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I don't know it was one of the best rivalries of the 03 smackdown era


Had the match against benoit and lesnar vs team angle at no way out, the match at wrestlemania, vengeance 03 triple threat with big show in the mix, lesnar/vince cage match angle beatdown, summerslam title match, the ironman match on smackdown, team angle vs team lesnar survivor series


Had some good matches and based on the current list fits in nicely but it'll be interestering what is missed out of the list

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Angle vs Lesnar is a baffling choice. Anyone here want to make a case for it as one of the all-time great rivalries?

I could see a case for it in the top 25 WWE rivalries, especially to get Lesnar on the DVD. It headlined a WrestleMania, it was a bit of a dream match for people, and the rivalry was a major part of WWE for the best part of a year. But including non-WWE stuff, I think it'd be a struggle to justify it as top 25.

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Also, the best feuds of the last Seventies, Eighties and early to mid Nineties were mostly in other territories. WWF had great characters, great presentation, great angles and sometimes great matches and promos but, with the odd exception, I don't think they really did great multiple year long feuds at least compared to stuff like Lawler/First Family, Freebirds/Von Erichs, Horsemen/Rhodes, etc.


Every four or five weeks they tended to shoot an angle where the heel did something nasty to a babyface and then they'd cut a few pop-up promos on each other (shown during squash matches) and go around the House Show loop together. Maybe you'd get a PPV match or two (or at least being on opposite teams at Survivor Series) in there at some point. And that was it.


Even as a kid, WWF TV always seemed to be much more about showcasing the different talent they had in sqaush matches and promos than advancing storylines.


That's not a knock because that "less is more" policy worked great for McMahon for years and years and it gave people something to do. It's just that his TV wasn't built around progressing multiple storylines week-to-week in the same way Watts' or Lawler and Jarrett's was.

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The Hogan/Piper is a good pick because of having their WCW run to pick from too.


Flair/Steamboat match will probably be a repeat from a previous set, most likely the 2 out of 3 falls match from Clash Of The Champions VI. I'd prefer the match that came after it, WrestleWar, great match and the Funk/Flair double-turn was executed perfectly

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Whilst deserving (and a non-WWE feud they love to show on things) I think Dusty/Flair would have been better off as Dusty/The Horsemen since you also have all the stuff with the Andersons, the singles feuds with Tully and Luger, etc. which were a pretty big deal and normally the main thing in JCP along with whoever Flair was feuding with at the time. Flair/Dusty was the main course but that other stuff complimented it well.


Abdullah vs Brody and Dreamer vs Raven are odd choices considering everything else is pure WWE. I'm hoping Mankind vs The Rock is one of the three still to come. Not sure what else I'd go with. Hogan vs Sting, maybe. Flair vs Savage? I wouldn't be surprised if they put Cena vs Orton on.


Abby/Brody is a bit of an odd one but I suppose it works if they wanted to showcase something that was worked across a bunch of different promotions. I also remember from the WCCW set, and later from him saying he "personally nominated" Abdullah for the HOF, that Triple H is a mark for that feud.


Dreamer/Raven is actually a pretty good pick since I'm sure they wanted to include something from ECW and that thing went on for years and involved so many different people (Foley, Richards, Meanie, Saturn, Harris Boys, Douglas, Funk, etc.) that a lot of people might be familiar with from elsewhere that it's a great representation of the overall company. Didn't draw to the extent of the other feuds here, but nothing in ECW did, and I'm not a big fan of the actual matches but the feud itself was easily one of the most memorable of the last couple of decades.


Savage/Flair really should be on for the fact it spread across both the Big Two, felt hated, drew some TV ratings pre-nWo and got WCW's House Show business up in 1995 but it seems to be one they don't talk about much which is a shame.


Angle vs Lesnar is a baffling choice. Anyone here want to make a case for it as one of the all-time great rivalries?


There really isn't any. Also not sure that Triple H vs Orton was hotter than Triple H's feuds with Batista, Flair, Austin or Jericho or Orton's one with Cena.


