of the Super Jr. - Semi-Final) [** 1/4]

--- DDT's top worker against a former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Taguchi! Wasn't all exciting early on, but the last few minutes was hot and the real excitement came with Ibushi jumped himself into a Dodon like move to nearly get beat. He escaped a real Dodon and the sprint was on with the two landing what they could to beat the other down and once the 10-min mark had come Ibushi was ready to land his Firebird Splash to beat the New Japan wrestler!

10:15 of 10:14 - Ibushi pinned Taguchi after a Firebird Splash





5. Davey Richards & La Sombra -vs- Jushin Liger & Nobuo Yoshihashi [** 1/2]

--- Moment of the match. Yoshihashi barely up from the floor when La Sombra came flying with a tope nearly crashing into his face on impact! Nah, actually La Sombra topped that later in the match with another super amazing dive. Some kind of Shooting Star Press type Quebrada out into the crowds where Liger was. I first throught he managed to fuck it up not getting enough bounce and leeped the wrong way, but no it was just a kind of crazy dive I had not expected at all and it looked great from the camera view we got! Otherwise the match had Richards looking good while grabbing the win making the Yoshihashi kid tap.

10:57 of 10:57 - Richards made Yoshihashi submit to a cross-armbreaker



6. Kenny Omega & Tama Tonga -vs- Koji Kanemoto & Akira [** 1/4]

--- Collection of leftover junior heavyweights who were knocked out in the group stages of the tournament and they continue to bring good matches on this show. This one featured a lot of cool stuff too, but most of all there so that Omega could get his win back from Akira after losing to him in the tournament the day before. And Omega used his Croyt's Wrath suplex to get it. Funniest moment came when Tama was crawling to the wrong corner to tag and Kanemoto just looked at him like he was stupid.

8:32 of 8:32 - Omega pinned Akira with a modified German Suplex



7. Togi Makabe & Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yuji Nagata & Hirooki Goto & Wataru Inoue -vs- Toru Yano & Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro Takahashi & Takashi Iizuka & Tomohiro Ishii [** 1/2]

--- Then for the heavyweights to make their presense felt on this junior heavy show with another 10-man tag which they've done all tour. And they gave the fans a reason to care as they gave us short moments of joy fighting each other in turn. Best bit was Tanahashi having to wait forever on the sideline wanting to tag only to be let down a bunch of times. But once he finally was in he was the king!

17:30 of 17:29 - Tanahashi pinned Iizuka after a top rope bodypress





8. Prince Devitt -vs- Kota Ibushi - (Best of the Super Jr. - Final) [***]

--- No one was thinking this was going to be a technical mat based match did they? No no no, this was a all-out super flyer! And Devitt was looking for revege for his loss to Ibushi earlier in the tournament. But flying wise they were almost toe-to-toe. Ibushi is a little bit more crazy in that regard and delivered one hell of a moonsault out from the ring and also a springboard dropkick to the floor! Devitt got in his suicide dive over the ropes too. They continued to do amazing moves and Ibushi also tried a few suplexes like the half-nelson one to get some near falls. The match was coming along very nicely when Ibushi landed the Firebird Splash he'd beat Taguchi with earlier in the night, Devitt kicked out, but Ibushi was not fine. His shoulder had been injured on the impact landing. The doctors had a look at it and once he decided to continue it was quickly over with a VERY high-angle Bloody Sunday DDT! The injury would put Ibushi out of action for months including DDT's Sumo Hall show in July where he was supposed to meet NOAH's Naomichi Marufuji. But for Devitt this was a happy day finally winning something after being so close all of 2009. 2010 will be his year!

14:34 of 14:34 - Devitt pinned Ibushi after the Bloody Sunday DDT to win the Best of the Super Junior Tournament 2010.



COMMENTS: A very solid show from top to bottom with the final being the icing on the cake even if we probable was robbed of the highest climax part becuse of Ibushi's untimely injury.




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I kind of don't see to point of Hayabusa returning. It's not like it's going to be more then a nostalgia trip and there is no way he'll be in good enough shape to revolutionize the business. Plus the business is fairly shitty. Especially with the group of wrestlers he used to hang with so at this point a comeback will kind of be irrelevant.




