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I could've sworn they had one on Smackdown too.


I love TAKA. I'm not even familiar with his Japan stuff, but I just love his Light Heavyweight run in particular.


Only Smackdown match with those 2 in it was when Brooklyn Brawler Pinned HHH thanks to Y2J.

It was a 3 on 1 elimination match with KaiEnTai.

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HHH also had a great match with Rikishi on Heat once when he was champ and convinced the crowd Rikishi might win. Funnily enough, IIRC that was also the show where HHH's appearance made no difference to the ratings and people finally realised the days of the champion being a draw in his own right were over.


Everyone's getting mixed up cos that match was Smackdown lol

I believe that was the main event of the first Smackdown aired fully in the UK. And I recall it being an exciting match, indeed.

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Jean-Paul Levesque vs. Ricky Steamboat, WCW Saturday Night 9/3/1994


Didn't know this happened. Should be good. There was a match with Larry Zbysko around that time which I remember thinking was pretty excellent as well.


Agree with the praise for the Taka and Rikishi matches. There was a nifty one against Bob Holly on Heat (although maybe I'm also confused and it was Smackdown) in 2000 as well if I remember it right.


What are some of the best recent-ish WWE documentaries? Last one I watched was Austin's which I really enjoyed. I hear Punk's is good, any others worth looking at?

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Punks is definately worth a watch. Shame it finishes around him winning the belt from Cena in 2011, as it was released in October 2012, 11 months into the 434 reign, but the're probably saving that stuff for another set somewhere down the line . It has the Bryan match from Over The Limit though. I've aid before that the match selection is good, but a bit sparse. But again, could be saving some for another set in the future


I felt that the Austin one ran out of steam towards the end. Great for 100 minutes, then went a bit 'meh'. Rock's last one was OK, but again runs out of steam in the last third. I enjoyed the nWo: The Revolution doc too for what it was at around 1hr. From what I understand, its shorter than the doc on the nWo: Back In Black set

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I got the nWo set recently in the Silvervision sale actually, but yet to watch it. Might chuck that on later.


It's fairly good. It's quite unfairly criticized as being retelling the same story we heard in previous releases like The Monday Night War and The Rise And Fall Of WCW, but it has new interview footage with Nash and X-Pac, and I actually found Cody's input as kid of one of the booking team quite interesting.


I believe that was the main event of the first Smackdown aired fully in the UK. And I recall it being an exciting match, indeed.


Was that the "names in a tumbler" debacle with The Fink's wonderfully over-excited "It's RAH-KISHI!!" proclamation?


Lister, you might be getting confused because Trips did wrestle Hardcore Holly while champion on Heat, although it was non-title.

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Lister, you might be getting confused because Trips did wrestle Hardcore Holly while champion on Heat, although it was non-title.


And a fine match it was as well:-


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Yep, that's the one I was on about. I seem to remember it coming about because Holly had decided to sit in Triple H and Stephanie's dressing room while they were out and Triple H came back to find Bob in there helping himself to their food. Something like that. Heat had killer storylines :)

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Just looking at the MSG set listings and disc 2 looks a little odd. It's got four matches which are safely under 20 minutes and two that are a matter of seconds. Even with the interview segments beforehand, that seems very short for a disc.

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Courtesy of WrestlingDVDNews.com, here is the full content listing for WWE's "Thy Kingdom Come" DVD and Blu-ray set for Triple H that comes out on September 24th:


Disc 1



The Game

Growing Up


Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Ninth Wonder of the World

Mick Foley

D-Generation X


DX vs. The Nation



The Rock



DX Returns

Torn and Rebuilt

Randy Orton


The Undertaker

Chief Operating Officer

A Unique Breed


Disc 2


Jean-Paul Levesque vs. Ricky Steamboat

WCW Saturday Night

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