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Feuds where the heel was in the right


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The current really stupid feud between Edge and Kane seems to fit the bill of this topic. Edge kidnaps Kane's Dad and gags and tortures him for weeks on end. Not the nicest of things to do, really.

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Edge appears to have very quickly abandoned the 'crusade against all things stupid in wrestling' that turned him face in the first place too.


Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but looking back at the Austin vs McMahon Feud (particularly from Dec 97-Apr 98) I felt all Vince wanted, at least intially IMO, was Austin, his top star, to be a respectable represntative of his company by "listening to reason" and doing things "the easy way". Namley stopping the profanity, cursing, attacking officials/wrestlers from behind etc... which if most oweners of a company, let alone a multi-million dollar company, would kind of expect or probably demand of their top employee.

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Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but looking back at the Austin vs McMahon Feud (particularly from Dec 97-Apr 98) I felt all Vince wanted, at least intially IMO, was Austin, his top star, to be a respectable represntative of his company by "listening to reason" and doing things "the easy way". Namley stopping the profanity, cursing, attacking officials/wrestlers from behind etc... which if most oweners of a company, let alone a multi-million dollar company, would kind of expect or probably demand of their top employee.

McMahon had it in for Austin before he won the belt, though. Before he won the title, when asked if he wanted Stone Cold as WWF Champion, the answer wasnt just a "no", it was a ...

Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but looking back at the Austin vs McMahon Feud (particularly from Dec 97-Apr 98) I felt all Vince wanted, at least intially IMO, was Austin, his top star, to be a respectable represntative of his company by "listening to reason" and doing things "the easy way". Namley stopping the profanity, cursing, attacking officials/wrestlers from behind etc... which if most oweners of a company, let alone a multi-million dollar company, would kind of expect or probably demand of their top employee.

McMahon had it in for Austin before he won the belt, though. Before he won the title, when asked if he wanted Stone Cold as WWF Champion, the answer wasnt just a "no", it was a ...


To be fair to McMahon, Ian_hitmanhart, during his interviews with Austin (in 1996 and 1997), it was usually Austin verbally abusing/intimidating/insulting McMahon (I'm sure there are some YouTube videos that will prove my point). I think most people would hold some sort of grudge if they were verbally abused/sworn at/or insulted by someone on a regularish basis. Also, thinking about the events that happened after Summerslam 1997;


When Vince McMahon prevented Austin from wrestling for Austin's own health and to prevent him getting sued, which lead up to the infamous raw in MSG in Septemeber 1997 when Austin violated a restraining order imposed on him by Owen Hart and was about to get his ass arrested by the police it was Vince who got into the ring and tried to reason with Austin, telling him to be patient and wait until he was fully healed before he got back in the ring or risk possbily ending up in a wheelchair, and what did McMahon get for his troubles....he got stunned!


Then the following week Vince could of fired Austin right there and then but what does he do (even after Austin threatens to beat up McMahon if he fires him "in front of the world")....he gives Austin the opportunity of rematch for the IC title for that years now infamous Survivor series with Owen Hart albeit with the proviso that if Austin is going to ignore doctors advice and wrestling anyway then he shouldn't try suing his company for a decision Austin, himself, made if he gets hurt again.


Lastly, you mentioned, in your post about when Kevin Kelly asked Vince if he wanted Austin as champion and Vince said "it's not just a no, but a...oh hell no". Let's remember the events that lead to that announcemnt from Vince; Austin had held raw "hostage", threatened that he wouldn't be leaving the ring until Vince got out there. Then when he did, Austin gave him the finger to his face just becuase Vince said it was a figure of speech when he called Mike Tyson the "baddest man on the planet". Austin also ripped a pocket from Vince's blazer, goaded Vince to hit him and then gave Vince a 10 count to leave the ring, because he didn't, or he'd kicked his ass. Then a few weeks before that you had Austin gatecrashing Vince's announcement about Tyson at wrestlemania, proceded to insult Tyson, give him the finger and then get into a brawl with him.

Vince was a right twat. How would you like it if your boss tried to change everything about you?


Oh come on I did say from (Dec 97- Apr98, up to when he had Austin mometary in a suit before Austin threw the suit away. Let me just specify that) After that period, Vince was a complete twat I completely agree with you but IMO opinion during that period I mentioned above; as I said in my response to ian_hitmanhart Vince wanted Austin to be adaptable, at least intially IMO. I don't think it's an unresonable request to have any employer tell their employee not to curse, swear and show the finger every chance they got in the workplace, even if it is part of their personality. I'd like to think I can be pretty blunt with my family and friends sometimes but I can't necessarily bring that blutness to the workplace. That's another reason why Austin was so popular, because his behaviour was so outrageous to towards his boss in, let's not forget that, that probably in no other job on the planet IMO would the employer(s) have put up with that sort of behaviour.


Can you imagine acting like/similar Austin in every job you had/got ie told it like it is, cursed etc... Even if it was part of/ ingrained in your personality, most companies wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot bargepole.

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Edge appears to have very quickly abandoned the 'crusade against all things stupid in wrestling' that turned him face in the first place too.

It's ironic that he'd go from his 'crusade against all things stupid' to his current feud against Kane.


I like the current Edge/Kane storyline and don't find it stupid at all. Edge is playing Kane at his own game, what's so strange about that?


I do think Vince was in the right with Austin as it was just about Vince trying to preserve his companies reputation which he didn't see being upheld when Austin was champion. Yet he couldn't fire him because he was champion.


Kinda like Anderson Silva's actions within the last few years in the UFC


I remember when Kurt Angle first started in the WWE and he was in the "love triangle" feud involving Stepahnie and Triple H


The "Heel" in this situaton Kurt basically came and tried to be the bigger man and say that his relationship with Stephanie was purely professional, that he thought of her as a friend and he wasn't trying to hit on her.


Then HHH came out and basically said that the only way somebody could want to be friends with a "hot female" like Stephanie is if they were gay!


Then he made fun of the fact that Kurt cried when he won the gold medal.


Lolz only Gayz cry when they win gold medals at the olympics right?


By the end of it I really Kurt to just say "Don't fucking flatter yourself Trips you'd be amazed the number of straight men who'd balk at the idea of being with your banshee voiced wife."

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I remember when Kurt Angle first started in the WWE and he was in the "love triangle" feud involving Stepahnie and Triple H


The "Heel" in this situaton Kurt basically came and tried to be the bigger man and say that his relationship with Stephanie was purely professional, that he thought of her as a friend and he wasn't trying to hit on her.


Then HHH came out and basically said that the only way somebody could want to be friends with a "hot female" like Stephanie is if they were gay!


Then he made fun of the fact that Kurt cried when he won the gold medal.


Lolz only Gayz cry when they win gold medals at the olympics right?


By the end of it I really Kurt to just say "Don't fucking flatter yourself Trips you'd be amazed the number of straight men who'd balk at the idea of being with your banshee voiced wife."



You're forgetting that Kurt WAS trying to have a blast on Steph, and the bastard kissed her as well. Aitch was definitely in the right.


Edit. It was gay crying at the Olympics too. Damn gay.


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