It's time for me to finish what I started. Here comes the rest of 2010 starting off with some February to May '10 DVD's thats come available the last months.....




MICHINOKU PRO on COMM - February 14, 2010, Takizawa - (3/4 hr)



February 14, 2010, Takizawa Village Kindergarten Gym


1. Kesen Numa-jiro -vs- Kinya Oyanagi [*]

--- The former Tohoku Tag Chmapion partners having a serious old school technical mash-up with the referee taking the edge away by being a little bit stupid. The bout didn't amount to anything more then a easy practise session as there wasn't much intensity in what they did. Just a technical exhibition which didn't have the balls to become anything more. And they went to a time limit draw too.

15:01 of 15:00 - Kesen wrestled Oyanagi to a 15:00 Time Limit Draw



2. Taro Nohashi & Maguro Ooma -vs- Kenou & Rui Hiugaji [* 1/2]

--- Decent tag where the heel Kowloon cheated their way to victory as Nohashi landed a cool diving headbutt with one of those Aja Kong buckets over his head! There wasn't that much standing out about the fight, but it was your basic heel vs face house show bout and it did what it was supposed to.

16:31 of 16:56 - Nohashi pinned Hiugaji after a top rope metal can headbutt



COMMENTS: Only low priority show with the usual Oogamania guys doing their thing. Kesen being technical and Huigaji getting beat up.




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KAIENTAI-DOJO on COMM - February 16, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



February 16, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (247 fans)


1. Yuji Hino & Ryuichi Sekine -vs- Yasu Urano & Takao Soma [* 1/4]

--- Mostly built around slapstick of Hino & Sekine not getting along. People laughed. I almost did. So not terrible when mixed in with some decent wrestling. Hino was the man arrogantly dominating the match beating up everybody including his own partner before he bombed Soma dead.

14:52 of 14:52 - Hino pinned Sano after the Fucking Bomb



2. Kengo Mashimmo -vs- Keita Yano - (Rounds) [1/2*]

--- The match was fairly shit apart from a tiny bit of movement in the last round when Yano tried and Mashimo won. This match only excisted so that the dude walking around with the round numbers could strip one item of clothing for each round. By the time 4th round came around he was in his underwear with '4' on his ass.

12:04 of 10:59 - Mashimo made Yano submit to the Mudo 1:59 of the 4th Round



3. Minoru Fujita -vs- Bambi [1/2*]

--- ....why this long??! It was a match filled with lazy wrestling with the main highlights being Fujita's fasination in Bambi's whip and taking inspiration from Great Sasuke who's also had a thing for Bambi's whippin'.....

14:14 of 14:21 - Fujita pinned Bambi after a wrist-clutch Northern Light Bomb



4. Naoki Tanizaki -vs- Shinobu [* 1/4]

--- Indy flavoured wrestlers. It was a average match for them. Some energy and nice moves, but they didn't keep it up to level all the way. Plus there wasn't much dragging you in either apart from the flash moves. Not enough of their personalities shined through. But Tanizaki won comfortably at the end first doing a Gotch-style Tombstone before winning with the Implant.

13:50 of 14:56 - Tanizaki pinned Shinobu with the Implant



5. Shiori Asahi & Makoto Oishi -vs- Kota Ibushi & Madoka [* 1/2]

--- Plenty of faults. From the light impact, to the highly choreographed sequences, to the silly stuff and to the slught slup-ups. But it had it's preasure parts too. The guilty one being Ibushi rolling around on Asahi's skateboard to some of the sequences at least being original and overly fancy. Not to mention the fashion sense of Oishi and his furry arm decoration. It was a happy match for the fans of Oishi & Asahi and they got what they'd payed for I guess. Their team won too landing the double-team Canadian Destroyer.

24:40 of 24:40 - Oishi pinned Madoka after the Cactus Flower



COMMENTS: Pure meaningless show produced by Kaientai Dojo's Oishi & Asahi. The wrestling was average to say the least.




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Who's fucking me?!?!?



