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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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Delighted with the game today. Obviously fans of either Celtic or Rangers will know that the matches themselves are impossible to enjoy as they are unfolding cos of the pressure and nerves, but I imagine it was a cracker for the neutrals to watch.


Celtic were by far the better team and I thought we showed real character to spring back from losing an early goal (great strike from Ness). Commons looked threatening when he was on and took his goal well, was just a shame one lapse in concentration saw him lose the ball and Rangers break away. I haven't seen it on the cameras yet but from the Broomloan it looked like a penalty and a red card (even though Naismith showed a good number of times that he is a diving little cunt, glad he was finally punished for it).


Rangers' negativity bit them on the arse in the second half and we dominated even being a man down. Lovely goal from Broony and it was delightful to see him get it up the Sewer Rat. A few scary moments aside, I thought we could very well have won the game. It feels like a win for Celtic just now due to the circumstances but I think we demonstrated once again that we are the better team. Again, I haven't seen the replays yet but I hear Samaras was onside when he was through, but we'll move on. Let's hump this mob at Paradise, Bhoys.


Will be able to drink in my local tonight (a neutral boozer) as neither side will have the rule of the roost.



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It was a penalty, but I didn't think it should have been a red card. Yes the keeper made contact, yes he brought down Naismith (Some would argue with his face) but Naismith had pushed the ball quite wide and might not have gotten to it, plus the big Swede center back was covering, almost in line with Naismith and the keeper when contact was made. You could argue it wasn't a goal scoring opportunity, you could argue the keeper wasn't the last man...a yellow card and the penalty would be punishment enough.


However, I think the red card helped the game from a viewers standpoint. Celtic obviously were down to 10 men, and were already playing with only one striker so they all had to pitch in and work harder. Rangers just didn't show up in the second half.


One moment that stood out was Bougherras amazing touch to stop a certain tap in from Samaras, the one two before hand was world class. One big toe saved Rangers in my view. You can certainly see how much they're going to miss Kenny Miller

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I thought the penalty was a cut & dried red too, but interestingly, everyone in the TV studio (McCann, Sutton, Tango, and Jack Ross) were saying it should only have been a yellow as he had touched it heavy and wide. Naismith should have been booked in the first 10 minutes though for a dive that looked as blatant as the one he was eventually sent off for.


Yeah, the offside was a brutal call, Samaras was on by a good yard or so, and would have had only the keeper to beat.


For the neutral, I wouldn't get too carried away with such an entertaining game today, most Old Firm games are dire from a purely footballing point of view. Rangers in particular tend to have that effect :p

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Thoughts on Sundays game Bettencourt /Martyn?

Today proved why I didn't want to make a prediction on the game. We got a major let-off today. Milsom going off so early seemed to suck the life out of the team.

I have to say how the tackle on Blackman that meant he had to be subbed off isn't a booking I'll never know. I'm sure pundits and ex players will defend it as "robust" or some similar shite but it was a terrible foul.

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A question for Aberdeen (and Motherwell) fans on here: How's Nick Blackman been for you this year?


Well in the 2 games I've seen him play, he's looked a bit lost, a bit selfish and a bit skillful. I'm pretty sure he will improve for us (Aberdeen) in the coming weeks.

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A question for Aberdeen (and Motherwell) fans on here: How's Nick Blackman been for you this year?

He was a decent player as far as I could see. 10 goals in 18 games for the 'Well.


Is his contract up in the summer? I'm assuming that you're a Blackburn fan?

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I thought it was a cracking derby yesterday. Celtic were so much better than Rangers. They dominated even with 10 vs. 11. Lennon has put together a cracking football team. Rangers seem to have more grit though and more ability to grind out a result. Look forward to the replay.


Can't see any complaints about the penalty. Didn't think it was a red card though. Seen lots of similar instances in the last couple of years and it's almost always a yellow. I'd call it a goal-scoring opportunity but refs seem to judge that if you are going away from goal, it's not. Anyway, it didn't effect the game or the Celtic performance. I was impressed with Lennon's tactical changes and he looks a good judge of a player. Very promising.

