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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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I thought 12A replaced 12??



Did y'all see that thing a few weeks ago - someone submitted hours and hours of footage of paint drying as a film for classification - 



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Yep 12A replaced 12.


There's an amazing urban legend about Andy Warhol that when he was showing his film Empire some pranksters tied him to a chair and forced him to watch it himself. When they returned later, he had chewed through the ropes and escaped. Its 100% bullshit but never fails to make me laugh when I hear about films like that

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I found the first season to be "OK", and it picked up a lot more towards the end.


Essentially, Daredevil and Jessica Jones have ruined most "Super hero TV" for me, as Arrow instantly looked a bit shit in comparison. I still watch Flash, but have given up on everything else....Shield/Agent Carter/Arrow and I've not even bothered with Legend of Tomorrow or Supergirl as the look crap.

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I liked the first season of Agent Carter but I've not managed to get into this one at all. The last episode shown over here (episode 4, I think?) has been the best one of season 2 so far but even that didn't grab me enough to be more than background viewing. It's a shame as Hayley Atwell is fantastic as that character, but I guess there's not a huge amount you could do going forward until you start establishing SHIELD as an organisation.

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Agent Carter has dipped slightly but its still watchable, what's not helping is the fact that in the US they have done double episodes for the past 2 weeks in order to get everything in in time for SHIELD's return in 3 weeks


Arrow is on a major slump this series, Damian Darkh just isn't a great villain at all and the Olicity drama is dragging it down


The Flash has stayed somewhat consistent with the Zoom/Earth 2 plot


Supergirl I gave up on after only 2 episodes as I don't really rate the actress all that much


Legends of Tomorrow is better than I expected to be, mostly for the dynamic between White Canary, Heatwave and Captain Cold

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Hmmm. The actress in Supergirl does a good to decent job. However I find the acting of Laurel in Arrow and the Dr lady in Flash to be utterly atrocious. Pretty much hate every scene they are in. Incredibly wooden. The Hawk girl actress is pretty bad too. Maybe it's just the nature of these types of shows.

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Of all the superhero TV shows The Flash is IMO easily the best. It's not afraid to go all over the shop with the DC canon. Villains you would NEVER expect to see on TV show up. Not to mention its very charming and gripping. Its hard for me to know if it engages me so much because I'm such a fan of of the source material. Not sure if someone who wasn't into the books would like it quite as much but I'd wager anybody would like it at the very least.

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Hmmm. The actress in Supergirl does a good to decent job. However I find the acting of Laurel in Arrow and the Dr lady in Flash to be utterly atrocious. Pretty much hate every scene they are in. Incredibly wooden. The Hawk girl actress is pretty bad too. Maybe it's just the nature of these types of shows.


Admittedly my detest for Melissa Benoist (Supergirl) stems from her time on Glee where her character was an even whinier version of Lea Michele's Rachel character.


Laurel gets a lot of hate from Arrow fans tbh, as much as Felicity does, as her character hasn't really evolved much despite stepping into her twice dead sister's shoes as Canary. I don't mind Caitlin on the Flash and she's had the chance to be a villain (which will be on UK screens soon) in the show but I agree on HawkGirl, wooden on Flash and not much better in Legends either

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Right, you know I love and trust you cunts very, very much. Sell The Flash to me.

I'm very curious and might start watching it.

After it gets past it's villain of the week formula it becomes easily the best of the superhero shows ( that isn't on Netflix, obviously) the best way I can describe it is that it manages to create a supporting cast and chemistry that reminds me of Buffy. It also manages to chuck in some of the harder to explain DC stuff in a way that never seems over complicated. It's also fun, which Arrow doesn't seem to be able to do as well.


Give it a go, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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