E-COSMOS on COMM - February 21, 2010, Osaka - (1 1/2 hrs)



February 21, 2010, Osaka


1. Kabuki Kid & Yosuke Takai -vs- Yutaka & Tiger Mido [*]

--- This was fairly so-so. Muscle boy Takai is popular with the handfull fans there, especially the ladies, but tried to be something he's not. A high flyer. Gravity doesn't agree with him and he was both stumbing and leeping very slowly. Which resulted him giving the Mido a hard elbow because he couldn't leep far enough on a handspring elbow. But at least he tried. Mido just wasn't good enough and was beat up until he was dead and there was little he could do about it.

13:04 of 13:06 - Kabuki pinned Mido with a Michinoku Driver II



2. Kyosuke Sarutobi -vs- Yuki Tanaka [1/2*]

--- Tanaka not only having to deal with the facepainted Sarutobi. He had to deal with Masahiro Takanashi, who distracted enough for Sarutobi loading his knuckles to punch down Tanaka cold behind the referees back for the three count.

4:32 of 4:34 - Sarutobi pinned Tanaka after a loaded punch



3. Masato Shibata -vs- Shigehiro Irie [*]

--- Hoped for more from this one. Two power guys slugging it out, but this one ended pre-maturely and gave way too much credibility to Shibata. He might be bigger and got more experience, but I'm sure they could and should have made Irie look more credible in this too.

6:38 of 6:39 - Shibata pinned Irie after a German Suplex



4. Takaku Fuke & Masanori Ishikura -vs- Masashi Takeda & Kazuhiro Tamura [* 1/2]

--- Technical bout with a lot of shoot style influenced guys having a decent bout. Not optimal as it was fairly low impact and carefully approached, but it had it's moments with the submissions and there was some intensity for short moments giving the feeling that there was some importance with the bout. But no winner as they went the distance......

19:36 of 20:00 - Fuke & Ishikura wrestled Takeda & Tamura to a 20:00 Time Limit Draw



5. Shoichi Uchida & Tadanobu Fujisawa -vs- Keijiro Ohka & Chou-un Shiryu [* 1/4]

--- Ken Ohka was doing some kind of Ali Baba gimmick or something. Looking like a total goof. Not really him doing the actual wrestling in the bout. A lot of Shiryu which isn't really the best thing for a match either. He's different kind of wrestler, but not exactly someone who oozes of credibility in a main event. But at least he was a fine offering for Uchida to get the win landing such moves as a good looking Emerand Frosion and the diving headbutt to finish it off.

13:07 of 13:08 - Uchida pinned Shiryu after a top rope diving headbutt



COMMENTS: E-Cosmos vs Style-E. Average indy stuff.




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ISHIKURA DOJO on COMM - March 7, 2010, Osaka - (2 1/4 hrs)



March 7, 2010, Osaka


1. Shigehiro Irie & Kabuki Kid -vs- Yuki Tanaka & Tiger Mido [3/4*]

--- ....typical indy action. Some weak stuff and some decent wrestling without anything being of importance. Just a match so that Tanaka could do some submission stuff and Irie get back with the power stuff. Oh, and for Kabuki to trash Mido again.

10:31 of 10:31 - Kabuki pinned Mido with a Michinoku Driver II




2. Takaku Fuke -vs- Yutaka [1/2*]

--- Like most modern Fuke singles matches. Super dull and a little goofy.....

11:12 of 11:12 - Fuke made Yutaka submit to a modifed armbar



3. Yuji Hino -vs- Kazuki Mihara [*]

--- Arrogant K-Dojo star Hino having a fun time beating up Osaka Pro's Mihara. He barely had to put in an effort and was smiling through most of the squash pushing aside the comebacks with ease and having the match purely at his own power. Slightly amusing view.

11:02 of 11:02 - Hino pinned Mihara after a Thunder Fire powerbomb



4. Daisuke Harada -vs- Keita Yano [3/4*]

--- Since Osaka's Harada was winning the match he let Yano have the rest of the match and do it his way. Which was the worst thing we could have hoped for. he match was filled with old school tricks as that's what Yano likes to do. Except that he don't really have the tellent or skills to pull it off. So this was a slow uneventful match with a lot of badly done technical wrestling, some of which was terribly out of timing too, until Harada got his win with a German. Harada should not have let Yano stink this up like he did.

