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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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I think in terms of having an audience behind the majority of the characters brought to the table, and having that faith in Marvel that they could bring something decent to the fold, then yes I believe Civil War almost sells itself - rather than, say Justice League or something like that where they've almost just jumped in there. The Marvel timetable for releases has been years in the making and brings so many different angles and successes together. It was only once they had already sold the audience on Thor, Iron Man etc that they could start riskier ones like Ant Man and Guardians.


Obviously there's no guaranteed success with Civil War, and I agree that it's a very complex story that does involve a lot of work obviously, but I don't think it's one of their more challenging releases where they think 'I wonder if this will do well?' or whatever.

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To be honest, if it brings to life the famous Captain America/Norn' Iron Man image from the comics, then the person in front of me will have to deal with my empty plumbag all over the back of their neck. 5 stars, regardless of what preceded or followed that image.

But I do expect it to be tremendous.
I should spoiler this coz I'm not going to be that book cunt:


do yiz reckon Cap will get killed off at the end of this


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There's a big difference of it doing well, and being a brilliant movie. I would argue that the pressure on the Russo's to deliver a great movie considering what was at stake is far greater than say for Scott Derrickson or Peyton Reed. 

I agree perhaps from a vision perspective as you have create something new and unique to that character, but I just don't necessarily agree that the Russo's should be given less credit due to characters in their movie having existing story arcs. I think successfully bringing a movie of this scale together is a stunning feat, and a different challenge than other directors who work for Marvel films will have to face.


You could also argue that those arcs can shackle a director's vision as they are bound by the stories that preceded them? 

Edited by lambyUK
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I should spoiler this coz I'm not going to be that book cunt:


do yiz reckon Cap will get killed off at the end of this


Civil War Comic & unrelated other big current comic book movie spoiler



But BVS just did that! If Marvel do the Dickhead tech billionaire superhero vs American Super babyface hero fight movie and kill off the goodie I'll be gutted, especially if it's a bigger hit than BVS.




It's going to be hard to sympathise with Iron Man after this film, I can't imagine what the next Avengers film will be like.

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There was rumours as soon as they announced the last avengers film being split in 2 that the first one wouldn't feature a full team and they wouldn't all be back together till part 2 ( which would make sense if they are filming them back to back)


I don't care how they do it but if the next avengers film ends with a money shot of every single hero they done so far ( guardians, daredevil, strange, the lot) lining up to fight skrull I'll jizz myself into a coma.

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Shouldn't that last sentence be put in spoiler tags too?

Why, I just mean he seems like a twat of the movie and Cap seems cool.



Fair enough. To me it read that you were saying that come the end of Civil War Iron Man puts himself into an unsympathetic position, which could be spoilers?

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You could also argue that those arcs can shackle a director's vision as they are bound by the stories that preceded them? 


Oh certainly, I'm definitely not saying that there's no challenges here, or trying to say it's an easy job to bring it together. I just think with everything having been done so well previously, it would take a monumental cock up to get it completely wrong.


It's a tough thing to step up to the plate where lots of other people are bringing their own visions from here there and everywhere, and trying to bring it all together. In some ways it's a good thing but yes, in others it could be seen as problematic. I think Whedon struggled with that scenario.

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That last bit about Whedon struggling is a really good point actually. I enjoyed Age of Ultron, but you could tell Whedon was bogged down trying to please the studio in the direction they wanted to go in. 

I guess despite where the characters came from, it's just as much of a challenge to successfully create the platform to where the studio want all the these characters to go in the future. 

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I'm actually chuffed by MIB 23. MIB 3 was so dull and I wouldn't say 1&2 are classics either. A weird mash up like this will be either A) a good chuckle or B) a colossal train wreck of epic proportions. Either way it might actually be worth a watch.


I can't believe it's taken them this long to get round to Zombieland 2.


Can't wait for Civil War. I'm about 80 books into the entire arc on Marvel Unlimited and it's really reignited my childhood love of Spiderman. Sadly I haven't read him in over 15 years and Spiderman 3 more or less killed the remaining enthusiasm for him. It also made me much more of a fan of Cap. Whom I'd never really given much time to.


I know it absolutely won't happen but I'd audibly cheer if The Punisher made an appearance.

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