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I've resisted posting in here because I was pretty much embarrassed with our shocking performance yesterday. 33% possession when we had the extra man was absolutely out of order. And the fact that our midfield were sitting on the D of our own 18 yard box every time Celtic came forward wasn't any better.


That said, the bragging on Facebook, football forums, Tim mates is absolutely laughable. Despite the fact it was our worst Old Firm performance at the very least since Walter came back we still took the lead twice and this so called super Celtic team still only managed a draw. Kayal is genuinely the only Celtic player I would say I "Fear". WE made Scott Brown look like Xavi today and I know the tims will storm in calling this nonsense but the fact the boy has never turned up for an old Firm game before and is suddenly some genius shows how bad we were today.


All this Diouf baiting is hilarious as well. Everybody is forgetting the fact that multiple objects were thrown at him from the Celtic end before our first goal and also the fact Diouf had Brown in his back pocket for the whole first half. But let's forget about that because BROONY celebrating in front of him. YAAAAS HERO!


You'd think Celtic hammered us, but they couldn't even beat us on a day when we played worse than we have all season.

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I'm pleased with our performance in only one respect yesterday - even though we were absolutely shite, surrendered possession even with an extra man and barely got out of our own half, we were never behind at all and could've won had we taken the piss easy chances given to Steven Davis. Not best pleased about going to Celtic Park for the replay, but then we've not always been great at home anyway, so perhaps that's the best place for us.

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I've resisted posting in here because I was pretty much embarrassed with our shocking performance yesterday. 33% possession when we had the extra man was absolutely out of order. And the fact that our midfield were sitting on the D of our own 18 yard box every time Celtic came forward wasn't any better.


That said, the bragging on Facebook, football forums, Tim mates is absolutely laughable. Despite the fact it was our worst Old Firm performance at the very least since Walter came back we still took the lead twice and this so called super Celtic team still only managed a draw. Kayal is genuinely the only Celtic player I would say I "Fear". WE made Scott Brown look like Xavi today and I know the tims will storm in calling this nonsense but the fact the boy has never turned up for an old Firm game before and is suddenly some genius shows how bad we were today.


All this Diouf baiting is hilarious as well. Everybody is forgetting the fact that multiple objects were thrown at him from the Celtic end before our first goal and also the fact Diouf had Brown in his back pocket for the whole first half. But let's forget about that because BROONY celebrating in front of him. YAAAAS HERO!


You'd think Celtic hammered us, but they couldn't even beat us on a day when we played worse than we have all season.




You didn't hear any bragging from me anyway, that's for sure. Let's look at this from an adult perspective, Ally: we absolutely battered you for 90 minutes, a large portion of which was spent with 10 men VS 11. Of course we were going to be delighted with a performance that saw us earn a replay after playing an entire half with 10 men. By the way, if you're going to bitch about how Rangers "let" Celtic play well, then your second goal was a result of us "letting" you get the ball after a lapse in concentration, and then a breakaway. I've got no complaints about the red card but from what I've seen of the TV coverage since, Bougherra should have been off for a wild lunge in the first half as well.


As for Kayal being the only Celtic player you fear, then I'd quickly start fearing some others. Izaguirre is the best left back in the league by a mile, Samaras came on and ragdolled your backline yet again, Hooper looked dangerous any time he got the ball even remotely near your goal and Ki passed the ball about as if there weren't even any Huns around him, nevermind an extra one. The old wily silver fox thought he could sit back, soak the pressure and do us on the break. It's a very transparent tactic that is beginning to lose any nous it used to have.


The Diouf baiting is hilarious. I agree. I never would have believed you that I would hate a new Rangers signing more than any of the existing filth in the team like McCulloch, Lafferty and McGregort; but you've managed it. Diouf is subhuman and he will hopefully be hounded out of the country by the Celtic support and very likely every other team's support any time he plays in Scotland. Having Broony in his back pocket? :laugh:. Like Weiss does, he did a few wee tricks that went absolutely fucking nowhere. He got two decent crosses into the box the whole game; other than that, I remember Brown doing backheels past him, generally bombing down the right hand side or even sticking the ball past the Beast with his bad foot from outside the box, leaving Diouf only able to moan at his team-mates.

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