18:29 of 18:30 - Harada pinned Yano with a German Suplex



5. Billy Ken Kid -vs- Masanori Ishikura [**]

--- The highlights was streach out a bit in this one, but still it was a fairly well executed the times they tried to up the level. Billy as one of Osaka Pro's main stars was a lot in control naturally, but since this was Ishikura's show he got to look good and layed in strikes and a few submissions. But his main spotlight moments was the two Dragon Suplexes, especially the first one with Billy being as late as possible getting his shoulder off the mat. But after that Billy took Ishikura apart bit by bit for a slow kill end to the match.....

27:36 of 27:35 - Billy pinned Ishikura after a Firebird Splash



6. Daisuke Harada & Kazuki Mihara & Keita Yano & Yuki Tanaka & Shigehiro Irie & Tiger Mido -vs- Masanori Ishikura & Billy Ken Kid & Takaku Fuke & Kabuki Kid & Yutaka & Hiromi Yagi [* 1/4]

--- A big 12-man tag just for fun with special guest HIROMI YAGI!!! Former JWP and ARSION wrestler who's been retired for years coming in for some short tags showing she's still got it, and looking fit still, I might add. Came in and did her judo takedown and pattented cross-armbreaker to the crowds enjoyment. Otherwise this was just a way to put smiles on peoples faces including their own until Tanaka got the tribute win over Ishikura with a little help from the others holding Ishikura down.

11:16 of 11:15 - Tanaka pinned Ishikura with a German Suplex



COMMENTS: The show could have started better, but was ok toward the end with a decent Billy vs Ishikura bout and Hiromi Yagi making a rare appearence.




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BJPW on COMM - March 20, 2010, Yokohama - (1 1/4 hrs)



March 20, 2010, Yokohama Nigiwaiza (53 fans)


1. Antonio Honda -vs- Atsushi Ohashi [1/2*]

--- .....nah. Simple way to open the show with some light-hearted Antonio wrestling ending with a cradle war with Honda winning with a low blow before rolling the loser up.

9:25 of 9:24 - Honda pinned Ohashi with a schoolboy



2. Yuji Okabayashi -vs- Ryuichi Kawakami [*]

--- Very basic strong man fighting which never went beyond the basics. And we already knew Okabayashi is stronger then Kawakami powering him down and locking in the sasorigatame.

11:04 of 11:03 - Okabayashi made Kawakami submit to a Scorpion Death Lock



3. Daisuke Sekimoto & Yoshito Sasaki -vs- Shigehiro Irie & Akihito [*]

--- A little difficult to follow with the sound delay, but it was clear Akihito was the odd one out and the one to receive the beating. Not much too it. They used their muscle and powered him down with Sekimoto ending it the usual way.

11:42 of 11:40 - Sekimoto pinned Akihito with a German Suplex



4. Takashi Sasaki -vs- Takumi Tsukamoto [* 1/4]

--- Sound confussion continued the rest of the show making the viewing a little uncomfortable. About 5 second delay - picture first, then the sound follows. But you can see Tsukamoto try his best against a established star and being given very little. Only getting to survive a bunch of moves before getting bombed down for the expected count.

11:51 of 9:51 - Sasaki pinned Tsukamoto awith a powerbomb



5. Shuji Ishikawa -vs- Kazuki Hashimoto [* 1/2]

--- Again the veteran dominated as you'd expect, except Ishikawa was more brutal in his approach and Hashimoto a little more eager to show up. Not that it helped him much. It wasn't like any of his offence looked like it was going to kill the big Union Pro guy. Instead Ishikawa landed one killer after the other until Hashimoto couldn't kick out anymore.

14:12 of 14:11 - Ishikawa pinned Hashimoto after a single-foot dropkick



COMMENTS: Sound problwms didn't help, but it was only a small show anyway so nothing super interesting either.




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MR.GANNOSUKE on COMM - March 20, 2010, Tokyo - (2 1/2 hrs)



March 20, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (240 fans)


1. Yasu Urano -vs- Keita Yano [3/4*]

--- Not as annoying a 'technical' bout from these two can have, but it was classic Yano and Urano style wrestling with the cool and the ugly that may bring. Cradle win for Urtano of course.....

