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Bellenda Carlisle

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No you don't really need to watch Arrow to watch them.


EDIT - You don't HAVE to but there are crossover characters and I'd probably at least start with Arrow s2.


Certainly Supergirl can be watched straight off the bat as they aren't as yet a shared Universe. Arrow season 3 and Flash Season 1 run parallel. So it goes like this should you want to watch in order (I would, even if you don't have to)


Arrow S1 & S2


Arrow S3 & Flash S1 alternating episodes of each show


Arrow S4 & Flash S2 & DC Legend's of Tomorrow & Supergirl all at once alternating episodes.

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Arrow is "ok", first season was very good, an then it descended into generic garbage . Then again, i watched daredevil at the time, so that made arrow look like crap. Will be skipping LOT and Supergirl though. 

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The second series of Arrow and the first series of Daredevil are the best of all the Superhero shows I'd say, the first series of Flash was excellent too. I'll watch Supergirl when Eve Torres is in it but unless it's amazing I'll probably leave it at that. I really can't be arsed with Gotham, Agents of Shield or LOT.

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The second series of Arrow and the first series of Daredevil are the best of all the Superhero shows I'd say, the first series of Flash was excellent too. I'll watch Supergirl when Eve Torres is in it but unless it's amazing I'll probably leave it at that. I really can't be arsed with Gotham, Agents of Shield or LOT.

Gotham is the worst, like utter garbage. I know some people like it, but jesus christ it's terrible. LOT looks really bad, so I'll be skipping it. Shield is "OK" its a proper slow-burn type thing, and takes a while for things to happen.


Like Arrow season 1. Season 2 was escalating into madness, and I gave up in season 3.

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Arrow S4 & Flash S2 & DC Legend's of Tomorrow & Supergirl all at once alternating episodes.


LoT you would want to start alternating at episode 10 of Arrow and Flash S4 & S2. The first halfs of those seasons do quite a lot of setup for LoT.


LoT is the weakest of the CW shows (can't really get into Supergirl atm - it's mega flawed aside from the lead) but it's still pretty fun if you dig the characters they chose to spin off.. But then I don't really have particularly high expectations for any of those shows, they're all pretty much entertaining nonsense to watch on a Sunday evening in my book

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I hate the way those shows tie together, I watched a whole load of Arrow episodes and had to stop because it crossed over with the Flash, I still haven't caught up. If they tie it in so much you need to alternate arrow, flash and LOT to know what's going on I think I'll just give up on all of them.

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Agents of SHIELD rides off a lot of goodwill from the movies, and is more hit than miss, but only just. Anyone who watched the first season will tell you it took an age to do anything, then exploded all over the place and the last quarter of the season were excellent. Season two was pretty great all the way through with the emergence of the Inhumans and Kyle McLachlan being magnificent in every scene he was in. Season three's not really got out of second gear though, relying on previous investment in the regulars and dropping in Adrian Pasdar's wonderful tash and Powers Boothe Powers-Boothing all over the place to liven things up.


Agent Carter was solid. I preferred season one which had a clear arc and an intriguing villain, whereas I think season two got tied up in trying to do commentary on the era rather than putting on a decent story, and the villain's arc didn't really peak. I could watch Hayley Atwell walk for hours though.


Not given the DCs much attention. I've given each show half a dozen eps to hook me and it's all been a bit by the numbers. The wife likes Supergirl for telly wallpaper when there's nowt else on, which you won't find me complaining about, despite Benoist's slightly weird Barbie legs.

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The waves of faceless ninja canon fodder took away from the gritty realism they were going for





If you show The Punisher walking into a room full of guns (including a MINI GUN!) then you better have him turn up at the end fight, all guns blazing, mowing down waves of faceless bad guys. I kind of feel that he was robbed of his big finale.


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Started on Jessica Jones — nearly finished with episode two, have to assume it improves from there, because up till now it's gritty without being interesting.

I gave up after episode 7. 


I love Daredevil on the other hand. I also have zero interest in seeing a Luke Cage spin off.

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