Still, mostly pretty good picks so far. I'll be interested to see what the last two will be. This is only "Top..." set they've brought out that I'm interested in buying.


From WWF/E I could see a good case for Bruno/Hansen, Bruno/Koloff, Bruno/Larry (especially if this was made when they were getting on good terms with Bruno), Slaughter/Sheik, Muraco/Snuka, Piper/Snuka, Warrior/Rude, Bret/Lawler, Hart Foundation/Austin, Rock/Mankind, Rock/Cena and Jericho/Michaels.


Personally if I had to pick one I'd like to see Santana vs Valentine 1984-85 represented, it was one of the best feuds they had in the Eighties, it drew good money, they had consistently great matches and would be something a bit different since most of the other ones are over the WWF title and this was all about the IC strap (including the awesome angle where Valentine smashed the belt up after losing the blowoff match in a steel cage).


Andre vs The Heenan family would be a good pick as well but might be one for the extras.


From outside the company


Given what WWE have liked to feature before, I would assume that the following are likely for a non-WWF feud:

1. Mick Foley vs Terry Funk (the modern day version of Brody/Butcher in terms of taking place across different promotions)

2. Ric Flair vs Sting (the feud that lasted all WCW's existence, 1988 JCP-up to the last Nitro match)

3. Hollywood Hogan vs Sting / NWO vs WCW (not sure we'll get both but I expect one or the other)

4. Nick Bockwinkel vs Curt Hennig (token pick to have something from AWA)

5. Rock N Roll Express vs James E. Cornette's teams - They have footage from Mid-South, JCP, WCW, SMW and WWF spanning over a decade, with cool stuff from Condrey, Eaton, Bubba Rogers, Lane, Prichard, Del Ray and even including Jimbo managing the Rock N Rolls against The Headbangers in '98 then turning heel on them in favour of Bodacious Bart and Bombastic Bob (who can blame him?). Would make a great segment, although not sure Cornette would appreciate them including that last bit.


With only four 'spots' left I've a feeling that it might be one of each. Maybe Freebirds/Junkyard Dog or DiBiase/Duggan to make it if they are going to use the Mid-South footage. Sullivan/Rhodes from Florida really, really should be on there as well. At the very least, I'd expect most of those to feature as "also rans" in clip form. Also expect they'll throw in The Funks vs The Brisco Brothers (obligatory Florida clips) somewhere.

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And the last set of rivalries and matches have been confirmed...



Tazz v Sabu

Tully Blanchard v Magnum TA

Verne Gagne v Nick Bockwinkle

Rey Mysterio v Eddie Guerrero




Tully Blanchard v Magnum TA, I Quit Cage Match - Starrcade '85

Tazz v Sabu, Barely Legal '97

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Dreamer/Raven is actually a pretty good pick since I'm sure they wanted to include something from ECW and that thing went on for years and involved so many different people (Foley, Richards, Meanie, Saturn, Harris Boys, Douglas, Funk, etc.) that a lot of people might be familiar with from elsewhere that it's a great representation of the overall company. Didn't draw to the extent of the other feuds here, but nothing in ECW did, and I'm not a big fan of the actual matches but the feud itself was easily one of the most memorable of the last couple of decades.


If we did a list of memorable feuds to not feature ANY good matches between the people involved, this would be in the Top 3 I reckon.


There are dozens of great moments, angles, and promos from Raven's ECW debut in January 1995 through to him leaving the company (for the 2nd time) 5 and a half years later.

But everytime they wrestled eachother in singles and tags, or worked as a dysfunctional team, they never produced anything worth re-watching as a standalone wrestling match.


Shitloads of DDT's though.

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That's exactly it. The non-wrestling stuff was memorable but in-ring they didn't really do much of note.


The best matches of the feud were them working against other people where one or the other happened to get involved (Pitbulls/Raven & Richards) rather than actually between them.