14:36 of 14:37 - Urano pinned Yano with a backslide



2. Mineo Fujita -vs- Daisuke [1/4*]

--- Over right away because of an accident. Fujita flew over the ropes to land a spectacular move, but somehow on impact Daisuke twisted his ankle and was unable to recover.....

2:53 of 2:51 - Fujita defeated Daisuke by Referee Stop because of ankle injury



3. Hajime Ohara & Akira Shoji -vs- Yuko Miyamoto & Yuki Sato [*]

--- The SMASH guys smashed the Yu's..... Decent, but average type deal. Absolutely nothing one wouldn't see in any other bout with the action being just enough to earn a small paycheck. Ohara slapped on his Mexican style single crab hold to make the little one tap.

12:25 of 12:25 - Ohara made Sato submit to the Muy Bien crab hold



4. Masamune -vs- Madoka [* 1/4]

--- More of the same, but a little bit more focused. Indy battle with the expected result as far as quality. Well, winner too as Masamune had political backing with Osaka Pro while Madoka don't have a home....

13:46 of 13:42 - Masamune pinned Madoka after a modified reversed DDT



5. Tajiri -vs- Munenori Sawa [* 1/2]

--- You got to admit that this is a curious match-up without anyone expecting a great match. Both are Muto influenced. Both has this mocking style of wrestling. True characters. And it was interesting how they'd play it. And sure enough Sawa pretended to get ready to shoot some mist just to get in an headlock. Classic! Even more for pervert Tajiri letting himself get thrown onto a Tajiri fan who probable didn't mind Tajiri crawling all over her with a couple of hundres fans watching. The match did have a serious tone too with Tajiri winning the kicking contest and Sawa dealing with the pain in his own way. It was a battle of wits. And we all know who the mainstream witsard is.....so Tajiri won with a clever cradle reversal.

18:33 of 18:32 - Tajiri pinned Sawa with cradle reversal



6. Jun Kasai & GENTARO -vs- Dick Togo & Makoto Hashi [* 3/4]

--- Kind of strange watching former NOAH wrestler Hashi do indys. And he naturally becomes the focal point of the match doing his half-goofy wrestling which fits well against GENTARO and Kasai. Togo was more like coming in for hot tags doing his trademark stuff without adding any more to the game. So with Hashi so much involved it was his match.....and his match to lose! As GENTARO pulled him down by the neck for the flash win as the 20-min mark was called!

20:31 of 20:29 - GENTARO pinned Hashi with a neckmare cradle



COMMENTS: Far from the quality of the 2009 Gannosuke produced shows, but it did have Tajiri vs Sawa which was at least something and Hashi doing his thing in the main event.




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KYUSHU PRO on COMM - March 21, 2010, Fukuoka - (2 1/4 hrs)



March 21, 2010, Fukuoka (412 fans)


1. Shiori Asahi -vs- Shinya Matsuzaki [3/4*]

--- Matsuzaki getting the rookie treatment from the experienced Kaientai Dojo wrestler and only got a glamorized comeback before getting taken care of easy.

8:23 of 8:23 - Asahi made Matsuzaki submit to a modified crab hold



2. Junji Tanaka & Ziraiya -vs- Typhoon #2 & Typhoon #3 [*]

--- This was for the most part uninteresting. Execution so-so and it was way too long considering what it had to offer. But I did like the period where Ziraiya did all these lucha style submission in there. But apart from that the action was very average. Tanaka gets the win as one of Kyushu's mainstays.

16:29 of 16:28 - Tanaka pinned Typhoon after a Jackhammer



3. Asosan -vs- Kurumen Hirose [* 3/4]

--- Since Asahi was on the show I quess the masked Kurumen was tag regular tag partner Oishi and he had a fun match with the bigger and stronger Asosan trying to overcome the strenght using his speed. And it worked well a while there landing quite a few nice blows until he was caught and eventually put up on Asosan's shoulders getting lifted from one shoulder to the other before getting dropped down for the pin.

9:50 of 9:52 - Asosan pinned Hirose after a Canadian backbreaker slam



4. Yuto Aijima -vs- Hakata Burabura [*]

--- For the most part dull. And it ended the only way it could. With power guy Aijima murdering the silly masked dude.

