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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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Apparently whatever the local rag is in Dumfries will be reporting on financial woes at QoS.


SFL1: The deathbed.


Thons been on QOS-Mad for a week now and on PnB for a day or two less. It doesn't surprise me as they don't have a big enough fanbase to be fulltime IMO, this SPL2 shite would be beneficial to them financially though.

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According to the rather excellent journalist Phil Mac Giolla Bhain, Celtic officials (well, some of them anyway) are backing the boycott of the Kilmarnock game;




I'm glad to see credit is emerging for Phil from outside of circles relating to the Celtic community. It seems that the baying mob of Ibrox have finally started to take notice of his journalism (by the way, journalist is the finest term you could use for a professional such as him - as a card-holding member of the FUJ, he time and again acquires the most interesting scoops that leaves finished old wankers like Hugh Keevins looking like complete chumps).


It seems his coverage of the HMRC case has got the supporters rattled. This made me laugh out loud:


I wonder why he moved to Ireland from Glasgow.


I read somewhere it was due to an elderly next door naighbour of his being found dead in her apartment, all the while Phil McGilliven (his real name) was claiming to go in and check on her.


Then when it came to pass that he was lying... he fled.


I'll believe this story the day Ibrox closes for good.


Complete lies and fabrication to hide from some bitter home truths. I'm not surprised. Roll on October 2012!

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Apparently whatever the local rag is in Dumfries will be reporting on financial woes at QoS.


SFL1: The deathbed.


D&G Standard mate.


Never mind that though. Stranraer through to the fifth round of the cup after a seven goal thriller last night!

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According to the rather excellent journalist Phil Mac Giolla Bhain, Celtic officials (well, some of them anyway) are backing the boycott of the Kilmarnock game;



They can't be thinking very clearly if they are. At this time especially, it's a crazy route to go down imo.


I disagree. It's exactly the route they want you to go down. It's tight at the top between Rangers, Celtic and Hearts and, if the Celtic fans are convinced that the SFA is conspiring against them, then the board won't be blamed regardless of where the title ends up. It already seems to have distracted the fans away from the fact that war criminal John Reid is Chairman.

That's just a bit far fetched. I'm sure they have a lot of faults, but i don't think even the Celtic board would be so pathetic to willingly jeapordise Celtic chances with nearly half the season left, just to deflect the flak and cover their own arses in the summer if they lost. I'm sure they're not so naive to think that this boycott would have any positive effect on the team. We saw what was happening at the height of the recent controversy - Celtic could barely buy a win. They have enough of a battle trying to win the league without the distraction of picking more fights at such an important time.


Of more interest was his piece from a few days ago regarding Rangers' little ongoing tussle with the taxman, not that the average fan would probably be aware of it. Murray's press poodles appear to be doing a sterling job as far as that's concerned. Anyways, if there's any truth to it at all, it sounds more than a bit worrying for them even if parts of it do turn out to be an exaggeration.


If anyone of that is accurate then Rangers should take legal action against HMRC to force them to take our original offer, whenever we feel like paying it, and then allow us to continue to dodge tax. We won't but it would be pretty great to see what would happen if someone tried to follow the precedent set by HMRC's dodgy dealings with Vodaphone.


Seriously though. I think the worst that can come from this is that we'd be pushed into administration and then bought at a cut price. Given the state of Murray's finances, that really might not be the worst thing to happen to the Club.

I don't really know a whole lot about it to be honest, but *if* it's true that they're offering

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According to the rather excellent journalist Phil Mac Giolla Bhain, Celtic officials (well, some of them anyway) are backing the boycott of the Kilmarnock game;



They can't be thinking very clearly if they are. At this time especially, it's a crazy route to go down imo.


I disagree. It's exactly the route they want you to go down. It's tight at the top between Rangers, Celtic and Hearts and, if the Celtic fans are convinced that the SFA is conspiring against them, then the board won't be blamed regardless of where the title ends up. It already seems to have distracted the fans away from the fact that war criminal John Reid is Chairman.

That's just a bit far fetched. I'm sure they have a lot of faults, but i don't think even the Celtic board would be so pathetic to willingly jeapordise Celtic chances with nearly half the season left, just to deflect the flak and cover their own arses in the summer if they lost. I'm sure they're not so naive to think that this boycott would have any positive effect on the team. We saw what was happening at the height of the recent controversy - Celtic could barely buy a win. They have enough of a battle trying to win the league without the distraction of picking more fights at such an important time.


Of more interest was his piece from a few days ago regarding Rangers' little ongoing tussle with the taxman, not that the average fan would probably be aware of it. Murray's press poodles appear to be doing a sterling job as far as that's concerned. Anyways, if there's any truth to it at all, it sounds more than a bit worrying for them even if parts of it do turn out to be an exaggeration.


If anyone of that is accurate then Rangers should take legal action against HMRC to force them to take our original offer, whenever we feel like paying it, and then allow us to continue to dodge tax. We won't but it would be pretty great to see what would happen if someone tried to follow the precedent set by HMRC's dodgy dealings with Vodaphone.


Seriously though. I think the worst that can come from this is that we'd be pushed into administration and then bought at a cut price. Given the state of Murray's finances, that really might not be the worst thing to happen to the Club.

I don't really know a whole lot about it to be honest, but *if* it's true that they're offering

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Rangers officially after Kris Commons. Not sure how I feel about this one as we clearly don't have the money to buy him in the window (unless Charlie Adam moves somewhere for a large sum) and he'll more than likely be a precontract, on which we have to compete with Celtic who clearly have more money than us.

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Rangers officially after Kris Commons. Not sure how I feel about this one as we clearly don't have the money to buy him in the window (unless Charlie Adam moves somewhere for a large sum) and he'll more than likely be a precontract, on which we have to compete with Celtic who clearly have more money than us.

That's old news I'm afraid.


Rangers interest ended as soon as it came to discussing finances with Commons.

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I don't know why they can't just stick to officiating their own genders football matches!

Same can be said for the woman's matches. I'm sure they wouldn't mind telling those male refs to bolt too.


Celtic question here. I might want to take some photos of the stadium at the weekend. What's the likelyhood of somebody rushing out and telling me to bolt like they did at Shettleston Juniors? I only managed four pictures before some gangster type ran out with his handler.

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I don't know why they can't just stick to officiating their own genders football matches!

Same can be said for the woman's matches. I'm sure they wouldn't mind telling those male refs to bolt too.


Celtic question here. I might want to take some photos of the stadium at the weekend. What's the likelyhood of somebody rushing out and telling me to bolt like they did at Shettleston Juniors? I only managed four pictures before some gangster type ran out with his handler.


Well if they can get in enough women referees, then I'm all for that!


But they'd be worse than Dougie McDonald with the amount of times they'd change their mind...


Bloody women!

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Celtic question here. I might want to take some photos of the stadium at the weekend. What's the likelyhood of somebody rushing out and telling me to bolt like they did at Shettleston Juniors? I only managed four pictures before some gangster type ran out with his handler.

From outside the stadium?

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Celtic question here. I might want to take some photos of the stadium at the weekend. What's the likelyhood of somebody rushing out and telling me to bolt like they did at Shettleston Juniors? I only managed four pictures before some gangster type ran out with his handler.

From outside the stadium?

Head down at 3pm on Saturday. It should be fairly quiet then.

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