In general, I thought Raven had better ring work pre-ECW and later on in WCW working with Pillman, Benoit, Jericho, Malenko, Saturn, Kanyon, Page, etc. and Dreamer's best stuff was later on in 1998-2009 (haven't seen his TNA run yet) against guys like Storm, Credible, Corino, CW Anderson, RVD, Regal, 3MW, Dudleys, Edge, Foley, Miz, Morrison, Daddy V, Henry, Swagger, Christian and Ryder when he really learned how to work.


Surprised at the lack of Angle / Lesnar love around here.


It was fine for what it was and had a cool backstory to it if you'd followed Lesnar's journey to WWE and the stuff about the backstage match, etc. but I'm not convinced it was even the biggest SmackDown feud of all time compared to Hogan/McMahon, Undertaker/Batista, Undertaker/Edge, etc. let alone one of the Top 25 ever.


And the last set of rivalries and matches have been confirmed...



Tazz v Sabu

Tully Blanchard v Magnum TA

Verne Gagne v Nick Bockwinkle

Rey Mysterio v Eddie Guerrero




Tully Blanchard v Magnum TA, I Quit Cage Match - Starrcade '85

Tazz v Sabu, Barely Legal '97


Those aren't bad picks. Gagne/Bockwinkel is a pleasant surprise. I thought of that but thought Bock/Curt was more likely because of it having a guy the modern (Hulkamania to present) fans are familiar with in and having more recent, universally well-received matches compared to highlights something from "back in the day".


Tully/Magnum wasn't the best feud but it had the best match ever worked as a blood feud ending match, if that makes sense. Don't think anything has topped it since in that regard.


I like the way Taz/Sabu was Sabu's first match there and then years later it was the match used to sell ECW's first PPV. Unlike Raven/Dreamer they had some good matches as well, although the Barely Legal one isn't the best choice. I could take that as an ECW pick. That said, I think one ECW feud is enough. They should have stuck something from Mid-South or CWF there instead.


Cross these ones out:


7. Randy Orton vs. Triple H

9. Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar


Have either


14. Tommy Dreamer vs. Raven OR 23. Tazz v Sabu


Stick in Sullivan's Army of Darkness vs Dusty/Midnight Rider from Florida (a feud so influential both the Big Two tried to recreate it in their own ways during their Wars with each other), nWo/WCW and Jim Cornette's gang against The Rock N Rolls - all three are essential to understanding modern feuds, in my book (less so the last one since tag teams don't matter anymore) because no way does anyone on the planet rate Orton/Triple H over any of those - and it's actually a very good list in terms of feuds that fans actually talk about as their favourite rather than just being something they made up on the spot to make current WWE look great or get one over on whoever they dislike at the moment. So mostly well, done.

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  • Paid Members
Surprised at the lack of Angle / Lesnar love around here.

Yeah, wasn't there an "Iron-Man" 60 minute match between these two on a Smackdown? Absolutely brilliant match. Fucking excellent to be honest. I imagine Heyman was booking Smackdown at that time.


Every single match between these two was spot on IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can any WCW fans tell me if the extra Bluray exclusive matches on the Best Of Nitro Vol.2 Bluray set are worth shelling out the extra fiver for? Can't decide which format to get. I really do love the inside artwork on the dvd, but the Bluray has extra matches.


11th September, 1995

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hulk Hogan vs. Lex Luger

18th September, 1995

Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman

21st October, 1996

J.L. vs. NWO Sting

16th March, 1998

Sting & Lex Luger vs. Hollywood Hogan & Randy Savage

15th June, 1998

Steel Cage Match

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Randy Savage

14th September, 1998

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Goldberg vs. Sting

1st February, 1999

WCW Television Championship Match

Scott Steiner vs. Chris Jericho

15th March, 1999

Ric Flair & Goldberg vs. Hollywood Hogan & Kevin Nash

22nd November, 1999

Jeff Jarrett reclaims his WCW World Heavyweight Championship

DDP and Randy Savage

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