11:14 of 11:13 - Aijima pinned Burabura after a brainbuster



5. Ryota Chikuzen & Billy Ken Kid -vs- Mentai Kid & Yusuke Shiranami [* 1/4]

--- A long light worked main event with the only reason it being eny kind of special was Osaka Pro's Billy Ken Kid as guest teaming with the promotions boss. But going 30 minutes and with nothing more to offer then some light flying and a lot of time wasting with not worth the ticket for the show. Mentai landed some flying, including a bad and brutal missed Firebird Splash which landed as a double-kneedrop, before Chikuzen got back and beat the Mentai Kid up.

29:39 of 29:39 - Chikuzen pinned Mentai after a top rope bodypress



COMMENTS: Not much to offer. The Asosan vs Hirose bout was fine and a good filler match, but otherwise nothing special.




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AGRESSIVE PRO on COMM - March 25, 2010, Tokyo - (3/4 hr)



March 25, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-kiba 1st RING (5 fans)


1. Naoshi Sano -vs- Konaka Pale One - (Ricky Fuji Agressive Pro World Title Decision) [1/2*]

--- .....so Ricky Fuji has his own world title and a zombie and shitty Sano are fighting for the belt in a near empty Shin-kiba arena. Indy sleeze~~~ And they pretended to have and epic classic...... don't think I need to say much more, so I?! Joke all around!

22:02 of 23:37 - Sano pinned Konaka after a cross-arm Thunder Fire powerbomb to become the Ricky Fuji Agressive Pro World Champion.



COMMENTS: Special interest only......




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BJPW on COMM - April 3, 2010, Yokohama - (1 1/4 hrs)



April 3, 2010, Yokohama Nigiwaiza (53 fans)


1. Shinobu -vs- Ryuichi Sekine [3/4*]

--- Shinobu riding off the little steam the Kaientai wrestler had and then beat him easy with a STF.

5:09 of 5:06 - Shinobu made Sekine submit to a STF



2. Masashi Takeda & Daisuke Sasaki -vs- Yuji Okabayashi & Atsushi Ohashi [* 1/4]

--- It was a small show so it was going to be limited how exciting this was going to be, but they worked ok hard to make it a competitve younger mans bout. Takeda and Okabayashi had a heated thing going, but it was naturally Ohashi who was all over the end as he was losing to the DDT wrestler.

13:25 of 12:51 - Sasaki pinned Ohashi after a modified reversed DDT



3. Daisuke Sekimoto -vs- Kankuro Hoshino [*]

--- Felt like just a match. Hoshino isn't exactly a dream opponent for a straight wrestling match. Sure it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't very memorable either. German ends it.

12:50 of 12:49 - Sekimoto pinned Hoshino with a German Suplex



4. Yoshito Sasaki & Munenori Sawa -vs- Kazuki Hashimoto & Takumi Tsukamoto [* 1/2]

--- I liked the Sasaki vs Hashimoto exchanges. Those were hard and had life. Didn't get too much of a vibe from the other two, but still they did their part and made it a ok tag bout until Sasaki planted a lariat and wanted to end it with a crab hold.

12:37 of 12:36 - Sasaki made Hashimoto submit to a single leg crab



5. HARASHIMA -vs- Ryuichi Kawakami [*]

--- Just a simple challenge with Kawakami trying to stay in there with the DDT star. Didn't do too well and HARASHIMA was never too motivated for the bout winning rather easy when getting in the Somato.

11:43 of 11:41 - HARASHIMA pinned Kawakami after the Somato double-knee attack



COMMENTS: A small Dainichi Dash show focusing on the lower carders and straight wrestling. Limited what you're going to get out of a show in a small arena with 50 fans.




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KAGEKI PRO on COMM - April 29, 2010, Hakata - (1 3/4 hrs)



April 29, 2010, Hakata - Southern Pier Hakata Multi-Purpose Hall (176 fans)


1. Oga -vs- Satoshi Ogawa [* 1/4]

--- I enjoyed this somewhat. No master match, but in it's old school wrestled way it at least kept me watching as Ogawa tried to be this tough puroresu guy. But the fact that he's so tiny made it kind of comical. But he stood his ground against Oga and even lifted him up in a Argentine backbreaker walking around too. But he had bad luck as Oga Oklahoma'ed him the referee counted 3 even if he had his leg on the ropes.

