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Feuds where the heel was in the right


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Sid, when the night after Shawn Micheals lost to Diesel at Wrestlemania, Micheals told Sid he wasn't needed and was going to be given 'The night off'. Sid had every right to pull him up about that remark, in front of the audience making him look a total dud, for then Micheals to 'bravely' in the words of Pettengill, 'stand up' to Sid. I was made up when he Powerbombed him three times before Big Kev came out to save his previous nights opponent.

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Sid should looked at the rota to be fair. Michaels hadnt penned him in for that night. If the hours arent there, you cant expect Michaels to have him in all the time.


Could of told him over the phone, the callous cad :sneaky:

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Michaels deserved what he got. He came off as a whiny little bitch trying to blame Sid for the fact he couldn't pin his best mate for the WWF title. Lordy, if you can't beat your best mate with the Master and Ruler of the World helping you, and the possibility of the winner getting to be the meat in a McCarthy/Anderson silicone sandwich isn't enough inspiration, you should pack up your smile gear and go home. Or "down south." Fuck you Shawn, have a nice powerbomb or two.


Could of told him over the phone, the callous cad :sneaky:


Could HAVE told him, you dribbler.


I'd also like to add any heel (with a female manager) against a face who disrespects the woman. Vague? Yes. But, case in point being Jericho insulting Steph. Now forget what happened previous and imagine someone decided they were gonna start taking potshots/insulting your wife/girlfriend/good friend. Knowing they can't physically retaliate (ooo sexist!), wouldn't it be totally reasonable to defend your ladies honour? I know I would.


Spoilers for this week's impact:


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Anderson came off like a complete cunt all episode, then Hogan looked like a megaface when he came down to sort him out during the cage match. The whole of Immortal seemed like the good guys when it came to dealing with Anderson actually.


Spoilers for this week's impact:


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Anderson came off like a complete cunt all episode, then Hogan looked like a megaface when he came down to sort him out during the cage match. The whole of Immortal seemed like the good guys when it came to dealing with Anderson actually.


Put this in spoilers just in case:


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Anderson is an awful character really. There's a difference between being a cool anti-hero like Austin, and just being a complete cunt. I know his whole deal is that he's an 'asshole', but it's not working in his favour. He's just an unlikeable prick.



Back in 2007 were Christy Hemme was feuding with Kip James over treating women equally in wrestling and Kip James just treated her like shit and he was the face in it all!

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Austin vs. Flair. Can anyone explain why he decided to Stunner Flair out of the blue like that? It just didn't make sense, and Austin just seemed like a dick - I didn't blame Flair for wanting to go after him.

Back in 2007 were Christy Hemme was feuding with Kip James over treating women equally in wrestling and Kip James just treated her like shit and he was the face in it all!


Equal rights? She earns more than half the male roster!

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Ted Dibiase vs Virgil when Virgil had the million dollar belt. Dibiase was in the right then to kick his ass.


Hows that? Virg beat him for the belt, right in the middle of the ring. That feud was the very definition of clear right and wrong.


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