8:42 of 8:45 - Oga pinned Ogawa after a Oklahoma Stampede



2. Shinichi Hayashida -vs- xXXx [3/4*]

--- Very light based and didn't really reach any hights before it was time for the masked man to submit.

8:54 of 8:48 - Hayashida made xXXx submit to a modified legbased wakigatame armbar



3. Azul Dragon & Umanoseke Ueda II -vs- KING & Dragon Yuki [*]

--- Someone wants to be a clone of the great Japanese heel Umanoseke Ueda!!! Awesome! But like with most Ueda matches in the old days, this wasn't all that good or exciting.....and it ended in a very Ueda type way.....with a screwjob count out.

11:59 of 12:05 - Azul & Ueda defeated KING & Yuki by Count Out



4. Koji Niizumi & Nozomi Kubo -vs- KAZE & Isamu Taniguchi [* 1/2]

--- One clear fault here. Just way too long for them. They lost steam around half-way and wasn't able to really keep the potential up there apart from a few impact moments. Some of which wasn't landing all that well like Taniguchi's Skytwister press missing most of the target. But with that said I did like some of the structure in this one and kept watching even if it wasn't a match for the ages. Niizumi's treatment of Taniguchi was what made it interesting with the other two coming in for more spice to the mix. The end Taniguchi was helpless as Kubo with his compact body landed a top rope senton before Niizumi with his Misawa style landed the Emerald Frosion. This was also a #1 contenders match for the Hakata Tag Titles so that means that Niizumi & Kubo gets a shot on July 24th 2010.

21:53 of 21:52 - Niizumi pinned Taniguchi after a Emerald Frosion



5. Skull Reaper A-ji © -vs- Azteca - (Kyushu Pro Title) [*]

--- Then for the star of Kageki to win the Kyushu Title for the star moment of the show. Sadly it wasn't anything speical of a match. Only the heel champion getting help from some of his pals making like difficult for the local star. Which of course ment that the heroes comeback was in place and Azteca against all odds beat them all off to win the belt.

15:19 of 15:19 - Azteca pinned Skull Reaper after a top rope bodypress to become the Kyushu Pro Champion.



COMMENTS: Kagaki has got this old style feel to it. They don't go out being all flashy and instead try and focus on the personalities a little more. Not that a small company like this is going to make the wrestling world a better place.




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KANA PRODUCE on COMM - April 29, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



April 29, 2010, Tokyo - Shinjuku FACE (509 fans)


1. Kana & Ayumi Kurihara -vs- Toshie Uematsu & Shimono Sawako [**]

--- Both Kana and Kurihara was on form making this a pretty swell tag bout showing off their meanness to Sawako the rookie. They were true seasoned pros taking a lot and giving a little and making sure the match was rock solid in it's simplicity. And Sawako looked pretty good too considering she'd only been wrestling little over a month. But naturally she was there to do the job and that came in the way of a Kurihara diving dropkick.

12:09 of 12:09 - Kurihara pinned Sawako after a top rope dropkick



2. Hikaru Sato & Katsumi Usuda -vs- Kengo Mashimo & Yujiro Yamamoto [** 1/2]

--- Strong UWF style fighting with Yamamoto putting up a fine effort looking like an old-school youth shooter fighting hard but most of the time gets out-matched and out-smarted but the more profiled shoot stylists Sato & Usuda. For me I kind of missed a hot ending to really make it rise to something really memorable even if the mat based stuff was getting somewhere and ended up being Yamamoto's downfall.

13:29 of 13:29 - Usuda made Yamamoto submit to a triangle hold



3. Kota Ibushi & GENTARO & Yuji Hino -vs- Mens Teioh & Munenori Sawa & Gami [**]

--- More a good spirited bout then a serious one with Hino being a cocky sod pretending to go all shoot style on Sawa who just played with Hino back slapping his face for smiles. The main battle of the battle was DDT's Ibushi fighting Gami a lot. At least Gami put up more of an effort then what she'd normally do and the guys made sure she had too. No lazying around with her girls her. And thankfully she was the one to lose too getting Dragon throwed by Ibushi.

19:09 of 19:09 - Ibushi pinned Gami with a Dragon Suplex



4. Tatsumi Fujinami -vs- Yuki Ishikawa [* 1/4]

--- Old schoolers doing a tribute to the old style without having the athletics, intensity or the skills they once possessed. Old now. Sure they got some technical stuff that worked, but even there they're now as smooth as they were and it only becomes a minor flashback of the greatness Fujinami possessed and what Ishikawa wanted to reach for. And not even here Ishikawa managed to be even close to Fujinami and was locked and trapped in the figure-four for the tap.

11:07 of 10:46 - Fujinami made Ishikawa submit to a figure-four leglock



5. Meiko Satomura -vs- Kana [** 3/4]

--- Stiff MoFo! With two of the best ladies on the scene when it comes to not holding back. Kana was going to be Satomura's junior here no matter what because Satomura is just that good, but they made sure Kana fought her way back and managing to look credible and able to do damage to the Sendai joshi queen kicking back and locking in those holds. Including doing a couple of German variations to get the momentum to switch. But I got to say Satomura looked way better in her attacks and I especially loved her hand-spring kneedrop which landed in a wonderful manner! Her kicks was top of the line too and Kana took them like a pro! But once the end came Kana didn't have anything to get her back and was Scorpion risen and the put to sleep. Wish more joshi wrestling was like this these days. Looking like a fight and not a sprint. Then there are not many girls that are as professional as Satomura and Kana anymore.

16:49 of 16:49 - Satomura made Kana submit to a sleeper



COMMENTS: Kana's produce show was surprisingly cool with the guys bringing it and legends like Fujinami showing up and getting a rare match on tape. The shooter bout looked good in the way of submission work and the main even even better with the striking work. Positive experience.




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VKF WRESTLE NANIWA on COMM - May 13, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



May 13, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-kiba 1st RING


1. Yasu Urano -vs- Kabuki Kid -vs- Naoshi Sano - (3-Way) [1/4*]

--- Over quick......thankfully.....didn't really have anything to offer except for a win for the only one in there slighty worthy of it.

5:19 of 5:17 - Urano pinned Kabuki with a schoolboy



2. Masamune & Madoka -vs- HIROKI & Shinobu [3/4*]

--- A techical indy match going nowhere. The executed it well and safe with almost no sparcles at all wrestling to a draw.

17:20 of 20:00 - Masamune & Madoka wrestled HIROKI & Shinobu to a 20:00 Time Limit Draw



3. Magnitude Kishiwada & Apple Miyuki -vs- Kana & Kikutaro [1/2*]

--- Kikutaro loving those women parts...... and touching means you'll get slapped.....

11:36 of 11:37 - Miyuki pinned Kikutaro after Kana slappede Kikutaro



4. Takaku Fuke -vs- Keita Yano - (Fuke's 20th Anniversary Match) [1/4*]

--- Fuke celebreates his 20th anniversary in pro-wrestling with the level of performance he's had the last 5 years or probable longer. Totally dead match with him winning over equally bad Yano.

8:05 of 8:05 - Fuke made Yano submit to a triangle hold



5. NOSAWA Rongai & Mazada & Minoru Fujita -vs- Crowzer & Ernest & VKF Machine [1/2*]

--- The most boring stable in Japanese wrestling against VKF's own characters like the monster Crowser, monkey Ernest and masked nobody VKF Machine. Couldn't be good, could it......

13:24 of 13:26 - Fujita pinned Ernest with a modified small package



6. GENTARO © -vs- Yoshiaki Yago - (VKF Title) [*]

--- GENTARO title defences are 90% of the time super boring. And who thought Yoshiaki Yago was going to pull something special out of the bag?! At least they kept it serious and technical even if it was dead dull and barely belivable. The match felt a lot longer then what it was, but thankfully they were not crazy enough to put the belt on Yago letting GENTARO retain getting Yago down with a headscissor cradle.

22:14 of 22:25 - GENTARO pinned Yago with a headscissor cradle to retain the VKF Title.



COMMENTS: VKF will never be anything special. We saw that already in 2007, and in 2010 they still keep the name alive. WHY?!




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